{ "_meta": { "sources": [ { "json": "NftFR 3pp", "abbreviation": "NftFR", "full": "Notes from the Far Realm (3pp)", "authors": [ "Sandwichbear" ], "convertedBy": "Jafner", "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/8pkane/eldritch_invocations_notes_from_the_far_realm_an/", "targetSchema": "1.0.0" } ] }, "invocation": [ { "name": "Acid Wave", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Acid Splash" }, "entries": [ "When you cast acid splash, you can target a number of additional creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). Each target of the spell must be within 5 feet of another target." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Avatar of Viryn", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Dancing Lights" }, "entries": [ "You can cast spells as though you were in the space of the glowing humanoid form created by dancing lights, but you must use your own senses." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Baalzebul's Folly", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Vicious Mockery" }, "entries": [ "If a creature fails its saving throw against vicious mockery, it falls prone if it moves more than half of its speed before the end of your next turn." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Blackland Wanderer", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Shillelagh" }, "entries": [ "Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon under the effect of shillelagh, you can cause the creature to take force damage equal to 1d4 + your warlock level." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Celestial Blessing", "prerequisites": { "spell": ["Guidance", "Resistance"] }, "entries": [ "When you cast guidance or resistance, you can target additional creatures in range with the same spell, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one)." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Defy the Living", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Spare the Dying" }, "entries": [ "When you cast spare the dying, the target is under the effect of a feign death spell until it regains any hit points." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Dreams of the Summer Court", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Minor Illusion" }, "entries": [ "When you cast minor illusion, its range is 300 feet, and you can choose the illusion to be imperceptible to any number of creatures you have seen in the past minute." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Eldritch Ward", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Blade Ward" }, "entries": [ "When you cast blade ward, you also have resistance to the damage of spells for the duration." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Empyrean Light", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Light" }, "entries": [ "Non-hostile creatures within the bright light created by the light spell can reroll any 1 on a die rolled to restore hit points, but they must use the new roll, even if it is another 1." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Ethereal Strike", "prerequisites": { "spell": "True Strike" }, "entries": [ "When you cast true strike, its range is 120 feet, and you can use your action on subsequent turns to extend the duration of the spell by 1 round, provided you did not make an attack on that turn. For the duration of the spell, attacks you make against the target don't require you to see it, and they pass harmlessly though objects, ignoring cover." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Face of Darkness", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Friends" }, "entries": [ "When the friends spell ends, the target of the spell must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC, or it is unaware that is has been affected by magic." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Frost Lance", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Ray of Frost" }, "entries": [ "When you cast ray of frost, each creature in a 1 foot wide line between you and the target must make a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, a creature takes cold damage equal to half your warlock level." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Gift of Three Crowns", "prerequisites": { "spell": ["Druidcraft", "Prestidigitation", "Thaumaturgy"] }, "entries": [ "If you know the druidcraft, prestidigitation, or thaumaturgy cantrip, you also know the other two cantrips from that list. They don't count against your number of cantrips known." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Grasp of the Storm Lord", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Shocking Grasp" }, "entries": [ "When you cast shocking grasp, you can expend a warlock spell slot to amplify the attack. You gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to the level of the spell slot. If the attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 lightning damage per level of the spell slot and it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or it is paralyzed until the start of your next turn." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Grave Touch", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Chill Touch" }, "entries": [ "A humanoid killed by chill touch rises up as a zombie at the start of your next turn. The zombie pursues whatever creature it can see that is closest to it. It remains animated for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), after which time the zombie becomes inanimate once more." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Hallowed Flame", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Sacred Flame" }, "entries": [ "When you deal damage to a fiend or undead with sacred flame, you can deal maximum damage, instead of rolling" ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Hand of Chains", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Mage Hand" }, "entries": [ "As an action, you can command your mage hand to grapple a Medium or smaller creature within 5 feet of it. The hand's Strength score equals your Charisma score, which you use to resolve the grapple." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Infernal Pursuer", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Fire Bolt" }, "entries": [ "When you make an attack roll against a creature with fire bolt and miss, you can reroll the attack roll against a different creature in range." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Mephistopheles' Regards", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Produce Flame" }, "entries": [ "When you attack a creature with the flame created by produce flame, you can expend a warlock spell slot to unleash a fiery explosion at the target's location. The target and each creature within 10 feet of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d4 fire damage per level of the spell slot. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Murmur of Zhudun", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Message" }, "entries": [ "When you cast message, you can choose to convey a series of eldritch phrases to the target. If you do so, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or it is under the effect of a confusion spell until the end of its turn, or until it takes any damage." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Relkath's Ruin", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Thorn Whip" }, "entries": [ "When you cast thorn whip, you can target any number of creatures in range. For each additional creature you target, the damage each creature takes is reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 0)." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Touch of Renewal", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Mending" }, "entries": [ "You can use mending to reattach a creature's severed body members (fingers, legs, tails, and so on)." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" }, { "name": "Waters of Minauros", "prerequisites": { "spell": "Poison Spray" }, "entries": [ "When a creature fails its saving throw against poison spray, it is poisoned until the end of your next turn." ], "source": "NftFR 3pp" } ] }