- Delete homeManagerConfigurations from flake.
- Delete laptop nixosConfiguration.
- Delete `home-manager/` and `nixos/` directories.
- Switch from one general "vars" attrset for variables to using built-for-purpose attrsets for variables, each declared where it makes most sense (e.g. the "sys" attrset will be used for system-specific attributes).
- Create `systems/` directory for root-level system configurations and `modules/` directory for re-usable config files.
- Consolidate most app and system configuration into the `desktop-environment.nix` and `terminal-environment.nix` files.
- Standardize all `.nix` files to nixos config nodes, as opposed to home-manager. May reverse this decision.
- Use `${sys.username}` for the username of the primary user of the system.
- Use `${usr.${sys.username}}` for attributes related to that user (e.g. realname, email).
- Pin Stylix to release-24.11 branch
- Add vars.repo for information about the flake repo.
- Refactor "vars.desktop" with a system-specific "sysVars" attrset.
- Move "{home-manager|nixos}/{laptop|desktop}" to "{laptop|desktop}/{home-manager|nixos}".
- Uses MangoHud to log frametimes during a 1-minute standardized benchmark.
- First results use Linux 6.12 Zen kernel.
- TODO: Benchmark Linux 6.12 Mainline kernel, Xanmod.
- WIP: Installer configuration to be used for portable or new systems.
- Add defaultApps (zen for links, codium for plain text).
- Refactor Ollama (AI) to skip model selection, WIP "codewriter" model.
- Password-manager: Switch to wayland package for rofi-rbw, increase lock timeout.
- Add mangohud config that shows FPS, frame time, throttling status in a horizontal layout below OW's HUD.
- Add nixGL config to use mesa and vulkan.
- Refactor configuration.nix as a "hub" file that just imports other files.
- amdgpu: Remove problematic amdvlk driver. Was causing misbehavior in Overwatch.
- gaming: Add gamescope and gamemode.