- Uses MangoHud to log frametimes during a 1-minute standardized benchmark.
- First results use Linux 6.12 Zen kernel.
- TODO: Benchmark Linux 6.12 Mainline kernel, Xanmod.
- Switch from guard statements to case block (via if ... elsif ... else)
- Add "X-Original-To" header to list of fields to check when determining receiver
- File mail that matches none of the configured addresses under "Mailing Lists"
- Consolidate and label variables for users to edit
- Add toggle for syncing color across all discovered Razer devices
- Remove unused code.
- Assume green-to-red color gradient as charge decreases.
- Echo color, charge from functions to stderr
- Update README.md to document installation and usage
- Implement razer-bat as simply as possible.
- Most parameters can be adjusted, but only mouse and dock names are required. Further implementation of customizability should be pretty easy.