Update razer-bat; now working!

- Update README.md to document installation and usage
- Implement razer-bat as simply as possible.
- Most parameters can be adjusted, but only mouse and dock names are required. Further implementation of customizability should be pretty easy.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hafner 2024-09-03 16:20:54 -07:00
parent 7a15a272bd
commit fd20f1a9c2
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 106 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
# Razer Battery Level RGB
See your mouse or keyboard's battery level on your wireless dock.
# Razer-bat - Update dock status color based on battery level
This script uses [razer-cli](https://github.com/lolei/razer-cli) and standard bash utilities to set the RGB LEDs of your Razer wireless dock to reflect the battery level of your wireless mouse (or keyboard).
# Installation
# Installation & Usage
Before installing, we need to install some dependencies:
1. Install razer-cli: [instructions](https://github.com/lolei/razer-cli?tab=readme-ov-file#installation).
2. Download this script and make it executable: `curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jafner/Razer-BatteryLevelRGB/master/Razer-BatteryLevelRGB.sh > ./ && chmod +x ./Razer-BatteryLevelRGB.sh`.
3. Edit the script
1. Replace the device name with your device's name (you can find it by running `razer-cli -ls`).
2. Set the low-charge and full-charge color codes to your liking. Defaults to red and green respectively.
4. Run the script: `./Razer-BatteryLevelRGB.sh`.
- If you want to run the script in the background, refer to [this StackOverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3683910/executing-shell-command-in-background-from-script).
- If you want to run the script with Systemd (as a background process), refer to [this StackEx post](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/47695/how-to-write-startup-script-for-systemd).
2. Download this script and make it executable: `curl -s https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/Jafner.net/raw/branch/main/projects/razer-bat/razer-bat.sh > ./ && chmod +x ./razer-bat.sh`.
3. Set the `WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME` and `WIRED_DEVICE_NAME` variables at the top of the script.
1. Set `WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME` with the name of your wireless mouse, keyboard, or whatever you want to monitor the battery level of. (Tip: You can find it by running `razer-cli -ls`).
2. Set `WIRED_DEVICE_NAME` with the name of your wired charging dock, or whatever device whose RGB you want to reflect the battery level of your wireless device.
4. Run the script once: `./razer-bat.sh`. Verify everything is working properly.
5. Move the script to somewhere safe. For example: `mv ./razer-bat.sh $HOME/.local/razer-bat`
6. Create a cronjob for the script: `echo "*/5 * * * * $HOME/.local/razer-bat" | crontab -`
# Tested With

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@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
debug=false # set to true if you want to see debug messages
# Find your values from the output of `razer-cli -ls`
# These devices are queried for the charge value used to set the RGB color
device_name="Razer Viper Ultimate (Wireless)"
device_name_alternate="Razer Viper Ultimate (Wired)"
# This device gets its RGB set based on the charge value.
# This *can* be the same as one of the above, but I like to see the RGB on my dock.
# You could also use a non-Razer device by changing the command at the end of
# the set_color_from_charge function to one which works for your device.
dock_name="Razer Mouse Dock"
# Set how often to check the new battery level.
# Set the colors to use for full charge and low charge below.
# These are used to create a gradient to represent partial charge levels.
# E.g. if full charge is green and low charge is red, 50% charge will be yellow
# Or e.g. if full charge is purple (102, 0, 255) and low charge is cyan (0, 255, 255)
# then 50% charge will be a sky blue (51, 127, 255).
# You can use the rgb output of a tool like this:
# https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
full_charge_color_code="85 255 0"
low_charge_color_code="255 0 0"
# Razer devices often have different names when they're plugged in.
# But we still want to know the charge level while we're charging, so we query both names.
low_charge_percent=$(razer-cli -d "$device_name" --battery low | grep "low threshold" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 4)
if [[ -z $low_charge_percent ]]; then
low_charge_percent=$(razer-cli -d "$device_name_alternate" --battery low | grep "low threshold" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 4)
# This is just for the math to get the color gradients.
charge_range=$((100 - $low_charge_percent))
full_r=$(echo "$full_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 1)
low_r=$(echo "$low_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 1)
color_range_r=$(($full_r - $low_r))
full_g=$(echo "$full_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 2)
low_g=$(echo "$low_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 2)
color_range_g=$(($full_g - $low_g))
full_b=$(echo "$full_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 3)
low_b=$(echo "$low_charge_color_code" | cut -d' ' -f 3)
color_range_b=$(($full_b - $low_b))
# Some debug echoes.
if [[ $debug -eq "true" ]]; then
echo "full_r: $full_r, low_r: $low_r, color_range_r: $color_range_r"
echo "full_g: $full_g, low_g: $low_g, color_range_g: $color_range_g"
echo "full_b: $full_b, low_b: $low_b, color_range_b: $color_range_b"
# Our function for setting the new RGB color
# Uses a gradient between the "full" and "low" charge colors.
function set_color_from_charge () {
charge_scaled=$(($(($(($1 - $low_charge_percent)) * 100)) / $charge_range))
r=$(($low_r + $(($(($charge_scaled * $color_range_r)) / 100))))
g=$(($low_g + $(($(($charge_scaled * $color_range_g)) / 100))))
b=$(($low_b + $(($(($charge_scaled * $color_range_b)) / 100))))
if [[ $debug -eq "true" ]]; then
echo "charge scaled: $charge_scaled"
echo "new color: $r, $g, $b"
razer-cli -d $dock_name -c $r $g $b
# Our main loop. Get current charge level.
# If it's reporting zero, we assume it's asleep.
# If it's reporting at or below the low battery threshold, we use the low battery color
# If it's reporting above the low battery threshold, we set the RGB color based on our gradient
# Consider adding logic to handle distinction between discharging (normal) and charging.
while true; do
charge=$(razer-cli -d "$device_name" --battery print | grep charge | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 3)
if [[ $debug -eq "true" ]]; then
echo "charge: $charge"
if [[ $charge -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Device charge 0. Assuming the device is sleeping. Do nothing."
elif [[ $charge -lt $low_charge_percent ]]; then
razer-cli -d $dock_name -c $full_charge_color_code
set_color_from_charge $charge
sleep $polling_interval

projects/razer-bat/razer-bat.sh Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
# Init
WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME=${WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME:-'Razer Viper Ultimate'} # required, non-sane default
WIRED_DEVICE_NAME=${WIRED_DEVICE_NAME:-'Razer Mouse Dock'} # required, sane default
SYNC_ALL_DEVICES=${SYNC_ALL_DEVICES:-'false'} # optional; default false; applies color to all found devices
START_COLOR=${START_COLOR:-'255 0 0'} # optional; TODO
END_COLOR=${END_COLOR:-'0 255 0'} # optional; TODO
STEPS=${STEPS:-'20'} # optional; can be any factor of 100
# echo "STEPS: $STEPS"
# Function to calculate color between two colors by percentage
# Takes
# COLOR_PERCENTAGE=$1 # required
# START_COLOR_RANGE=$2 # default '255 0 0' (pure red)
# END_COLOR_RANGE=$3 # default '0 255 0' (pure green)
# STEPS=$4 # default 20
# Returns
# Space-separated RGB value like: 123 134 0
function get_intermediate_color() {
local START_COLOR_RANGE=${2:-255,0,0}
local END_COLOR_RANGE=${3:-0,255,0}
local STEPS=${4:-20}
IFS=',' read -r -a start_color <<< "$START_COLOR_RANGE"
IFS=',' read -r -a end_color <<< "$END_COLOR_RANGE"
local steps=$STEPS
local charge=$COLOR_PERCENTAGE
local step_r=$(( (end_color[0] - start_color[0]) / (steps + 1) ))
local step_g=$(( (end_color[1] - start_color[1]) / (steps + 1) ))
local step_b=$(( (end_color[2] - start_color[2]) / (steps + 1) ))
local intermediate_colors=()
for ((i = 1; i <= steps; i++)); do
local r=$(( start_color[0] + step_r * i ))
local g=$(( start_color[1] + step_g * i ))
local b=$(( start_color[2] + step_b * i ))
intermediate_colors+=("$r $g $b")
local index=$(( ( $charge / (100 / $steps ) ) ))
if [[ $index -gt ${#intermediate_colors[@]} ]]; then
echo ${intermediate_colors[$index]}
# Function to read mouse charge level and return it as percentage
# Takes
# Returns
# Percentage value between 0 and 100
function get_charge_percentage() {
local CHARGE=$(\
razer-cli -d "$(\
echo "$(\
razer-cli -ls
)" |\
sed 's/://'
)" --battery print |\
grep charge |\
tr -s ' ' |\
cut -d' ' -f3
echo "$CHARGE"
# Our function for setting the new RGB color
# Takes
# COLOR=$2 # space-separated
function set_dock_color () {
local WIRED_DEVICE_NAME=\"$1\"
local COLOR="$2"
echo razer-cli -d $WIRED_DEVICE_NAME -c $COLOR
razer-cli -d $WIRED_DEVICE_NAME -c $COLOR
# Main
set_dock_color "$WIRED_DEVICE_NAME" "$(get_intermediate_color "$(get_charge_percentage "$WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME")")" &&\
echo "Updated \"$WIRED_DEVICE_NAME\" \($(get_charge_percentage "$WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME")% battery)"