Jafner.net/Monorepo TODO.md

304 lines
14 KiB

This page describes steps to take to move toward initial valid commit.
1. [X] Make list of constituent repositories.
2. [X] Commit all pending work on constituent repositories.
3. [X] Freeze all constituent repositories.
4. [X] Import constituent repositories with Git history.
5. [X] Reorganize repositories.
6. [X] Document organization.
7. [X] Scan for secrets.
8. [X] Initial commit.
9. [X] Consolidate duplicated repos.
10. [X] Differentiate active and inactive projects
1. `homelab`, `projects`, `blog`, `archive`
11. [X] Configure repo-level tools:
1. `.gitignore`
2. `.gitmodules`
4. `.github/workflows`
5. `.gitea/workflows`
6. `.pre-commit-config.yaml`
12. Cutover hosts from `homelab` to `Jafner.net` with sparse checkout.
1. `fighter` - Migrate secrets from `~/homelab/**/*_secrets.env` to `~/Jafner.net/active projects/homelab/**/*_secrets.env`.
- `cd /home/admin/homelab/ && SECRETFILES=$(find . -name '*_secrets.env' | cut -d'/' -f2-) && for file in $(echo $SECRETFILES); do FROM_FILE=$(echo "/home/admin/homelab/$file"); TO_FILE=$(echo "/home/admin/Jafner.net/homelab/$file"); echo "$FROM_FILE -> $TO_FILE"; cp -p "$FROM_FILE" "$TO_FILE"; done`
2. `druid`
13. Pin docker image versions to current.
14. Configure deployment systems
1. Github Pages for Jafner.dev
2. Push repo updates to `fighter` and `druid`
15. Write README.md that maps constituent projects.
16. Publish the repo.
17. Archive/annotate all constituent repos to point to subpath of new repo.
## Repositories
1. homelab [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/homelab), [Github (docker_config)](https://github.com/Jafner/docker_config), [Github (wiki)](https://github.com/Jafner/wiki), [Github (cloud_tools)](https://github.com/Jafner/cloud_tools), [Github (self-hosting)](https://github.com/Jafner/self-hosting).
- Rename? Jafner.net? Wouldn't that be `Jafner/Jafner.net/Jafner.net`?
2. Jafner.dev [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/Jafner.dev).
3. dotfiles [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/dotfiles), [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/dotfiles).
4. nvgm [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/nvgm)
5. pamidi [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/pamidi), [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/pamidi)
6. docker-llm-amd [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/docker-llm-amd)
7. doradash [Gitea](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/doradash)
8. clip-it-and-ship-it [Gitea (PyClipIt)](https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/PyClipIt), [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/clip-it-and-ship-it).
9. razer battery led [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/Razer-BatteryLevelRGB)
10. 5etools-docker [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/5etools-docker)
11. jafner-homebrew [Github](https://github.com/Jafner/jafner-homebrew)
## Import Repositories
Below are described the steps taken to merge the many repositories listed above into one.
1. Install [`git-filter-repo`](https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo): `curl -o ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/newren/git-filter-repo/main/git-filter-repo && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo`
2. `git clone ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git && cd homelab`
3. `git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter homelab`
4. Init a new empty git repository called `Jafner.net`: `cd ~/Git/Jafner.net && git init`
5. `mkdir homelab && cd homelab`
6. `git remote add homelab ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git`
7. `git fetch homelab --tags`
8. `git merge --allow-unrelated-histories homelab/main`
9. `git remote remove homelab`
That's obviously a lot of steps to handle each repo manually, so let's script it.
echo "# 1. Quick reset: started"
rm -rf $HOME/Git/Jafner.net
rm -rf $HOME/Git/monorepo-temp
rm -rf /tmp/gitleaks
cd $HOME/Git
echo "# 1. Quick reset: completed"
echo "# 2. Configure paths: started"
echo " # 2.1 Configure local path for Git repos. Should not contain any of the git directories involved, as all will be cloned fresh. Consider using a temporary project directory."
mkdir -p "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"
mkdir -p "$MONOREPO_DIR"
echo "# 2. Configure paths: completed"
echo "# 3. List repositories: started"
echo " # 3.1 First repository in list is parent monorepo."
echo " # 3.2 Note: While we don't need write access to any of the constituent repositories, we do need authenticated access for any private repositories. Use ssh URLs when possible."
echo " # 3.3 Note: The URL of the monorepo repository does not need to exist already. This is asserted idempotently."
"Jafner.net ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/Jafner.net.git"
"homelab ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git"
"docker_config git@github.com:Jafner/docker_config.git"
"wiki git@github.com:Jafner/wiki.git"
"cloud_tools git@github.com:Jafner/cloud_tools.git"
"self-hosting git@github.com:Jafner/self-hosting.git"
"Jafner.dev git@github.com:Jafner/Jafner.dev.git"
"dotfiles_gitea ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/dotfiles.git"
"dotfiles_github git@github.com:Jafner/dotfiles.git"
"nvgm ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/nvgm.git"
"pamidi_gitea ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/pamidi.git"
"pamidi_github git@github.com:Jafner/pamidi.git"
"docker-llm-amd ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/docker-llm-amd.git"
"doradash ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/doradash.git"
"clip-it-and-ship-it git@github.com:Jafner/clip-it-and-ship-it.git"
"PyClipIt ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/PyClipIt.git"
"razer-bat git@github.com:Jafner/Razer-BatteryLevelRGB.git"
"5etools-docker git@github.com:Jafner/5etools-docker.git"
"jafner-homebrew git@github.com:Jafner/jafner-homebrew.git"
echo "# 3. List repositories: completed"
echo "# 4. Assert dependencies are installed: started"
echo " # git-filter-repo"
FILTER_REPO_OUTPUT=$(git filter-repo -h)
if [[ $FILTER_REPO_MISSING == "1" ]]; then
echo " # git-filter repo not installed. Attempting to install from https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo"
curl -o ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/newren/git-filter-repo/main/git-filter-repo
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo
echo " # git-filter repo found"
echo " # BFG Repo-Cleaner"
BFG_OUTPUT=$(bfg --version)
if [[ $BFG_MISSING == "1" ]]; then
echo " # BGF Repo-Cleaner not installed. Automated installation not yet implemented."
echo " # Install BFG Repo-Cleaner by downloading the latest jar from:"
echo " # https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/ "
echo " # Then run:"
echo ' # sudo cp ~/Downloads/bfg.jar /usr/bin/bfg.jar && echo "java -jar /usr/bin/bfg.jar $@" | sudo tee /usr/bin/bfg && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bfg'
echo " # Exiting..."
exit 1
echo -n " # BGF Repo-Cleaner found at:"
which bfg
echo "# 4. Assert dependencies are installed: completed"
echo "# 5. Clone all constituent repositories, assert default branch is main: started"
for repo in "${REPOSITORIES[@]:1}"; do
REPO_NAME=$(echo $repo | cut -d' ' -f1)
echo " # Cloning repo $REPO_NAME"
git clone --quiet $(echo "$repo" | cut -d' ' -f2) "$REPO_NAME" > /dev/null
DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(cat .git/HEAD | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs basename)
if ! [[ $DEFAULT_BRANCH == "main" ]]; then
git branch -m $DEFAULT_BRANCH main
echo "# 5. Clone all constituent repositories, assert default branch is main: completed"
echo "# 6. Rewrite history (to subdirectory) for each constituent repository: started"
for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
cd "$repo"
echo " # Rewriting repo $REPO_NAME"
git filter-repo --quiet --to-subdirectory-filter "$REPO_NAME" --force > /dev/null
echo "# 6. Rewrite history (to subdirectory) for each constituent repository: completed"
echo "# 7. Scan each constituent repository for leaked secrets: started"
for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
cd "$repo"
mkdir -p /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/
echo -n " # Scanning repo $REPO_NAME "
rm -f /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json
gitleaks detect -l warn --no-banner -r /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json && echo "No secrets detected" || COMPROMISED_REPOS+="$REPO_NAME\n"
echo "# 7. Scan each constituent repository for leaked secrets: completed"
echo "# 8. Nuke secrets from git history: started"
for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
cd $repo
REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
if ! [[ $(cat $report | jq length) > 0 ]]; then
echo " # No exposed secrets in repo $REPO_NAME; Skipping."
echo " # Nuking secrets in repo $REPO_NAME"
cat $report | jq -r '.[].Secret' > /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
bfg --replace-text /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt --no-blob-protection .
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c1000 > /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
rm /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
echo "# 8. Nuke secrets from git history: completed"
echo "# 9. Verify repository histories are clean of secrets: started"
for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
cd "$repo"
mkdir -p /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/
echo -n " # Scanning repo $REPO_NAME "
rm -f /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json
gitleaks detect -l warn --no-banner -r /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json && echo "No secrets detected" || echo " # Something didn't work right; clean $REPO_NAME manually"
echo "# 9. Verify repository histories are clean of secrets: completed"
echo "# 10. Init monorepo and add constituent repos: started"
git init
for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
echo "Adding $REPO_NAME"
git remote add "$REPO_NAME" "$repo"
git fetch "$REPO_NAME" --tags
git merge --quiet --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge $REPO_NAME into $(basename $MONOREPO_DIR)" "$REPO_NAME/main"
git remote remove "$REPO_NAME"
echo " # Running one more gitleaks scan for sanity."
gitleaks detect -v --no-banner
echo "# 10. Init monorepo and add constituent repos: completed"
echo "############################################################"
echo "# #"
echo "# Next steps: #"
echo "# 1. Reorganize the repo to taste #"
echo "# 2. Update repo-root configuration files such as: #"
echo "# - .gitignore, .gitattributes, .gitmodules #"
echo "# - .dockerignore, .pre-commit-config.yaml #"
echo "# - .github/workflows, .gitlab-ci.yml, .gitea/workflows #"
echo "# 3. Write a new root-level README.md #"
echo "# 4. Add the remote repo as origin with: #"
echo "# git remote add origin <ssh URL of repo> #"
echo "# 5. Push the code to the Git server with: #"
echo "# git push --set-upstream origin main #"
echo "# #"
echo "############################################################"
## Scan for secrets
1. Install pre-commit: `pip install pre-commit`
2. Clone, build, install gitleaks: `cd ~/Git && git clone https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks.git && cd gitleaks && make build && cp gitleaks ~/.local/bin/`
3. Create [pre-commit config file](/.pre-commit-config.yaml).
4. Update and install pre-commit hooks: `pre-commit autoupdate && pre-commit install`
5. Generate baseline scan: `gitleaks detect -v -r gitleaks-report.json`
### `.pre-commit-config.yaml`
- repo: https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks
rev: v8.18.4
- id: gitleaks
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v2.3.0
- id: check-yaml
From there we evaluate the report and remediate. I got a list of files with secrets via `cat gitleaks-report.json | jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k] | .File)"'`
We can use `git filter-repo` again to erase mention of any files containing secrets.
`git filter-repo --invert-paths --path <path/to/file/with/secret>`
Reference: [GitHub docs - Removing sensitive data from a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository)