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Monitoring Specification

Monitors are split into three types: Host, Application, and IoT All monitors use a Prometheus exporter.


Name IP (if static) OS Exporter
Router Linux 4.14) node_exporter
Server Linux 5.10) node_exporter
Seedbox Linux 5.10) node_exporter
NAS FreeBSD 12.2) ???
PiHole Linux 5.10) node_exporter


Name Address(es) Exporter
Minecraft e6.jafner.net, vanilla.jafner.net mc-monitor
GitLab gitlab.jafner.net GitLab Integrated Exporter
Traefik traefik.jafner.net Prometheus - Traefik.io
Deluge jafner.seedbox:52000, jafner.seedbox:52100, jafner.seedbox:52200 deluge_exporter
Plex plex.jafner.net Tautulli and tautulli-exporter, or plex_exporter
PeerTube peertube.jafner.net Add a Prometheus Exporter - GitHub Issue
WordPress nvgm.jafner.net wordpress-exporter
SabNZBD sabnzbd.jafner.net sabnzbd_exporter
Uptime Kuma uptime.jafner.tools Prometheus Integration - Uptime Kuma Wiki
PiHole jafner.pi1 pihole-exporter
ZFS nas.jafner.net zfs_exporter


Name Hostname Assigned IP Note
tasmota-1 tasmota-F6441E-1054
tasmota-2 tasmota-F6D7D3-6099
tasmota-3 tasmota-F6F062-4194

Adding Loki and Promtail

Followed this guide from Techno Tim. Non-tracked changes include:

  1. docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions to install the Loki docker plugin.

Instrumenting: Daemon-Level Logging

Edit /etc/docker/daemon.json to add the following block:

    "log-driver": "loki",
    "log-opts": {
        "loki-url": "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push",
        "loki-batch-size": "400",
        "loki-retries": "1",
        "loki-timeout": "2s"

NOTE: All logging will fail if the Loki container is inaccessible. This may cause the Docker daemon to lock up. These parameters are applied when a container is created, so all containers must be destroyed to resolve the issue. NOTE: The batch size here is in lines for all docker logs.

Instrumenting: Per-Container Logging

Add the following logging parameter to each main-service container within a stack.

      driver: loki
        loki-url: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push
        loki-batch-size: "50"
        loki-retries: "1"
        loki-timeout: "2s"
        keep-file: "true"

NOTE: The batch size here is in lines for only the selected container.

See loki log-opts for list of available configuration options for loki logging driver. See docker-compose logging for Docker-compose logging reference.

Instrumenting: Default Docker Logging

Per: Docker docs

The default logging driver is json-file.

The configuration options for the json-file logging driver are here.

Docker-compose adds a few labels to containers it starts. This feature is not comprehensively documented, but here: Compose Specification. And we can see what labels are added by default by simply looking at a deployed application (wg-easy):

Label Key Value
com.docker.compose.config-hash f75588baa1056ddc618b1741805d2600b4380e13c5114106de6c8322f79dfd3f
com.docker.compose.container-number 1
com.docker.compose.oneoff False
com.docker.compose.project wireguard
com.docker.compose.project.config_files docker-compose.yml
com.docker.compose.project.working_dir /home/joey/homelab/server/config/wireguard
com.docker.compose.service wg-easy
com.docker.compose.version 1.29.2

These are labels on the container, which are distinct from tags in the actual json log payload. Log tags are documented here.