Added greek translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Calibre-Web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and d
- full graphical setup
- User management with fine-grained per-user permissions
- Admin interface
- User Interface in czech, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, hungarian, italian, japanese, khmer, polish, russian, simplified chinese, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian
- User Interface in czech, dutch, english, finnish, french, german, greek, hungarian, italian, japanese, khmer, polish, russian, simplified chinese, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukrainian
- OPDS feed for eBook reader apps
- Filter and search by titles, authors, tags, series and language
- Create a custom book collection (shelves)
@ -434,6 +434,379 @@ LANGUAGE_NAMES = {
"zxx": "brak kontekstu językowego",
"zza": "zazaki"
"el": {
"abk": "Αμπχαζιανά",
"ace": "Ατσενέζικα",
"ach": "Ακόλο",
"ada": "Αντάνγκμε",
"ady": "Αντύγκε",
"aar": "Αφάρ",
"afh": "Αφριχίλι",
"afr": "Αφρικάανς",
"ain": "Αϊνού (Ιαπωνία)",
"aka": "Ακάν",
"akk": "Akkadian",
"sqi": "Αλβανικά",
"ale": "Aleut",
"amh": "Amharic",
"anp": "Angika",
"ara": "Αραβικά",
"arg": "Αραγωνικά ",
"arp": "Αραπάχο",
"arw": "Arawak",
"hye": "Αρμένικα",
"asm": "Assamese",
"ast": "Asturian",
"ava": "Αβαρικά",
"ave": "Avestan",
"awa": "Awadhi",
"aym": "Aymara",
"aze": "Αζερμπαϊτζιανά",
"ban": "Balinese",
"bal": "Baluchi",
"bam": "Bambara",
"bas": "Basa (Cameroon)",
"bak": "Bashkir",
"eus": "Βασκικά",
"bej": "Beja",
"bel": "Λευκωρωσικά",
"bem": "Bemba (Zambia)",
"ben": "Μπενγκάλι",
"bho": "Bhojpuri",
"bik": "Bikol",
"byn": "Bilin",
"bin": "Bini",
"bis": "Bislama",
"zbl": "Blissymbols",
"bos": "Βοσνιακά",
"bra": "Braj",
"bre": "Βρετονικά",
"bug": "Buginese",
"bul": "Βουλγάρικα",
"bua": "Buriat",
"mya": "Burmese",
"cad": "Caddo",
"cat": "Καταλανικά",
"ceb": "Cebuano",
"chg": "Chagatai",
"cha": "Chamorro",
"che": "Τσετσενικά",
"chr": "Cherokee",
"chy": "Cheyenne",
"chb": "Chibcha",
"zho": "Κινέζικα",
"chn": "Chinook jargon",
"chp": "Chipewyan",
"cho": "Choctaw",
"chk": "Chuukese",
"chv": "Chuvash",
"cop": "Κοπτικά",
"cor": "Cornish",
"cos": "Κορσικανικά",
"cre": "Cree",
"mus": "Creek",
"hrv": "Κροατικά",
"ces": "Τσέχικα",
"dak": "Dakota",
"dan": "Δανέζικα",
"dar": "Dargwa",
"del": "Delaware",
"div": "Dhivehi",
"din": "Dinka",
"doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)",
"dgr": "Dogrib",
"dua": "Duala",
"nld": "Ολλανδικά",
"dyu": "Dyula",
"dzo": "Dzongkha",
"efi": "Efik",
"egy": "Αρχαία Αιγυπτιακά",
"eka": "Ekajuk",
"elx": "Elamite",
"eng": "Αγγλικά",
"myv": "Erzya",
"epo": "Εσπεράντο",
"est": "Εσθονικά",
"ewe": "Ewe",
"ewo": "Ewondo",
"fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)",
"fat": "Fanti",
"fao": "Faroese",
"fij": "Fijian",
"fil": "Filipino",
"fin": "Φινλανδικά",
"fon": "Fon",
"fra": "Γαλλικά",
"fur": "Friulian",
"ful": "Fulah",
"gaa": "Ga",
"glg": "Galician",
"lug": "Ganda",
"gay": "Gayo",
"gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)",
"gez": "Geez",
"kat": "Γεωργιανά",
"deu": "Γερμανικά",
"gil": "Gilbertese",
"gon": "Gondi",
"gor": "Gorontalo",
"got": "Γοτθικά",
"grb": "Grebo",
"grn": "Guarani",
"guj": "Gujarati",
"gwi": "Gwichʼin",
"hai": "Haida",
"hau": "Hausa",
"haw": "Hawaiian",
"heb": "Εβραϊκά",
"her": "Herero",
"hil": "Hiligaynon",
"hin": "Ινδικά",
"hmo": "Hiri Motu",
"hit": "Hittite",
"hmn": "Hmong",
"hun": "Ουγγρικά",
"hup": "Hupa",
"iba": "Iban",
"isl": "Ισλανδικά",
"ido": "Ido",
"ibo": "Igbo",
"ilo": "Iloko",
"ind": "Ινδονησιακά",
"inh": "Ingush",
"ina": "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)",
"ile": "Interlingue",
"iku": "Inuktitut",
"ipk": "Inupiaq",
"gle": "Ιρλανδέζικα",
"ita": "Ιταλικά",
"jpn": "Γιαπωνέζικα",
"jav": "Javanese",
"jrb": "Judeo-Arabic",
"jpr": "Judeo-Persian",
"kbd": "Kabardian",
"kab": "Kabyle",
"kac": "Kachin",
"kal": "Kalaallisut",
"xal": "Kalmyk",
"kam": "Kamba (Kenya)",
"kan": "Kannada",
"kau": "Kanuri",
"kaa": "Kara-Kalpak",
"krc": "Karachay-Balkar",
"krl": "Karelian",
"kas": "Kashmiri",
"csb": "Kashubian",
"kaw": "Kawi",
"kaz": "Kazakh",
"kha": "Khasi",
"kho": "Khotanese",
"kik": "Kikuyu",
"kmb": "Kimbundu",
"kin": "Kinyarwanda",
"kir": "Kirghiz",
"tlh": "Κλίγκον",
"kom": "Komi",
"kon": "Kongo",
"kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)",
"kor": "Κορεάτικα",
"kos": "Kosraean",
"kpe": "Kpelle",
"kua": "Kuanyama",
"kum": "Kumyk",
"kur": "Κουρδικά",
"kru": "Kurukh",
"kut": "Kutenai",
"lad": "Ladino",
"lah": "Lahnda",
"lam": "Lamba",
"lao": "Lao",
"lat": "Λατινικά",
"lav": "Λετονέζικα",
"lez": "Lezghian",
"lim": "Limburgan",
"lin": "Lingala",
"lit": "Λιθουανικά",
"jbo": "Lojban",
"loz": "Lozi",
"lub": "Luba-Katanga",
"lua": "Luba-Lulua",
"lui": "Luiseno",
"smj": "Lule Sami",
"lun": "Lunda",
"luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)",
"lus": "Lushai",
"ltz": "Luxembourgish",
"mkd": "Σλαβομακεδονικά",
"mad": "Madurese",
"mag": "Magahi",
"mai": "Maithili",
"mak": "Makasar",
"mlg": "Malagasy",
"msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)",
"mal": "Malayalam",
"mlt": "Maltese",
"mnc": "Manchu",
"mdr": "Mandar",
"man": "Mandingo",
"mni": "Manipuri",
"glv": "Manx",
"mri": "Maori",
"arn": "Mapudungun",
"mar": "Marathi",
"chm": "Mari (Russia)",
"mah": "Marshallese",
"mwr": "Marwari",
"mas": "Masai",
"men": "Mende (Sierra Leone)",
"mic": "Mi'kmaq",
"min": "Minangkabau",
"mwl": "Mirandese",
"moh": "Mohawk",
"mdf": "Moksha",
"lol": "Mongo",
"mon": "Μογγολικά",
"mos": "Mossi",
"mul": "Πολλαπλές γλώσσες",
"nqo": "N'Ko",
"nau": "Nauru",
"nav": "Navajo",
"ndo": "Ndonga",
"nap": "Neapolitan",
"nia": "Nias",
"niu": "Niuean",
"zxx": "Χωρίς γλωσσολογικό περιεχόμενο",
"nog": "Nogai",
"nor": "Νορβηγικά",
"nob": "Norwegian Bokmål",
"nno": "Νορβηγικά Nynorsk",
"nym": "Nyamwezi",
"nya": "Nyanja",
"nyn": "Nyankole",
"nyo": "Nyoro",
"nzi": "Nzima",
"oci": "Occitan (post 1500)",
"oji": "Ojibwa",
"orm": "Oromo",
"osa": "Osage",
"oss": "Ossetian",
"pal": "Pahlavi",
"pau": "Palauan",
"pli": "Pali",
"pam": "Pampanga",
"pag": "Pangasinan",
"pan": "Panjabi",
"pap": "Papiamento",
"fas": "Περσικά",
"phn": "Φοινικικά",
"pon": "Pohnpeian",
"pol": "Πολωνέζικα",
"por": "Πορτογαλικά",
"pus": "Pashto",
"que": "Quechua",
"raj": "Rajasthani",
"rap": "Rapanui",
"ron": "Ρουμάνικα",
"roh": "Romansh",
"rom": "Romany",
"run": "Rundi",
"rus": "Ρώσικα",
"smo": "Samoan",
"sad": "Sandawe",
"sag": "Sango",
"san": "Σανσκριτικά",
"sat": "Santali",
"srd": "Sardinian",
"sas": "Sasak",
"sco": "Σκωτσέζικα",
"sel": "Selkup",
"srp": "Σερβικά",
"srr": "Serer",
"shn": "Shan",
"sna": "Shona",
"scn": "Sicilian",
"sid": "Sidamo",
"bla": "Siksika",
"snd": "Sindhi",
"sin": "Sinhala",
"den": "Slave (Athapascan)",
"slk": "Σλοβακικά",
"slv": "Σλοβενικά",
"sog": "Σογδιανά",
"som": "Σομαλικά",
"snk": "Soninke",
"spa": "Ισπανικά",
"srn": "Sranan Tongo",
"suk": "Sukuma",
"sux": "Sumerian",
"sun": "Sundanese",
"sus": "Susu",
"swa": "Swahili (macrolanguage)",
"ssw": "Swati",
"swe": "Σουηδικά",
"syr": "Συριακά",
"tgl": "Tagalog",
"tah": "Tahitian",
"tgk": "Tajik",
"tmh": "Tamashek",
"tam": "Ταμίλ",
"tat": "Tatar",
"tel": "Telugu",
"ter": "Tereno",
"tet": "Tetum",
"tha": "Ταϊλανδέζικη",
"bod": "Θιβετιανά",
"tig": "Tigre",
"tir": "Tigrinya",
"tem": "Timne",
"tiv": "Tiv",
"tli": "Tlingit",
"tpi": "Tok Pisin",
"tkl": "Τοκελάου",
"tog": "Tonga (Nyasa)",
"ton": "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
"tsi": "Tsimshian",
"tso": "Tsonga",
"tsn": "Tswana",
"tum": "Tumbuka",
"tur": "Τουρκικά",
"tuk": "Τουρκμένικα",
"tvl": "Tuvalu",
"tyv": "Tuvinian",
"twi": "Twi",
"udm": "Udmurt",
"uga": "Ugaritic",
"uig": "Uighur",
"ukr": "Ουκρανικά",
"umb": "Umbundu",
"mis": "Uncoded languages",
"und": "Απροσδιόριστη",
"urd": "Urdu",
"uzb": "Uzbek",
"vai": "Vai",
"ven": "Venda",
"vie": "Βιετναμέζικα",
"vol": "Volapük",
"vot": "Votic",
"wln": "Walloon",
"war": "Waray (Philippines)",
"was": "Washo",
"cym": "Ουαλικά",
"wal": "Wolaytta",
"wol": "Wolof",
"xho": "Xhosa",
"sah": "Yakut",
"yao": "Yao",
"yap": "Yapese",
"yid": "Yiddish",
"yor": "Yoruba",
"zap": "Zapotec",
"zza": "Zaza",
"zen": "Zenaga",
"zha": "Zhuang",
"zul": "Zulu",
"zun": "Zuni"
"nl": {
"aar": "Afar; Hamitisch",
"abk": "Abchazisch",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Binary file not shown.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-09 21:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukas Heroudek <>\n"
"Language: cs_CZ\n"
@ -478,75 +478,75 @@ msgstr "Mazání knihy selhalo %(id)s failed: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Mazání knihy %(id)s, cesta ke knize není platná %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Přejmenování názvu z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' selhalo chybou: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Přejmenování souboru v cestě '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' selhalo chybou: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Soubor %(file)s nenalezen na Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Cesta ke knize %(path)s nebyla nalezena na Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Chyba stahování obalu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Chyba formátu obalu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Vytvoření cesty obalu selhalo"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Soubor obalu není platný, nebo nelze uložit"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Pouze jpg/jpeg/png/webp jsou podporované soubory pro obal"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Pouze jpg/jpeg jsou podporované soubory pro obal"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "Unrar binární soubor nenalezen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Chyba provádění UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Čekám"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Selhalo"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Spuštěno"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Dokončeno"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Neznámý stav"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-26 16:18+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ozzie Isaacs\n"
"Language: de\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr "Löschen von Buch %(id)s fehlgeschlagen: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Lösche Buch %(id)s, Pfad zum Buch nicht gültig: %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Umbenennen des Titels '%(src)s' zu '%(dest)s' schlug fehl: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Umbenennen der Datei im Pfad '%(src)s' nach '%(dest)s' ist fehlgeschlagen: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Datei %(file)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Buchpfad %(path)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Covers"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Coverdatei fehlerhaft"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Ordners für die Coverdatei"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Cover Datei ist keine gültige Bilddatei, kann nicht gespeichert werden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Es werden nur jpg/jpeg/png/webp Dateien als Cover untertützt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Es werden nur jpg/jpeg Dateien als Cover untertützt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "UnRar Programm nicht gefunden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Fehler beim ausführen von UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Wartend"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Gestartet"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Beendet"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Unbekannter Status"
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: minakmostoles <>\n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -482,75 +482,75 @@ msgstr "El borrado del libro %(id)s falló: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Borrando el libro %(id)s, la ruta del libro es inválida: %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "El renombrado del título de: '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' falló con el error: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Ha fallado el cambio de nombre del archivo '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' con el error: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Fichero %(file)s no encontrado en Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "La ruta %(path)s del libro no fue encontrada en Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Error al descargar la cubierta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Error en el formato de la cubierta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Error al crear una ruta para la cubierta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "El archivo de cubierta no es una imágen válida"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Las cubiertas deben estar en formato jpg/jpeg/png/webp"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Siki kis archivos jpg/jpeg están soportados como cubierta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "No se ha encontrado el binario del comando UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Error ejecutando UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Esperando"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Fallido"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Comenzado"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Finalizado"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Estado desconocido"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo <>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Tiedon muuttaminen arvosta: '%(src)s' arvoon '%(dest)s' epäonnistui virheeseen: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Tiedoston nimeäminen polusta '%(src)s' polkuun '%(dest)s' epäonnistui virheeseen: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Tiedostoa %(file)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Kirjan polkua %(path)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Odottaa"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Epäonnistui"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Aloitettu"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Valmistui"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Tuntematon tila"
Binary file not shown.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Dekani <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -493,75 +493,75 @@ msgstr "La suppression du livre %(id)s a échoué: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Suppression du livre %(id)s, le chemin du livre est invalide : %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Renommer le titre de : '%(src)s' à '%(dest)s' a échoué avec l’erreur : %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "La modification du nom de fichier du chemin : '%(src)s' vers '%(dest)s' a échoué avec l’erreur : %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Le fichier %(file)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Le chemin du livre %(path)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Erreur lors du téléchargement de la couverture"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Erreur de format de couverture"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le chemin pour la couverture"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Le fichier couverture n'est pas un fichier image valide, ou ne peut pas être stocké"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Seuls les fichiers jpg/jpeg/png/webp sont supportés comme fichier de couverture"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Seuls les fichiers jpg/jpeg sont supportés comme fichier de couverture"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "Fichier binaire Unrar non trouvé"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'exécution d'UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "En attente"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Echoué"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Débuté"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminé"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Statut inconnu"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: hu\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "A cím átnevezése \"%(src)s\"-ról \"%(dest)s\"-ra nem sikerült a következő hiba miatt: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "\"%(src)s\" fájl átnevezése \"%(dest)s\"-re nem sikerült a következő hiba miatt: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "A \"%(file)s\" fájl nem található a Google Drive-on"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "A könyv elérési útja (\"%(path)s\") nem található a Google Drive-on"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Várakozás"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Nem sikerült"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Elindítva"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Végrehajtva"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Ismeretlen állapot"
Binary file not shown.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-04 15:09+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: ElQuimm <>\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -478,75 +478,75 @@ msgstr "L'eliminazione del libro %(id)s non è riuscita: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Eliminazione del libro %(id)s. Il percorso del libro non è valido: %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "La modifica del titolo da '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' è terminata con l'errore: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "La modifica del file nella cartella da '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' è terminata con l'errore: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "File %(file)s non trovato su Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Non ho trovato la cartella %(path)s del libro su Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Errore nello scaricare la copertina"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Errore di formato della copertina"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Errore nel creare la cartella per la copertina"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Il file della copertina non è in un formato immagine valido o non può essere salvato"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Solamente i file nei formati jpg/jpeg/png/webp sono supportati per le copertine"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Solamente i file nei formati jpg/jpeg sono supportati per le copertine"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "Non ho trovato il file binario di UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Errore nell'eseguire UnRar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Attendi"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Non riuscito"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Avviato"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminato"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Stato sconosciuto"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: white <>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "エラー: %(error)s により、タイトルを %(src)s から %(dest)s に変更できませんでした。"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "エラー: %(error)s により、ファイルパスを %(src)s から %(dest)s に変更できませんでした。"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "ファイル %(file)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "本のパス %(path)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "待機中"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "失敗"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "開始"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "終了"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "不明"
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: km_KH\n"
@ -480,75 +480,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "ប្តូរចំណងជើងពី “%(src)s” ទៅជា “%(dest)s” បរាជ័យដោយបញ្ហា: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "ឯកសារ %(file)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "ទីតាំងសៀវភៅ %(path)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "កំពុងរង់ចាំ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "បានបរាជ័យ"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "បានចាប់ផ្តើម"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "បានបញ្ចប់"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr ""
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-10 21:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcel Maas <>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
@ -480,75 +480,75 @@ msgstr "Verwijderen van boek %(id)s mislukt: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Kan de naam '%(src)s' niet wijzigen in '%(dest)s': %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Kan het bestand in '%(src)s' niet wijzigen naar '%(dest)s': %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Bestand '%(file)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Boeken locatie '%(path)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Locatie aanmaken voor omslag mislukt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Omslag-bestand is geen afbeelding of kon niet opgeslagen worden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Alleen jpg/jpeg/png/webp bestanden zijn toegestaan als omslag"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Alleen jpg/jpeg bestanden zijn toegestaan als omslag"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "Unrar executable niet gevonden"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Fout bij het uitvoeren van Unrar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Wachten"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Mislukt"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Gestart"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Voltooid"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Onbekende status"
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2019-08-06 18:35)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-08-30 21:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jerzy Piątek <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
@ -485,75 +485,75 @@ msgstr "Usuwanie książki %(id)s zakończyło się błędem: %(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "Usuwanie książki %(id)s, ścieżka książki jest niepoprawna: %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Zmiana nazwy tytułu z: „%(src)s” na „%(dest)s” zakończyła się błędem: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Zmiana nazwy pliku w ścieżce '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' zakończyło się błędem: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku %(file)s na Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono ścieżki do książki %(path)s na Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "Błąd przy pobieraniu okładki"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "Błędny format okładki"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć ścieżki dla okładki"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "Plik okładki nie jest poprawnym plikiem obrazu lub nie mógł zostać zapisany"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Jako plik okładki dopuszczalne są jedynie pliki jpg/jpeg/png/webp"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Jako plik okładki dopuszczalne są jedynie pliki jpg/jpeg"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "Plik wykonywalny programu unrar nie znaleziony"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "Błąd przy wykonywaniu unrar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Oczekiwanie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Nieudane"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Rozpoczynanie"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Zakończone"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Ststus nieznany"
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: ZIZA\n"
"Language: ru\n"
@ -480,75 +480,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Переименовывание заголовка с: '%(src)s' на '%(dest)s' не удалось из-за ошибки: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Не удалось переименовать файл по пути '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' из-за ошибки: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Файл %(file)s не найден на Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Путь книги %(path)s не найден на Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Не удалось создать путь для обложки."
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Только файлы jpg / jpeg / png / webp поддерживаются в качестве файла обложки"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Только файлы в формате jpg / jpeg поддерживаются как файл обложки"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Ожидание"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Неудачно"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Начало"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Завершено"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Неизвестный статус"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-14 09:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Byt namn på titel från: \"%(src)s\" till \"%(dest)s\" misslyckades med fel: %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Byt namn på fil i sökvägen '%(src)s' till '%(dest)s' misslyckades med fel: %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Filen %(file)s hittades inte på Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Boksökvägen %(path)s hittades inte på Google Drive"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa sökväg för omslag"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Endast jpg/jpeg/png/webp-filer stöds som omslagsfil"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "Endast jpg/jpeg-filer stöds som omslagsfil"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Väntar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Misslyckades"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Startad"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Klar"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Okänd status"
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: iz <>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Kitap adını değiştirme sırasında hata oluştu ('%(src)s' → '%(dest)s'): %(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "Dosya adını değiştirme sırasında hata oluştu ('%(src)s' → '%(dest)s'): %(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "%(file)s dosyası Google Drive'da bulunamadı"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "eKitap yolu %(path)s Google Drive'da bulunamadı"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Bekleniyor"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Başarısız"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Başladı"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Bitti"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen Durum"
Binary file not shown.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: ABIS Team <>\n"
"Language: uk\n"
@ -478,75 +478,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr ""
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: dalin <>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
@ -479,75 +479,75 @@ msgstr "删除书籍 %(id)s失败:%(message)s"
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr "删除书籍 %(id)s失败,书籍路径无效:%(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "将标题从“%(src)s”改为“%(dest)s”时失败,出错信息:%(error)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr "从“%(src)s”重命名为“%(dest)s”失败,出错信息:%(error)s"
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Google Drive上找不到文件 %(file)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr "Google Drive上找不到书籍路径 %(path)s"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr "下载封面时出错"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr "封面格式出错"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr "创建封面路径失败"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr "封面文件不是有效的图片文件,或者无法存储"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "仅将jpg、jpeg、png、webp文件作为封面文件"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr "仅将jpg、jpeg文件作为封面文件"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr "找不到Unrar执行文件"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr "执行UnRar时出错"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "等待中"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "失败"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr "已开始"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "已完成"
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr "未知状态"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-20 17:11+0200\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-31 19:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -478,75 +478,75 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Deleting book %(id)s, book path not valid: %(path)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s"
msgstr ""
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#: cps/ cps/ cps/
#, python-format
msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
#, python-format
msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error Downloading Cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover Format Error"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed to create path for cover"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unrar binary file not found"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Error excecuting UnRar"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Started"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Finished"
msgstr ""
#: cps/
#: cps/
msgid "Unknown Status"
msgstr ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user