flag. Will import realms later
Monolithic repository for my homelab
This repo is (mostly) organized into the following structure:
# The root contains repository meta-information like .gitignore,
# .gitlab-ci.yml, .gitmodules, and README.md.
# The /docs directory is for all self-contained documentation
# that is not tied to a specific service. Service-specific documentation
# is contained in /$host/config/$service/README.md
# supporting images for use in docs
# There are separate directories for the details and configuration of
# each host. At the root of `/$host/` we have non-authoritative
# documentation and reference. This includes printouts of hardware
# configs (`inxi -b`), host-specific procedure docs, useful scripts, etc.
# if a host has scripts for automating recurring tasks,
# they will be placed here.
# Anything in the `/$host/config` directory is used as a source of
# truth from which hosts pull and apply the defined configuration.
# for Docker-enabled hosts each service stack will be
# configured within a directory
# all services (except minecraft, which needed a
# more modular system) use docker-compose.yml to
# define their stack configuration.
# contains volume mapping env vars, used automatically by
# docker-compose to expand ${...}.
# if a service stack has documentation specific to itself,
# it will be contained within this file. This usually contains
# procedure for interacting with a container and system configuration
# changes that could not be tracked in code (e.g. /etc/fstab or
# crontab or /etc/docker/daemon.json)
Setting Up the Repository
- Create a new Gitlab Personal Access Token named after the host on which it will be used. It should have the scopes
, and, optionally,write_repository
if the host will be pushing commits back to the origin. Development hosts should have thewrite_repository
permission. Note the token name and token key for step 6. mkdir ~/homelab ~/data && cd ~/homelab
Create the~/homelab
directories. This should be under theadmin
user's home directory, or equivalent. It should not be owned by root.git init
Initialize the git repo. It should be empty at this point. We must init the repo empty in order to configure sparse checkout.git config core.sparseCheckout true && git config core.fileMode false && git config pull.ff only && git config init.defaultBranch main
Configure the repo to use sparse checkout and ignore file mode changes. Also configure default branch and pull behavior.- (Optional)
echo "$HOSTNAME/" > .git/info/sparse-checkout
Configure the repo to checkout only the files relevant to the host (e.g. fighter). Development hosts should not use this. git remote add -f origin https://<token name>:<token key>@gitlab.jafner.net/Jafner/homelab.git
Add the origin with authentication via personal access token and fetch. Remember to replace the placeholder token name and token key with the values from step 1.git checkout main
Checkout the main branch to fetch the latest files.
Disabling Sparse Checkout
To disable sparse checkout, simply run git sparse-checkout disable
With this, it can also be re-eneabled with git sparse-checkout init
You can use these two commands to toggle sparse checkout.
Per: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36190800/how-to-disable-sparse-checkout-after-enabled
Debian: Setting FQDN Hostname PS1
By default, Debian will print the domain part of its hostname (e.g. hostname jafner.net
will print jafner
in the terminal prompt). I like to separate my hosts by TLD (e.g. jafner.net
, jafner.chat
, jafner.tools
, etc.), so printing the TLD in the hostname for the PS1 is useful.
For a standard Debian 11 installation, the PS1 is set in this block of ~/.bashrc
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
We can achieve the desired behavior by replacing instances of \h
with \H
in both of these prompts (and elsewhere in the bashrc file if necessary). Note: Don't forget to source ~/.bashrc
to apply the new configuration!
Reference: Cyberciti.biz - How to Change / Set up bash custom prompt (PS1) in Linux