# Razer-bat - Update dock status color based on battery level
This script uses [razer-cli](https://github.com/lolei/razer-cli) and standard bash utilities to set the RGB LEDs of your Razer wireless dock to reflect the battery level of your wireless mouse (or keyboard).
2. Download this script and make it executable: `curl -s https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/Jafner.net/raw/branch/main/projects/razer-bat/razer-bat.sh > ./ && chmod +x ./razer-bat.sh`.
3. Set the `WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME` and `WIRED_DEVICE_NAME` variables at the top of the script.
1. Set `WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME` with the name of your wireless mouse, keyboard, or whatever you want to monitor the battery level of. (Tip: You can find it by running `razer-cli -ls`).
2. Set `WIRED_DEVICE_NAME` with the name of your wired charging dock, or whatever device whose RGB you want to reflect the battery level of your wireless device.
3.If you installed `razer-cli` to somewhere other than `$HOME/.local/bin/razer-cli`, update that variable to the path of `razer-cli`. Use `which razer-cli` to find the path.
5. Move the script to somewhere safe. For example: `mv ./razer-bat.sh $HOME/.local/bin/razer-bat`
6. Create a cronjob for the script: `echo "*/15 * * * * $HOME/.local/bin/razer-bat" | crontab -`
# Tips & Troubleshooting
- To monitor cron logs, use: `sudo tail -f /var/log/cron`
- You can run the script more or less often by adjusting the cron interval. Use `crontab -e` to edit the cron table. E.g. to run the script every minute, use `*/1 * * * * $HOME/.local/bin/razer-bat`
- You can add additional lighting logic at the bottom of the script, below `# Main`. Assume `"$(get_charge_percentage "$WIRELESS_DEVICE_NAME")"` will return the battery level (`0 <= CHARGE <= 100`) when the wireless device is awake, and 0 when it is asleep.