60 lines
3.0 KiB

{ pkgs, pkgs-unstable, ... }:
home.packages = with pkgs; [
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw"; # { bwJson }: { itemPreviewJson }
runtimeInputs = [
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw-getUser"; # { itemJson }: { itemUsername }
runtimeInputs = [ jq ];
text = ''echo "$1" | jq -r '.user' '';
} )
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw-getPass"; # { itemJson }: { itemPassword }
runtimeInputs = [ jq ];
text = ''echo "$1" | jq -r '.password' '';
} )
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw-getItem"; # { itemUuid, bwJson }: { itemJson }
runtimeInputs = [ jq ];
text = ''echo "$2" | jq -c --arg id "$1" '.[] | select(.id==$id) | {"user": "\(.login.username)", "password": "\(.login.password)", "name": "\(.name)"}' '';
} )
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw-selector"; # { bwJson }: { itemUuid }
runtimeInputs = [ jq pkgs-unstable.fzf ];
text = ''export json="$1"; echo "$json" | jq -r '.[].id' | fzf --preview='fzf-bw-getItem {} "$json" | jq -C' --disabled '';
excludeShellChecks = [ "SC2016" ];
} )
( writeShellApplication {
name = "fzf-bw-selector-tmux"; # { bwJson }: { itemUuid }
runtimeInputs = [ jq pkgs-unstable.fzf ];
text = ''export json="$1"; echo "$json" | jq -r '.[].id' | fzf --tmux center,70% --preview='fzf-bw-getItem {} "$json" | jq -C' '';
excludeShellChecks = [ "SC2016" ];
} )
] ;
excludeShellChecks = [ "SC2016" ];
# Todo: Gracefully handle Ctrl+C canceling, offer method to directly print or copy a password, implement fzf-tmux.
# Roadmap: sops integration to decrypt passwords as late as possible, window-manager hotkey for quicker use in graphical applications.
text = ''export json="$1"; itemJson="$(fzf-bw-getItem "$(fzf-bw-selector "$json")" "$json")"; echo -n "Username: (copied to clipboard)"; fzf-bw-getUser "$itemJson" | wl-copy; read -r; echo "Password: (copied to clipboard)"; fzf-bw-getPass "$itemJson" | wl-copy; exit 0'';
} )
programs.zsh.loginExtra = ''
export $(bw unlock --passwordfile /home/joey/.bwtoken | grep export | sed 's/^\$\s//' | cut -d' ' -f2) 2>/dev/null
function bwf { search="$1"; fzf-bw "$(bw list items --search "$search")" }
function bwf-popup { search="$1"; kitty --title fzf-bw --override remember_window_size=no --override initial_window_width=960 --override initial_window_height=300 fzf-bw "$(bw list items --search $search)" }
# function { inputs }: { outputs }
# fzf-bw { bwJson }: { none } # copies user, pass to clipboard
# fzf-bw-getItem { itemUuid, bwJson }: { itemJson }
# fzf-bw-selector { bwJson }: { itemUuid }
# fzf-bw-getUser { itemJson }: { itemUsername }
# fzf-bw-getPass { itemJson }: { itemPassword }