Jafner.net/Monorepo TODO.md

14 KiB


This page describes steps to take to move toward initial valid commit.

  1. Make list of constituent repositories.
  2. Commit all pending work on constituent repositories.
  3. Freeze all constituent repositories.
  4. Import constituent repositories with Git history.
  5. Reorganize repositories.
  6. Document organization.
  7. Scan for secrets.
  8. Initial commit.
  9. Consolidate duplicated repos.
  10. Differentiate active and inactive projects
    1. homelab, projects, blog, archive
  11. Configure repo-level tools:
    1. .gitignore
    2. .gitmodules
    3. LICENSE
    4. .github/workflows
    5. .gitea/workflows
    6. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  12. Cutover hosts from homelab to Jafner.net with sparse checkout.
    1. fighter - Migrate secrets from ~/homelab/**/*_secrets.env to ~/Jafner.net/active projects/homelab/**/*_secrets.env.
      • cd /home/admin/homelab/ && SECRETFILES=$(find . -name '*_secrets.env' | cut -d'/' -f2-) && for file in $(echo $SECRETFILES); do FROM_FILE=$(echo "/home/admin/homelab/$file"); TO_FILE=$(echo "/home/admin/Jafner.net/homelab/$file"); echo "$FROM_FILE -> $TO_FILE"; cp -p "$FROM_FILE" "$TO_FILE"; done
    2. druid
  13. Pin docker image versions to current.
  14. Configure deployment systems
    1. Github Pages for Jafner.dev
    2. Push repo updates to fighter and druid
  15. Write README.md that maps constituent projects.
  16. Publish the repo.
  17. Archive/annotate all constituent repos to point to subpath of new repo.


  1. homelab Gitea, Github (docker_config), Github (wiki), Github (cloud_tools), Github (self-hosting).
    • Rename? Jafner.net? Wouldn't that be Jafner/Jafner.net/Jafner.net?
  2. Jafner.dev Github.
  3. dotfiles Gitea, Github.
  4. nvgm Gitea
  5. pamidi Gitea, Github
  6. docker-llm-amd Gitea
  7. doradash Gitea
  8. clip-it-and-ship-it Gitea (PyClipIt), Github.
  9. razer battery led Github
  10. 5etools-docker Github
  11. jafner-homebrew Github

Import Repositories

Below are described the steps taken to merge the many repositories listed above into one.

  1. Install git-filter-repo: curl -o ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/newren/git-filter-repo/main/git-filter-repo && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo
  2. git clone ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git && cd homelab
  3. git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter homelab
  4. Init a new empty git repository called Jafner.net: cd ~/Git/Jafner.net && git init
  5. mkdir homelab && cd homelab
  6. git remote add homelab ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git
  7. git fetch homelab --tags
  8. git merge --allow-unrelated-histories homelab/main
  9. git remote remove homelab

That's obviously a lot of steps to handle each repo manually, so let's script it.


    echo "# 1. Quick reset: started"
    rm -rf $HOME/Git/Jafner.net
    rm -rf $HOME/Git/monorepo-temp  
    rm -rf /tmp/gitleaks 
    cd $HOME/Git
    echo "# 1. Quick reset: completed"

    echo "# 2. Configure paths: started"
    echo "  # 2.1 Configure local path for Git repos. Should not contain any of the git directories involved, as all will be cloned fresh. Consider using a temporary project directory."
    mkdir -p "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR" 
    mkdir -p "$MONOREPO_DIR"
    echo "# 2. Configure paths: completed"

    echo "# 3. List repositories: started"
    echo "  # 3.1 First repository in list is parent monorepo."
    echo "  # 3.2 Note: While we don't need write access to any of the constituent repositories, we do need authenticated access for any private repositories. Use ssh URLs when possible."
    echo "  # 3.3 Note: The URL of the monorepo repository does not need to exist already. This is asserted idempotently."
      "Jafner.net ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/Jafner.net.git"
      "homelab ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/homelab.git"
      "docker_config git@github.com:Jafner/docker_config.git"
      "wiki git@github.com:Jafner/wiki.git"
      "cloud_tools git@github.com:Jafner/cloud_tools.git"
      "self-hosting git@github.com:Jafner/self-hosting.git"
      "Jafner.dev git@github.com:Jafner/Jafner.dev.git"
      "dotfiles_gitea ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/dotfiles.git"
      "dotfiles_github git@github.com:Jafner/dotfiles.git"
      "nvgm ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/nvgm.git"
      "pamidi_gitea ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/pamidi.git"
      "pamidi_github git@github.com:Jafner/pamidi.git"
      "docker-llm-amd ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/docker-llm-amd.git"
      "doradash ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/doradash.git"
      "clip-it-and-ship-it git@github.com:Jafner/clip-it-and-ship-it.git"
      "PyClipIt ssh://git@gitea.jafner.tools:2225/Jafner/PyClipIt.git"
      "razer-bat git@github.com:Jafner/Razer-BatteryLevelRGB.git"
      "5etools-docker git@github.com:Jafner/5etools-docker.git"
      "jafner-homebrew git@github.com:Jafner/jafner-homebrew.git"
   echo "# 3. List repositories: completed"

    echo "# 4. Assert dependencies are installed: started"
    echo "  # git-filter-repo"
    FILTER_REPO_OUTPUT=$(git filter-repo -h)
    if [[ $FILTER_REPO_MISSING == "1" ]]; then
        echo "    # git-filter repo not installed. Attempting to install from https://github.com/newren/git-filter-repo" 
        curl -o ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/newren/git-filter-repo/main/git-filter-repo 
        chmod +x ~/.local/bin/git-filter-repo
        echo "    # git-filter repo found"
    echo "  # BFG Repo-Cleaner"
    BFG_OUTPUT=$(bfg --version)
    if [[ $BFG_MISSING == "1" ]]; then
        echo "    # BGF Repo-Cleaner not installed. Automated installation not yet implemented."
        echo "    # Install BFG Repo-Cleaner by downloading the latest jar from:"
        echo "    # https://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/ "
        echo "    # Then run:"
        echo '    # sudo cp ~/Downloads/bfg.jar /usr/bin/bfg.jar && echo "java -jar /usr/bin/bfg.jar $@" | sudo tee /usr/bin/bfg && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/bfg'
        echo "    # Exiting..."
        exit 1
        echo -n "    # BGF Repo-Cleaner found at:"
        which bfg
    echo "# 4. Assert dependencies are installed: completed"

    echo "# 5. Clone all constituent repositories, assert default branch is main: started"
    cd "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"
    for repo in "${REPOSITORIES[@]:1}"; do 
        REPO_NAME=$(echo $repo | cut -d' ' -f1)
        echo "  # Cloning repo $REPO_NAME"
        git clone --quiet $(echo "$repo" | cut -d' ' -f2) "$REPO_NAME" > /dev/null
        cd "$REPO_NAME"
        DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(cat .git/HEAD | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs basename)
        if ! [[ $DEFAULT_BRANCH == "main" ]]; then
            git branch -m $DEFAULT_BRANCH main
        cd "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"
    echo "# 5. Clone all constituent repositories, assert default branch is main: completed"

    echo "# 6. Rewrite history (to subdirectory) for each constituent repository: started"
    for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
        REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
        cd "$repo"
        echo "  # Rewriting repo $REPO_NAME"
        git filter-repo --quiet --to-subdirectory-filter "$REPO_NAME" --force > /dev/null
        cd "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"
    echo "# 6. Rewrite history (to subdirectory) for each constituent repository: completed"

    echo "# 7. Scan each constituent repository for leaked secrets: started"
    for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
        REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
        cd "$repo"
        mkdir -p /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/
        echo -n "  # Scanning repo $REPO_NAME "
        rm -f /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json
        gitleaks detect -l warn --no-banner -r /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json && echo "No secrets detected" || COMPROMISED_REPOS+="$REPO_NAME\n" 
    echo "# 7. Scan each constituent repository for leaked secrets: completed"

    echo "# 8. Nuke secrets from git history: started"
    for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
        cd $repo
        REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
        if ! [[ $(cat $report | jq length) > 0 ]]; then
            echo "  # No exposed secrets in repo $REPO_NAME; Skipping."
        echo "  # Nuking secrets in repo $REPO_NAME"
        cat $report | jq -r '.[].Secret' > /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
        bfg --replace-text /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt --no-blob-protection . 
        git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
        cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c1000 > /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
        rm /tmp/gitleaks/secret.txt
    echo "# 8. Nuke secrets from git history: completed"

    echo "# 9. Verify repository histories are clean of secrets: started"
    for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do
        REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
        cd "$repo"
        mkdir -p /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/
        echo -n "  # Scanning repo $REPO_NAME "
        rm -f /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json
        gitleaks detect -l warn --no-banner -r /tmp/gitleaks/$REPO_NAME/gitleaks-report.json && echo "No secrets detected" || echo "    # Something didn't work right; clean $REPO_NAME manually"
    echo "# 9. Verify repository histories are clean of secrets: completed"

    echo "# 10. Init monorepo and add constituent repos: started"
    cd "$MONOREPO_DIR"
    git init
    for repo in $(echo "$TEMP_CLONE_DIR"/*); do 
        REPO_NAME=$(basename $repo)
        echo "Adding $REPO_NAME"
        git remote add "$REPO_NAME" "$repo"
        git fetch "$REPO_NAME" --tags
        git merge --quiet --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merge $REPO_NAME into $(basename $MONOREPO_DIR)" "$REPO_NAME/main"
        git remote remove "$REPO_NAME"
    echo "  # Running one more gitleaks scan for sanity."
    gitleaks detect -v --no-banner
    echo "# 10. Init monorepo and add constituent repos: completed"

    echo "############################################################"
    echo "#                                                          #"
    echo "# Next steps:                                              #"
    echo "# 1. Reorganize the repo to taste                          #"
    echo "# 2. Update repo-root configuration files such as:         #"
    echo "#    - .gitignore, .gitattributes, .gitmodules             #"
    echo "#    - .dockerignore, .pre-commit-config.yaml              #"
    echo "#    - .github/workflows, .gitlab-ci.yml, .gitea/workflows #"
    echo "#    - LICENSE, CONTRIBUTING, MAINTAINERS                  #"
    echo "# 3. Write a new root-level README.md                      #"
    echo "# 4. Add the remote repo as origin with:                   #"
    echo "#      git remote add origin <ssh URL of repo>             #"
    echo "# 5. Push the code to the Git server with:                 #"
    echo "#      git push --set-upstream origin main                 #"
    echo "#                                                          #"
    echo "############################################################"

Scan for secrets

  1. Install pre-commit: pip install pre-commit
  2. Clone, build, install gitleaks: cd ~/Git && git clone https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks.git && cd gitleaks && make build && cp gitleaks ~/.local/bin/
  3. Create pre-commit config file.
  4. Update and install pre-commit hooks: pre-commit autoupdate && pre-commit install
  5. Generate baseline scan: gitleaks detect -v -r gitleaks-report.json


-   repo: https://github.com/gitleaks/gitleaks
    rev: v8.18.4
    -  id: gitleaks
-   repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
    rev: v2.3.0
    -   id: check-yaml

From there we evaluate the report and remediate. I got a list of files with secrets via cat gitleaks-report.json | jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "\($k), \(.[$k] | .File)"'

We can use git filter-repo again to erase mention of any files containing secrets.

git filter-repo --invert-paths --path <path/to/file/with/secret>

Reference: GitHub docs - Removing sensitive data from a repository