# Running local dev server 1. Ensure theme submodule is loaded: `git submodule init && git submodule update` 2. Run the server with `hugo server --buildDrafts --disableFastRender` ## Including Images in Content 1. Place the image file beside the content in the folder. 2. For a Featured Image, use the line `featured_image = "../pamidi.jpg"` in the frontmatter. 3. For an inline image, use `{{< image src="../pamidi.jpg" >}}` > Note: The working directory for relative resource locations uses the name of the content file as the current location. E.g. referencing the image `./myimage.jpg` or `./myimage.jpg` from inside the `/content/projects/pamidi.md` content file, would look for those images at `/content/projects/pamidi/myimage.jpg`.