A Nix Package for Tactrix EcuFlash

EcuFlash is a general-purpose ECU reflashing and editing tool that supports an ever-growing list of vehicles. EcuFlash uses the OpenPort vehicle interface to reflash vehicles via the OBDII port. EcuFlash also allows you to edit ECU data (known as 'maps' or 'tables') in a human-readable format using a XML-based definition system to translate the data. With properly setup definitions, the ROM from any vehicle can be edited. Future plans for EcuFlash include logging support / overlay, and live tuning.

This project attempts to create a reproducible package for running Tactrix' Windows-only software on Linux.


nix-ecuflash is a wine-wrapped Windows application. You can run it with:

nix shell "github:Jafner/Jafner.net?dir=projects/nix-ecuflash#ecuflash"


In 2024, I assume you're using flakes.

Start by adding this flake as an input: Flake.nix

inputs = { 
    nix-ecuflash.url = "github:Jafner/Jafner.net?dir=projects/nix-ecuflash";

And then reference the package in a package list:


home.packages = [



environment.systemPackages = [