#!/bin/bash #set -x # debugging flag # depends on the $COMPOSE_CONFIG_TEXT variable being populated with the compose config to check function get_shares { SHARES=$(echo "$COMPOSE_CONFIG_TEXT" |\ grep /mnt/ |\ tr -s ' ' |\ cut -d' ' -f 3 |\ cut -d'/' -f-4 |\ sort -u) #echo "$SHARES" # Debug echo } # depends on the $SHARES variable being populated with the shares to check function check_shares { MISSING_SHARES=false for share in $SHARES; do #echo -n " ==== Share $share: " # Debug echo if ! mount | grep -q $share; then #echo "ONLINE" # Debug echo MISSING_SHARES=true #else #echo "OFFLINE" # Debug echo fi done } function connect_iscsi { sudo iscsiadm --mode node --targetname "iqn.2020-03.net.jafner:fighter" --portal "" --login } function mount_iscsi { sudo mount /mnt/nas/iscsi } if [ "$1" = "clean" ]; then echo " ==== Cleaning up old containers" # Clean up any remnants from unclean shutdown docker stop $(docker ps -q) # shut down running containers docker rm $(docker ps -aq) # remove all containers fi # NAS iSCSI # First check for connection; attempt to connect and mount if not connected echo " ==== Checking iSCSI..." if ! sudo iscsiadm -m session | grep -q 'iqn.2020-03.net.jafner:fighter'; then echo " ====== Attempting to connect and mount iSCSI" { connect_iscsi && mount_iscsi && echo " ====== Success!" } || { echo " ====== Could not connect and mount iSCSI" } fi # Second check if mounted; attempt to mount if not mounted if ! mount | grep -q '/mnt/nas/iscsi'; then echo " ====== Attempting to mount /mnt/nas/iscsi" { mount_iscsi && echo " ====== Success!" } || { echo " ====== Could not mount /mnt/nas/iscsi" } fi # Regarding the above, we will attempt to re-mount the share if the first step successfully connected and then failed to mount. # This is because I can't be bother to build more elegant logic. for stack in /home/admin/homelab/fighter/config/*; do echo " ==== Processing $stack" cd $stack if ! docker compose config > /dev/null; then echo " ====== Invalid compose config: $stack" fi COMPOSE_CONFIG_TEXT=$(docker compose config) MISSING_SHARES=true # Ensures a failure in the checking logic doesn't online the stack get_shares check_shares if ! $MISSING_SHARES; then echo " ====== Bringing up" STACKS_ONLINE+="$(echo $stack | xargs basename)\n" echo -n " ====== Time: " ( time docker compose --progress quiet up -d ) 2>&1 | grep real | cut -f 2 echo " ====== Done!" else echo " ====== Missing needed network shares. Skipping." fi cd /home/admin/homelab/fighter/config/ # make sure to overwrite the config text to prevent leaking secrets COMPOSE_CONFIG_TEXT="" done echo " ==== List of stacks online:" echo -e "$STACKS_ONLINE" # extra thing because my keycloak healthcheck doesn't work properly echo " ==== Wait 15s, then bring Keycloak forwardauth containers online" cd /home/admin/homelab/fighter/config/keycloak sleep 15 docker start keycloak_forwardauth keycloak_forwardauth-privileged