I have 2 pools, one for "Media" and one for everything else. All disks are 8 TB HGST/Hitachi drives with a sector size of 4096B. All pools use vdevs of 3 drives in RAIDZ1.
This pool contains one dataset: Media, which holds all non-text data (3d models, audio, images, video). As of writing, only the `./Media/Video/Movies` and `Media/Video/Shows` are accessed by services. Everything else is manipulated manually.
3. Check the current sector size with `smartctl -a /dev/<disknum> | grep block`.
4. Reformat the disk(s) with the `sg_format` command. Use the following flags: `--size=4096 --format --fmtpinfo=0`. Then finally the disk location (e.g. `/dev/da15`). Use the `nohup` utility and the `&` operator to run the command in the background. An example one-liner for three disks (`da15`, `da16`, `da17`):
for disk in da15 da16 da17; do mkdir -p ~/.formatting/$disk && cd ~/.formatting/$disk && nohup sg_format --size=4096 --format --fmtpinfo=0 /dev/$disk &; done
5. Close the terminal. Then log back in and run `ps -aux | grep sg_format` to confirm all processes are running. Check SMART status for disks with `for disk in da15 da16 da17; do smartctl -a /dev/$disk; done` (where `da15 da16 da17` is your list of disks).
1. Use `nohup cp -rv /mnt/[from_pool]/[from_dataset]/ /mnt/[to_pool]/[to_dataset] && echo "" | mail -s "Copy /mnt/[from_pool]/[from_dataset]/ to /mnt/[to_pool/[to_dataset] complete" root` (pay attention to trailing slashes) to run the copy in the background and send an email when the copy is complete. This will persist closing the terminal and completely closing the SSH connection.
2. Use `cmdwatch du -h ~/nohup.out` to watch the size of the log file increase (to confirm it is still copying)
3. Use `tail -f ~/nohup.out` to follow the actual logs. The original command writes to this file in batches when it is in the background, so don't expect it to be as smooth as running the command in the foreground.
## Perform a copy operation in the foreground with progress monitoring
Use `rsync -ah --progress $SOURCE $DESTINATION`
Note that if the source is something like `/first/path/to/folder1/` and you want to copy it to `/second/path/to/folder1/`, make sure to fully specify the destination path (`DESTINATION=/second/path/to/folder1/`). Where something like `cp` or `mv` would create the source folder in the destination folder, Rsync is more literal.
- Torrenting: `cd ~/homelab/seedbox/config/deluge/ ; for DIR in emp ggn mam pub; do cd ./$DIR && docker-compose down && cd ../ ; done ; sudo umount /mnt/torrenting`
- Media: `cd ~/homelab/server/config/autopirate && docker-compose down ; cd ~/homelab/server/config/plex && docker-compose down ; sudo umount /mnt/nas/media`
- Backups: This cron job runs once per day at midnight. If possible, perform maintenance between runs. If not possible, comment out the jobs via `crontab -e`.
## Online dependent services
- Text: `sudo mount /mnt/nas/calibre && cd ~/homelab/server/config/calibre-web && docker-compose up -d`
- Torrenting: `sudo mount /mnt/torrenting && cd ~/homelab/seedbox/config/deluge/ ; for DIR in emp ggn mam pub; do cd ./$DIR && docker-compose up -d && cd ../ ; done`
- Media: `sudo mount /mnt/nas/media && cd ~/homelab/server/config/autopirate && docker-compose up -d ; cd ~/homelab/server/config/plex && docker-compose up -d`
- Backups: Uncomment the commented lines with `crontab -e`.