# Server General-purpose server hosting a variety of Docker-based application stacks. This server exists behind the jafner.net DDNS record. ## Services This server runs a bunch of stuff behind the `jafner.net` domain. For a living portal listing all user-facing services, go to https://home.jafner.net This repository is automatically pushed to the host when a change is made to a file in this subdirectory. ## Sharing Files For files smaller than 2 GB, use [XBackBone](https://xbackbone.jafner.net). For files greater than 2 GB, use one of the following: * [Mega](https://mega.io/) - For transfers up to 400 GB * [SFTP](./config/sftp/README.md) - For transfers up to the free space of `/mnt/md0/sftp` * [BitTorrent](/seedbox/config/deluge/README.md) ## System `/etc/fstab` ``` //joey-nas/media /mnt/nas/media cifs user=user,pass=resu,uid=1000,gid=1000,_netdev,vers=3.0 0 0 //joey-nas/Text/Calibre /mnt/nas/calibre cifs user=user,pass=resu,uid=1000,gid=1000,_netdev,vers=3.0 0 0 //joey-nas/torrenting /mnt/nas/torrenting cifs user=user,pass=resu,uid=1000,gid=1000,_netdev,vers=3.0 0 0 //joey-nas/backups /mnt/nas/backups cifs user=user,pass=resu,uid=1000,gid=1000,_netdev,vers=3.0 0 0 /dev/md0 /mnt/md0 ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0 ``` # Boilerplates Below are useful boilerplate files for configuring new services. ## `.env` ```ini ## Generic TZ=America/Los_Angeles # used by most images PUID=1000 # used by LSIO images PGID=1000 # used by LSIO images ADMIN_EMAIL=joey@jafner.net ## Container volume mapping DOCKER_DATA=/home/joey/data/ # DOCKER_DATA=/mnt/md0/ # for services whose internal data may be large (e.g. modded minecraft servers with large world files) DOCKER_CONFIG=/home/joey/homelab/server/config//config ## Additional volume mapping MEDIA_DIR=/mnt/nas/media VIDEO_DIR=/mnt/nas/media/Video MOVIE_DIR=/mnt/nas/media/Video/Movies SHOWS_DIR=/mnt/nas/media/Video/Shows BOOKS_DIR=/mnt/nas/calibre MUSIC_DIR=/mnt/nas/media/Audio/Music DOWNLOAD_DIR=/mnt/nas/torrenting/ # e.g. /mnt/nas/torrenting/GGN or /mnt/nas/torrenting/jdownloader2 ## SMTP Config SMTP_HOST=smtp.gmail.com SMTP_PORT=465 SMTP_USER=noreply@jafner.net SMTP_PASS= SMTP_SSL=true SMTP_TLS=false ## Configure client to use SSL, not TLS ``` ## Web App `docker-compose.yml ` ```yml version: '3' services: : image: container_name: _ logging: driver: loki options: loki-url: http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push loki-batch-size: "50" loki-retries: "1" loki-timeout: "2s" keep-file: "true" user: "1000:1000" restart: "no" environment: PUID: ${PUID} PGID: ${PGID} volumes: - ${DOCKER_DATA}/:/path/to/data labels: - traefik.http.routers..rule=Host(`.jafner.net`) - traefik.http.routers..tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt - traefik.http.routers..middlewares= # available middlewares are available in homelab/server/config/traefik/config/middlewares.yaml - traefik.http.services..loadbalancer.server.port= networks: - web - depends_on: - _db _db: image: container_name: _db user: "1000:1000" restart: "no" networks: - environment: PUID: ${PUID} PGID: ${PGID} volumes: - ${DOCKER_DATA}/db:/var/lib/mysql labels: - traefik.enable=false networks: web: external: true : ```