#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OzzieIsaacs, cervinko, jkrehm, bodybybuddha, ok11, # andy29485, idalin, Kyosfonica, wuqi, Kennyl, lemmsh, # falgh1, grunjol, csitko, ytils, xybydy, trasba, vrabe, # ruben-herold, marblepebble, JackED42, SiphonSquirrel, # apetresc, nanu-c, mutschler # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> from flask_dance.contrib.github import make_github_blueprint, github from flask_dance.contrib.google import make_google_blueprint, google from flask_dance.consumer import oauth_authorized, oauth_error from oauth import OAuthBackend from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound from flask import session, request, make_response, abort import json from cps import config, app import ub from flask_login import login_user, current_user from flask import Blueprint, flash, redirect, url_for from flask_babel import gettext as _ # from web import github_oauth_required from functools import wraps from web import login_required oauth_check = {} oauth = Blueprint('oauth', __name__) def github_oauth_required(f): @wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): if config.config_login_type == ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GITHUB: return f(*args, **kwargs) if request.is_xhr: data = {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Not Found'} response = make_response(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" return response, 404 abort(404) return inner def google_oauth_required(f): @wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): if config.config_use_google_oauth == ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GOOGLE: return f(*args, **kwargs) if request.is_xhr: data = {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Not Found'} response = make_response(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8" return response, 404 abort(404) return inner def register_oauth_blueprint(blueprint, show_name): if blueprint.name != "": oauth_check[blueprint.name] = show_name def register_user_with_oauth(user=None): all_oauth = {} for oauth in oauth_check.keys(): if oauth + '_oauth_user_id' in session and session[oauth + '_oauth_user_id'] != '': all_oauth[oauth] = oauth_check[oauth] if len(all_oauth.keys()) == 0: return if user is None: flash(_(u"Register with %s" % ", ".join(list(all_oauth.values()))), category="success") else: for oauth in all_oauth.keys(): # Find this OAuth token in the database, or create it query = ub.session.query(ub.OAuth).filter_by( provider=oauth, provider_user_id=session[oauth + "_oauth_user_id"], ) try: oauth = query.one() oauth.user_id = user.id except NoResultFound: # no found, return error return try: ub.session.commit() except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) ub.session.rollback() def logout_oauth_user(): for oauth in oauth_check.keys(): if oauth + '_oauth_user_id' in session: session.pop(oauth + '_oauth_user_id') if ub.oauth_support: github_blueprint = make_github_blueprint( client_id=config.config_github_oauth_client_id, client_secret=config.config_github_oauth_client_secret, redirect_to="oauth.github_login",) google_blueprint = make_google_blueprint( client_id=config.config_google_oauth_client_id, client_secret=config.config_google_oauth_client_secret, redirect_to="oauth.google_login", scope=[ "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email", ] ) app.register_blueprint(google_blueprint, url_prefix="/login") app.register_blueprint(github_blueprint, url_prefix='/login') github_blueprint.backend = OAuthBackend(ub.OAuth, ub.session, user=current_user, user_required=True) google_blueprint.backend = OAuthBackend(ub.OAuth, ub.session, user=current_user, user_required=True) if config.config_login_type == ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GITHUB: register_oauth_blueprint(github_blueprint, 'GitHub') if config.config_login_type == ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GOOGLE: register_oauth_blueprint(google_blueprint, 'Google') @oauth_authorized.connect_via(github_blueprint) def github_logged_in(blueprint, token): if not token: flash(_(u"Failed to log in with GitHub."), category="error") return False resp = blueprint.session.get("/user") if not resp.ok: flash(_(u"Failed to fetch user info from GitHub."), category="error") return False github_info = resp.json() github_user_id = str(github_info["id"]) return oauth_update_token(blueprint, token, github_user_id) @oauth_authorized.connect_via(google_blueprint) def google_logged_in(blueprint, token): if not token: flash(_(u"Failed to log in with Google."), category="error") return False resp = blueprint.session.get("/oauth2/v2/userinfo") if not resp.ok: flash(_(u"Failed to fetch user info from Google."), category="error") return False google_info = resp.json() google_user_id = str(google_info["id"]) return oauth_update_token(blueprint, token, google_user_id) def oauth_update_token(blueprint, token, provider_user_id): session[blueprint.name + "_oauth_user_id"] = provider_user_id session[blueprint.name + "_oauth_token"] = token # Find this OAuth token in the database, or create it query = ub.session.query(ub.OAuth).filter_by( provider=blueprint.name, provider_user_id=provider_user_id, ) try: oauth = query.one() # update token oauth.token = token except NoResultFound: oauth = ub.OAuth( provider=blueprint.name, provider_user_id=provider_user_id, token=token, ) try: ub.session.add(oauth) ub.session.commit() except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) ub.session.rollback() # Disable Flask-Dance's default behavior for saving the OAuth token return False def bind_oauth_or_register(provider, provider_user_id, redirect_url): query = ub.session.query(ub.OAuth).filter_by( provider=provider, provider_user_id=provider_user_id, ) try: oauth = query.one() # already bind with user, just login if oauth.user: login_user(oauth.user) return redirect(url_for('web.index')) else: # bind to current user if current_user and current_user.is_authenticated: oauth.user = current_user try: ub.session.add(oauth) ub.session.commit() except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) ub.session.rollback() return redirect(url_for('web.login')) #if config.config_public_reg: # return redirect(url_for('web.register')) #else: # flash(_(u"Public registration is not enabled"), category="error") # return redirect(url_for(redirect_url)) except NoResultFound: return redirect(url_for(redirect_url)) def get_oauth_status(): status = [] query = ub.session.query(ub.OAuth).filter_by( user_id=current_user.id, ) try: oauths = query.all() for oauth in oauths: status.append(oauth.provider) return status except NoResultFound: return None def unlink_oauth(provider): if request.host_url + 'me' != request.referrer: pass query = ub.session.query(ub.OAuth).filter_by( provider=provider, user_id=current_user.id, ) try: oauth = query.one() if current_user and current_user.is_authenticated: oauth.user = current_user try: ub.session.delete(oauth) ub.session.commit() logout_oauth_user() flash(_(u"Unlink to %(oauth)s success.", oauth=oauth_check[provider]), category="success") except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) ub.session.rollback() flash(_(u"Unlink to %(oauth)s failed.", oauth=oauth_check[provider]), category="error") except NoResultFound: app.logger.warning("oauth %s for user %d not fount" % (provider, current_user.id)) flash(_(u"Not linked to %(oauth)s.", oauth=oauth_check[provider]), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.profile')) # notify on OAuth provider error @oauth_error.connect_via(github_blueprint) def github_error(blueprint, error, error_description=None, error_uri=None): msg = ( u"OAuth error from {name}! " u"error={error} description={description} uri={uri}" ).format( name=blueprint.name, error=error, description=error_description, uri=error_uri, ) # ToDo: Translate flash(msg, category="error") @oauth.route('/github') @github_oauth_required def github_login(): if not github.authorized: return redirect(url_for('github.login')) account_info = github.get('/user') if account_info.ok: account_info_json = account_info.json() return bind_oauth_or_register(github_blueprint.name, account_info_json['id'], 'github.login') flash(_(u"GitHub Oauth error, please retry later."), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.login')) @oauth.route('/unlink/github', methods=["GET"]) @login_required def github_login_unlink(): return unlink_oauth(github_blueprint.name) @oauth.route('/login/google') @google_oauth_required def google_login(): if not google.authorized: return redirect(url_for("google.login")) resp = google.get("/oauth2/v2/userinfo") if resp.ok: account_info_json = resp.json() return bind_oauth_or_register(google_blueprint.name, account_info_json['id'], 'google.login') flash(_(u"Google Oauth error, please retry later."), category="error") return redirect(url_for('web.login')) @oauth_error.connect_via(google_blueprint) def google_error(blueprint, error, error_description=None, error_uri=None): msg = ( u"OAuth error from {name}! " u"error={error} description={description} uri={uri}" ).format( name=blueprint.name, error=error, description=error_description, uri=error_uri, ) # ToDo: Translate flash(msg, category="error") @oauth.route('/unlink/google', methods=["GET"]) @login_required def google_login_unlink(): return unlink_oauth(google_blueprint.name)