{ sops, pkgs ? import , ... }: { sops = { age.sshKeyPaths = [ "/home/${sops.username}/${sops.sshPrivateKey}" ]; age.generateKey = false; }; home-manager.users.${sops.username}.home.packages = [ pkgs.sops pkgs.age pkgs.ssh-to-age ( pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "sops-nix"; runtimeInputs = [ pkgs.git pkgs.ssh-to-age pkgs.openssh pkgs.yq ]; text = '' #! bash # shellcheck disable=SC2002 # shellcheck disable=SC2016 REPO_ROOT="${sops.repoRoot}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE="/home/${sops.username}/.config/sops/age/keys.txt" listSecrets () { # shellcheck disable=SC2002 SOPS_REGEX="$(cat "$REPO_ROOT/.sops.yaml" | yq -y '.creation_rules.[].path_regex' | head -n1)" find "$REPO_ROOT" -regextype posix-extended -regex "$SOPS_REGEX" } getPubkey () { ADDRESS="$1" AGE_PUBKEY="$(ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 "$ADDRESS" | ssh-to-age)" echo "$AGE_PUBKEY" } addPubkey () { # Note: Does not edit any files. Prints .sops.yaml with the given key added. AGE_PUBKEY="$1" # shellcheck disable=SC2002,SC2016 cat "$REPO_ROOT"/.sops.yaml |\ yq -y --arg key "$AGE_PUBKEY" '.keys += [$key]' |\ yq -y --arg key "$AGE_PUBKEY" '.creation_rules.[].key_groups.[].age += [$key]' } updateKey () { # Note: Interactive sops updatekeys --input-type json "$1" } encryptFile () { # Note: All encrypted files are in json format FILE="$1" FILE_EXT="''$''\{FILE##*.}" case "$FILE_EXT" in "env") FILE_TYPE=dotenv ;; "json") FILE_TYPE=json ;; "yaml|yml") FILE_TYPE=yaml ;; "ini") FILE_TYPE=ini ;; *) FILE_TYPE=binary ;; esac sops --encrypt --config "$REPO_ROOT/.sops.yaml" --input-type "$FILE_TYPE" --output-type json "$FILE" } decryptFile () { # Note: All encrypted files are in json format. # File extension is used as the hint for decrypted file type. FILE="$1" FILE_EXT="''$''\{FILE##*.}" case "$FILE_EXT" in "env") FILE_TYPE=dotenv ;; "json") FILE_TYPE=json ;; "yaml|yml") FILE_TYPE=yaml ;; "ini") FILE_TYPE=ini ;; *) FILE_TYPE=binary ;; esac sops --decrypt --config "$REPO_ROOT/.sops.yaml" --input-type json --output-type "$FILE_TYPE" "$FILE" } isJson () { FILE="$1" jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<<"$(cat "$FILE")" && return 0 || return 1; } isEncrypted () { FILE="$1" FILE_EXT="''$''\{FILE##*.}" case "$FILE_EXT" in "env") FILE_TYPE=dotenv ;; "json") FILE_TYPE=json ;; "yaml|yml") FILE_TYPE=yaml ;; "ini") FILE_TYPE=ini ;; *) FILE_TYPE=binary ;; esac if isJson "$FILE" && [[ "$(sops filestatus "$FILE")" == '{"encrypted":true}' ]]; then echo True; else echo False; fi } listSecretStatus () { for file in $(listSecrets); do FILE="$(realpath -s --relative-to="$REPO_ROOT" "$file")" echo -n "$FILE: " |\ xargs echo -n if sops --decrypt --input-type json "$file" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo Decryptable else echo "Not decryptable" fi done } "$@" ''; } ) ]; }