{ "_meta": { "sources": [ { "json": "CC 3pp", "abbreviation": "CC (3pp)", "full": "Critter Compendium (3pp)", "authors": [ "Kobold Press" ], "version": "1.0", "url": "https://www.dmsguild.com/product/210151/Critter-Compendium", "targetSchema": "1.3.4" } ] }, "legendaryGroup": [ { "name": "Moon Dragon", "lairActions": [ "On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "Rocks crash from the cavern's ceiling, possibly crushing several creatures. The dragon makes one ranged attack roll each against up to three creatures it can see within 120 feet. On a hit the target takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.", "Underground water reserves surge upwards through cracks and holes in the floor, flooding craters the dragon can see and spillling out before receding and pulling creatures around in and burying them in the dragon's hoard. Creatures within 20 feet of these craters must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pulled into the crater and be buried in treasure. While buried, the creature is prone and restrained. A creature can use an action to make a DC 10 Strength check, ending the buried state on itself on a success.", "A light glints across the dragon's body and its form disappears where the light passes. The dragon becomes invisible. The invisibility ends on initiative count 20 on the next round." ] } ], "regionalEffects": [ "A region containing a moon dragon's lair is warped by the dragon's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects.:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "Within 6 miles of the lair, the sky is always clear of clouds, when the moon is visible, day or night, making navigation by the constellations more reliable.", "Plantlife within 3 miles of the lair is sparse, if not completely nonexistent, and natural fauna is rare.", "Creatures within 1 mile of the dragon's lair easily lose focus and become disoriented. Once per day, creatures other than the dragon and its followers must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks for an hour.", "The geography within 3 miles of the lair is interspersed with circular crater-like pits." ] }, "If the dragon dies, plants regrow naturally over time, and craters remain. The other effects fade over the course of 1d10 days." ] }, { "name": "Sun Dragon", "lairActions": [ "On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "The temperature in the lair rises dramatically. All creatures within 60 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures that are immune to fire damage are immune to this effect. Creatures with resistance to fire damage have advantage on the saving throw and creatures with vulnerability to fire damage have disadvantage on the saving throw. A creature that fails a saving throw against this lair action, automatically passes any further saving throws against this lair action for the next 24 hours.", "A flare erupts across the floor of the lair in a 20-foot-radius sphere at a point the dragon chooses within 120 feet of it. Creatures within the sphere must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.", "A strong wind blows toward the dragon from all directions. Creatures within 30 feet of the must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed 20 feet directly toward the dragon and be knocked prone. The dragon may spread its wings and immediately fly up to 20 feet directly upward on the updraft created underneath it." ] } ], "regionalEffects": [ "A region containing a sun dragon's lair is warped by the dragon's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "A barrier of wind surrounds the dragon's roost at the peak of its mountain in a 300-foot-radius sphere, making flying directly to and from the peak nearly impossible. A creature that tries to fly into or out of the sphere takes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage plus 35 (10d6) radiant damage and must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for two rounds. The dragon can supress and cotinue the effect at will with no action required as long as it can see its roost.", "Within 3 miles of the lair, the weather is always hot, regardless of the surrounding climate or season. This can make travel more difficult due to exhaustion.", "Within 6 miles of the lair, wind always blows in the direction of the lair, allowing any creature aware of this phenomenon which knows it is within this radius to determine the direction of the lair." ] }, "If the dragon dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 days." ] }, { "name": "Time Dragon", "lairActions": [ "On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "The dragon selectively slows or stops time in tiny, pinpoint-sized pockets of space in a 20-foot-radius sphere at a point the dragon chooses within 120 feet of it. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, or take 14 (4d6) piercing damage, as parts of their flesh are frozen in place while the creatures move.", "The dragon increases its speed dramatically for a moment. The dragon is affected as if the haste spell was cast on it until initiative count 20 on the next round.", "The dragon slows the perception and reflexes of creatures within 60 feet of itself. Creatures within the area must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or their initiative score is reduced by 10 for the rest of the encounter. This changes the initiative order. A creature that already took its turn this round, does not get an additional turn because of this effect. A creature's initiative cannot be reduced to less than 1 + the creature's Initiative bonus." ] } ], "regionalEffects": [ "A region containing a time dragon's lair is warped by the dragon's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "Weather and the state of vegetation within 6 miles of the lair are inconsistent with the current geographical season and each other, as though each cycle takes place at a different rate. Strangely, this disparity does not cause any damage to the local flora. Wisdom (Survival) checks made to find food in the wild within this area have disadvantage.", "Little to no natural fauna lives permanently within 6 miles of the lair, but is abundant near the border of this area, as creatures take advantage of the irregular flora and meteorological phenomena, such as finding food during seasons during which it is not normally available." ] }, "If the dragon dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 months. Vegetation dies off over the course of this process and regrows naturally thereafter, while the abundant animal life outside the area scatters." ] }, { "name": "Void Dragon", "lairActions": [ "On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "The dragon fills the minds of creatures it can see within 30 feet of it with a profound and unsettling feeling of wrongness. Creatures of the dragon's choice within the area must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the dragon until initiative count 20 on the next round.", "The dragon creates a bubble of vacuum in a 20-foot-radius sphere at a point it can see within 120 feet of itself. Creatures within the area take 3 (1d6) slashing damage from the negative pressure and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) thundering damage and be stunned for one round, as the surrounding air (or whichever medium the space is surrounded by) implodes violently back into the area." ] } ], "regionalEffects": [ "A region containing a void dragon's lair is warped by the dragon's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "The air within 1 mile of the lair is notably harder to breathe. Creatures that breathe air have disadvantage on Constitution checks and saving throws to resist exhaustion from physical activity (such as forced marches and chases).", "Creatures within 3 miles of the lair have an uncanny feeling, that there is something fundamentally wrong with the area, although they cannot pinpoint the reason.", "Wildlife actively avoids the area 6 miles around the dragon's lair. Stagnant bodies of water are dried out completely. Any signs of plantlife (if there was any vegetation to begin with) are withered remains." ] }, "If the dragon dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 days. Water and plantlife return naturally, according to the climate." ] }, { "name": "Warp Dragon", "lairActions": [ "On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the dragon can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "The dragon sends a creature it can see within 60 feet of itself through a fold in space. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be teleported to an unoccupied space the dragon can see within 120 feet of it.", "Gravity reverses momentarily around the dragon. Creatures other than the dragon within 60 feet of the dragon fall 20 feet straight up into the air and must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, falling prone and taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall back to the ground on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures that can fly have advantage on this saving throw.", "The dragon chooses a point it can see within 120 feet of itself. Creatures within a 20-foot-radius sphere around that point suddenly feel significantly heavier. Creatures within the area must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, or their speed is halved and they gain disadvantage on all Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Strength (Athletics) checks for one minute. Flying creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check at the start of each of their turns to stay afloat. If a creature fails this check, it immediately falls. At the start of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "regionalEffects": [ "A region containing a warp dragon's lair is warped by the dragon's presence, which creates one or more of the following effects:", { "type": "list", "items": [ "Travellers within 3 miles of the lair randomly feel subtly lighter or heavier at different intervals ranging from 10 minutes to 2 hours. Altogether these changes have no short term effect and balance each other out for longer activities.", "Creatures travelling through the area within 6 miles of the lair sometimes get turned around for no discernible reason. For every mile a group travels in the area, the DM rolls a d20. On a result of 1 or 2, the group gets turned around in a direction of the DM's choice and after an hour of travelling must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check in order to realize they are travelling in the wrong direction. Each full hour the group travels, each member is allowed an additional Wisdom (Survival) check to realize they have been turned around. At the DM's discretion, another check may be necessary to determine which way will take them back toward their intended destination.", "Weather, plants and even animals living in the area within 3 miles of the lair display subtle spiral patterns, in the shapes of clouds, and swirling winds, the growth of their branches, leaves, and tendrils, the structure of their bark, or the markings on their skin or fur. Some creatures even follow such patterns in certain behaviors, such as birds and insects swarming in helix patterns, forming swirling cylinder or vortex shapes in the air, and ground-dwelling animals inadvertently wandering in continually shrinking circles as they search for food." ] }, "If the dragon dies, these effects fade over the course of 1d10 days." ] } ], "monster": [ { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Achaierai", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 53, "formula": "7d10+14" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 16, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 16, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Infernal", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The achaierai has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The achaierai makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Black Cloud", "entries": [ "The achaierai releases a choking black cloud. Creatures within 10 feet must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) poison damage on a failure or half as much damage on a success. Additionally on a failure, the creature can't take reactions for one minute. At the start of each of its turns it rolls a d4 to determine what it does: On a 1 or 2, the creature does nothing. On a 3, the creature takes no action or bonus action and uses all its movement to move in a randomly determined direction. On a 4, the creature makes a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach or does nothing if it can't make such an attack. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 6, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Achaierai.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Allip", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 40, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 6, "dex": 14, "con": 14, "int": 11, "wis": 11, "cha": 16, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Babble", "entries": [ "An allip constantly mutters and whines to itself, creating a hypnotic effect. A creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the allip and can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute. While charmed, the creature is incapacitated and can't move or speak. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeded on the saving throw cannot be affected by the same allip's Babble ability for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Ethereal Sight", "entries": [ "The allip can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane and vice versa." ] }, { "name": "Incorporeal Movement", "entries": [ "The allip can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object." ] }, { "name": "Mind of Madness", "entries": [ "A creature that targets an allip with a spell or ability, trying to read its thoughts, takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) psychic damage and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws for 24 hours. A creature that is reduced to 0 hit points while under this effect automatically stabilizes but permanently falls into a coma and is unconscious until healed by a restoration spell or similar magic." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Touch of Madness", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 3d6}) psychic damage and the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws for 24 hours. A creature that is reduced to 0 hit points while under this effect automatically stabilizes but permanently falls into a coma and is unconscious until healed by a restoration spell or similar magic." ] } ], "page": 7, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Allip.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Arcadian Avenger", "size": "M", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "L", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 56, "formula": "8d8+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 15, "con": 16, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 12, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "insight": "+5" }, "resist": [ "radiant", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Celestial, Common", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Elude Chance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "When the arcadian avenger fails a saving throw or misses on an attack roll, it can choose to reroll the save or attack." ] }, { "name": "Vengeance", "entries": [ "Any time the Arcadian avenger sees an ally fall she rolls her weapons' damage dice twice and chooses the higher result for one minute." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The avenger's melee attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Perfect Symmetry", "entries": [ "When the avenger cooperates with other Arcadian avengers, she is immune to the frightened and charmed conditions. All allied Arcadian avengers roll a single Initiative check with advantage, acting on the same initiative. The Arcadian avengers can move or take their actions in any order, even before another avenger has completed her turn. For example, two avengers can move, before either of them makes an attack." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The Arcadian avenger makes two attacks with her longswords." ] }, { "name": "Longswords", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 8, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Arcadian%20Avenger.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blue Arcanian", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 78, "formula": "12d8+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 19, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "skill": { "arcana": "+6" }, "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Arcane Surge (Recharge after Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "If the arcanian hits a creature with a spell attack, it may choose to double the dice rolled for cold damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Frost Staff", "entries": [ "Melee Spell Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d8}) bludgeoning damage plus 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Freezing Blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Spell Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) cold damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or its speed is halved until the end of the arcanian's next turn." ] }, { "name": "Blizzard (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "The arcanian magically evokes a maelstrom of cold around itself that lasts until the start of the arcanian's next turn. Creatures that start or end their turn within 30 feet of the arcanian must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 31 ({@dice 6d8+4}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful" ] }, { "name": "one", "entries": [ "Creatures other than the arcanian treat the area within 30 feet of the arcanian as difficult terrain and have disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made in the area." ] } ], "page": 9, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blue%20Arcanian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Green Arcanian", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 19, "wis": 17, "cha": 10, "skill": { "arcana": "+7" }, "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Arcane Surge (Recharge after Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "If the arcanian hits a creature with a spell attack, it may choose to double the dice rolled for acid damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Corrosive Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Spell Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 5d6+4}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Voracious Acid", "entries": [ "Ranged Spell Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 5d6+4}) acid damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage at the start of each of its" ] }, { "name": "turns", "entries": [ "At the end of each of its turns, the target may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Caustic Cloud (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "The arcanian magically douses a creature it can see within 120 feet in acid. The target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 46 ({@dice 12d6+4}) acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. The creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, taking 46 ({@dice 12d6 +4}) acid damage damage on a failed saving throw, or ending the effect on itself on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 10, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Green%20Arcanian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Red Arcanian", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 19, "wis": 17, "cha": 10, "skill": { "arcana": "+7" }, "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Arcane Surge (Recharge after Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "If the arcanian hits a creature with a spell attack, it may choose to double the dice rolled for fire damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Burning Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Spell Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Firethrow", "entries": [ "Ranged Spell Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) fire damage and creatures within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Scorching Burst (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "The arcanian magically causes a surge of fire to explode around it. Creatures within 30 feet of the arcanian must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 ({@dice 13d6+4}) fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 10, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Red%20Arcanian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Juvenile Arrowhawk", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 18, "formula": "4d6+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "str": 12, "dex": 18, "con": 12, "int": 10, "wis": 13, "cha": 13, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "lightning" ], "passive": 11, "cr": "1", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Lightning Blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) lightning damage." ] } ], "page": 11, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Juvenile%20Arrowhawk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Arrowhawk", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 38, "formula": "7d8+7" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "str": 14, "dex": 18, "con": 12, "int": 10, "wis": 13, "cha": 13, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+6" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "lightning" ], "passive": 13, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Flyby Attack", "entries": [ "When the arrowhawk attacks, it does not provoke an opportunity attack from the target when moving out of its reach." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Lightning Blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) lightning damage." ] } ], "page": 11, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Arrowhawk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Arrowhawk", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 97, "formula": "13d10+26" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "str": 18, "dex": 18, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 13, "cha": 13, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+6" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "lightning" ], "passive": 14, "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Flyby Attack", "entries": [ "When the arrowhawk attacks, it does not provoke an opportunity attack from the target when moving out of its reach." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Lightning Blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) lightning damage." ] } ], "page": 11, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Arrowhawk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Astral Stalker", "size": "M", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 119, "formula": "14d8+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 20 }, "str": 20, "dex": 18, "con": 19, "int": 12, "wis": 16, "cha": 19, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "stealth": "+7", "survival": "+9" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Infernal", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Deadly Attack", "entries": [ "When the astral stalker has advantage on attack rolls, or attacks a surprised target, its attacks deal an additional 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage each." ] }, { "name": "Camouflage", "entries": [ "The astral stalker has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in natural terrain." ] }, { "name": "Elusive Prey", "entries": [ "Creatures have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track the astral stalker." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The astral stalker makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Throat Dart", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d4+5}) piercing damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, the creature is paralyzed. At the end of each of its turns an affected creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the paralyzed condition on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 12, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Astral%20Stalker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Athach", "size": "H", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 147, "formula": "14d12+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 11, "con": 19, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Giant", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Multilimbed", "entries": [ "The athach can draw three weapons in the time a creature normally readies one." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The athach makes three ranged attacks with rocks or four melee attacks: one with its bite and three with its clubs." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or be poisoned for 1 hour." ] }, { "name": "Club", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 13, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Athach.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Hammerer", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 20, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 9, "cha": 6, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "passive": 9, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Unreliable", "entries": [ "At the start of each of its turns in combat, the automaton must succeed on a DC 8 Intelligence saving throw, or it does not move or take any actions during its turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The automaton makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 14, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Hammerer.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Pulverizer", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 9, "cha": 6, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Unreliable", "entries": [ "At the start of each of its turns in combat, the automaton must succeed on a DC 8 Intelligence saving throw, or it does not move or take any actions during its turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The automaton makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Shriek", "entries": [ "The automaton lets loose an ear piercing shriek. Creatures within a 30 foot cone must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned for one round and taking 4 ({@dice 1d8}) thunder damage and on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 14, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Pulverizer.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Balhannoth", "size": "L", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 133, "formula": "14d8+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 50 }, "str": 23, "dex": 17, "con": 20, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 8, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 11, "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Dweomersight", "entries": [ "The balhannoth can see magic auras as if affected by a constant detect magic spell." ] }, { "name": "Camouflage", "entries": [ "The balhannoth has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in any sort of natural underground terrain." ] }, { "name": "Immunity to Illusion", "entries": [ "The balhannoth automatically succeeds on saving throws against illusions and illusion spells." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The balhannoth makes four melee attacks: three with its tentacles and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and cannot cast any spells, even ones that do not require a somatic component. The Balhannoth has 5 tentacles, each of which can grapple one target. Until the grapple ends, the tentacle can't attack another target." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d8+6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 15, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Balhannoth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Banderhobb Filch", "size": "S", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d6+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 20 }, "str": 16, "dex": 14, "con": 17, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "athletics": "+5", "stealth": "+8" }, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "understands Common but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Drag away", "entries": [ "The banderhobb may move its full speed and even take Dash actions while grappling a creature." ] }, { "name": "Distracting Frenzy (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "When the banderhobb uses its multiattack to only attack one creature, allies within 5 feet ot the target may immediately use their reaction to make a single melee attack against the target." ] }, { "name": "Resonant Connection", "entries": [ "If the banderhobb has even a tiny piece of a creature or an object in its possession, such as a lock of hair or a splinter of wood, it knows the most direct route to that creature or object within 1 mile of the banderhobb." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Stealth", "entries": [ "While in dim light or darkness, the banderhobb can take the Hide action as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The banderhobb makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d4+3}) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 13) if it is a Medium or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the banderhobb can't use its claw attack on another target." ] }, { "name": "Sack", "entries": [ "The banderhobb pulls the sack it is carrying over a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling. The banderhobb makes a Strength (Athletics) check, opposed by the target's Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check. If the banderhobb succeeds, the target is restrained in addition to being grappled. The target cannot end the grapple while restrained. It may attempt to end the restrained condition by destroying the sack. The sack has an armor class of 5, 10 hit points, resistance to piercing damage and immunity to bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Step", "entries": [ "The banderhobb magically teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space of dim light or darkness that it can see. Before or after teleporting, it can make a Multiattack action or stinking gob attack." ] }, { "name": "Stinking Gob", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 3d8}) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute." ] } ], "page": 16, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Banderhobb%20Filch.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Banderhobb Mother", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 191, "formula": "18d12+74" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 22, "dex": 10, "con": 21, "int": 14, "wis": 16, "cha": 10, "skill": { "athletics": "+10", "stealth": "+8" }, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands Common and the languages of its creator, but can't speak", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Resonant Connection", "entries": [ "If the banderhobb has even a tiny piece of a creature or an object in its possession, such as a lock of hair or a splinter of wood, it knows the most direct route to that creature or object within 1 mile of the banderhobb." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Stealth", "entries": [ "While in dim light or darkness, the banderhobb can take the Hide action as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 30 ({@dice 7d6+6}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 17) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the banderhobb can't use its bite against another creature." ] }, { "name": "Tongue", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and the target must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pulled to a space within 5 feet of the banderhobb, which can use a bonus action to make a bite attack against the target." ] }, { "name": "Swallow", "entries": [ "The banderhobb mother makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is swallowed and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the banderhobb, and it takes 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage at the start of each of the banderhobb mother's turns. A creature that dies this way starts transforming into a banderhobb. If the creature was a Medium or Large humanoid, the banderhobb mother regurgitates a fully formed regular banderhobb (see Volo's Guide to Monsters p. 122) {@dice 1d6} rounds after the creature died. If the creature was a Small or Tiny humanoid, the banderhobb mother regurgitates a banderhobb filch {@dice 1d4} rounds after it died. A newly spawned banderhobb filch cannot use its sack action until it acquired a sack or other bag large enough to hold the creature it intends to sack. If the creature was not a humanoid, it transforms into a lifeless, deformed mass of flesh vaguely resembling banderhobb features and is regurgitated dead. The banderhobb mother must use its action to do so and cannot choose not to regurgitate a banderhobb, once it is fully gestated. The banderhobb mother will regurgitate a banderhobb even when it is incapacitated or otherwise prevented from taking an action, unless it is frozen, petrified, or otherwise suspended in a similar state of stasis. When the banderhobb mother regurgitates a creature, that creature exits prone in a space within 5 feet of the banderhobb mother. If the banderhobb mother dies, any swallowed creatures are likewise regurgitated. The banderhobb mother can only have one Medium or Large creature, or up to two Small or smaller creatures swallowed at a time. If multiple swallowed creatures die at the same time, roll for each individually to see how long it takes for them to transform into banderhobbs." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Step", "entries": [ "The banderhobb magically teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space of dim light or darkness that it can see. Before or after teleporting, it may make a bite or tongue attack." ] } ], "page": 17, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Banderhobb%20Mother.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Banedead", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 10, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 15, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The banedead makes two melee attacks, one with its claw and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or it gains disadvantage on attack rolls, Dexterity checks and saving throws, and its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken until it finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d8+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 18, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Banedead.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Banshrae", "size": "M", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "Sylvan Warrior" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 84, "formula": "13d8+26" }, "speed": { "walk": 60 }, "str": 14, "dex": 19, "con": 15, "int": 14, "wis": 15, "cha": 19, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+7", "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+7" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Sylvan Warrior", "entries": [ "A banshrae's armor class is 10 + its Charisma modifier + its Dexterity modifier." ] }, { "name": "Blowgun Flute", "entries": [ "At will, the banshrae can call into being a flute that also acts as a blowgun, as if drawing a weapon that is on its person. This flute disappears if the banshrae loses possession of it. Each round the banshrae can play the flute as a bonus action to create one of the effects detailed below. Creatures witin a 60 ft. radius that can hear the Banshrae must succeed on a DC 14 wisdom saving throw, or are affected." ] }, { "name": "Dread Dirge", "entries": [ "Affected creatures are frightened of the banshrae until the end of its next turn. Gibbering Sing—Along. Affected creatures are compelled to sing along in incoherent sounds, automatically failing all Dexterity (Stealth) checks trying to be inaudible and unable to cast spells using verbal components or abilities relying on voice or speech until the end of the banshrae's next turn. Creatures singing along to the tune can be heard clearly over the music." ] }, { "name": "Traveller's Tune", "entries": [ "Affected creatures must move on their next turn, and end their move at least 20 feet from the starting point or as far as they can if they are slowed by difficult terrain or their speed is less than that." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The banshrae makes three attacks with any combination of unarmed strikes and blowgun shots. Unarmed strike. Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) bludgeoning damage. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or it gains disadvantage on Dexterity checks on saving throws for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Blowgun", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1 + 4) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Dart Salvo (recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The banshrae fires a hail of blow darts in a 20 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 ({@dice 4d6}) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 19, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The banshrae's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell bestow curse}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Banshrae.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Berbalang", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 120, "formula": "16d8+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 19, "con": 16, "int": 17, "wis": 16, "cha": 16, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Deep Speech", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Duplication (Psionics)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the berbalang manifests an exact duplicate of itself in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of itself. This duplicate is identical to the berbalang in all aspects except the following: Whenever a berbalang manifests a duplicate it loses 40 hit points, and the duplicate manifests with 40 maximum hit points. All damage the duplicate deals with any of its actions is psychic damage, and the duplicate cannot manifest or absorb other duplicates. The duplicate acts on the berbalang's initiative on the following turns. The berbalang can't manifest a duplicate if this would reduce the berbalang to 0 hit points or less." ] }, { "name": "Duplicate Pack Tactics", "entries": [ "Once per round when the berbalang hits a creature threatened by another berbalang or berbalang duplicate with a claw attack, it may deal an additional 10 ({@dice 3d6}) slashing damage to the target." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The berbalang makes two melee attacks with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Absorb Duplicate", "entries": [ "The berbalang reaborbs a duplicate it touches and immediately regains 40 hit points." ] } ], "page": 20, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Berbalang.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bladeling", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "bladeling" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item scale mail|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d8+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 13, "con": 12, "int": 10, "wis": 10, "cha": 10, "immune": [ "acid" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Infernal", "cr": "1/2", "action": [ { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d10+1}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Razor Storm (1/Day)", "entries": [ "The bladeling launches the shrapnel—like metal bits from its skin, creatures in a 20-foot cone must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 21, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bladeling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blood Fiend", "size": "M", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 168, "formula": "16d8+96" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 24, "dex": 20, "con": 22, "int": 17, "wis": 16, "cha": 20, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" }, "cold", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Bloodthirst", "entries": [ "The bloodfiend has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that are currently below their maximum hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The blood fiend can use its frightful presence. It then makes five melee attacks, one with its bite and four with its claws" ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d8+7}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 1d8+7}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature that is not undead or a construct, the blood fiend heals 9 ({@dice 2d8}) hit points immediately. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until the grapple ends, the blood fiend can't bite another creature." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the blood fiend's choice that is in a 15 foot radius around the blood fiend and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the blood fiend's frightful presence for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 22, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blood%20Fiend.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bloodfire Ooze", "size": "H", "type": "ooze", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 195, "formula": "17d12+85" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 5, "wis": 11, "cha": 4, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "blinded", "charmed", "deafened", "exhaustion", "frightened", "prone" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "entries": [ "The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Burning Blood", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the ooze, or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it, takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) fire damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of wood that hits the ooze burns. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition of wood that hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing damage. The ooze can burn through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood in 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The ooze has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bloodfire ooze makes two melee attacks with its pseudopods." ] }, { "name": "Pseudopods", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 1d8+6}) bludgeoning damage and 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Flame Burst", "entries": [ "Any creature within 10 feet of the bloodfire ooze must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 ({@dice 7d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 23, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bloodfire%20Ooze.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blighted Bloodfire", "size": "H", "type": "ooze", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 195, "formula": "17d12+85" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 15, "con": 22, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 4, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "fire", "necrotic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "blinded", "charmed", "deafened", "exhaustion", "frightened", "prone" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "entries": [ "The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Burning Blood", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the ooze or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it, takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) fire damage and 4 ({@dice 1d8}) necrotic damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of wood that hits the ooze burns. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition of wood that hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing damage. The ooze can burn through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical wood in 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Necrotic Aura", "entries": [ "A creature other than a construct or undead that starts its turn within 10 feet of a blighted bloodfire takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) points of necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The ooze has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bloodfire ooze makes two melee attacks with its pseudopods and fires its necrotic blast. The necrotic blast does not suffer disadvantage from an enemy that is threatening the ooze." ] }, { "name": "Pseudopods", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 1d8+6}) bludgeoning damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Necrotic blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 4d4}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Flame Burst", "entries": [ "Any creature within 10 feet of the bloodfire ooze must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 ({@dice 7d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 24, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blighted%20Bloodfire.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bloodhulk Crusher", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 362, "formula": "25d12+200" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 26, "dex": 6, "con": 26, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "vulnerable": [ "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "13", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the bloodhulk to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the bloodhulk drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bloodhulk makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 35 ({@dice 6d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 24, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bloodhulk%20Crusher.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bloodhulk Fighter", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 153, "formula": "18d8+72" }, "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "vulnerable": [ "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the bloodhulk to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the bloodhulk drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bloodhulk makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 3d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 25, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bloodhulk%20Fighter.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bloodhulk Giant", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 253, "formula": "22d10+132" }, "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "str": 22, "dex": 8, "con": 22, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "vulnerable": [ "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the bloodhulk to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the bloodhulk drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bloodhulk makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 24 ({@dice 4d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 25, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bloodhulk%20Giant.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Unmarked Bodak", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 12, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "damage from nonmagical weapons" }, "cold", "fire", "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "lightning", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands any languages it knew in life but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Death Gaze", "entries": [ "If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the bodak and the two of them can see each other, the bodak can force the creature to make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, if the bodak isn't incapacitated, taking 10 ({@dice 3d6}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the bodak until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. A Medium humanoid creature that dies after being reduced to 0 hit points by this ability, transforms into an unmarked bodak within the next 24 hours. True bodaks are immune to this ability." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Hypersensitivity", "entries": [ "A bodak that begins its turn in natural daylight, takes 5 radiant damage. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Fist", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 26, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Unmarked%20Bodak.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Boggoul", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 21, "formula": "6d6" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 18, "con": 10, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "resist": [ "fire", "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "languages": "Sylvan", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Boggoul Bile", "entries": [ "The boggoul excretes a bilious fluid from its pores. The boggoul chooses whether the bile is noxious or paralyzing. It can change the property of its bile from one to another as a bonus action. Noxious Bile: A creature other than an undead, that touches the boggoul takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage. Paralyzing Bile: A creature other than an elf or undead, that touches the boggoul must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Dimensional Rift", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the boggoul can create an invisible and immobile rift within an opening or frame it can see within 5 feet of it, provided that the space is no bigger than 10 feet on any side. The dimensional rift bridges the distance between that space and any point within 30 feet of it that the boggoul can see or specify by distance and direction (such as \"30 feet straight up\"). While next to the rift, the boggoul can see through it and is considered to be next to the destination as well, and anything the boggoul puts through the rift (including a portion of its body) emerges at the destination. Only the boggoul can use the rift, and it lasts until the end of the boggoul's next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d4+4}) slashing damage. If the boggoul is covered in noxious bile, and the target is a creature other than an undead, it takes an additional 4 ({@dice 1d8}) necrotic damage. If the boggoul is covered in paralyzing bile, and the target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Bile Puddle", "entries": [ "The boggoul creates a puddle of bile that is either noxious or paralyzing (boggoul's choice). The puddle is 1 inch deep and covers the ground in the boggoul's space. The puddle lasts 1 hour. If the bile is noxious, any creature other than an undead, that enters the puddle's area or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage. If the bile is paralyzing, any creature other than an elf or undead, that enters the puddle's area or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures wearing footwear that is completely waterproof automatically succeed on saving throws against the bile puddle unless its depth reaches past the footwear." ] } ], "page": 27, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Boggoul.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Boneclaw", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 133, "formula": "14d10+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 18, "con": 19, "int": 13, "wis": 14, "cha": 19, "resist": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison", "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Abyssal", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Quick Reaction", "entries": [ "A boneclaw has advantage on initiative rolls." ] }, { "name": "No Passing", "entries": [ "The boneclaw gets an additional reaction every turn that can only be used to make opportunity attacks. A boneclaw may make opportunity attacks when creatures enter the reach of its claws. When a creature takes damage from a boneclaw's opportunity attack, the creature's speed is reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The boneclaw makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 28, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Boneclaw.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bonedrinker", "size": "Small/Medium", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 97, "formula": "15d8+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 8, "wis": 14, "cha": 15, "resist": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "any languages it knew in life (usually Common and Goblin)", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Pounce", "entries": [ "If the bonedrinker moves at least 15 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the bonedrinker can make two tentacle attacks against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bonedrinker makes two melee attacks with any combination of claws and tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (Escape DC 12). The bonedrinker has two tentacles, each of which can grapple one creature" ] }, { "name": "Bonedrink", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d4+4}) piercing damage and 14 ({@dice 4d6}) necrotic damage. This attack can only be used against a creature the bonedrinker is grappling. Until the grapple ends or the bonedrinker uses its bonedrink ability on another creature, the target automatically takes 14 ({@dice 4d6}) necrotic damage at the beginning of each of the bonedrinker's turns. Each time the bonedrinker deals necrotic damage with its bonedrink ability it gains half as many temporary hit points." ] } ], "page": 29, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bonedrinker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bonesinger", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 32, "formula": "5d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 9, "dex": 18, "con": 14, "int": 13, "wis": 11, "cha": 18, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+4", "arcana": "+3", "deception": "+5" }, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison", "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Bardic Inspiration (3/Day)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the bonesinger can inspire one creature other than itself. The creature gains a bardic inspiration die, a d8. Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll or saving throw it makes. The creature adds this die after the roll is made but before success or failure is determined. A creature can only have one bardic inspiration die at a time." ] }, { "name": "Cooperative Magic", "entries": [ "The bonesinger aids an allied bonesinger in casting a spell or using its Wind of Death action. Saving throws against the ally's spell or Wind of Death have disadvantage, and spell attack rolls the ally makes have advantage. The bonesinger can only use this ability by using the Ready action to trigger when an allied bonesinger within 5 feet of the bonesinger casts a spell or uses its Wind of Death ability." ] }, { "name": "Singing Bones", "entries": [ "As long as it is not affected by magical silence or submerged in water, the bonesinger has advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks and disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth checks)." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Rapier", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Wind of Death", "entries": [ "The bonesinger summons a deathly magical wind, smelling of rotting corpses. The effect of this ability is identical to a gust of wind spell but creatures caught in the area must also succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 30, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The bonesinger is a 6th level spellcaster. It's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). It knows the following bard spells:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell true strike}", "{@spell vicious mockery}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell disguise self}", "{@spell healing word}", "{@spell sleep}", "{@spell silent image}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell crown of madness}", "{@spell hold person}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell clairvoyance}", "{@spell fear}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bonesinger.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Briarvex", "size": "L", "type": "plant", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 95, "formula": "10d10+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 11, "wis": 12, "cha": 11, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Briarstride", "entries": [ "The briarvex is not slowed by forest terrain, can't be restrained or slowed by entangle spells, and never takes damage from thorns, briars, or other hazardous plants in the terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The briarvex makes two melee attacks with its spikes." ] }, { "name": "Spikes", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or spikes embed themselves in its flesh. A creature can use an action to remove the spikes. As a bonus action, the briarvex can cause the spikes it embedded in a single creature that is within 100 feet and within line of sight of the briarvex to twist and burrow deeper, dealing 14 ({@dice 4d6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 31, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The briarvex's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell entangle}" ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Briarvex.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Cadaver Collector", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 133, "formula": "14d10+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 23, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 6, "wis": 16, "cha": 14, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic", { "immune": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't adamantine" } ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Immutable Form", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector makes two fist attacks." ] }, { "name": "Fist", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). The cadaver collecter has two fists, each of which can grapple one Medium or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the fist can't be used to make attacks." ] }, { "name": "Impale", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector attempts to impale a Medium or Small creature it is grappling on its backspikes. It makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the cadaver collector is successful, the grapple ends and the creature takes 27 ({@dice 6d6+6}) piercing damage and is restrained on the cadaver collector's back, sharing space with the cadaver collector. On the cadaver collector's following turns, the creature takes an additional 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage once per round if the collector moves or takes an action. A creature can use an action to attempt to pull itself or another creature in arm's reach free from the spikes by making a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. If the check is successful, the impaled creature is no longer restrained and drops off the cadaver collector's back, immediately being moved to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the collector. The cadaver collector can have up to six Medium or Small creatures impaled on its backspikes." ] }, { "name": "Paralyzing Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The cadaver collector releases a paralyzing gas in a 20-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 32, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Cadaver%20Collector.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Catfolk", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "catfolk" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "{@item leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 9, "formula": "2d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 9, "dex": 12, "con": 11, "int": 10, "wis": 10, "cha": 12, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+5", "perception": "+2" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Feline", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Savannah Stalker", "entries": [ "The catfolk has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to move in plains terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 33, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Catfolk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Catfolk Hunter", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "catfolk" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 8, "dex": 16, "con": 13, "int": 12, "wis": 13, "cha": 12, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+5", "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+5", "survival": "+3" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Feline", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Savannah Stalker", "entries": [ "The catfolk has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to move in plains terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The catfolk hunter makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks." ] }, { "name": "Rapier", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 33, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Catfolk%20Hunter.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Toxic Cave Fisher", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 67, "formula": "9d8+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 13, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "skill": { "perception": "+2", "stealth": "+5" }, "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Fear of Fire", "entries": [ "If the cave fisher takes fire damage, it is frightened of the source of that damage for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Toxic Filament", "entries": [ "The cave fisher can use its action to extend a sticky filament up to 60 feet, and the filament adheres to anything that touches it. A creature adhered to the filament is grappled by the cave fisher (escape DC 13), and ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage. A creature that begins its turn adhered to the cave fisher's filament, must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. While poisoned, the creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns or be stunned for 1 round and take 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw on two consecutive turns, ends the poisoned condition on itself. The filament can be attacked (AC 15; 5 hit points; immunity to poison and psychic damage; vulnerability to fire damage), but a weapon that fails to sever it becomes stuck to it, requiring an action and a successful DC 13 Strength check to pull free. Destroying the filament deals no damage to the cave fisher, which can extrude a replacement filament on its next turn." ] }, { "name": "Volatile Blood", "entries": [ "If the cave fisher has half its maximum hit points or fewer, it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw each time it takes fire damage. If it fails the save, its blood combusts violently and the cave fisher takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The cave fisher can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The cave fisher makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Filament", "entries": [ "One creature grappled by the cave fisher's toxic filament must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw, provided that the target weighs 200 pounds or less. On a failure, the target is pulled into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the cave fisher, and the cave fisher makes a claw attack against it as a bonus action. Reeling up the target releases anyone else who was attached to the filament. Until the grapple ends on the target, the cave fisher can't extrude another filament." ] } ], "page": 34, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Toxic%20Cave%20Fisher.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Choker", "size": "S", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 25, "climb": 15 }, "str": 16, "dex": 14, "con": 13, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 7, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Deep Speech", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Quickness", "entries": [ "The choker may make a dash action or a single tentacle attack as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Ruin Camouflage", "entries": [ "The choker has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in stone buildings, ruins and in caves." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The choker makes two tentacle attacks." ] }, { "name": "Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the choker can automatically hit the target with its tentacle attacks, and the choker can't make tentacle attacks against another target. Because the choker seizes the victims neck, the creature can't breathe, speak or cast spells with verbal components." ] } ], "page": 35, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Choker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Chraal", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 9, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison", "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Primordial (doesn't speak)", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Death Throes", "entries": [ "When the chraal dies, it explodes in a blast of freezing cold and ice shrapnel. Creatures within 30 feet of the chraal must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damge and 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage on a failed saving throw or half as much on a successful one." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The chraal makes three melee attacks: two with its claws and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage and 3 ({@dice 1d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage and 3 ({@dice 1d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Ice Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The chraal exhales freezing cold air in a 60 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 ({@dice 6d8}) cold damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 36, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Chraal.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Clockroach", "size": "S", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 14, "formula": "4d6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 15, "climb": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 11, "con": 11, "int": 1, "wis": 11, "cha": 10, "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "action": [ { "name": "Pincers", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 ({@dice 1d4}) bludgeoning damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Acid Spew (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "The clockroach projects a 30 feet long and 5 feet wide line of corrrosive acid. Creatures in the area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 37, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Clockroach.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Crucian", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "crucian" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "3d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 15, "dex": 9, "con": 16, "int": 11, "wis": 10, "cha": 10, "skill": { "persuasion": "+4", "insight": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "While the crucian is prone, its armored shell is especially effective at protecting it. While prone, a crucian has an AC of 21." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Maul", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d6+2}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 37, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Crucian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Crypt Thing", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 44, "formula": "8d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 16, "con": 13, "int": 11, "wis": 15, "cha": 12, "skill": { "athletics": "+2", "acrobatics": "+5", "intimidation": "+3" }, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "resist": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison", "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "3", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The crypt thing makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Scatter Intruders (1/Day)", "entries": [ "The crypt thing attempts to scatter would—be defilers by transporting them magically. All enemies within 30 feet of the crypt thing must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be teleported {@dice 10d10} x 10 feet in a random direction. Teleported targets arrive safely in an open space at their new location, being shifted up or down by the shortest possible distance if the space is occupied by a solid object." ] } ], "page": 38, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The crypt thing's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "6": [ "{@spell dimension door}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Crypt%20Thing.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Cursed Spirit", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 38, "formula": "7d8+7" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 30 }, "str": 8, "dex": 13, "con": 12, "int": 9, "wis": 11, "cha": 14, "skill": { "intimidation": "+4" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Curse Aura", "entries": [ "Enemies within 5 feet of the cursed spirit have disadvantage on all saving throws." ] }, { "name": "Ethereal Sight", "entries": [ "The cursed spirit can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa." ] }, { "name": "Incorporeal Movement", "entries": [ "The cursed spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult" ] }, { "name": "terrain", "entries": [ "It takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Accursed touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 4d6+2}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "page": 39, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Cursed%20Spirit.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Deepspawn", "size": "H", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 230, "formula": "20d12+100" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 20 }, "str": 22, "dex": 11, "con": 21, "int": 16, "wis": 14, "cha": 6, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Deep Speech, telepathy (2 miles, own offspring only)", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The deepspawn can breathe air and water." ] }, { "name": "Prehensile Tentacles", "entries": [ "The deepspawn can wield weapons in its prehensile tentacles. Each tentacle can wield a Huge one—handed or Large or smaller one—or two—handed melee weapon. The tentacle attack is then resolved with the weapon's damage die and type as well as its special qualities." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The deepspawn makes three melee attacks with any combination of bites and tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d4+6}) bludgeoning damage. If the tentacle is not wielding a weapon, the target is grappled (escape DC 15). The deepspawn has three tentacles, each can grapple a single Large or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the creature is restrained and the deepspawn can't use the tentacle on another target." ] } ], "page": 40, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The deepspawn's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "3": [ "{@spell hold person}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Deepspawn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Abyssal Eviscerator", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d8+15" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 12, "con": 17, "int": 8, "wis": 12, "cha": 11, "skill": { "athletics": "+6" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Eviscerate", "entries": [ "If at the start of its turn the eviscerator is grappling a creature, it can use its bonus action to deal 11 ({@dice 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage to that creature." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The eviscerator makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 14)." ] } ], "page": 44, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Abyssal%20Eviscerator.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Abyssal Scavenger", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 12, "dex": 16, "con": 13, "int": 5, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands Abyssal can't speak", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Death Throes", "entries": [ "When the scavenger is reduced to 0 hit points, it releases an ear—piercing scream that drives other abyssal scavengers into a frenzy. Other abyssal scavengers within 60 feet that can hear the scream gain advantage on attack rolls for the rest of the fight, but attacks also have advantage on attack rolls against these scavengers." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The abyssal scavenger makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d4+3}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 45, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Abyssal%20Scavenger.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Abyssal Rotfiend", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "undead", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 231, "formula": "22d10+110" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 14, "con": 21, "int": 15, "wis": 16, "cha": 17, "save": { "str": "+11", "con": "+10", "wis": "+8" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Cloud of Despair", "entries": [ "The rotfiend constantly releases a miasma that inflicts tremendous pain. Enemies that start their turn within 30 feet of the rotfiend must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw, gaining disadvantage on saving throws for one round and taking 9 ({@dice 2d8}) psychic damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. The rotfiend has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that failed this saving throw on their last turn." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The rotfiend has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The rotfiend's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The abyssal rotfiend makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) bludgeoning damage and 13 ({@dice 3d8}) psychic damage." ] }, { "name": "Abscesses", "entries": [ "The rotfiend summons throbbing abscesses onto its victims' flesh. A single target the rotfiend can see within 60 ft. must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and 18 ({@dice 4d8}) psychic damage. 45" ] } ], "page": 45, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Abyssal%20Rotfiend.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Abyssal Wurm", "size": "G", "type": { "type": "dragon", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 332, "formula": "19d20+133" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 40 }, "str": 26, "dex": 18, "con": 25, "int": 20, "wis": 16, "cha": 20, "skill": { "perception": "+10" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "Abyssal, Draconic, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the abyssal wurm fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Two—Headed. The abyssal wurm has advantage on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The abyssal wurm can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes two bite attacks." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) elemental damage. Roll a d10 to determine the damage type: 1,2—fire; 3,4—cold; 5,6—acid; 7,8—lightning; 9,10—poison." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the wurm's choice that is within 120 feet of the wurm and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the wurm's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Chaotic Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The abyssal wurm dissolvees a blast of elemental energy in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 saving throw, taking 56 ({@dice 15d6}) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Roll a d10 to determine the damage type and the type of saving throw used against it: 1,2—fire, Dexterity; 3,4—cold, Constitution; 5,6—acid, Dexterity; 7,8—lightning, Dexterity; 9,10—poison, Constitution. The wurm then teleports to an unoccupied space anywhere within the cone or within 5 feet of the cone." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The wurm makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The wurm makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Rematerialize (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The wurm explodes into elemental energy. Each creature within 15 feet of the wurm must make a DC 23 saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 5d6}) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Roll a d10 to determine the damage type and the type of saving throw used against it: 1,2—fire, Dexterity; 3,4—cold, Constitution; 5,6—acid, Dexterity; 7,8—lightning, Dexterity; 9,10—poison, Constitution. The worm can then teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see." ] } ], "page": 46, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Abyssal%20Wurm.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Armanite", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "{@item plate armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 57, "formula": "6d10+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 60 }, "str": 16, "dex": 12, "con": 19, "int": 12, "wis": 10, "cha": 15, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Consummate Charger", "entries": [ "If the armanite moves at least 30 feet in a straight line and hits with a pike, it deals an additional 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage and pushes the target up to 10 feet away from itself. Additionally when the armanite uses a dash action, it can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack." ] }, { "name": "Awesome Charge", "entries": [ "When the armanite uses a dash action, creatures that try to use reactions or readied actions against it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or cannot use the action or reaction." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The armanite makes two melee attacks: one with its spear and one with its hooves." ] }, { "name": "Pike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d10+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Hooves", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 2d4+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 47, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Armanite.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Artaaglith", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 52, "formula": "8d8+16" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 12, "wis": 17, "cha": 13, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "4", "action": [ { "name": "Flail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 47, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The artaaglith's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell animate dead}", "{@spell fear}", "{@spell hallow}", "{@spell stinking cloud}" ] } }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The artaaglith is a 5th level spell caster. It's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell chill touch}", "{@spell guidance}", "{@spell thaumaturgy}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell command}", "{@spell inflict wounds}", "{@spell detect magic}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell blindness/deafness}", "{@spell hold person}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell bestow curse}", "{@spell animate dead}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Artaaglith.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blood Demon", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 18, "con": 15, "int": 12, "wis": 15, "cha": 13, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "lightning", "poison", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "entries": [ "The demon can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Blood Feeder", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the demon takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage and the demon regains that many hit point." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The blood demon has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The blood demon makes two melee attacks with its pseudopods." ] }, { "name": "Pseudopod Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature that is not a construct or ooze, the blood demon immediately regains a number of hit points equal to the damage inflicted." ] }, { "name": "Blood Tendrils", "entries": [ "The blood demon projects a mass of tendrils in a 20-foot cone, drawing victims in. Creatures within the area must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage and be pulled 10 feet directly toward the demon. 48" ] } ], "page": 48, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blood%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Evistro", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 11, "con": 14, "int": 5, "wis": 6, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Carnage", "entries": [ "An evistro's weapon attacks deal +1 additional damage for each other evistro within 30 ft." ] }, { "name": "Destructive Appetite", "entries": [ "The first time the evistro hits with a weapon attack on its turn, it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw, or for the rest of the combat it must always attack the closest creature that is not an evistro to the best of its ability, even if it is an ally of the evistro." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The evistro's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The evistro makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 48, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Evistro.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bulezau", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 123, "formula": "13d10+52" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 14, "con": 19, "int": 15, "wis": 12, "cha": 16, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "entries": [ "The more a bulezau is injured the more more crazed and bloodthirsty it becomes. While the bulezau has less than half its maximum hit points, it can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bulezbau makes three melee attacks, one with its pike, one with its gore and one with its tail." ] }, { "name": "Huge Pike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d10+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 49, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bulezau.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Fire Demon", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 50 }, "str": 14, "dex": 22, "con": 18, "int": 8, "wis": 18, "cha": 14, "resist": [ "lightning", { "resist": [ "piercing" ], "note": "and slashing from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Flaming Body", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the fire demon or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The fire demon sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet." ] }, { "name": "Water Susceptibility", "entries": [ "For every 5 feet the demon moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The fire demon's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The fire demon makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) fire damage. Emerge from Flame. The demon magically teleports to an unoccupied space it can see that is within 5 feet of a fire that fills at least a 5 foot square." ] }, { "name": "Fire Blast (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The demon causes the flames surrounding it to explode outward. Creatures within 10 feet of the demon must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 ({@dice 6d8}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 50, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Fire%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Gnaw Demon", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "2d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 10, "con": 17, "int": 9, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "1/4", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Teleport", "entries": [ "The gnaw demon magically teleports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see." ] } ], "page": 50, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Gnaw%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Haures", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "undead", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 218, "formula": "19d12+95" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 14, "con": 21, "int": 12, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The haures can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] }, { "name": "Web Walker", "entries": [ "The haures ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." ] }, { "name": "Adhesive Skin", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the haures or hits it with a melee attack must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or get stuck in the Haures's flesh. While it is stuck, a creature can't attack with the same weapon, and attacks against the creature have advantage. A creature can let go of the weapon it hit the haures with as a free action to end the effect on itself, or at the end of its turn repeat the saving throw ending, the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The haures's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The haures has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The haures makes four melee attacks, two with its war picks and two with its claws. War pick. Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Web Grab", "entries": [ "All creatures in a 30 ft. cone must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained and be pulled 30 feet directly toward the haures. A creature can use its action to attempt a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check, ending the condition on itself or another creature within 5 feet on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 20; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage), freeing one creature from it." ] } ], "page": 51, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Haures.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Jarrlak", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 171, "formula": "18d10+72" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 15, "wis": 18, "cha": 14, "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "resist": [ "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Frigid Tomb", "entries": [ "A creature that fails its Constitution saving throw against a jarrlak's bite or freezing blast ability is slowed by the cold for one minute. The creature takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws. It can only make a single attack when using the attack action, and when it attempts to cast a spell it must roll a d20. On an 11 or highter, the spell doesn't take effect until the creature's next turn and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it can't, the spell is wasted. If a creature that is already slowed by frigid tomb fails its Constitution saving throw against a jarrlak's bite or freezing blast ability, it becomes paralyzed for one minute. If a creature that is already paralyzed by frigid tomb fails its saving throw against a jarrlak's bite or freezing blast ability, it becomes permanently encased in ice. It is paralyzed and the next time it takes damage, the ice casing shatters and the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. A creature that has been encased for an hour or longer dies if the ice is shattered. A creature that is affected by frigid tomb, but not encased in ice by it, can attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The frigid tomb abilities of different jarrlaks stack with each other. A creature that has been encased in ice can be freed by thawing it for 10 minutes with a torch or produce flame cantrip or similar flame." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) cold damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be affected by the jarrlak's frigid tomb ability." ] }, { "name": "Freezing Burst (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "The jarrlak releases a wave of unnatural cold. Creatures within 15 feet of the jarrlak must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, being affected by the jarrlak's frigid tomb ability and taking 24 ({@dice 7d6}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 52, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The jarrlak's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell wall of ice}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Jarrlak.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Mavawhan", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 68, "formula": "8d8+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 50 }, "str": 14, "dex": 19, "con": 18, "int": 8, "wis": 16, "cha": 10, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The mavawhan's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The mavawhan has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The mavawhan makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage puls 10 ({@dice 3d6}) cold damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving or become poisoned. While poisoned, the creature slowly turns into ice and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified (although it turns into ice rather than stone) until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic. Creatures that are normally immune to petrification are not immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 53, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Mavawhan.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Jovoc", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 15, "con": 15, "int": 7, "wis": 10, "cha": 7, "skill": { "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "1/2", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The jovoc makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 53, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Jovoc.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Klurichir", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 337, "formula": "25d12+175" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "str": 27, "dex": 13, "con": 25, "int": 20, "wis": 16, "cha": 14, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "21", "trait": [ { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the klurichir fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The klurichir's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The klurichir has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The klurichir can use its frightful presence. It then either makes three melee attacks: two with its claws and one with its bite, or two ranged attacks with its spines." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 3d8+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d6+8}) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). The Klurichir has four claws, each of which can grapple a Medium or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the claw can't attack another target." ] }, { "name": "Spines", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d4+8}) piercing damage and 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Vorpal Pincer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 41 ({@dice 6d10+8}) piercing damage. On a critical hit the pincer decapitates the target and it dies." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the klurichir's choice that is in a 30-foot radius around the klurichir and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the klurichir's frightful presence for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Spines", "entries": [ "The klurichir makes an attack with its spines." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "The klurichir makes an attack with a claw that it hasn't used to attack with since the start of its last turn." ] }, { "name": "Feed (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The klurichir makes an attack with its vorpal pincers against a creature it is grappling. This attack has advantage on the attack roll." ] } ], "page": 54, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Klurichir.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Molydeus", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 230, "formula": "20d10+120" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 16, "con": 22, "int": 15, "wis": 18, "cha": 20, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "13", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The molydeus's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The molydeus has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The molydeus makes three melee attacks: two with its greataxe and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Vorpal Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 2d12+5}) slashing damage. On a critical hit the axe decapitates its victim and the target dies." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage plus 14 ({@dice 4d6}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] }, { "name": "Poison Spit", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 24 ({@dice 7d6}) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 55, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Molydeus.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Juvenile Nabassu", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 52, "formula": "7d8+21" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 50 }, "str": 11, "dex": 16, "con": 17, "int": 14, "wis": 15, "cha": 17, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Feed", "entries": [ "When the nabassu uses its multiattack to attack a single humanoid creature that is incapacitated, it tears chunks of flesh from the creature's body and consumes them. If this kills the humanoid, the nabassu regains 4 ({@dice 1d8}) hit points, gains 3 temporary hit points and gains advantage on attack rolls for an hour. If a juvenile nabassu consumes 30 humanoids or more, it permanently transforms into a mature nabassu. The body of a humanoid slain by a nabassu's feed ability is too damaged to be revived with a revivify or raise dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nabassu has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nabassu makes three melee attacks: two with its claws and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 55, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Juvenile%20Nabassu.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Mature Nabassu", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d8+75" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 50 }, "str": 15, "dex": 20, "con": 21, "int": 18, "wis": 19, "cha": 23, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "13", "trait": [ { "name": "Feed", "entries": [ "When the nabassu uses its multiattack to attack a single humanoid creature that is incapacitated, it tears chunks of flesh from the creature's body and consumes them. If this kills the humanoid, the nabassu regains 13 ({@dice 3d8}) hit points and gains advantage on attack rolls while it has more than its natural hit point maximum. The body of a humanoid slain by a nabassu's feed ability is too damaged to be revived with a revivify or raise dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nabassu has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Death—Stealing Gaze", "entries": [ "If a humanoid creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the nabassu and the two of them can see each other, the nabassu can force the creature to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw if the nabassu isn't incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature takes 27 ({@dice 6d8}) necrotic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by the death—stealing gaze instantly dies and rises the next round as a ghoul that obeys the nabassu's commands. A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throws at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the nabassu until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again." ] }, { "name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)", "entries": [ "The nabassu deals an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the nabassu that isn't incapacitated and the nabassu doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nabassu makes three melee attacks: two with its claws and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Focus Gaze", "entries": [ "The nabassu concentrates its death—stealing gaze on a single humanoid creature. If the nabassu and the target can see each other, that creature must immediately make a saving throw against the nabassu's death—stealing gaze." ] } ], "page": 56, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Mature%20Nabassu.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Pod Demon", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 210, "formula": "20d10+100" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 12, "con": 20, "int": 8, "wis": 16, "cha": 20, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Corrosive Coating", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the pod demon or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood that hits the pod demon corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that hits the pod demon is destroyed after dealing damage." ] }, { "name": "Podspawn", "entries": [ "At the start of its turn, a pod demon that has fewer than four living podspawn creates one podspawn that is placed within 5 feet of the pod demon. A pod demon's podspawn obey its telepathic commands and act on the pod demon's initiative. A pod demon can only telepathically communicate with its own podspawn and podspawn generated by another pod demon do not count toward its number of podspawn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The pod demon makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) bludgeoning damage and 9 ({@dice 2d8}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Hurl Podspawn", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 27 ({@dice 6d8}) acid damage. The pod demon must have a podspawn within 10 feet of itself to make this attack. The podspawn dies on a hit. If the attack misses, the podspawn is placed in an unoccupied space of the target's choice within 5 feet of the target and takes {@dice 2d6} bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Spawning Burst (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The pod demon birthes several podspawn at once in a burst of corrosive pus. Creatures within 10 feet of the pod demon must make on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. A number of podspawn are generated that bring the pod demon's total number of podspawn up to four." ] }, { "name": "Detonate podspawn (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The pod demon orders one podspawn within its telepathy range to explode. That podspawn uses its detonate ability this turn." ] }, { "name": "Transfer Essence", "entries": [ "The pod demon transfers its essence into one of its podspawn, causing the podspawn to become thew pod demon, while the demon's body shrinks to become a podspawn. The pod demon and the chosen pod spawn immediately swap places." ] } ], "page": 57, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Pod%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Podspawn", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 6, "formula": "1d6+3" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 18, "con": 17, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 10, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft. (pod demon only)", "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Dependency", "entries": [ "A podspawn that starts its turn outside of the telepathy range of its pod demon takes 1 psychic damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Corrosive Slime", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d8}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Detonate", "entries": [ "Creatures within 10 feet of the podspawn must make on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 ({@dice 6d8}) acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. The podspawn dies." ] } ], "page": 57, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Podspawn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rageborn", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 79, "formula": "8d8+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 20 }, "str": 18, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 7, "wis": 16, "cha": 9, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Variations", "entries": [ "Four kinds of rageborn exist with diverse abilities, these are frosthurlers, barbclaws, ambushers and horrors. When an ability specifies one of these types, only that type of rageborn has this ability." ] }, { "name": "Ambush (Ambusher only, 1/Turn)", "entries": [ "The rageborn deals an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll." ] }, { "name": "Savage Marking (Barbclaw only)", "entries": [ "If the rageborn hits a creature with its claws, it can mark that creature. The rageborn has advantage on attack rolls against a creature it marked. If it marks another creature, the previous creature is no longer marked." ] }, { "name": "Ice Aura (Frosthurler only)", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the rageborn must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Reckless Charge (Horror only)", "entries": [ "If the rageborn moves at least 15 feet in a straight line and hits with a claw, it deals an additional 7 ({@dice 2d6}) slashing damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The rageborn makes claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Abyssal Fire (Ambusher only, Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Creatures within 15 ft. of the rageborn must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 ({@dice 5d8}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The affected area catches on fire, even if it is not flammable. As long as the area is burning, any creature entering the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 ({@dice 3d8}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Rageborn ambushers are immune to this damage." ] }, { "name": "Choking Vapors (Barbclaw only, Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "Creatures within 15 ft. of the rageborn must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned for one round and taking 22 ({@dice 5d8}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Ice Bolt (Frosthurler only)", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Horrid Bellow (Horror only, 1/Day)", "entries": [ "Creatures within 15 ft. of the rageborn must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, being knocked prone and taking 36 ({@dice 8d8}) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 58, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rageborn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ruin Demon", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "swarmSize": "T", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 16 ], "hp": { "average": 184, "formula": "16d10+96" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 40 }, "str": 10, "dex": 22, "con": 17, "int": 11, "wis": 18, "cha": 15, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The ruin demon can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the demon can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny ruin fly. The ruin demon can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] }, { "name": "Agressive Swarming", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the ruin demon must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The ruin demon has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 28 ({@dice 8d6}) piercing damage, or 14 ({@dice 4d6}) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] }, { "name": "Infest (1/Day)", "entries": [ "The ruin flies burrow into a creature the ruin demon is sharing space with. The creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be charmed by the ruin demon. While the creature is charmed, it takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage at the start of each of its turns and the ruin demon has a telepathic link to it which the ruin demon can use to issue commands to the creature as if the creature were under the effect of a dominate monster spell. The effect ends if the ruin demon or the creature is reduced to 0 hit points or dies, or the creature is targeted by a restoration spell or similar magic." ] } ], "page": 59, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ruin%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Runespiral Demon", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "5d6+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 13, "dex": 17, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 16, "cha": 12, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Reactive Shock", "entries": [ "When the runespiral demon takes 10 damage or more from a single hit, it immediately uses its lightning burst." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Lightning Arc", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 50/200 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 3d6}) lightning damage." ] }, { "name": "Lightning Burst", "entries": [ "Creatures within 15 ft. of the runespiral deomon must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 60, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Runespiral%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rutterkin", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 32, "formula": "5d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 17, "con": 15, "int": 9, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Goader", "entries": [ "The rutterkin has advantage on attack rolls against creatures grappled with its snap—tong." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Snap—Tong", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d10+2}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the rutterkin can't use its snap—tong on another target." ] }, { "name": "Barbs", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 60, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rutterkin.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Scion of Zuggtmoy", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "plant", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 67, "formula": "9d8+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 17, "con": 17, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", "piercing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Infection (1/Day)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the scion releases a spore cloud. Creatures within 10 feet of the infector must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage. A creature that failed its saving throw takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Tendrils", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) bludgeoning damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the overgrowth can't attack another target with its tendrils." ] }, { "name": "Overgrowth", "entries": [ "A creature grappled by the overgrowth becomes restrained and the grapple ends. While restrained, the creature takes 23 ({@dice 5d8}) poison damage at the beginning of each of its turns. An affected creature may use its action to attempt a DC 14 Strength saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 61, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Scion%20of%20Zuggtmoy.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Spore Lord of Zuggtmoy", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "plant", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 109, "formula": "14d8+42" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 16, "con": 17, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", "piercing", "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Spore Flight", "entries": [ "If the spore lord is not incapacitated, it can transform into a spore cloud at the start of its move. While in this form, the spore lord gains a 40-foot fly speed, immunity to the charmed, frightened , paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained and stunned conditions (if it was subject to any of these conditions, the condition immediately ends), can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the spore lord can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny spore. The spore lord can't regain hit points, gain temporary hit points or use any action other than dash or dodge while in this form. It may assume its normal form at the start or end of its move on the same or any following turn. If the spore lord shares its space with another creature while in this form, that creature must immediately make a Save against the spore lord's spore cloud ability." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Burrowing Spores", "entries": [ "The spore lord's spore bore into a creature within 5 feet or the spore lord. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned the creature takes 13 ({@dice 3d8}) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. At the end of each of its turns the creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Spore Cloud", "entries": [ "The spore lord releases a lasting cloud of poisonous spores. The cloud fills a 10-foot radius sphere centered centered on the spore lord. The cloud stays there until the end of the spore lord's next turn. Any creature moving into or ending its turn inside the spore cloud must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution save or take 18 ({@dice 4d8}) poison damage and become poisoned for one round." ] } ], "page": 61, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Spore%20Lord%20of%20Zuggtmoy.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Seszrath", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "undead", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 170, "formula": "16d12+80" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 8, "con": 21, "int": 9, "wis": 10, "cha": 8, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Consume", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the seszrath makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the seszrath, and it takes 21 ({@dice 6d6}) necrotic damage at the start of each of the seszrath's turns. If the seszrath takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the seszrath must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the seszrath. If the seszrath dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The seszrath makes two melee attacks with its tentacle arms." ] }, { "name": "Tentacle Arm", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). The seszrath has two tentacle arms, each of which can grapple a single Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the seszrath can't make a tentacle arm attack against another target." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Vicious Throw", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+6}) bludgeoning damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage per 10 feet of distance between the seszrath and the target. The seszrath can only use this attack while grappling a Medium or smaller creature. It throws the grappled creature at the target. The grapple ends and the thrown creature is placed in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target (target's choice) and automatically takes the damage of this attack even if the attack misses." ] } ], "page": 62, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Seszrath.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Solamith", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 180, "formula": "19d10+76" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 19, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 8, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Soulfire Retort", "entries": [ "A creature that hits the solamith with a melee attack must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 ({@dice 5d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The solamith makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Soulfire", "entries": [ "The Solamith tears a chunk of flesh from its body, taking 5 damage, and throws it at any point within 100 ft. of itself where it explodes. Creatures within a 20-foot-radius sphere around the impact point must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 ({@dice 5d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The solamith can choose to deal an extra 5 damage to itself to widen the radius of the sphere to 40 feet. It may also choose to deal an extra 10 points of damage to itself to have the soulfire deal 35 ({@dice 10d6}) damage instead." ] } ], "page": 63, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Solamith.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sorrowsworn Demon", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 220, "formula": "21d10+105" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "str": 21, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 19, "wis": 20, "cha": 20, "skill": { "deception": "+10", "persuasion": "+10", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Abyssal, Common, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Aura of Loss", "entries": [ "Any creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of the sorrowsworn demon must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or gain disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws for one minute. At the end of each of its turns a creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. The creature does not take disadvantage on this saving throw from the aura of loss unless it is still within 30 feet of the sorrowsworn demon." ] }, { "name": "Whispers of Loss", "entries": [ "As a bonus action sorrowsworn demon whispers to a creature within 60 feet of losses, past, present or future, real or imagined. If the target creature understands the sorrowsworn demon, it must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become stunned for one minute. At the end of each of its turns a creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The sorrowsworn demon makes three melee attacks: two with its glaive and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Glaive", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage plus 13 ({@dice 3d8}) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken until it finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0." ] } ], "page": 64, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The sorrowsworn demon's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell invisibility}", "{@spell nondetection}", "{@spell teleport}" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell feeblemind}", "{@spell plane shift}" ], "3": [ "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell touch of madness|bols 3pp|touch of idiocy}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sorrowsworn%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tomb Demon", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 75, "formula": "10d8+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 16, "dex": 15, "con": 16, "int": 10, "wis": 15, "cha": 12, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "5", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tomb demon makes three melee attacks: one with its battleaxe, one with its bite and one with its tail." ] }, { "name": "Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d12+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. While poisoned, the creature is paralyzed. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the tomb demon can automatically hit the target with its tail, and the tomb demon can't make tail attacks against other targets." ] } ], "page": 65, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tomb%20Demon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Voracalith", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 202, "formula": "15d12+105" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 23, "dex": 12, "con": 25, "int": 7, "wis": 20, "cha": 8, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Devour", "entries": [ "While the voracalith is grappling at least one creature, the voracalith can as a bonus action make a bite attack against a creature it is grappling." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The voracalith makes four attacks with its barbed tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Barbed Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). The voracalith has four tentacles each of which can grapple one Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the tentacle can't attack other targets." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) piercing damage plus 22 ({@dice 5d8}) acid damage." ] } ], "page": 65, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Voracalith.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wendigo", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "demon" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 120, "formula": "16d10+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 17, "con": 14, "int": 14, "wis": 18, "cha": 13, "skill": { "perception": "+8", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 18, "languages": "Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Beyond Sight", "entries": [ "The Wendigo is invisible to creatures more than 25 feet away from it." ] }, { "name": "Fearsome Gaze", "entries": [ "If a humanoid creature starts its turn within 40 feet of the wendigo and the two of them can see each other, the wendigo can force the creature to make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw if the wendigo isn't incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for one minute. A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throws at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the wendigo until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. At the end of each of its turns a creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Scent of Fear", "entries": [ "Enemies within 30 feet of the wendigo have disadvantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The wendigo makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage and the wendigo regains a number of hitpoints equal to the damage dealt. Hunger from Fear. The wendigo instills an unnatural hunger in a creature that is frightened of it. A single creature within 60 feet of the wendigo that is frightened of the wendigo must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by the wendigo for 1 hour. While charmed, a creature tries its best to attack other creatures and eat them alive. If the creature has a bite attack, it only uses that, if it doesn't, it bites using an unarmed strike instead. The creature prefers creatures of the same type as itself as" ] }, { "name": "targets", "entries": [ "Each turn the creature does not deal damage to another creature, it takes 18 ({@dice 4d8}) psychic damage. At the end of each of its turns a creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 66, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wendigo.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Destrachan", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 120, "formula": "9d10+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 12, "con": 16, "int": 12, "wis": 18, "cha": 12, "senses": "blindsight 80 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 14, "languages": "understands Common but can't speak", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Echolocation", "entries": [ "The destrachan can't use its blindsight and is completely blind while deafened." ] }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The destrachan has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. Protection from Sonics. The destrachan has advantage on saving throws against effects that deal thunder damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The destrachan makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d4+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Destructive Harmonics", "entries": [ "The destrachan can sound a destructive screech in a 60-foot cone, which it can modulate to be especially effective for rending flesh or breaking materials. Creatures other than constructs in the area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) thunder damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. The destrachan can choose to make its screech nonlethal. If it does, creatures reduced to 0 hit points or less by the sonic damage fall unconscious and stabilize automatically even if the damage would be enough to kill them outright. The destrachan can instead choose to damage objects made primarily made of one material of its choice. The choices are wood, metal, or stone. Instead of the creature taking damage, on a failed save, weapons and armor made of the chosen material the creature is carrying or wearing break. A nonmagical weapon takes a permanent cumulative -1 penalty to damage and a nonmagical armor or shield take a cumulative -1 penalty to the armor class it offers (this penalty cannot reduce the armor class below 10 or 10 + Dexterity bonus). A construct made primarily from the chosen material takes 27 ({@dice 6d8}) thunder damage or half as much damage on a successful save." ] } ], "page": 67, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Destrachan.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Displacer Serpent", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "3d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 25, "climb": 15, "swim": 15 }, "str": 17, "dex": 12, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 12, "cha": 5, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Draconic", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Displacement", "entries": [ "The displacer serpent projects a magical illusion that makes it appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted while the displacer serpent is incapacitated or has a speed of 0." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 68, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Displacer%20Serpent.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Moon Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 22, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 385, "formula": "22d20+154" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 27, "dex": 10, "con": 24, "int": 21, "wis": 20, "cha": 21, "save": { "dex": "+7", "con": "+14", "wis": "+12", "cha": "+12" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+12", "nature": "+12", "perception": "+19", "stealth": "+7" }, "immune": [ "psychic" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 29, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Hypnotic Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving throw or gain disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saving throws that are not made against the dragon's Hypnotic Presence for 1 minute. While under this effect the creature must succeed on a DC 22 Intelligence saving throw at the start of each of its turns or it skips its turn. A creature that succeeds on two consecutive saves ends the effect on itself. If a creature's initial saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Hypnotic Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Mind-Rending Breath.", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of pale light in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Intelligence saving throw, taking 63 ({@dice 14d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Bewildering Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of confusion in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or become confused for one minute, as per the confusion spell. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Moon Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 70, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Moon%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Moon Dragon", "size": "H", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 207, "formula": "18d12+90" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 23, "dex": 10, "con": 20, "int": 19, "wis": 18, "cha": 19, "save": { "dex": "+5", "con": "+10", "wis": "+9", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+9", "nature": "+9", "perception": "+14", "stealth": "+5" }, "immune": [ "psychic" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 24, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Hypnotic Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Intelligence saving throw or gain disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saving throws that are not made against the dragon's Hypnotic Presence for 1 minute. While under this effect the creature must succeed on a DC 19 Intelligence saving throw at the start of each of its turns or it skips its turn. A creature that succeeds on two consecutive saves ends the effect on itself. If a creature's initial saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Hypnotic Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Mind-Rending Breath.", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of pale light in a 60-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw, taking 54 ({@dice 12d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Bewildering Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of confusion in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become confused for one minute, as per the confusion spell. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Moon Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 71, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Moon%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Moon Dragon", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 127, "formula": "15d10+45" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 17, "wis": 16, "cha": 17, "save": { "dex": "+3", "con": "+6", "wis": "+6", "cha": "+6" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+6", "nature": "+6", "perception": "+9", "stealth": "+3" }, "immune": [ "psychic" ], "senses": "blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 19, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Mind-Rending Breath.", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of pale light in a 30-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw, taking 40 ({@dice 9d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Bewildering Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of confusion in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become confused for one minute, as per the confusion spell. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "page": 72, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Moon%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Moon Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "M", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 38, "formula": "7d8+7" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 30, "fly": 60 }, "str": 15, "dex": 10, "con": 12, "int": 15, "wis": 14, "cha": 15, "save": { "dex": "+2", "con": "+3", "wis": "+4", "cha": "+4" }, "skill": { "nature": "+4", "perception": "+6", "stealth": "+2" }, "immune": [ "psychic" ], "senses": "blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 19, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d10+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Mind-Rending Breath.", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of pale light in a 20-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Intelligence saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Bewildering Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of confusion in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or become confused for one minute, as per the confusion spell. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "page": 72, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Moon%20Dragon%20Wyrmling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Sun Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 21, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 455, "formula": "26d20+182" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 27, "dex": 14, "con": 25, "int": 18, "wis": 15, "cha": 21, "save": { "dex": "+9", "con": "+14", "wis": "+9", "cha": "+12" }, "skill": { "perception": "+16", "religion": "+18", "stealth": "+9" }, "immune": [ "fire", "radiant" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 26, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Luminous Projection", "entries": [ "The dragon can project itself through a beam of pure light and use its move to travel to any location it can see. This travel must be in a straight line, but otherwise the dragon can travel anywhere that light can enter." ] }, { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Blinding Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Blinding Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Radiant Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of glaring light in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 ({@dice 16d10}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Alternatively the dragon may use this breath to heal all creatures within the cone for that many points of damage. The dragon cannot use its radiant breath to heal again, until it finished a long rest." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Blazing Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of searing hot light in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, or take 42 ({@dice 12d6}) fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Sun Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 74, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Sun%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Sun Dragon", "size": "H", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 230, "formula": "20d12+100" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 23, "dex": 14, "con": 21, "int": 16, "wis": 13, "cha": 19, "save": { "dex": "+7", "con": "+10", "wis": "+6", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "perception": "+11", "religion": "+13", "stealth": "+7" }, "immune": [ "fire", "radiant" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 21, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Blinding Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Blinding Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Radiant Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of glaring light in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 ({@dice 12d10}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Alternatively the dragon may use this breath to heal all creatures within the cone for that many points of damage. The dragon cannot use its radiant breath to heal again, until it finished a long rest." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Blazing Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of searing hot light in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, or take 35 ({@dice 10d6}) fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Sun Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 75, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Sun%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Sun Dragon", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 144, "formula": "17d10+51" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 19, "dex": 14, "con": 17, "int": 14, "wis": 11, "cha": 17, "save": { "dex": "+5", "con": "+6", "wis": "+3", "cha": "+6" }, "skill": { "perception": "+6", "religion": "+8", "stealth": "+5" }, "immune": [ "fire", "radiant" ], "senses": "blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Radiant Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of glaring light in a 60-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 ({@dice 10d10}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Alternatively the dragon may use this breath to heal all creatures within the cone for that many points of damage. The dragon cannot use its radiant breath to heal again, until it finished a long rest." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Blazing Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of searing hot light in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, or take 28 ({@dice 8d6}) fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "page": 76, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Sun%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sun Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "M", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 38, "formula": "7d8+7" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 60 }, "str": 15, "dex": 14, "con": 13, "int": 12, "wis": 9, "cha": 15, "save": { "dex": "+4", "con": "+3", "wis": "+1", "cha": "+4" }, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "religion": "+4", "stealth": "+5" }, "immune": [ "fire", "radiant" ], "senses": "blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d10+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Radiant Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a beam of glaring light in a 40-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 ({@dice 4d10}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Alternatively the dragon may use this breath to heal all creatures within the cone for that many points of damage. The dragon cannot use its radiant breath to heal again, until it finished a long rest." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Blazing Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of searing hot light in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, or take 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "page": 76, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sun%20Dragon%20Wyrmling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Time Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 22, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 546, "formula": "28d20+252" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 30, "dex": 10, "con": 28, "int": 19, "wis": 20, "cha": 20, "save": { "dex": "+7", "con": "+16", "wis": "+12", "cha": "+12" }, "skill": { "history": "+18", "perception": "+19", "stealth": "+7" }, "immune": [ "force" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 29, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "24", "trait": [ { "name": "Premonition", "entries": [ "The time dragon has advantage on initiative checks and is never surprised." ] }, { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Temporal Anomaly", "entries": [ "Up to three times in its life, the dragon can travel to any point in time, taking with it a number of willing creatures equal to its Charisma modifier." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +17} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 2d10+10}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +17} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d6+10}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +17} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d8+10}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Slowing Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or have their speed halved and can only take either an action or a bonus action on their turn for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Slowing Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Arcane Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales an arcane blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 67 ({@dice 15d8}) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Stasis Breath", "entry": "The dragon's breath distorts time in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Charisma saving throw or be frozen in time stasis. Affected creatures can't move, are incapacitated and can't perceive their surroundings for one minute but are immune to all other effects, conditions and damage for the duration. Ongoing effects and conditions already affecting a creature are suspended until this effect ends (the duration is effectively paused). A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "reaction": [], "legendaryGroup": "Time Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 ({@dice 2d6+10}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 77, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Time%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Time Dragon", "size": "H", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 226, "formula": "17d12+116" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 27, "dex": 10, "con": 24, "int": 17, "wis": 18, "cha": 18, "save": { "dex": "+5", "con": "+12", "wis": "+9", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "history": "+15", "perception": "+16", "stealth": "+5" }, "immune": [ "force" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 26, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Premonition", "entries": [ "The time dragon has advantage on initiative checks and is never surprised." ] }, { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Slowing Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or have their speed halved and can only take either an action or a bonus action on their turn for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Slowing Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Arcane Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales an arcane blast in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 ({@dice 12d8}) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Temporal Breath", "entry": "The dragon's breath distorts time in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or be frozen in time stasis. Affected creatures can't move, are incapacitated and can't perceive their surroundings for one minute but are immune to all other effects, conditions and damage for the duration. Ongoing effects and conditions already affecting a creature are suspended until this effect ends (the duration is effectively paused). A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Time Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 78, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Time%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Time Dragon", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 144, "formula": "17d10+51" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80 }, "str": 23, "dex": 10, "con": 20, "int": 15, "wis": 16, "cha": 16, "save": { "dex": "+5", "con": "+6", "wis": "+7", "cha": "+7" }, "skill": { "history": "+10", "perception": "+11", "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "force" ], "senses": "blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 21, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Premonition", "entries": [ "The time dragon has advantage on initiative checks and is never surprised." ] }, { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Arcane Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales an arcane blast in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 ({@dice 10d8}) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Temporal Breath", "entry": "The dragon's breath distorts time in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be frozen in time stasis. Affected creatures can't move, are incapacitated and can't perceive their surroundings for one minute but are immune to all other effects, conditions and damage for the duration. Ongoing effects and conditions already affecting a creature are suspended until this effect ends (the duration is effectively paused). A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.." } ] } ] } ], "page": 79, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Time%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Time Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "M", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 75, "formula": "10d8+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 60 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 13, "wis": 14, "cha": 14, "save": { "dex": "+4", "con": "+3", "wis": "+5", "cha": "+5" }, "skill": { "history": "+3", "perception": "+6", "stealth": "+2" }, "immune": [ "force" ], "senses": "blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Premonition", "entries": [ "The time dragon has advantage on initiative checks and is never surprised." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Arcane Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales an arcane blast in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 ({@dice 5d8}) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Temporal Breath", "entry": "The dragon's breath distorts time in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be frozen in time stasis. Affected creatures can't move, are incapacitated and can't perceive their surroundings for one minute but are immune to all other effects, conditions and damage for the duration. Ongoing effects and conditions already affecting a creature are suspended until this effect ends (the duration is effectively paused). A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." } ] } ] } ], "page": 79, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Time%20Dragon%20Wyrmling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Void Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 21, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 420, "formula": "24d20+168" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 27, "dex": 12, "con": 25, "int": 20, "wis": 16, "cha": 20, "save": { "dex": "+8", "con": "+14", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+12" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+12", "intimidation": "+12", "perception": "+17", "stealth": "+8" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 27, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Dizzying Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Dizzying Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Void Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of withering darkness in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 ({@dice 15d6}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Stolen Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a breath—stealing energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or run out of breath and immediately begin suffocating (PHB, p. 183). A creature continues suffocating each turn. At the end of each of its turns a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success, and being able to breathe again." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Void Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 81, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Void%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Void Dragon", "size": "H", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 195, "formula": "17d12+85" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 23, "dex": 12, "con": 20, "int": 18, "wis": 14, "cha": 18, "save": { "dex": "+6", "con": "+10", "wis": "+7", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+9", "intimidation": "+9", "perception": "+12", "stealth": "+6" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 22, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Dizzying Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Dizzying Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Void Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of withering darkness in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 ({@dice 12d6}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Stolen Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a breath—stealing energy in a 40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or run out of breath and immediately begin suffocating (PHB, p. 183). A creature continues suffocating each turn. At the end of each of its turns a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success, and being able to breathe again." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Void Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 82, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Void%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Void Dragon", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 127, "formula": "15d10+45" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 19, "dex": 12, "con": 16, "int": 16, "wis": 12, "cha": 16, "save": { "dex": "+4", "con": "+6", "wis": "+4", "cha": "+6" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+6", "intimidation": "+6", "perception": "+7", "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 17, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Void Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using the void travel ability requires {@dice 6d10} days of travel time regardless of the actual distance. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Void Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of withering darkness in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 35 ({@dice 10d6}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Stolen Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a breath—stealing energy in a 20-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or run out of breath and immediately begin suffocating (PHB, p. 183). A creature continues suffocating each turn. At the end of each of its turns a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success, and being able to breathe again." } ] } ] } ], "page": 83, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Void%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Void Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "M", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": { "number": 60, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 15, "dex": 12, "con": 12, "int": 14, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "save": { "dex": "+3", "con": "+3", "wis": "+2", "cha": "+4" }, "skill": { "intimidation": "+4", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+3" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d10+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Void Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of withering darkness in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 17 ({@dice 5d6}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Stolen Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a breath—stealing energy in a 10-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or run out of breath and immediately begin suffocating (PHB, p. 183). A creature continues suffocating each turn. At the end of each of its turns a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success, and being able to breathe again." } ] } ] } ], "page": 83, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Void%20Dragon%20Wyrmling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Warp Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 22, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 481, "formula": "26d20+208" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" }, "swim": 40 }, "str": 29, "dex": 12, "con": 27, "int": 20, "wis": 18, "cha": 21, "save": { "dex": "+8", "con": "+15", "wis": "+11", "cha": "+12" }, "skill": { "perception": "+18", "stealth": "+8", "survival": "+18" }, "vulnerable": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 28, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "23", "trait": [ { "name": "Dimensional Bite", "entries": [ "The dragon can strike through a rift in space. When using an attack or multiattack action, it may attack any creature it can see within 120 ft. with its bite, independently of the bite's actual reach." ] }, { "name": "Dimensional Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using Dimensional Travel requires {@dice 2d10} days of travel time. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space. It can also shift to other planes at will. This functions as the plane shift spell, but doesn't require material components." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +16} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ({@dice 2d10+9}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +16} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d6+9}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +16} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 2d8+9}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Spiralling Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws for 1 minute. While under this effect, attacks against these creatures have advantage. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Alien Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Distorting Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of crushing distortion in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 77 ({@dice 22d6}) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Collapsing Breath", "entry": "The dragon pulls a single Huge or smaller creature within 120 ft. into its maw. The creature must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or be swallowed. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the dragon, and it takes 42 ({@dice 12d6}) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the dragon's turns. If the dragon takes 50 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the dragon must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the dragon. If the dragon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Warp Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 ({@dice 2d6+9}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 84, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Warp%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Warp Dragon", "size": "H", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 212, "formula": "17d12+102" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" }, "swim": 40 }, "str": 25, "dex": 12, "con": 23, "int": 18, "wis": 16, "cha": 19, "save": { "dex": "+6", "con": "+11", "wis": "+7", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "perception": "+13", "stealth": "+6", "survival": "+13" }, "vulnerable": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "blindsight 60ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 23, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "16", "trait": [ { "name": "Dimensional Bite", "entries": [ "The dragon can strike through a rift in space. When using an attack or multiattack action, it may attack any creature it can see within 120 ft. with its bite, independently of the bite's actual reach." ] }, { "name": "Dimensional Travel", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using Dimensional Travel requires {@dice 2d10} days of travel time. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space. It can also shift to other planes at will. This functions as the plane shift spell, but doesn't require material components." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 2d10+7}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d6+7}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+7}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Sprialling Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws for 1 minute. While under this effect, attacks against these creatures have advantage. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Alien Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Distorting Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of crushing distortion in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 56 ({@dice 16d6}) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Vortex Breath", "entry": "The dragon pulls a single Large or smaller creature within 90 ft. into its maw. The creature must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be swallowed. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the dragon, and it takes 31 ({@dice 9d6}) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the dragon's turns. If the dragon takes 35 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the dragon must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the dragon. If the dragon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 10 feet of movement, exiting prone." } ] } ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Warp Dragon", "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 85, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Warp%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Warp Dragon", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": { "number": 80, "condition": " (hover)" }, "swim": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 17, "wis": 16, "cha": 17, "save": { "dex": "+3", "con": "+6", "wis": "+6", "cha": "+6" }, "skill": { "perception": "+11", "stealth": "+3", "survival": "+11" }, "vulnerable": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "blindsight 30ft., darkvision 120ft.", "passive": 21, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Dimensional Bite", "entries": [ "The dragon does not need to breathe and is immune to the hazards of outer space. It can fly beyond a planet's atmosphere and travel between planets. Travelling between planets using Dimensional Travel requires {@dice 2d10} days of travel time. Riders it carries while travelling through space are also protected from the void of outer space. It can also shift to other planes at will. This functions as the plane shift spell, but doesn't require material components." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Alien Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Distorting Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of crushing distortion in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 ({@dice 12d6}) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Vortex Breath", "entry": "The dragon pulls a single Medium or smaller creature within 60 ft. into its maw. The creature must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be swallowed. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the dragon, and it takes 21 ({@dice 6d6}) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the dragon's turns. If the dragon takes 25 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the dragon must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 5 feet of the dragon. If the dragon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting prone." } ] } ] } ], "page": 86, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Warp%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Warp Dragon Wyrmling", "size": "M", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "G", "NY", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "7d8+14" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": { "number": 60, "condition": " (hover)" }, "swim": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 10, "con": 12, "int": 15, "wis": 14, "cha": 15, "save": { "dex": "+2", "con": "+3", "wis": "+4", "cha": "+4" }, "skill": { "perception": "+6", "stealth": "+2", "survival": "+4" }, "vulnerable": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "blindsight 10ft., darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "3", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d10+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath Weapons (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.", { "type": "list", "style": "list-hang-notitle", "items": [ { "type": "item", "name": "Distorting Breath", "entry": "The dragon exhales a blast of crushing distortion in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 ({@dice 6d6}) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." }, { "type": "item", "name": "Vortex Breath", "entry": "The dragon pulls a single Small or smaller creature within 30 ft. into its maw. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be swallowed. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the dragon, and it takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the dragon's turns. If the dragon takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the dragon must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 5 feet of the dragon. If the dragon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting prone." } ] } ] } ], "page": 86, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Warp%20Dragon%20Wyrmling.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Drakkoth", "size": "L", "type": "dragon", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "9d10+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 18, "dex": 12, "con": 16, "int": 13, "wis": 12, "cha": 13, "skill": { "athletics": "+6", "acrobatics": "+3" }, "conditionImmune": [ "paralyzed" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Draconic", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Immunity to Sleep", "entries": [ "The drakkoth automatically passes all saving throws against spells that would put it to sleep." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dracotaur makes three melee attacks: one with its bite, one with its tail, and one with its pike." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d4+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Pike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Firespit", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage." ] } ], "page": 88, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Drakkoth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dread Guard", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 11, "con": 14, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 3, "resist": [ "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Slow and Purposeful", "entries": [ "The dread guard can't use the Dash action." ] }, { "name": "Heavy Weapons", "entries": [ "The dread guard can wield Large weapons without incurring disadvantage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Large Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 89, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dread%20Guard.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dread Sentinel", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 86, "formula": "8d10+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 9, "con": 16, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 3, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Slow and Purposeful", "entries": [ "The dread sentinel can't use the Dash action." ] }, { "name": "Heavy Weapons", "entries": [ "The dread sentinel can wield Huge weapons without incurring disadvantage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Huge Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d8+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 89, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dread%20Sentinel.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dread Ram", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 51, "formula": "6d10+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Dreadful Charge", "entries": [ "If the dread ram moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the dread ram can make one attack with its hooves against it as a bonus action. Other creatures of the dread ram's choice within 30 feet of it must then succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the dread ram for one minue. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the frightened effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the frightened effect of the dread ram's Dreadful Charge for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Ram", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Hooves", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Cold Flame Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dread ram exhales a 15 foot cone of unnatural green flame. Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 ({@dice 4d6}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 90, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dread%20Ram.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Briar Witch Dryad", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fey", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] }, { "ac": 16, "condition": "with {@spell barkskin}", "braces": true } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "6d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 10, "con": 13, "int": 15, "wis": 14, "cha": 20, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Elvish, Sylvan", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechange", "entries": [ "The dryad can use her action to change its shape to appear as a beautiful female elf. Her statistics don't change, except that she can't use her Thorny Body ability and claw attacks in this form. She can change back to her natural briar form at will, using another action." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The dryad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Speak with Beasts and Plants", "entries": [ "The dryad can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language." ] }, { "name": "Tree Stride", "entries": [ "Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of her movement to step magically into one living briar within her reach and emerge from a second living briar within 60 feet of the first briar, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second briar. Both briars must be Large or bigger." ] }, { "name": "Thorny Body (Briar Form Only)", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the dryad takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) piercing damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Claws (Briar Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Briar Cage", "entries": [ "The dryad magically encases a Large or smaller creature within 60 feet in sharp briars. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage and be restrained. As an action, a creature may attempt a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity check to free itself of the briars. Doing so causes the creature to take an additional 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage. The briars can also be destroyed by attacking them. They have AC 10, 10 hit points and resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 91, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The dryad's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The dryad can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell thorn whip}" ], "daily": { "3e": [ "{@spell entangle}", "{@spell fog cloud}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell barkskin}", "{@spell spike growth}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Briar%20Witch%20Dryad.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Hallowed Eidolon", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 126, "formula": "16d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 8, "wis": 18, "cha": 11, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "any languages of its creator (usually Celestial)", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Idol of Worship", "entries": [ "Allies within 30 feet of the eidolon are immune to the frightened condition and have advantage on saving throws against being charmed." ] }, { "name": "Divine Retribution", "entries": [ "While the eidolon's hallowed stance is in effect, if the eidolon takes damage or an ally of the eidolon is reduced to 0 hit points, the eidolon can as a reaction force the creature that caused the damage to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) radiant damage on a failed save." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The eidolon makes two attacks with its slam." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Hallowed Stance", "entries": [ "The eidolon assumes a meditative stance, until the end of the eidolon's next turn its allies' weapon attacks deal an additional 3 ({@dice 1d6}) radiant damage and the eidolon gains reistance to all types of damage. If the eidolon moves, the effect ends." ] } ], "page": 92, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Hallowed%20Eidolon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rogue Eidolon", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "9d10+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 16, "int": 4, "wis": 6, "cha": 13, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "any languages of its creator (usually Celestial)", "cr": "7", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The eidolon makes two attacks with its slam." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or become confused. At the start of each of its turns, a confused creature must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or must act as if affected by a confusion spell. This condition is permanent and can only be healed by a heal, greater restoration or wish spell." ] }, { "name": "Blood Spray (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "The eidolon sprays a gout of blood from the carvings in the front of its faceless head at a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or launch into a murderous frenzy, seeing its friends and allies as hated enemies. A frenzied creature must attack its closest ally to the best of its ability. The frenzy prevents it from casting spells and maintaining concentration, but does not prevent it from using magic items, such as wands or scrolls. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 93, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rogue%20Eidolon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Equiceph", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "equiceph" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item scale mail|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d10+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 13, "con": 14, "int": 11, "wis": 13, "cha": 12, "skill": { "survival": "+3" }, "passive": 11, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Runner", "entries": [ "When using a dash action, the equiceph moves three times its speed instead of twice." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Glaive", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d10+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Net", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, range 5/15 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The target is restrained. A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check to free itself or another creature in a net, ending the effect on a success. Dealing 10 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) frees the target without harming it and destroys the net." ] } ], "page": 94, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Equiceph.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Equiceph Raidleader", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "equiceph" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item scale mail|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 59, "formula": "7d10+21" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 13, "con": 16, "int": 11, "wis": 13, "cha": 14, "skill": { "intimidation": "+4", "survival": "+3", "perception": "+3" }, "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Runner", "entries": [ "When using a dash action, the equiceph moves three times its speed instead of twice." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The equiceph makes two melee attacks." ] }, { "name": "Glaive", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 94, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Equiceph%20Raidleader.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ettercap Spiderherd", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 97, "formula": "15d8+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 8, "wis": 15, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4", "survival": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The ettercap can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] }, { "name": "Web Sense", "entries": [ "While in contact with a web, the ettercap knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web." ] }, { "name": "Web Walker", "entries": [ "The ettercap ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ettercap makes three melee attacks, one with its claws, one with its bite and one with its quarterstaff." ] }, { "name": "Quarterstaff", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage" ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d4+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Web (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 30/60 ft. , one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can make a DC 11 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a success. The effect ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning damage, and immunity to poison and psychic damage." ] } ], "page": 95, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The spiderherd's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell speak with animals} (spiders only)", "{@spell poison spray}" ], "daily": { "2e": [ "{@spell web}", "{@spell dominate beast} (spiders only)" ], "1e": [ "{@spell blight}", "{@spell giant insect} (spiders only)" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ettercap%20Spiderherd.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Greater Fihyr", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 93, "formula": "17d8+17" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 11, "dex": 14, "con": 13, "int": 14, "wis": 15, "cha": 15, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+5" }, "vulnerable": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The fihyr has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Lock Picking", "entries": [ "The fihyr can use its tentacles to attempt Dexterity checks to open locks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The fihyr can use its frightful gibbering. It then makes two melee attacks: one with its tentacles and one with its bites." ] }, { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 24 ({@dice 5d8+2}) piercing damage" ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d6}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 10). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the fihyr can't use its tentacles on another target." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Gibbering", "entries": [ "Each creature of the fihyr's choice that is in a 30 foot radius around the fihyr and can hear it must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the fihyr's frightful gibbering for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Emotion Control", "entries": [ "The fihyr magically projects a powerful emotion to a point within 100 feet. Creatures within a 15-foot-radius sphere around that point must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be overwhelmed by one of the following emotions of the fihyr's choice for one minute. Despair: Affected creatures gain disadvantage on saving throws, attack rolls and ability checks. Fear: Affected creatures become frightened of the fihyr. Hate: Affected creatures treat all other creatures except for their bonded or summoned companions such as their beast companions, familiars, and creatures conjured or magically created by them as enemies and will attack the closest target as directly as possible." ] }, { "name": "Invisibility", "entries": [ "The fihyr becomes invisible. It remains invisible until it attacks or uses its frightful presence or emotion control ability." ] } ], "page": 96, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Greater%20Fihyr.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Fihyr", "size": "S", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 21, "formula": "6d6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 7, "dex": 14, "con": 10, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+4" }, "vulnerable": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The fihyr has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Vulnerability", "entries": [ "A fihyr, that is exposed to natural sunlight (not just a daylight spell or similar magic) instantly dies, dissolving in a hissing, bubbling puddle of flesh." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The fihyr can use its frightful gibbering. It then makes two melee attacks: one with its tentacles and one with its bites." ] }, { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d4+2}) piercing damage" ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Gibbering", "entries": [ "Each creature of the fihyr's choice that is in a 20 foot radius around the fihyr and can hear it must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the fihyr's frightful gibbering for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 97, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Fihyr.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Formian Worker", "size": "S", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 5, "formula": "1d6+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 13, "dex": 14, "con": 14, "int": 7, "wis": 10, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+3" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", "thunder" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands Formian but can't speak", "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "Hive Mind", "entries": [ "Formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant telepathic communication and share experiences and thoughts constantly, when one formian is aware of something, they all are." ] }, { "name": "Cooperation", "entries": [ "Three formian workers working together for a round without moving, can repair an object as if casting mending. Eight workers working together for a round without moving, can heal a creature's wounds as if casting cure wounds at 4th level. Eight or more workers working together can carry a formian queen without being slowed." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 97, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Formian%20Worker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Formian Warrior", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "skill": { "athletics": "+5", "perception": "+3", "survival": "+3", "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", "thunder" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands Formian but can't speak", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Hive Mind", "entries": [ "Formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant telepathic communication and share experiences and thoughts constantly, when one formian is aware of something, they all are." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The formian makes three melee attacks: one with its claws, one with its bite and one with its sting." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 97, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Formian%20Warrior.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Formian Taskmaster", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 71, "formula": "11d8+22" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 16, "cha": 18, "skill": { "athletics": "+6", "intimidation": "+7", "perception": "+6" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", "thunder" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "telepathy 100 ft.", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Hive Mind", "entries": [ "Formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant telepathic communication and share experiences and thoughts constantly, when one formian is aware of something, they all are." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The formian has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The formian makes two melee attacks: one with its claws and one with its sting." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Domination", "entries": [ "The formian magically assumes control of a creature's mind. A creature of the formian's choice within 60 feet is affected as if the formian cast dominate monster with a save DC of 14, however If a creature's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the formian's domination ability for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 99, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Formian%20Taskmaster.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Formian Myrmarch", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 102, "formula": "12d10+36" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 19, "dex": 16, "con": 17, "int": 10, "wis": 16, "cha": 18, "skill": { "athletics": "+7", "investigation": "+3", "perception": "+6", "stealth": "+5", "survival": "+6" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", "thunder" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Formian", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Hive Mind", "entries": [ "Formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant telepathic communication and share experiences and thoughts constantly, when one formian is aware of something, they all are." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The formian has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The formian makes three melee attacks: one with its claws, one with its javelin and one with its sting." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 98, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Formian%20Myrmarch.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Formian Queen", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 231, "formula": "22d10+110" }, "speed": { "walk": 0 }, "str": 1, "dex": 1, "con": 20, "int": 20, "wis": 20, "cha": 20, "save": { "con": "+10", "wis": "+10" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+10", "insight": "+10", "intimidation": "+10", "perception": "+10", "persuasion": "+10" }, "resist": [ "fire", "lightning", "thunder" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "frightened", "poisoned", "petrified", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "Common, Formian, telepathy 50 miles", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Hive Mind", "entries": [ "Formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant telepathic communication and share experiences and thoughts constantly, when one formian is aware of something, they all are." ] }, { "name": "Immobile", "entries": [ "The formian queen is incapable of moving. Her speed is always 0 feet and it can't be increased beyond that. She cannot use any actions that require moving her body in any way. Attack rolls against the formian queen have advantage and she automatically fails Dexterity and Strength saving throws." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The formian has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Thought Components", "entries": [ "The formian queen ignores all component requirements for both her innate spells and sorcerer spells." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The formian queen casts two different spells of up to 5th level that require a spell attack roll. One of these spells can also be magic missile." ] } ], "page": 99, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The formian queen's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell calm emotions}", "{@spell charm person}", "{@spell clairvoyance}", "{@spell detect evil and good}", "{@spell detect thoughts}", "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell magic circle}" ] }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The formian queen is a 17th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, {@hit 10} to hit with spell attacks). She can cast the following sorcerer spells:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell acid splash}", "{@spell light}", "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell message}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell magic missile}", "{@spell shield}", "{@spell thunderwave}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell invisibility}", "{@spell scorching ray}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell slow}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell confusion}", "{@spell wall of fire}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell cone of cold}", "{@spell dominate person}" ] }, "6": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell mass suggestion}" ] }, "7": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell prismatic spray}" ] }, "8": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell power word stun}" ] }, "9": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell time stop}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Formian%20Queen.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Frost Salamander", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 78, "formula": "12d8+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+5" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Cold Aura", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the frost salamander, must make a DC 13 Consitution saving throw, taking 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Ice Walker", "entries": [ "A frost salamander feet have perfect grip on icy surfaces. It ignores and penalties or disadvantage to Strength and Dexterity checks or saving throws for being on a slippery surface when it is on ice. It can climb ice surfaces, such as a glacier wall or even ceiling without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The salamander makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+2}) slashing damage plus 2 ({@dice 1d4}) cold damage." ] } ], "page": 100, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Frost%20Salamander.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Great Frost Salamander", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 119, "formula": "14d10+42" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 13, "con": 17, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "immune": [ "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Cold Aura", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the frost salamander, must make a DC 15 Consitution saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Ice Walker", "entries": [ "A frost salamander feet have perfect grip on icy surfaces. It ignores and penalties or disadvantage to Strength and Dexterity checks or saving throws for being on a slippery surface when it is on ice. It can climb ice surfaces, such as a glacier wall or even ceiling without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The salamander makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d8+2}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d6+2}) slashing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) cold damage." ] } ], "page": 101, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Great%20Frost%20Salamander.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Frost Salamander", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 218, "formula": "19d12+95" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 11, "con": 20, "int": 7, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+7" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 17, "cr": "16", "trait": [ { "name": "Cold Aura", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the frost salamander, must make a DC 18 Consitution saving throw, taking 32 ({@dice 7d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Ice Walker", "entries": [ "A frost salamander feet have perfect grip on icy surfaces. It ignores and penalties or disadvantage to Strength and Dexterity checks or saving throws for being on a slippery surface when it is on ice. It can climb ice surfaces, such as a glacier wall or even ceiling without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The salamander makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@dice 3d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) slashing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage." ] } ], "page": 101, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Frost%20Salamander.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ancient Frost Salamander", "size": "G", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 396, "formula": "24d20+144" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 21, "dex": 11, "con": 22, "int": 7, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+9" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 19, "cr": "23", "trait": [ { "name": "Cold Aura", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the frost salamander, must make a DC 21 Consitution saving throw, taking 54 ({@dice 12d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Ice Walker", "entries": [ "A frost salamander feet have perfect grip on icy surfaces. It ignores and penalties or disadvantage to Strength and Dexterity checks or saving throws for being on a slippery surface when it is on ice. It can climb ice surfaces, such as a glacier wall or even ceiling without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The salamander makes five melee attacks: one with its bite and four with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) piercing damage plus 14 ({@dice 4d6}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage." ] } ], "page": 101, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ancient%20Frost%20Salamander.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Frost Worm", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 172, "formula": "15d12+75" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 20 }, "str": 22, "dex": 10, "con": 20, "int": 4, "wis": 11, "cha": 11, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "cold" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "petrified" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Cold Body", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the worm or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Ice Burrower", "entries": [ "Forst worms can burrow through snow, ice, earth and even frozen earth, but not through solid stone." ] }, { "name": "Snow Camouflage", "entries": [ "The frost worm has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in snowy environments." ] }, { "name": "Trill", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the frost worm can emit a noise that forces creatures to remain motionless. Creatures within a 100 feet of the worm must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the start of the worm's next" ] }, { "name": "turn", "entries": [ "If a creature's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the frost worm's trill for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 ({@dice 4d8+6}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Cold Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 40 ({@dice 9d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 102, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Frost%20Worm.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Death Giant", "size": "H", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "{@item half plate armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 276, "formula": "24d12+120" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 20 }, "str": 26, "dex": 14, "con": 21, "int": 12, "wis": 18, "cha": 20, "save": { "dex": "+6", "con": "+10", "wis": "+9" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+13", "perception": "+9" }, "immune": [ "necrotic" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 19, "languages": "Common, Giant", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Frightful Keening", "entries": [ "The death giant uses its action to make the guardian souls surrounding it wail in anguish until the giant uses another action to end the keening. Creatures within 60 ft. who can hear the keening must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the death giant until they can no longer hear the keening or are out of range. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to the giant's frightful keening for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Guardian Spirits", "entries": [ "The death giant is constantly surrounded by the souls of its victims, which swirl around it and warn it of danger. The death giant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and Initiative rolls. The guardian spirits can be suppressed by a cleric's turn undead, a paladin's turn the unholy ability, or similar abilities. When the death giant is in the area of effect or becomes the target of such an ability, it must make a Charisma saving throw against the ability's save DC. On a failed save the giant's guardian spirits are suppressed for the duration of the ability. While they are suppressed the giant loses its immunity to necrotic damage, does not benefit from the advantage the guardian spirits provide, from steal soul and cannot use its frightful keening. If the frightful keening is already in effect, it immediately ends. The death giant can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Steal Soul", "entries": [ "A creature that starts its turn within 30 feet of a death giant must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage. If a creature dies within 15 feet of the death giant, the death giant absorbs the creature's soul and it becomes one of the giant's guardian spirits. The creature cannot be brought back from the dead, until the death giant is slain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The giant makes two melee attacks with its greataxe." ] }, { "name": "Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 27 ({@dice 3d12+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 ({@dice 4d10+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 104, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The giant's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). The giant can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell flame strike}" ], "3e": [ "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell inflict wounds}", "{@spell blight}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Death%20Giant.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wild Giant", "size": "L", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item hide armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 104, "formula": "11d10+44" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 15, "con": 18, "int": 9, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "save": { "dex": "+5", "con": "+7", "wis": "+5" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+7", "perception": "+5", "survival": "+5" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning" ], "passive": 15, "languages": "Common, Giant, Sylvan", "cr": "5", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The giant makes two attacks with its waraxe or with its longbow." ] }, { "name": "Waraxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Greatbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d8+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 105, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wild%20Giant.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wild Giant Bearskin", "size": "L", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "{@item hide armor|phb}" ] }, { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ], "condition": "in bear form" } ], "hp": { "average": 126, "formula": "12d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 9, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "save": { "str": "+8", "dex": "+5", "con": "+8", "wis": "+5" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "perception": "+5", "survival": "+5" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning" ], "passive": 15, "languages": "Common, Giant, Sylvan", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Bear's Hide", "entries": [ "The bearskin can use its action to polymorph into a Large bear—humanoid hybrid, or back into its true giant form. It's statistics, other than AC are the same in each form its. The bearskin's hide armor is transformed with it, other equipment it is wearing or carrying is not transformed." ] }, { "name": "Bear Speech", "entries": [ "The bearskin can speak with bears as if under the constant effect of a speak with animals spell." ] }, { "name": "Feral Rage", "entries": [ "While in bear form, the bearskin has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and a +2 bonus to melee weapon damage (already included in its bite and claw attacks)." ] }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The bearskin has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "In giant form, the bearskin makes two attacks with its fists. In bear form, it makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Fist (Giant Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock (Giant Form Only)", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite (Bear Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 2d10+7}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws (Bear Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d8+7}) slashing damage. Wild Giant Bearskin Large giant, chaotic neutral Armor Class 14 (hide) in giant form, 16 (natural armor) in bear form Hit Points 126 ({@dice 12d10+60}) Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. 105" ] } ], "page": 105, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wild%20Giant%20Bearskin.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wild Giant Huntmaster", "size": "L", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 20, "dex": 18, "con": 18, "int": 12, "wis": 18, "cha": 14, "save": { "dex": "+6", "con": "+10", "wis": "+9" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "perception": "+11", "survival": "+11" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning" ], "passive": 21, "languages": "Common, Giant, Sylvan", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Swift Pursuit", "entries": [ "The huntmaster and a group of up to five other creatures can travel at a fast pace without taking the usual -5 penalty to their passive Wisdom (Perception) to notice hidden threats. Additionally, the huntmaster can track creatures and still contribute its passive Wisdom (Perception) score to the group's chance of noticing hidden threats." ] }, { "name": "Elk's Charge", "entries": [ "If the huntmaster moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 11 ({@dice 2d10}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Elk Speech", "entries": [ "The huntmaster can speak with elks and other types of deer as if under the constant effect of a speak with animals spell." ] }, { "name": "Huntmaster's Mark", "entries": [ "Weapon attacks made by the huntmaster's allies against a creature affected by the huntmaster's hunter's mark spell benefit from the spell's additional damage as if the allies had cast the spell. This ability does not stack with the extra damage from hunter's mark spells cast by other creatures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The huntmaster makes two pike attacks." ] }, { "name": "Pike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 105, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The huntmaster's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell faerie fire}", "{@spell hunter's mark}" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell locate creature}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wild%20Giant%20Huntmaster.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wild Giant Ravenspeaker", "size": "L", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 20, "con": 18, "int": 10, "wis": 16, "cha": 14, "save": { "dex": "+8", "con": "+7", "wis": "+6" }, "skill": { "perception": "+6", "survival": "+6", "stealth": "+8" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning" ], "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Giant, Sylvan", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Call Murder", "entries": [ "The ravenspeaker can use its action to summon a swarm of ravens. This swarm uses the normal statistics for a swarm of ravens except that it is a Large swarm, has a challenge rating of 3, 72 hit points ({@dice 16d10-16}) and its beaks deal 21 ({@dice 6d6}) piercing damage, or 10 ({@dice 3d6}) if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer. The swarm appears anywhere within 60 feet of the ravenspeaker. It acts on the ravenspeaker's initiative and obeys the ravenspeaker's commands. The swarm lasts until the ravenspeaker dismisses it at any point during one of its" ] }, { "name": "turns (no action required)", "entries": [ "If the swarm has taken damage before it was dismissed it returns the next time the ravenspeaker summons it with that many hit points plus {@dice 1d8} hit points for every full hour it has been dismissed. If the swarm of ravens is destroyed, the ravenspeaker cannot summon it again for 24 hours, after which the swarm can be summoned again at full health. If the ravenspeaker is knocked unconscious or dies, the swarm automatically scatters and disappears. Raven's flight. As a bonus action the ravenspeaker can sprout a pair of large ghostly raven wings, gaining a 50-foot fly speed, while in darkness or dim light. It can dismiss the wings at any time (no action required)." ] }, { "name": "Raven Speech", "entries": [ "The ravenspeaker can speak with ravens and other types of crow birds as if under the constant effect of a speak with animals spell." ] }, { "name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)", "entries": [ "The ravenspeaker deals an extra 14 ({@dice 4d6}) damage when it hits a target with a melee weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the ravenspeaker that isn't incapacitated and the ravenspeaker doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ravenspeaker makes two attacks with its war pick. War pick. Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 106, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The huntmaster's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell animal messenger} (ravens only)" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell pass without trace}", "{@spell moonbeam}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wild%20Giant%20Ravenspeaker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Girallon Alpha", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 95, "formula": "10d10+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 16, "con": 18, "int": 8, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+5" }, "passive": 14, "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Aggressive", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the girallon can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature it can see." ] }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The girallon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The girallon makes five melee attacks: one with its bite and four with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d8+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 5d6+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 107, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Girallon%20Alpha.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Gray Render", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 119, "formula": "13d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 10, "con": 22, "int": 5, "wis": 13, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Many—Eyed", "entries": [ "The gray render has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The gray render makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the targets is restrained and the gray render can use a bonus action to deal an additional 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) slashing damage to the target each turn and the gray render may not use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage" ] } ], "page": 108, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Gray%20Render.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Gremlin", "size": "T", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 14, "formula": "4d4+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 8, "dex": 15, "con": 12, "int": 18, "wis": 16, "cha": 13, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+4", "athletics": "+3", "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Elven, Goblin", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Sabotaging Presence", "entries": [ "Creatures, other than gremlins, within 30 feet of the gremlin have disadvantage on all Ability checks made using tools." ] }, { "name": "Gremlin Tactics", "entries": [ "The gremlin can move through, but not end its move in a square occupied by a Medium or larger creature, even an enemy, without being slowed." ] }, { "name": "Nimble Escape", "entries": [ "The gremlin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The gremlin makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damage. Slip—Up. The gremlin magically compels a target within 30 feet to trip over their own feet or slip. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 109, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Gremlin.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Grisgol", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 153, "formula": "18d10+54" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 18, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "all languages of the lich whose phylactery animates it", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Choking Dust", "entries": [ "A creature that hits the grisgol with a melee attack that deals damage other than piercing damage while within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against disease or have its hit point maximum reduced by 13 ({@dice 3d8}). Every 24 hours after contracting the disease, the creature must make another Constitution saving throw, having its hit point maximum reduced by another 13 ({@dice 3d8}). The creature's hit point maximum is not restored to its normal maximum until the disease is cured. If a creature's hit point maximum becomes 0, it dies, its insides having turned to infectious goo." ] }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "entries": [ "The grisgol is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The grisgol has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The grisgol's claw attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The grisgol makes two attacks with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage plus 10 ({@dice 3d6}) cold damage and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 110, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The grisgol's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell ray of frost} (17th level)" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell cloudkill}", "{@spell counterspell}", "{@spell dimension door}", "{@spell disintegrate}", "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell invisibility}", "{@spell power word stun}", "{@spell shield}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Grisgol.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Gulgar", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item half plate armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 82, "formula": "10d10+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 9, "con": 17, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 13, "save": { "str": "+7" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+7", "perception": "+4" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that are not adamantine" } ], "immune": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Subsonic Speech", "entries": [ "While capable of speaking Primordial, Gulgar's voices are in a subsonic range that they can still hear, but most other creatures can't." ] }, { "name": "Crystalline Bone", "entries": [ "The gulgar's slam and gore attacks are adamantine." ] }, { "name": "Hearing", "entries": [ "The gulgar has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based on hearing, but it has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks not based on hearing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The gulgar makes two ranged attacks with its mighty longbow or three melee attacks: two with its warhammer or its slam, and one with its gore." ] }, { "name": "Warhammer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Mighty Longbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sonic Pulse", "entries": [ "The gulgar emits a powerful vocal pulse in a 40-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) thunder damage and become deafened for 1 hour." ] } ], "page": 111, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Gulgar.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Harbinger Beast", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 189, "formula": "18d10+90" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 3, "wis": 16, "cha": 11, "save": { "str": "+9", "con": "+9", "int": "+0", "wis": "+7" }, "immune": [ "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "telepathy 60 ft.", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Aura of Tragedy", "entries": [ "A creature that fails a death saving throw within 25 feet of the harbinger beast, must remove one success from its previous death saving throws if it has any and gains disadvantage on its next death saving throw." ] }, { "name": "Fateful Call", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the harbinger beast magically calls a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed for one round. While charmed, the creature must use its full speed to move toward the harbinger beast as directly as possible. It can only move around obstacles if it can't enter the obstacle's space." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 23 ({@dice 4d8+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Poison Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The harbinger beast exhales a poisonous gas in a 30 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned for 1 hour and taking 58 ({@dice 17d6}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 112, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Harbinger%20Beast.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Harpoon Spider", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 103, "formula": "9d12+45" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 16, "con": 20, "int": 14, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+9", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+9" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Undercommon, Deep Speech", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The harpoon spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] }, { "name": "Spines", "entries": [ "A creature touching the harpoon spider takes 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Web Walker", "entries": [ "The harpoon spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The harpoon spider makes two ranged attacks with its fangs. It does not incur disadvantage from being within melee range of an enemy." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour." ] }, { "name": "Fang", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, range 20 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 17) and pulled directly toward the harpoon spider to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. The harpoon spider may make a bite attack against the target as a bonus action. The harpoon spider has two fangs, each of which can grapple one target. Until the grapple ends, the harpoon spider can't use the fang to attack." ] }, { "name": "Impale", "entries": [ "The harpoon spider attempts to impale a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling on its backspikes. It makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the harpoon spider is successful, the grapple ends and the creature takes 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage and is restrained on the harpoon spider's back. A creature can use an action to attempt to pull itself or another creature in arm's reach free from the spikes by making a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. If the check is successful, the impaled creature is no longer restrained and drops off the harpoon spider's back, immediately being moved to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the harpoon spider. The harpoon spider can have up to six Medium or smaller creatures impaled on its backspikes." ] } ], "page": 113, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Harpoon%20Spider.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Howler", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "6d10+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 19, "dex": 15, "con": 15, "int": 8, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Howling", "entries": [ "Creatures other than celestials, elementals, and fiends, that hear the howling of one or more howlers for an hour or longer must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw or take 3 ({@dice 1d6}) psychic damage and gain disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws until they finish a long rest without hearing a howler's howling. Creatures exposed to the howling for longer than an hour must repeat the saving throw each full hour. While exposed to continuous howling, a creature cannot benefit from short rests and a long rest instead has the effects of a short rest. A creature, that is reduced to 0 hit points by this psychic damage, falls unconscious and is automatically stable, not taking any further damage from the howling until it is above 0 hit points again. Hit and Run. If the howler hits a creature with its quills, that creature can't make an opportunity against the Howler this turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The howler makes two melee attacks, one with its bite and one with its quills." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Quills", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 3d4+4}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or {@dice 1d4} quills break off the howler and remain lodged in the target's flesh. While lodged in the creature's flesh, the quills impose disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity and Strength checks and saving throws the creature makes. As an action, a creature can remove howler quills from itself or another creature within arm's reach by making a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. If the check fails, the quills are still removed, but the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) slashing damage per quill that was removed." ] } ], "page": 114, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Howler.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Howler Wasp", "size": "S", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 16, "formula": "3d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 50 }, "str": 12, "dex": 13, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 13, "cha": 6, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Pheromone", "entries": [ "If the howler wasp is reduced to 0 hit ppoints or fewer by a melee attack, before it dies or falls unconscious, it can as a reaction spray the attacker with a pheromone that incites other howler wasps to violently pursue the attacker. The attacker must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be doused in the pheromone. While the creature is doused, other howler wasps have advantage on attack rolls against the creature. The pheromone fades after 10 minute or can be washed off by submerging the creature in water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The howler wasp makes two melee attacks, one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison." ] } ], "page": 114, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Howler%20Wasp.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Howler Wasp Soldier", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 46, "formula": "6d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 50 }, "str": 16, "dex": 12, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 14, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Pheromone", "entries": [ "If the howler wasp soldier is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by a melee attack, before it dies or falls unconscious, it can as a reaction spray the attacker with a pheromone that incites other howler wasps to violently pursue the attacker. The attacker must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be doused in the pheromone. While the creature is doused, other howler wasps have advantage on attack rolls against the creature. The pheromone fades after 10 minutes, or can be washed off by submerging the creature in water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The howler wasp soldier makes three melee attacks, one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +57} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d4+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] } ], "page": 116, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Howler%20Wasp%20Soldier.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Howler Wasp Queen", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "8d10+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 18, "dex": 11, "con": 18, "int": 8, "wis": 15, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Pheromone", "entries": [ "If the howler wasp queen is reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by a melee attack, before it dies or falls unconscious, it can as a reaction spray the attacker with a pheromone that incites other howler wasps to violently pursue the attacker. The attacker must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be doused in the pheromone. While the creature is doused, other howler wasps have advantage on attack rolls against the creature. The pheromone fades after 10 minutes, or can be washed off by submerging the creature in water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The howler wasp queen makes three melee attacks, one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d4+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage plus 13 ({@dice 3d8}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] } ], "page": 116, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Howler%20Wasp%20Queen.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Howling Echo", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 50 }, "str": 5, "dex": 20, "con": 14, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 16, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "necrotic", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Ethereal Sight", "entries": [ "The howling echo can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. Vanish by Day. When exposed to natural sunlight, the howling echo fades from existence. Unless it was slain, it reforms the next night in the same place it originally spawned, with full hit points and any ongoing conditions removed." ] }, { "name": "Incorporeal Movement", "entries": [ "The howling echo can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult" ] }, { "name": "terrain", "entries": [ "It takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Oblivious of its Nature. The howling echo can't use its incorporeal movement knowingly, it only passes through creatures or objects it is unaware of, or if it is forced by an outside source. A howling echo must always try to end its movement in contact with what it deems to be solid ground." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Fangs", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 2d4+3}) cold damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Howl", "entries": [ "The howling echo emits a bone—chlling howl. Creatures within 60 feet that can hear must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for one round. While frightened, a creature is also stunned. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to all howling echoes' howl ability for 1 minute." ] } ], "page": 117, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Howling%20Echo.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ibixian", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "ibixian" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 12, "con": 14, "int": 9, "wis": 8, "cha": 10, "skill": { "intimidation": "+2" }, "passive": 9, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Pack Fervor", "entries": [ "If the ibixian is within 30 feet of another allied ibixian, it adds 2 ({@dice 1d4}) damage to its greataxe attacks and has advantage on saving throws against being frightened." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ibixian makes two melee attacks, one with its greataxe and one with its headbutt." ] }, { "name": "Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d12+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Headbutt", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 118, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ibixian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Igneous Strider", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 15, "formula": "2d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 15, "dex": 14, "con": 17, "int": 3, "wis": 9, "cha": 8, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+4" }, "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "immune": [ "fire" ], "passive": 9, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Fire Healing", "entries": [ "Whenever the igneous strider is subjected to fire damage, it may attempt a DC 16 Constitution check. On a success, it regains a number of hit points equal to half the damage dealt." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Fire Gout (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage." ] } ], "page": 119, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Igneous%20Strider.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Inferno Spider", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 152, "formula": "16d10+64" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 16, "con": 18, "int": 7, "wis": 11, "cha": 11, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+9" }, "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 15 ft., darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Molten Body", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the inferno spider or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The inferno spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] }, { "name": "Web Sense", "entries": [ "While in contact with a web, the spider knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web." ] }, { "name": "Web Walker", "entries": [ "The inferno spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution or be poisoned for 1 hour. A poisoned creature takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. At the end of each of its turns the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Flame Web", "entries": [ "The inferno spider shoots flaming strands of webbing at a Large or smaller creature within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage and be restrained. While restrained, the creature takes 10 ({@dice 3d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. As an action, a creature may attempt a DC 15 Strength or Dexterity check to free itself of the web. The webbing can also be destroyed by attacking it. The webbing has AC 10, 10 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning damage, immunity to fire damage and vulnerability to cold damage." ] } ], "page": 120, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Inferno%20Spider.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Iron Cobra", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d8+15" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 17, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 1, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands all languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Locate Victim", "entries": [ "If an iron cobra is ordered by its creator to kill an individual and given that individual's first name, the iron cobra knows that creature's location as if having cast locate creature. The effect lasts until the target is dead or the iron cobra gets different orders." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) poison damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] } ], "page": 121, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Iron%20Cobra.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Kopru", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 36, "formula": "5d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 5, "swim": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 14, "con": 11, "int": 11, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "save": { "con": "+2" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Aquan, Common", "cr": "1", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The kopru makes three melee attacks, one with its bite, one with its claws and one with its tail." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d6+2}) bludgeoning damage. and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the kopru can automatically hit the target with its tail, and the kopru can't make tail attacks against other targets." ] } ], "page": 122, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The kopru's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell dominate person}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Kopru.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Kopru Abomination", "size": "L", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 60, "formula": "8d10+16" }, "speed": { "walk": 5, "swim": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "save": { "con": "+2" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "understands Aquan but can't speak", "cr": "3", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The kopru makes three melee attacks, one with its bite, one with its claws and one with its tail." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d4+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) bludgeoning damage. and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the kopru can automatically hit the target with its tail, and the kopru can't make tail attacks against other targets." ] } ], "page": 122, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Kopru%20Abomination.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Krenshar", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "3d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 14, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "skill": { "intimidation": "+4", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The krenshar has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] }, { "name": "Pounce", "entries": [ "If the krenshar moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the krenshar can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Scare", "entries": [ "The krenshar pulls back the skin from its head, revealing muscle and bone and lets out a high pitched screech. Creatures that can see and hear the krenshar must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the krenshar's Scare ability for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 123, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Krenshar.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Hatchling Kruthik", "size": "S", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 13, "dex": 18, "con": 13, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "skill": { "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Infernal", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forest terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Talon", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 124, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Hatchling%20Kruthik.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Kruthik", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 42, "formula": "8d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 20, "con": 13, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Infernal", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forest terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The kruthik makes two attacks, one with its bite, and one with its talon, or two with its spikes." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Talon", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d10+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Spikes", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 50/100 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d8+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 125, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Kruthik.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Greater Kruthik", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 95, "formula": "10d10+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 24, "dex": 18, "con": 19, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "entries": [ "The kruthik has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forest terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The kruthik makes three melee attacks, one with its bite, and one with its talon and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d6+7}) piercing damage plus 5 ({@dice 2d4}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Talon", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 2d10+7}) slashing damage plus 5 ({@dice 2d4}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d4+7}) slashing damage plus 5 ({@dice 2d4}) acid damage." ] } ], "page": 125, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Greater%20Kruthik.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Larva Mage", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "aberration", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 15, { "ac": 18, "condition": "with {@spell mage armor}", "braces": true } ], "hp": { "average": 202, "formula": "24d8+96" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 20, "con": 18, "int": 20, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "save": { "con": "+11", "int": "+12", "wis": "+9" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+12", "insight": "+9", "perception": "+9", "religion": "+12" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "lightning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "blinded", "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "blindsight 300 ft. (blind beyond this range)", "passive": 19, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Discorporate", "entries": [ "At any point during its turn, the larva mage can collapse into a pile of individual worms that slither away, burrowing into the earth or fleeing into cracks in the floor (no action required). As long as any of the worms survive, they can breed and create a new body for the larva mage a few weeks or months later, depending on the amount of damage the larva mage has taken (the exact time is up to DM discretion)." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the larva mage fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The larva mage has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The larva mage can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny larva. However it may have to leave some of its gear behind if the opening is too small." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Corrupting Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] }, { "name": "Engulf (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the larva mage's space. Hit: 70 ({@dice 20d6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "legendaryGroup": "Larva Mage", "legendary": [ { "name": "Cantrip", "entries": [ "The larva mage casts a cantrip." ] }, { "name": "Corrupting Touch", "entries": [ "The larva mage uses its corrupting touch action. Horrific visage (Costs 2 Actions). The larva mage displays its writhing face to one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to the larva mage's visage for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Horrific visage (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The larva mage displays its writhing face to one creature it can see within 10 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to the larva mage's visage for the next 24 hours." ] } ], "page": 127, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A larva mage is a 20th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is intelligence (Spell save DC 20, {@hit 12} to hit with spell attacks), it has the following wizard spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell chill touch}", "{@spell fire bolt}", "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell true strike}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell false life}", "{@spell magic missile}", "{@spell mage armor}", "{@spell ray of sickness}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell crown of madness}", "{@spell mirror image}", "{@spell phantasmal force}", "{@spell scorching ray}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell fear}", "{@spell fireball}", "{@spell fly}", "{@spell slow}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell dimension door}", "{@spell Evard's black tentacles}", "{@spell greater invisibility}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell cloudkill}", "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell scrying}" ] }, "6": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell chain lightning}", "{@spell eyebite}" ] }, "7": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell prismatic spray}" ] }, "8": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell mind blank}", "{@spell power word stun}" ] }, "9": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell imprisonment}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Larva%20Mage.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blackscale Lizardfolk", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "lizardfolk" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d10+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 15, "int": 8, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "skill": { "athletics": "+6", "perception": "+2", "survival": "+4" }, "passive": 12, "languages": "Draconic", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The lizardfolk can hold its breath for 15 minutes." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The lizardfolk makes two melee attacks, one with its bite, and one with its warhammer." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Warhammer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 129, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blackscale%20Lizardfolk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Poison Dusk Lizardfolk", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "lizardfolk" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "3d6+3" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 15, "con": 12, "int": 11, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+3", "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+6", "survival": "+5" }, "passive": 13, "languages": "Draconic", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Chameleon Skin", "entries": [ "The lizardfolk has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in natural terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage and the target musct succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage and the target musct succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] }, { "name": "Bola", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 20/80 ft., one target. Hit: If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 12) and must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target has functional hands, it can end the grapple using an action without having to roll. The bola is considered the grappler, not the user." ] } ], "page": 130, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Poison%20Dusk%20Lizardfolk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sunscale Lizardfolk", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "lizardfolk" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item chain shirt|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "2d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 14, "con": 14, "int": 10, "wis": 15, "cha": 10, "skill": { "athletics": "+4", "perception": "+4", "religion": "+2" }, "resist": [ "fire" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Draconic", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Smoke Tolerance", "entries": [ "The lizardfolk can comfortably breathe air saturated with smoke, as long as it is not created by burning substances that release toxic material when on fire, and have advantage on saving throws against poisons inhaled through smoke." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d10+2}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 131, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sunscale%20Lizardfolk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Lodestone Marauder", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 20, "climb": 20 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 18, "int": 4, "wis": 12, "cha": 8, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Magnetic Defense", "entries": [ "When attacked with melee attacks using metal weapons or ranged attacks using metallic projectiles, a lodestone marauder can choose to cause the attacks to have advantage or disadvantage to hit." ] }, { "name": "Magnetic Surge", "entries": [ "Using a bonus action, the lodestone marauder can use the magnetic field surrounding it to repulse or attract metallic objects. Any creature within 30 feet of the lodestone Marauder, wielding weapons or shields or wearing armor made substantially of metal must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or drop any metallic weapons and, if they are wearing metallic armor, be knocked prone. Unattended metallic objects and prone creatures are then moved in a straight line directly toward or away from the lodestone marauder, depending on whether it chose to repulse or attract them. If the marauder chose to repulse, creatures and objects come to a stop 30 feet away from the marauder. If the marauder chose to attract creatures and objects are pulled onto the marauder's back where they stick magnetically. A creature pulled onto a lodestone marauder's back is restrained and must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage. A creature may use its action to pull itself, another creature or an object free of the lodestone marauders back by making a successful DC 15 Strength check. Andy objects and creatures are automatically released the next time the marauder uses its ability to repulse." ] }, { "name": "Metal Sense", "entries": [ "A lodestone marauder can sense metal within 30 feet of it, from changes in its magnetic field, as though it had blindsight up to that range." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The lodestone marauder makes two melee attacks: one with its bite, and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 132, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Lodestone%20Marauder.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Lunar Ravager", "size": "L", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "{@item breastplate|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 21, "dex": 16, "con": 18, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Sylvan", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Moonrider", "entries": [ "The lunar ravager can magically teleport at will by concentrating and not taking any other actions for 1 minute. The lunar ravager can use this only to teleport itself and items it is wearing or carrying. When outside a lunar ravager lodge, the lunar ravager must be in moonlight to use this ability and can only travel to the nearest lodge. When inside a lunar ravager lodge, it can teleport to any point within 10 miles of the lodge." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The lunar ravager makes two melee attacks with its battleaxe." ] }, { "name": "Battleaxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 133, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The lunar ravager's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "airwalk", "{@spell faerie fire}" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell clairvoyance}" ], "3e": [ "{@spell invisibility} (self only)", "{@spell pass without trace}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Lunar%20Ravager.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Magma Hurler", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 66, "formula": "7d8+35" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 11, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Ignan, Terran", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The magma hurler sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light in an additional 30 feet." ] }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The magma hurler deals double damage to objects and structures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The magma hurler makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d8+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Magma Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) bludgeoning damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage." ] } ], "page": 134, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Magma%20Hurler.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Maug", "size": "L", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 42, "formula": "4d10+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 13, "wis": 11, "cha": 8, "skill": { "athletics": "+7", "perception": "+2" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Draconic, Giant", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The maug has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Graft", "entries": [ "The maug has one graft from the Maug Grafts sidebar." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The maug makes two attacks with its double pick." ] }, { "name": "Double Pick", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Pulverize (3/Day)", "entries": [ "The maug touches an object or structure of up to 1,000 cubic feet in volume. This object takes double damage for the next two rounds. If it is an object carried or worn by another creature, the maug must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check." ] } ], "page": 135, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Maug.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Meazel", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "meazel" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "5d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "skill": { "athletics": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Disease Carrier", "entries": [ "The meazel is immune to the ill effects of diseases, but can still be infected and transmit them to other creatures. All meazels carry a skin disease. A creature that touches the meazel, including being hit by its claw attack, must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw against this skin disease or become diseased. The disease has no effect for 1 hour. After one hour the diseased creature gains disadvantage on Dexterity and Constitution checks and saving throws until the disease is cured." ] }, { "name": "Natural Swimmer", "entries": [ "The meazel has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to swim." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Garrote", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one Medium or Small creature against which the meazel has advantage on the attack roll. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the meazel has advantage on attack rolls against it, the meazel can't use its garrote against another creature, and the target is choked and can't breathe." ] } ], "page": 136, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Meazel.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Meenlock Half-Spawn", "size": "S", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 21, "formula": "6d6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 8, "dex": 15, "con": 10, "int": 11, "wis": 8, "cha": 8, "skill": { "stealth": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Fear Aura", "entries": [ "Any beast or humanoid that starts its turn within 10 feet of the meenlock must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the start of its next turn." ] }, { "name": "Rend Mind (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The meenlock projects thoughts images of stalking monsters and peering eyes into a humanoid it is aware of within 120 feet of itself, inducing paranoia. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or take 7 ({@dice 2d6}) psychic damage and be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Uncanny Fear", "entries": [ "At the start of each of its turns, the meenlock half—spawn must succeed on a DC 2 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of every other creature it can see until the start of its next turn. Under stressful conditions, such as combat, the DC of this saving throw rises to 4." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damageand the target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 137, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Meenlock%20Half-Spawn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Merskarab", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "aberration", "swarmSize": "T", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 136, "formula": "16d8+64" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 20, "con": 18, "int": 20, "wis": 14, "cha": 21, "skill": { "arcana": "+8", "persuasion": "+8", "deception": "+8" }, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Elven, Sylvan", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechange", "entries": [ "The merskarab can use an action to assume the form of an attractive Medium sized humanoid—shaped creature of any type, or back into its true swarm form. Its statistics are the same except that it loses its immunity to the paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, and stunned conditions. The swarm's humanoid form can change, resembling any race or gender of humanoid, but the swarm can't convincingly imitate a specific individual except for the host it spawned from." ] }, { "name": "Swarm (Swarm Form Only)", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny merskarab beetle. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points, except from its bites attack." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Devouring Touch (Humanoid Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and the merskarab regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt." ] }, { "name": "Bites (Swarm Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage plus 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and the merskarab regains hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt." ] } ], "page": 138, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Merskarab.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Mirror Mimic", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 32, "formula": "5d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 17, "con": 15, "int": 17, "wis": 11, "cha": 16, "skill": { "deception": "+5", "persuasion": "+5", "stealth": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechange", "entries": [ "The mimic can use its action to polymorph into a Medium creature it has seen at least once or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed but the mimic can imitate the appearance of worn equipment. It reverts to its true form if it dies." ] }, { "name": "False Appearance (Disguised Form Only)", "entries": [ "The mimic's apprearance is indistinguishable from the creature it is imitating. It can perfectly imitate the creature's voice and any mannerisms it has observed. However it must succeed on a Charisma (Deception) check if it engages in any behavior it does not know of the creature in front of creatures that know it." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the mimic can't use its slam against another target." ] } ], "page": 139, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The mirror mimic's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell mirror image}" ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Mirror%20Mimic.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Mohrg", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 105, "formula": "14d8+42" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 18, "con": 17, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 11, "resist": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Create Spawn", "entries": [ "A creature killed by a mohrg rises two days later as a zombie under the mohrg's control (see Appendix B for appropriate zombie statistics)." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The mohrg makes three melee attacks: one with its tongue and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Tongue", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends the mohrg has advantage on attack rolls against the target and can't use its claws against another target." ] } ], "page": 142, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Mohrg.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Banelar", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 152, "formula": "16d12+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 11, "con": 16, "int": 17, "wis": 16, "cha": 16, "save": { "dex": "+3", "con": "+6", "wis": "+6", "cha": "+6" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Common, Draconic, Orc", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The banelar can breathe air and water." ] }, { "name": "Petrification Resistance", "entries": [ "The banelar has advantage on saving throws against petrification." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The banelar makes two melee attacks, one with its bite and one with its stinger and casts a single spell with a casting time of one action." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d4+4}) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned and taking 13 ({@dice 3d8}) poison damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Stinger", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d10+4}) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned and taking 13 ({@dice 3d8}) poison damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 143, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Spellcasting (Wizard)", "headerEntries": [ "The banelar is a 10th level spellcaster. It's spellcasting ability for wizard spells is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell minor illusion}", "{@spell ray of frost}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell charm person}", "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell sleep}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell detect thoughts}", "{@spell ray of enfeeblement}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell lightning bolt}", "{@spell water breathing}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "none prepared" ] }, "5": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "none prepared" ] } } }, { "name": "Spellcasting (Cleric)", "headerEntries": [ "The banelar's spellcasting ability for cleric spells is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell mending}", "{@spell sacred flame}", "{@spell thaumaturgy}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "{@spell command}", "{@spell cure wounds}", "{@spell shield of faith}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "{@spell calm emotions}", "{@spell hold person}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "{@spell bestow curse}", "{@spell clairvoyance}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "none prepared" ] }, "5": { "slots": 0, "spells": [ "none prepared" ] } }, "footerEntries": [ "The banelar's wizard and cleric spells use the same spell slots." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Banelar.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bright Naga", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 15, "cha": 16, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 144, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The bright naga's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell magic missile} (2nd level)" ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bright%20Naga.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nagpa", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "nagpa" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 13, { "ac": 16, "condition": "with {@spell mage armor}", "braces": true } ], "hp": { "average": 155, "formula": "24d8+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 19, "wis": 17, "cha": 16, "skill": { "arcana": "+7", "deception": "+6", "history": "+7", "perception": "+6", "persuasion": "+6" }, "resist": [ "necrotic" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Common, Primordial", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nagpa has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Nagpa Staff", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d8+1}) bludgeoning damage plus 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Withering Blast", "entries": [ "Ranged Spell Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "page": 145, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nagpa's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "3e": [ "{@spell darkness}", "{@spell disintegrate}", "{@spell hold person}" ] } }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A nagpa is a 9th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (Spell save DC 17, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks), it has the following wizard spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell chill touch}", "{@spell poison spray}", "{@spell mage hand}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell false life}", "{@spell mage armor}", "{@spell ray of sickness}", "{@spell grease}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell blindness/deafness}", "{@spell phantasmal force}", "{@spell ray of enfeeblement}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell fear}", "{@spell fly}", "{@spell stinking cloud}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell blight}", "{@spell phantasmal killer}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell cloudkill}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nagpa.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Kalareem", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "nerra" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 14, "cha": 13, "skill": { "deception": "+5", "performance": "+5", "persuasion": "+5", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Nerra", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nerra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Spell Reflection", "entries": [ "If the nerra succeeds on a saving throw against a spell or magical effect or is missed by a spell attack that only targets the nerra, the nerra takes no damage and the effect or attack is reflected back to the caster, which must make a save against the spell or roll to hit against itself." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nerra makes two shard longsword attacks." ] }, { "name": "Shard Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken." ] }, { "name": "Shard Spray (3/Day)", "entries": [ "The nerra releases a spray of sharp mirror shards in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 3d4}) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Mirror Jump", "entries": [ "The nerra touches a mirror or any reflective surface within 5 feet of it and immediately is transported to any other such surface within 5 miles. It exits within 5 feet of that surface." ] } ], "page": 146, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nerra's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell mirror image}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Kalareem.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sillit", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "nerra" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "7d8+14" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 17, "wis": 14, "cha": 18, "skill": { "deception": "+6", "insight": "+4", "intimidation": "+6", "performance": "+6", "persuasion": "+6", "perception": "+4" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Nerra", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nerra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Spell Reflection", "entries": [ "If the nerra succeeds on a saving throw against a spell or magical effect or is missed by a spell attack that only targets the nerra, the nerra takes no damage and the effect or attack is reflected back to the caster, which must make a save against the spell or roll to hit against itself." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Shard Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken." ] }, { "name": "Shard Spray (3/Day)", "entries": [ "The nerra releases a spray of sharp mirror shards in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 ({@dice 5d6}) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] }, { "name": "Mirror Jump", "entries": [ "The nerra touches a mirror or any reflective surface within 5 feet of it and immediately is transported to any other such surface within 5 miles. It exits within 5 feet of that surface." ] } ], "page": 147, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nerra's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell alter self} (change appearance only)", "{@spell mirror image}" ], "daily": { "3": [ "{@spell mislead}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sillit.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Varoot", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "nerra" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 9, "formula": "2d8+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 15, "con": 12, "int": 11, "wis": 14, "cha": 17, "skill": { "deception": "+5", "perception": "+4", "performance": "+5", "persuasion": "+5", "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Nerra", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nerra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Spell Reflection", "entries": [ "If the nerra succeeds on a saving throw against a spell or magical effect or is missed by a spell attack that only targets the nerra, the nerra takes no damage and the effect or attack is reflected back to the caster, which must make a save against the spell or roll to hit against itself." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Shard Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken." ] }, { "name": "Shard Dagger", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken." ] }, { "name": "Mirror Jump", "entries": [ "The nerra touches a mirror or any reflective surface within 5 feet of it and immediately is transported to any other such surface within 5 miles. It exits within 5 feet of that surface." ] } ], "page": 147, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nerra's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell mirror image}" ], "3": [ "{@spell alter self} (change appearance only)" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Varoot.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nightcrawler", "size": "G", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 21, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 232, "formula": "16d20+64" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 40 }, "str": 30, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 20, "wis": 20, "cha": 18, "save": { "con": "+11", "wis": "+12", "cha": "+11" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+12", "perception": "+12", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "radiant", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 22, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft., can read and understands", "cr": "24", "trait": [ { "name": "Blend with Shadows", "entries": [ "The nightshade has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dim light or darkness." ] }, { "name": "Desecrating Aura", "entries": [ "Other undead creatures have resistance to radiant damage and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws while within 20 feet of the nightshade." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nightshade has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Aversion", "entries": [ "While in natural sunlight (a daylight spell does not suffice), the nightshade has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nightcrawler can cast cone of cold. It then makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its stinger." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +17} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 ({@dice 3d10+10}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the nightcrawler can't use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Stinger", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +17} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ({@dice 3d6+10}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, or become poisoned. While poisoned, the creature is incapacitated. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Swallow", "entries": [ "The nightcrawler makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the nightcrawler. The creature takes 17 ({@dice 5d6}) necrotic damage at the start of each of the nightcrawler's turns and must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or its maximum hit points are reduced by the necroctic damage taken. The creature dies if thiseffect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. If the nightcrawler takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the nightcrawler must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 5 feet of the nightcrawler. If the nightcrawler dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone." ] }, { "name": "Summon Undead (1/Night)", "entries": [ "The nightshade calls upon undead creatures lurking in the darkness nearby. Within {@dice 1d6} rounds, {@dice 1d6+6} Shadows (see Monster Manual p. 269) each arrive in an unoccupied space anywhere within 60 feet of the nightshade, serving the nightshade as allies." ] } ], "page": 148, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nightcrawler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell blight}", "{@spell darkness}", "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell haste}", "{@spell invisibility}", "{@spell see invisibility}" ], "daily": { "3e": [ "{@spell cone of cold}", "{@spell confusion}", "{@spell hold monster}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell plane shift}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nightcrawler.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nightwalker", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 178, "formula": "17d12+68" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 20 }, "str": 26, "dex": 14, "con": 18, "int": 20, "wis": 20, "cha": 18, "save": { "con": "+9", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+10", "perception": "+10", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "radiant", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft., can read and understands all languages but can't speak", "cr": "18", "trait": [ { "name": "Evil Gaze", "entries": [ "If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the nightwalker and the two of them can see each other, the nightwalker can force the creature to make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw if the nightcrawler isn't incapacitated. The creature becomes frightened on a failed save. While frightened the, creature is paralyzed. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeded on a saving throw against the nightwalker's Evil Gaze is immune to the effect for the next 24 hours. A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throws at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the nightwalker until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. Blend with Shadows. The nightshade has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dim light or darkness." ] }, { "name": "Desecrating Aura", "entries": [ "Other undead creatures have resistance to radiant damage and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws while within 20 feet of the nightshade." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nightshade has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Aversion", "entries": [ "While in natural sunlight (a daylight spell does not suffice), the nightshade has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nightwalker can cast blight. It then makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d6+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Summon Undead (1/Night)", "entries": [ "The nightshade calls upon undead creatures lurking in the darkness nearby. Within {@dice 1d6} rounds, {@dice 1d6+6} Shadows (see Monster Manual p. 269) each arrive in an unoccupied space anywhere within 60 feet of the nightshade, serving the nightshade as allies." ] } ], "page": 149, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nightcrawler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell contagion}", "{@spell blight}", "{@spell darkness}", "{@spell haste}", "{@spell see invisibility}" ], "daily": { "3": [ "{@spell confusion}", "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell invisibility}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell cone of cold}", "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell plane shift}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nightwalker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nightwing", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d12+45" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 60 }, "str": 22, "dex": 18, "con": 17, "int": 18, "wis": 20, "cha": 18, "save": { "con": "+9", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+9", "perception": "+10", "stealth": "+9" }, "resist": [ "radiant", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft., can read and understands all languages but can't speak", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Blend with Shadows", "entries": [ "The nightshade has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dim light or darkness." ] }, { "name": "Desecrating Aura", "entries": [ "Other undead creatures have resistance to radiant damage and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws while within 20 feet of the nightshade." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The nightshade has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Aversion", "entries": [ "While in natural sunlight (a daylight spell does not suffice), the nightshade has disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ({@dice 4d6+6}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or a magic item it is carrying that the nightwing is aware of loses its magic properties and becomes a mundane object. The magic item can be restored with a dispel evil and good spell." ] }, { "name": "Summon Undead (1/Night)", "entries": [ "The nightshade calls upon undead creatures lurking in the darkness nearby. Within {@dice 1d6} rounds, {@dice 1d6+6} Shadows (see Monster Manual p. 269) each arrive in an unoccupied space anywhere within 60 feet of the nightshade, serving the nightshade as allies." ] } ], "page": 149, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nightcrawler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell contagion}", "{@spell blight}", "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell darkness}", "{@spell haste}", "{@spell see invisibility}" ], "daily": { "3e": [ "{@spell confusion}", "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell invisibility}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell cone of cold}", "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell plane shift}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nightwing.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nixie", "size": "T", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "G" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 5, "formula": "2d4" }, "speed": { "walk": 5, "fly": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 3, "dex": 20, "con": 10, "int": 14, "wis": 12, "cha": 14, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Sylvan, Aquan", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The nixie can breathe air and water." ] }, { "name": "Slow Movement", "entries": [ "A nixie moves very slowly when on the ground, as it has to use its hands to crawl. It must use an action in addition to its move in order to move its base speed on the ground." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Blink", "entries": [ "The nixie magically teleports to an unoccupied space it can see within 60 feet of it." ] } ], "page": 150, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The nixie's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell mage hand}" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell compulsion}", "{@spell counterspell}", "{@spell create or destroy water}", "{@spell detect evil and good}", "{@spell detect thoughts}", "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell major image}", "{@spell minor illusion}", "{@spell polymorph}", "{@spell water breathing}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nixie.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Norker", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "goblinoid" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d6+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 13, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Goblin, Terran", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Rock Stance", "entries": [ "The norker has advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws while standing on a natural stone surface." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Club", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 151, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Norker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Norker Stonewalker", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "elemental", "tags": [ "goblinoid" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 60, "formula": "8d6+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 13, "con": 18, "int": 8, "wis": 17, "cha": 11, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Goblin, Terran", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Earth Glide", "entries": [ "The norker can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the norker doesn't disturb the material it moves through." ] }, { "name": "Rock Stance", "entries": [ "The norker has advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws while standing on a natural stone surface." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The norker makes two melee attacks with its warhammer." ] }, { "name": "Warhammer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d10+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 151, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The norker's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell meld into stone}", "{@spell stone shape}" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell stoneskin}", "{@spell wall of stone}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Norker%20Stonewalker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Avathu", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 201, "formula": "18d12+90" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 50, "fly": 50 }, "str": 25, "dex": 10, "con": 21, "int": 5, "wis": 20, "cha": 19, "save": { "con": "+10", "int": "+2", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+9" }, "skill": { "perception": "+10", "stealth": "+5" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The avathu has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The avathu makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its stingers." ] }, { "name": "Rotting Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+7}) piercing damage plus 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is permanently reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage" ] }, { "name": "taken", "entries": [ "A remove curse spell or similar magic restores the creature's maximum hit points." ] }, { "name": "Stingers", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 4d6+7}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Maddening Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the avathu that can see it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 31 ({@dice 7d8}) psychic damage and gain disadvantage on charisma checks and saving throws for one minute as it goes mad. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 153, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The avathu's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The avathu can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "2": [ "{@spell dimension door}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Avathu.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bhasylit", "size": "T", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 15, "formula": "6d4" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "swim": 40, "fly": 40 }, "str": 10, "dex": 14, "con": 11, "int": 11, "wis": 8, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+1", "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy (touch)", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The bhasylit can breathe air and water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Mucus", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 2d4}) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be restrained. A creature can use its action to free itself or another creature within 5 feet from the mucus, ending the condition on that creature." ] }, { "name": "Hypnotic Form (1/Day)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 10 feet of the bhasylit that can see it must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw, or gain disadvantage on attack rolls for one minute as the bhasylit's flowing motions mesmerize it. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 153, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bhasylit.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Cyoturma", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 153, "formula": "18d10+54" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 16, "con": 17, "int": 13, "wis": 17, "cha": 19, "save": { "con": "+7", "wis": "+7", "cha": "+8" }, "skill": { "perception": "+11", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 21, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The cyoturma can breathe both air and water." ] }, { "name": "Corruption Venom", "entries": [ "A creature that is subjected to the cyoturma's corruption venom takes 7 ({@dice 2d6}) poison damage, must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution or its hit point maximum is reduced by a number equal to the poison damage taken and it is permanently poisoned. While poisoned, the yellow poison weeps from the creature's facial orifices, wounds and even pores in its skin, the creature is immune to further damage from any cyoturma's corruption venom, and has disadvantage on Charisma checks. If the creature has been poisoned by the corruption venom for 7 days or more, it becomes charmed and must obey any telepathic or verbal command given to it by any obyrith to the best of its ability until the poison is neutralized. Any creature that touches the poisoned creature or the poison is subjected to the cyoturma's corruption venom as well. A creature that touches the poisoned creature while casting a spell that successfully neutralizes the poison does not have to make a saving throw against the poison." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The cyoturma has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The cyoturma makes three attacks: one with its bite or its venomous touch and two with its fangs." ] }, { "name": "Fangs", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage plus 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 3d8+4}) piercing damage and the target is subjected the cyoturma's corruption venom." ] }, { "name": "Venomous Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: The target is subjected the cyoturma's corruption venom." ] }, { "name": "Disgusting Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the cyoturma that can see it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed for one minute as sheer disgust makes it lose control over its muscles. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 154, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The cyoturma's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16). The cyoturma can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell plane shift}" ], "3e": [ "{@spell darkness}", "{@spell staggering smite}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Cyoturma.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Draudnu", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 102, "formula": "14d8+42" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 17, "con": 16, "int": 13, "wis": 16, "cha": 17, "skill": { "perception": "+6" }, "resist": [ "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Acid Spray", "entries": [ "Every time a draudnu takes piercing or slashing damage, all creatures within 5 feet of it take 3 ({@dice 1d6}) acid damage, or 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage if the piercing or slashing damage is from a critical hit." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The draudnu makes three flesh hook attacks." ] }, { "name": "Flesh Hook", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 3d6+4}) slashing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained, as the draudnu pins it to the floor or the nearest wall or pillar, detaching its hook and immediately growing a new one. A creature can use its action to attempt a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, to remove the hook from itself or another creature, ending the effect on that creature. Gut—Churning Form (Recharge 6). Each creature within 30 feet of the draudnu that can see it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become poisoned and frightened for one minute as it has a feeling of something growing inside its body. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 155, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Draudnu.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ekolid", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30, "fly": 50 }, "str": 10, "dex": 14, "con": 13, "int": 10, "wis": 18, "cha": 13, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy (touch)", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Unnatural Quickness", "entries": [ "The ekolid may make the dash or disengage action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Hatching Offspring", "entries": [ "At the start of the ekolid's turn, all eggs it implanted with its stings hatch, the emerging grubs dealing 3 ({@dice 1d6}) piercing damage per implanted egg to the creature as they gnaw their way out. Afterward the grubs are harmless. Each grub has AC 10 and 1 hit point and grows into a fully formed Ekolid within {@dice 2d6} hours. The eggs hatch even if the ekolid is dead or otherwise removed from the encounter." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ekolid makes three sting attacks." ] }, { "name": "Stings", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d4+2}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or have an ekolid egg implanted under its skin." ] }, { "name": "Skin—Crawling Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 10 feet of the ekolid that can see it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or gain disadvantage on ability checks for one minute as it feels like creatures are crawling beneath its skin. While under this effect the creature must also succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns to maintain concentration on any spells. A creature can repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 155, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ekolid.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Golothoma", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 202, "formula": "17d12+85" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 50, "swim": 50 }, "str": 23, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 4, "wis": 17, "cha": 20, "skill": { "perception": "+8" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 19, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "15", "trait": [ { "name": "Fixating Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action the golothoma presents itself. Each creature within 20 feet of the golothoma that can see it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, or develop a permanent unhealthy obsession with shadows and shadowy illumination. While in bright light or darkness the creature becomes sickened by discomfort, becoming poisoned until it enters an area of shadowy illumination. This effect can be removed with a dispel evil and good, dispel magic, heal or remove curse spell cast on the subject. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] }, { "name": "Dimensional Reach", "entries": [ "When attacking with its claws, the golothoma can reach through bents in space and attack creatures much further away than the length of its limbs may suggest. When taking an attack action or using its multiattack to attack with its claws, the golothoma's claws have a reach of 120 feet." ] }, { "name": "Ravenous Shadow", "entries": [ "At the start of the golothoma's turn each creature within 15 feet of it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and becoming poisoned for one round on a failed save or taking half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures have disadvantage on this save while blinded or in darkness." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The golothoma makes five melee attacks: one with its tail and four with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage plus 31 ({@dice 9d6}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 156, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Golothoma.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Inoqua", "size": "G", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 533, "formula": "26d20+260" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 50, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 30, "dex": 10, "con": 30, "int": 20, "wis": 20, "cha": 17, "save": { "str": "+17", "con": "+17", "int": "+12", "wis": "+12", "cha": "+10" }, "skill": { "perception": "+12" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "grappled", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 22, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 300 ft.", "cr": "25", "trait": [ { "name": "Abyssal Essence", "entries": [ "When the inoqua is damaged, a thick, stringy, black ichor made from the essence of the deep Abyss flows from the wounds in response. Any creature that deals damage to the obyrith with a melee attack must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or take 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage and be restrained until the end of its next turn." ] }, { "name": "Formless", "entries": [ "The obyrith can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The inoqua has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Magic Attacks", "entries": [ "The inoqua's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The inoqua makes three tentacle attacks." ] }, { "name": "Consumption", "entries": [ "The inoqua makes one bite attack each against every Large or smaller creature it is grappling. On a hit, the target is swallowed. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the inoqua, and it takes 28 ({@dice 8d6}) psychic damage at the start of each of the inoqua's turns. If the inoqua takes 50 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the inoqua must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or expel all creatures stuffed in its folds, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the inoqua. If the inoqua dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movement, exiting prone. A creature that dies while swallowed by the inoqua transforms and immediately emerges to serve its new master as an isaati (it loses all previous memories, and its statistics are replaced with those of the obyrith)." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +18} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 37 ({@dice 6d8+10}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +18} to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 24 ({@dice 4d6+10}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 20). The inoqua can grapple up to five creatures. Mind—Rending Form (Recharge 6). Each creature within 30 feet of the inoqua that can see it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw, taking 54 ({@dice 12d8}) psychic damage, gaining disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws and being blinded for one minute on a failed saving throw or taking half as much damage on a successful one as its mind is being torn asunder. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Magic Barrage", "entries": [ "The inoqua casts its magic missile spell." ] }, { "name": "Lash Out", "entries": [ "The inoqua makes a bite or tentacle attack." ] }, { "name": "Devour", "entries": [ "The inoqua uses its consumption against a single target it is grappling." ] }, { "name": "Entropic Rush (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The inoqua moves up to half its flying speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Any creature in a space it moves through must succeed on a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 ({@dice 2d8+10}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 157, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The inoqua's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 21). The inoqua can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell dimension door}", "{@spell dispel magic} (9th level)", "{@spell plane shift}", "{@spell magic missile} (6th level)", "{@spell word of recall}" ], "daily": { "2e": [ "{@spell Evard's black tentacles}", "{@spell eyebite}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell imprisonment}", "{@spell heal}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Inoqua.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Isaati", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 127, "formula": "17d8+51" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 30, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 16, "dex": 17, "con": 17, "int": 9, "wis": 19, "cha": 16, "skill": { "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "acid", "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Acidic Blood", "entries": [ "Every time the isaati takes piercing or slashing damage, all creatures within 5 feet of it take 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage, or 14 ({@dice 4d6}) acid damage if the piercing or slashing damage is from a critical hit." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The isaati makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its fangs." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Fangs", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) acid damage." ] }, { "name": "Nauseating Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the isaati must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, taking 27 ({@dice 6d8}) poison damage and becoming stunned for one minute on a failed saving throw or taking half as much damage on a successful one as it is overwhelmed with nausea. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 158, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Isaati.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nethui", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "8d10+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 15, "con": 19, "int": 12, "wis": 19, "cha": 15, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft., Tongues", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The nethui can breathe both air and water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The nethui makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws. The nethui has three tentacles, each of which can grapple one Medium or smaller creature. Until the grapple ends, the tentacle can't attack another target. If grappling a Large or larger creature, the nethui must use all tentacles to grapple the target and can't make any weapon attacks against another target." ] }, { "name": "Fascinating Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the nethui that can see it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, or be incapacitated for one minute as it is transfixed by the nethui's motions. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] }, { "name": "Domination (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "A creature the nethui can see within 60 feet of the nethui must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed. While charmed, the creature must obey the nethui's telepathic or verbal commands. The nethui must maintain concentration on its charm. It can concentrate on up to 3 charmed creatures at a time. If it fails a concentration check, it loses control over one randomly determined creature instead of all of them." ] } ], "page": 158, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nethui.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sibiriex", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 225, "formula": "18d10+126" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 20, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 16, "dex": 8, "con": 24, "int": 20, "wis": 19, "cha": 20, "skill": { "arcana": "+15", "deception": "+10", "intimidation": "+10" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 20, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft", "cr": "13", "trait": [ { "name": "Bile (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the sibiriex spews black bile from the feeding tubes dangling from the lower end of its body. One creature the sibiriex can see within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 42 ({@dice 12d6}) acid damage and be poisoned for one minute. At the end of each of its turns a creature can attempt a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on a success." ] }, { "name": "Telekinesis", "entries": [ "The sibiriex has telekinetic abilities that allow it to manipulate its chains and use them as tentacle—like appendages and otherwise function as the telekinesis spell. The sibiriex does not have to concentrate to maintain the effect, the effect has no time limit, and the sibiriex's spellcasting ability for this spell is Intelligence. The telekinesis can be dispelled or supressed by a dispel magic, antimagic field, or similar effect. If the telekinesis is dispelled, the sibiriex must use an action to reestablish it. While it is dispelled or suppressed, the sibiriex's chains hang lifelessly from its form and it cannot use its chain attack." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The sibiriex has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The sibiriex can use its beguiling form. It then makes two chain attacks." ] }, { "name": "Chain", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 4d6+5}) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Beguiling Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the sibiriex that can see it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 14 ({@dice 4d6}) psychic damage and be charmed for one minute as its mind is warped to see the sibiriex as the perfect expression of phsyical beauty and it is consumed by a sense of diminished self worth. While charmed, the creature has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against the sibiriex's spells. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the charmed effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] }, { "name": "Graft (3/Day)", "entries": [ "The sibiriex attaches an abyssal graft (see Abyssal Grafts sidebar on page 160) to a willing creature other than a construct or undead it can reach with its chains within 10 feet. The creature takes 45 ({@dice 10d8}) slashing damage in the process. Alternatively the sibiriex can take its time applying the graft in a process that take both the sibiriex's and the target's attention for 1 hour but does not cause any damage or expend a use of the sibiriex's graft ability." ] } ], "page": 159, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The sibiriex's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18). The sibiriex can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell dispel magic} (level 9)", "{@spell sending}" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell feeblemind}" ], "3e": [ "{@spell command}", "{@spell creation} (level 9)", "{@spell dominate monster}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sibiriex.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ysolith", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "obyrith" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 262, "formula": "21d10+126" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 21, "dex": 15, "con": 22, "int": 18, "wis": 20, "cha": 19, "save": { "dex": "+9", "wis": "+12", "cha": "+11" }, "skill": { "perception": "+16", "stealth": "+13" }, "resist": [ "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "acid", "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 25, "languages": "Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "19", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Attacks", "entries": [ "The ysolith's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The ysolith has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Spider Climb", "entries": [ "The obyrith can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ysolith makes five attacks: three with its stings and two with its tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Stings", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6} psychic) damage and the target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 4d6+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Horrifying Form (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature within 30 feet of the ysolith must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, becoming frightened and taking 36 ({@dice 8d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one as horror takes it over. While frightened, the creature is stunned. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the charmed condition are immune to this ability." ] } ], "page": 161, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The ysolith's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). The ysolith can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell dimension door}", "{@spell dispel magic} (9th level)", "{@spell telekinesis}" ], "daily": { "2e": [ "{@spell flesh to stone}", "{@spell feeblemind}" ], "1e": [ "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell plane shift}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ysolith.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ophidian", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 17, "formula": "4d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 25, "climb": 15, "swim": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 8, "wis": 11, "cha": 10, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Draconic, Yuan—Ti", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Camouflage", "entries": [ "The ophidian has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in any natural terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ophidian makes two melee attacks: one with its scimitar and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or Small humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with serpentine curse." ] } ], "page": 162, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ophidian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Penanggalan", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 84, "formula": "10d8+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 18, "con": 18, "int": 14, "wis": 15, "cha": 19, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "cold", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "frightened", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Any languages it knew in life", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Fear Aura", "entries": [ "A creature starting its turn within 30 feet of the penanggalan must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the penanggalan for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the wurm's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Alternate Form", "entries": [ "The penanggalan can attach itself to its body again, using an action, after soaking its entrails in vinegar. While in this form, its speed becomes 30 feet and it loses its fly speed. It also loses its immunity to the prone condition and bite and entrail attack and cannot be detected by the detect good and evil spell. As a bonus action, the penanggalan can return to its natural form, leaving its body behind once more." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the penanggalan, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@dice 3d6}) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the penanggalan regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this way, that is not buried within 3 days, rises as a penanggalan." ] }, { "name": "Entrails", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d10+4}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the penanggalan can automatically hit the target with its entrails as an action or bonus action, and the penanggalan can't make entrail attacks against another target. Because the penanggalan seizes the victims neck, the creature can't breathe, speak, or cast spells with verbal components." ] }, { "name": "Domination", "entries": [ "The penanggalan targets a creature within 60 feet of itself. If the two can see each other, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw as if targeted by a dominate monster spell." ] } ], "page": 163, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Penanggalan.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Phane", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ 16 ], "hp": { "average": 220, "formula": "21d10+105" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 50 }, "str": 20, "dex": 22, "con": 21, "int": 20, "wis": 18, "cha": 16, "save": { "con": "+9", "wis": "+8", "cha": "+7" }, "skill": { "perception": "+8" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "truesight 120 ft.", "passive": 18, "languages": "Celestial", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Temporal Fugue", "entries": [ "Using a bonus action, the phane can remove a single spell, condition or other effect affecting it." ] }, { "name": "Immutable Form", "entries": [ "The phane is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form." ] }, { "name": "Mistform Movement", "entries": [ "The phane can occupy another creature's space and vice versa. It can move through any opening smaller than itself as if it were difficult terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The phane makes two melee attacks with its" ] }, { "name": "Temporal Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 33 ({@dice 6d8+6}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Wizening Ray", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, range 50 ft., one target. Hit: 33 ({@dice 6d8+6}) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion and the target visibly ages. A creature killed by exhaustion caused by the phane's Wizening Ray shrivels to a dry husk. A single long rest removes all levels of exhaustion caused by the phane's Wizening Ray and restores the creature's natural age." ] }, { "name": "Maelstrom of Time", "entries": [ "Creatures within 5 feet of the phane must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, gaining 1 level of exhaustion and taking 27 ({@dice 6d8}) necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that failed it save visibly ages. A creature killed by exhaustion caused by the phane's Maelstrom of Time shrivels to a dry husk. A single long rest removes all levels of exhaustion caused by the phane's Maelstrom of Time and restores the creature's natural age." ] } ], "page": 164, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Phane.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Phantom Fungus", "size": "M", "type": "plant", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 14, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 8, "wis": 15, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+6", "stealth": "+2" }, "senses": "blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60", "passive": 16, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Natural Invisibility", "entries": [ "While the phantom fungus is alive, it is invisible. This ability cannot be dispelled." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 165, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Phantom%20Fungus.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Phargion", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] }, { "ac": 17, "from": "natural armor", "condition": "when curled up" } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 15, "condition": " (50 ft. when curled up)" } }, "str": 13, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 6, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Rapid Movement", "entries": [ "The phargion can curl up into a wheel (no action required). While curled up this way, its AC increases to 17 and its speed to 50 ft. It cannot attack while in this form. It can use a bonus action to uncurl again." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Arm Blade", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d6+2}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 165, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Phargion.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Primal Werebear", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 230, "formula": "20d10+120" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 13, "con": 22, "int": 2, "wis": 15, "cha": 9, "skill": { "perception": "+6" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The werebear's natural form is that of a humanoid. Any humanoid's statistics can serve as the werebear's natural form. The werebear can't voluntarily change shape, it automatically changes to its beast form after sundown on every full moon night and changes back to humanoid form at first sunlight. The transformation takes two rounds, and the werebear is incapacitated while transforming. Gear is not transformed, and worn items are likely to break. Magic items instead simply fall off. In humanoid form, the werebear uses its humanoid form's statistics, except it has the werebear's Keen Smell and Shapechanger ability. When changing shape, the werebear retains the difference between its current hit points and hit point maximum from the previous form if the current hit points are lower. If the werebear is killed in beast form, it dies in that form and does not revert to humanoid form." ] }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The werebear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The werebear makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d12+6}) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with primal werebear lycanthropy." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 166, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Primal%20Werebear.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Primal Wereboar", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 147, "formula": "14d10+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 2, "wis": 15, "cha": 9, "skill": { "perception": "+6" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the wereboar moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with its tusks on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 ({@dice 2d8}) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The wereboar's natural form is that of a humanoid. Any humanoid's statistics can serve as the wereboar's natural form. The wereboar can't voluntarily change shape, it automatically changes to its beast form after sundown on every full moon night and changes back to humanoid form at first sunlight. The transformation takes two rounds, and the werebear is incapacitated while transforming. Gear is not transformed, and worn items are likely to break. Magic items instead simply fall off. In humanoid form, the wereboar uses its humanoid form's statistics, except it has the wereboar's Keen Smell and Shapechanger ability. When changing shape, the wereboar retains the difference between its current hit points and hit point maximum from the previous form if the current hit points are lower. If the wereboar is killed in beast form, it dies in that form and does not revert to humanoid form." ] }, { "name": "Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "If the wereboar takes 20 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The wereboar makes three melee attacks: one with its tusk and two with its slam." ] }, { "name": "Tusk", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with primal wereboar lycanthropy." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d10+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 167, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Primal%20Wereboar.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Primal Wererat", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 65, "formula": "10d8+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 18, "con": 15, "int": 3, "wis": 13, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The wererat's natural form is that of a humanoid. Any humanoid's statistics can serve as the wererat's natural form. The wererat can't voluntarily change shape, it automatically changes to its beast form after sundown on every full moon night and changes back to humanoid form at first sunlight. The transformation takes two rounds, and the wererat is incapacitated while transforming. Gear is not transformed, and worn items are likely to break. Magic items instead simply fall off. In humanoid form, the wererat uses its humanoid form's statistics, except it has the wererat's Keen Smell and Shapechanger ability. When changing shape, the wererat retains the difference between its current hit points and hit point maximum from the previous form if the current hit points are lower. If the wererat is killed in beast form, it dies in that form and does not revert to humanoid form." ] }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The wererat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The wererat makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with primal wererat lycanthropy." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 167, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Primal%20Wererat.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Primal Weretiger", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 168, "formula": "16d10+80" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 17, "con": 20, "int": 2, "wis": 13, "cha": 9, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The weretiger's natural form is that of a humanoid. Any humanoid's statistics can serve as the weretiger's natural form. The weretiger can't voluntarily change shape, it automatically changes to its beast form after sundown on every full moon night and changes back to humanoid form at first sunlight. The transformation takes two rounds, and the weretiger is incapacitated while transforming. Gear is not transformed, and worn items are likely to break. Magic items instead simply fall off. In humanoid form, the weretiger uses its humanoid form's statistics, except it has the weretiger's Keen Hearing and Smell and Shapechanger ability. When changing shape, the weretiger retains the difference between its current hit points and hit point maximum from the previous form if the current hit points are lower. If the weretiger is killed in beast form, it dies in that form and does not revert to humanoid form. Keen Hearing and Smell. The weretiger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] }, { "name": "Pounce", "entries": [ "If the weretiger moves at least 15 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the weretiger can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The weretiger makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with primal weretiger lycanthropy." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 168, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Primal%20Weretiger.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Primal Werewolf", "size": "L", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d10+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 15, "con": 19, "int": 2, "wis": 15, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+5" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The werewolf's natural form is that of a humanoid. Any humanoid's statistics can serve as the werewolf's natural form. The werewolf can't voluntarily change shape, it automatically changes to its beast form after sundown on every full moon night and changes back to humanoid form at first sunlight. The transformation takes two rounds, and the werewolf is incapacitated while transforming. Gear is not transformed, and worn items are likely to break. Magic items instead simply fall off. In humanoid form, the werewolf uses its humanoid form's statistics, except it has the werewolf's Keen Hearing and Smell and Shapechanger ability. When changing shape, the werewolf retains the difference between its current hit points and hit point maximum from the previous form if the current hit points are lower. If the werewolf is killed in beast form, it dies in that form and does not revert to humanoid form. Keen Hearing and Smell. The werewolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The werewolf makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with primal werewolf lycanthropy." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 168, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Primal%20Werewolf.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Protectar Custodian", "size": "M", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "{@item plate armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "6d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 12, "con": 16, "int": 12, "wis": 14, "cha": 17, "skill": { "insight": "+4", "medicine": "+6", "perception": "+4", "religion": "+3" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Celestial, Common", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The protectar makes two melee attacks with its longsword." ] }, { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 169, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The protectar's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell tongues}" ], "daily": { "4e": [ "{@spell cure wounds}", "{@spell healing word}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Protectar%20Custodian.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Protectar", "size": "M", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "{@item half plate armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 15, "skill": { "insight": "+3", "medicine": "+5", "perception": "+3", "religion": "+2" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Celestial", "cr": "1/2", "action": [ { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 169, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The protectar's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell tongues}" ], "daily": { "3": [ "{@spell cure wounds}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Protectar.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Quicksilver", "size": "T", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 16 ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "5d4+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 120 }, "str": 8, "dex": 22, "con": 14, "int": 15, "wis": 15, "cha": 14, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+7", "athletics": "+3" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "vulnerable": [ "cold", "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "grappled", "restrained" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Dispersed Motion", "entries": [ "Attacks against the quicksilver have disadvantage unless the quicksilver is incapacitated. Whenever the quicksilver uses a Dash action, its AC increases to 18 until the start of its next turn. The quicksilver can move through any opening that air can pass through. If it ends its movement in a passage smaller than itself, it takes 14 ({@dice 4d6}) force damage and falls prone at the closest end of the passage where its physical body can fit." ] }, { "name": "Evasion", "entries": [ "If the quicksilver is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails." ] }, { "name": "Moon Dragon Thrall", "entries": [ "If the quicksilver fails its saving throw against a moon dragon's Hypnotic Presence ability, it is permanently charmed by the dragon instead of suffering the normal effects. While charmed, the quicksilver views the dragon as its master and obeys its commands without question." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The quicksilver makes three attacks with its quicksilver knife." ] }, { "name": "Quicksilver Knife", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d4+6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 170, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Quicksilver.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ramadeen", "size": "L", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "L", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item chain mail|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 42, "formula": "5d10+15" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 21, "dex": 12, "con": 17, "int": 12, "wis": 14, "cha": 17, "skill": { "arcana": "+3", "insight": "+4", "intimidation": "+5", "perception": "+4", "persuasion": "+5", "religion": "+3" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Celestial, Common, Infernal", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Divine Smite (2/Day)", "entries": [ "When it hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, the ramadeen can channel divine light to deal 9 ({@dice 2d8}) radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The ramadeen's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Powerful Charge", "entries": [ "If the ramadeen moves at least 20 feet in a straight line and hits with a melee weapon attack, it deals an additional 7 ({@dice 2d6}) slashing damage to the target." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 170, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ramadeen.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ramadeen Lieutenant", "size": "L", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "L", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "{@item half plate armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "8d10+28" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 12, "con": 19, "int": 14, "wis": 16, "cha": 19, "skill": { "arcana": "+4", "insight": "+5", "intimidation": "+6", "perception": "+5", "persuasion": "+6", "religion": "+4" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Celestial, Common, Infernal", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Divine Smite (2/Day)", "entries": [ "When it hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, the ramadeen can channel divine light to deal 13 ({@dice 3d8}) radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The ramadeen's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Powerful Charge", "entries": [ "If the ramadeen moves at least 20 feet in a straight line and hits with a melee weapon attack, it deals an additional 10 ({@dice 3d6}) slashing damage to the target." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ramadeen makes two scimitar attacks." ] }, { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 171, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ramadeen%20Lieutenant.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rast", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 5, "fly": { "number": 50, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 14, "dex": 12, "con": 14, "int": 4, "wis": 13, "cha": 12, "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Paralyzing Gaze", "entries": [ "If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the rast and the two of them can see each other, the rast can force the creature to make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw if the rast isn't incapacitated, becoming paralyzed on a failed save. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeded on a saving throw against the rast's Paralyzing Gaze is immune to the effect for the next 24 hours. A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throws at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the rast until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again." ] }, { "name": "Tangle of Claws", "entries": [ "If it is grappling a creature, the rast may make two additional claw attacks against the grappled creature as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The rast makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the rast can't use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d4+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Blood Drain", "entries": [ "The rast makes a single bite attack against a creature it is grappling. If this attack hits, the target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt, and the rast regains that many hit points." ] } ], "page": 172, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rast.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ravid", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 48, "formula": "9d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": { "number": 50, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 13, "dex": 10, "con": 13, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 14, "immune": [ "fire", "poison", "radiant" ], "vulnerable": [ "necrotic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Positive Energy Lash", "entries": [ "An undead creature that touches the ravid takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) radiant damage. This damage is already included in the ravid's melee attacks." ] }, { "name": "Aura of Animation", "entries": [ "At the start of the ravid's turn, a single randomly determined object of Huge size or smaller within 20 feet of the ravid comes to life as if animated by an animate objects spell. The ravid does not control these objects, but the objects act autonomously, defending the ravid to the best of their ability. The ravid can maintain concentration on up to three animated objects. When a new one is animated, the effect ends on a randomly determined object that was previously animated. When the ravid fails a concentration check, the effect ends on a single randomly determined animated object." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ravid makes two melee attacks: one with its tail and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d8+1}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is an undead creature, it takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) radiant damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d4+2}) slashing damage. If the target is an undead creature, it takes 9 ({@dice 2d8}) radiant damage." ] } ], "page": 173, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ravid.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Redcap", "size": "S", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 119, "formula": "14d6+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 14, "con": 20, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+9", "perception": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Agile Movement", "entries": [ "The redcap can use the Disengage action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Deadly Critical", "entries": [ "If the redcap scores a critical hit with its scythe, it deals an additional 9 ({@dice 2d8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Iron Boots", "entries": [ "While moving on hard surfaces (such as wood, stone or metal floors), the redcap has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks." ] }, { "name": "Outsize Strength", "entries": [ "While grappling, the redcap is considered to be Medium. Also, wielding a heavy weapon doesn't impoose disadvantage on its attack rolls." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The redcap makes three attacks with its wicked scythe." ] }, { "name": "Wicked Scythe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 174, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Redcap.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rot Harbinger", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 190, "formula": "20d8+100" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 19, "con": 20, "int": 14, "wis": 17, "cha": 14, "immune": [ "poison", "necrotic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "disease" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Rotting Disease", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the rot harbinger or is hit by its claws or Glob of Decay, must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or contract rotting disease. At the start of each of its turns, the diseased creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 7 ({@dice 2d6}) necrotic damage. If it succeeds on two consecutive saving throws against the disease, the disease is cured." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The rot harbinger makes two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) necrotic damage." ] }, { "name": "Glob of Decay", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 28 ({@dice 8d6}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "page": 175, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rot%20Harbinger.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sanguineous Drinker", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 75, "formula": "10d8+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 15, "con": 17, "int": 7, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "skill": { "perception": "+2" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "any languages it knew in life", "cr": "4", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The sanguineous drinker makes two melee attacks with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the sanguineous drinker regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0." ] }, { "name": "Blood Spray", "entries": [ "The sanguineous drinker deals 5 damage to itself and sprays blood in a 10 foot radius around itself. The area becomes slippery and creatures in the area other than sanguineous drinkers must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone, when the blood spray is used. A creature that enters the sprayed area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The area remains slippery for 1 minute before the blood dries up." ] } ], "page": 176, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sanguineous%20Drinker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Scaled Stalker Bandleader", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "8d10+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 21, "dex": 10, "con": 19, "int": 13, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "save": { "wis": "+3" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "insight": "+4", "intimidation": "+6", "perception": "+4", "persuasion": "+3" }, "resist": [ "fire" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Giant", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "On its turn, the scaled stalker can take one additional action." ] }, { "name": "Opening Strike (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "When the scaled stalker hits a creature with a melee attack, one ally of its choice may immediately make a single melee attack against that target as a reaction." ] }, { "name": "Tyrannical Leader", "entries": [ "If a scaled stalker within 60 feet of the bandleader that can see the bandleader fails a saving throw against an effect that would frighten it, the bandleader can make a 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check against that stalker as a reaction. On a success, the target is frightened of the bandleader instead of the source of the original effect." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The scaled stalker makes two melee attacks with its longsword." ] }, { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 177, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Scaled%20Stalker%20Bandleader.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Scaled Stalker Grunt", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 63, "formula": "6d10+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 17, "int": 11, "wis": 8, "cha": 8, "save": { "wis": "+1" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+6" }, "resist": [ "fire" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "Giant", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "On its turn, the scaled stalker can take one additional action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The scaled stalker makes two melee attacks with its longsword." ] }, { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 177, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Scaled%20Stalker%20Grunt.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shadar-Kai", "size": "M", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 9, "formula": "2d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 11, "wis": 10, "cha": 9, "skill": { "perception": "+2", "stealth": "+6" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Elven, Sylvan", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Gal—Ralan", "entries": [ "The shadar—kai wears a gal—ralan, the Constitution penalty is already included in its statistics. Hide in Plain Sight. As long as it is not illuminated by sunlight or a daylight spell, the shadar—kai can hide without having anything granting it concealment." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Curse", "entries": [ "Whenever the shadar—kai becomes incapacitated, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or lose a portion of its soul to the shadow plane. Its hit point maximum becomes permanently reduced by 4 ({@dice 1d8}). A shadar—kai whose hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this effect dies and cannot be resurrected, except with a true resurrection spell. A wish spell can restore the shadar—kai to its full hit point maximum." ] }, { "name": "Shadow Lurker", "entries": [ "The shadar—kai has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in dark or shadowy conditions." ] }, { "name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)", "entries": [ "The shadar—kai deals an extra 3 ({@dice 1d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the shadar—kai that isn't incapacitated and the shadar—kai doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Chain Blade", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 178, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shadar-Kai.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ghirrash", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 68, "formula": "8d10+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 16, "con": 16, "int": 13, "wis": 12, "cha": 15, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+6", "athletics": "+8", "stealth": "+6" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal, Common, Infernal", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Displacement", "entries": [ "The ghirrash projects a magical illusion that makes it appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted while the ghirrash is incapacitated or has a speed of 0." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The shadow beast has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Pounce", "entries": [ "If the ghirrash moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a weapon attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the ghirrash can make two claw attacks against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The ghirrash makes three melee attacks, one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute. At the end of each of its turns the creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 179, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ghirrash.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Khumat", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 104, "formula": "11d10+44" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 13, "con": 19, "int": 8, "wis": 13, "cha": 8, "skill": { "athletics": "+8", "stealth": "+6", "survival": "+4" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal, Common, Infernal", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The khumat can hold its breath for 15 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The shadow beast has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The khumat makes two melee attacks, one with its bite and one with its tail." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage and the target is grappled grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the khumat can't bite another target" ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 180, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Khumat.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Thaskor", "size": "L", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 136, "formula": "13d10+65" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 26, "dex": 10, "con": 21, "int": 12, "wis": 13, "cha": 16, "skill": { "athletics": "+11", "perception": "+4", "survival": "+4" }, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "lightning", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Abyssal, Common, Infernal", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Powerful Charge", "entries": [ "If the thaskor moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the thaskor can make one attack with its slam against it as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The shadow beast has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Trumpeting Blast (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the thaskor blows a thunder blast in a 15 foot cone. Creatures within the area, who can hear the thaskor, must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 round." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) piercing damage" ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 180, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Thaskor.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shardmind Psion", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "shardmind" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 15, "con": 12, "int": 17, "wis": 12, "cha": 12, "skill": { "arcana": "+5", "history": "+5" }, "resist": [ "psychic" ], "passive": 11, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 25 ft.", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Living Construct", "entries": [ "The shardmind is immune to disease." ] }, { "name": "Shard Swarm (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "The shardmind's form cascades into a swarm of swirling crystal shards momentarily. While in this form the shardmind gains a fly speed equal to its walking speed. At the end of its turn, the shardmind regains its regular, solid form." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Mind Thrust", "entries": [ "The shardmind strikes a creature within 120 feet of it with psychic energy. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or take 11 ({@dice 2d10}) psychic damage." ] } ], "page": 181, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)", "headerEntries": [ "A shardmind's innate spellcasting ability is intelligence (Spell save DC 13, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell detect thoughts}", "{@spell suggestion}" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell dominate monster}", "{@spell scrying}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shardmind%20Psion.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shardmind Warrior", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "shardmind" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item breastplate|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 10, "con": 14, "int": 12, "wis": 10, "cha": 10, "skill": { "arcana": "+3" }, "resist": [ "psychic" ], "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 25 ft.", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Living Construct", "entries": [ "The shardmind is immune to disease." ] }, { "name": "Shard Swarm (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "The shardmind's form cascades into a swarm of swirling crystal shards momentarily. While in this form the shardmind gains a fly speed equal to its walking speed. At the end of its turn, the shardmind regains its regular, solid form." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Longsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 181, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shardmind%20Warrior.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shardsoul Slayer", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 64, "formula": "8d8+32" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 14, "con": 18, "int": 7, "wis": 5, "cha": 8, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 7, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 25 ft.", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Disorienting Aura", "entries": [ "A creature that begins its turn within 5 feet of the shadrsoul slayer must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by the shardsoul slayer for 1 round. While charmed, the creature is incapacitated, its speed becomes 0 and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed." ] }, { "name": "Death's Release", "entries": [ "When the shardsoul slayer dies, it can choose another shardsoul slayer within 120 feet. The target gains the dying shard soul slayer's choice of either advantage on all saving throws or advantage on attack rolls for two rounds." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The shardsoul slayer makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 182, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shardsoul%20Slayer.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shocker Lizard", "size": "S", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "3d6+3" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 20, "swim": 20 }, "str": 10, "dex": 17, "con": 13, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "save": { "dex": "+5" }, "resist": [ "lightning" ], "senses": "electricity sense 100 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Electricity Sense", "entries": [ "The shocker lizard automatically detects electrical charges within 100 feet, such as lightning spells and abilities being used or creatures and machines using electricity." ] }, { "name": "Stunning Shock", "entries": [ "As a bonus action the shocker lizard can deliver an electric shock to a creature within 5 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become stunned for 1 round. If the target has 13 ({@dice 3d8}) hit points or fewer it falls unconscious for 1 hour. A creature awakens if it takes damage or if someone uses an an action to shake or slap it awake." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 ({@dice 1d4}) piercing damage plus 3 ({@dice 1d6}) lightning damage." ] }, { "name": "Lethal Shock", "entries": [ "If two or more shocker lizards within 20 feet of each other are working together by using this action, at the end of the round they create a lethal discharge. Creatures within 20 feet of one contributing shocker lizard must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, becoming stunned for 1 round and taking 9 ({@dice 2d8}) lightning damage for each contributing shocker lizard (to a maximum of 54 ({@dice 12d8}) lightning damage) on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 183, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shocker%20Lizard.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skulk", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "skulk" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 9, "formula": "2d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 14, "con": 11, "int": 11, "wis": 8, "cha": 6, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+4", "athletics": "+2", "stealth": "+6" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "Common", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Innate Nondetection", "entries": [ "The skulk is extremely difficult to detect. It is affected as if under the permanent effect of a nondetection spell." ] }, { "name": "Peerless Camouflage", "entries": [ "The skulk has advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks." ] }, { "name": "Trackless Path", "entries": [ "Other creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track the skulk." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Light Crossbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 184, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skulk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skull Lord", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "{@item half plate armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 156, "formula": "24d8+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 19, "con": 15, "int": 14, "wis": 15, "cha": 17, "save": { "con": "+5", "int": "+5", "wis": "+5" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+5", "perception": "+5", "religion": "+5" }, "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "all languages it knew in life", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Create Bone Staff", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the skull can create a bonus staff. It can have only one bone staff in its possession at a time. If it loses possession of its bone staff, the staff breaks and the skull lord is free to create a new one." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The skull lord has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Skull Loss", "entries": [ "When the skull lord is reduced to two thirds of its maximum hit points, one of its heads shatters. It can no longer use one randomly determined legendary action. If it is reduced to one third of its hit point maximum, it loses the use of another legendary action. If the skull lord regains enough hit points for its hit points to go back above one or two thirds of its maximum hit points, it regains the use of one of its lost legendary actions, determined randomly. Three—Headed. The skull lord has advantage on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bone Staff", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage plus 12 ({@dice 3d8}) cold damage." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Bone Beckon", "entries": [ "The skull lord's beckoning skull commands the bones of one creature it can see within 30 feet to come forth. If the target has a skeletal system, must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or take 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage. The skull lord may chose itself, or a skeleton or undead creature created by it within 30 feet. The chosen creature immediately regains 7 ({@dice 2d6}) hit points. Alternatively the skull lords can hold the bone shards in its spitting skull." ] }, { "name": "Bone Shard", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage plus 12 ({@dice 3d8}) cold damage. If the skull lord is holding the bone shards of the target in its spitting skull (see Bone Beckon ability), the attack has advantage to hit and the target's bones are no longer held in the skull." ], "attack": [ "Bone Shard|7|1d8+4+3d8" ] }, { "name": "Create Servitor (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The skull lord's creator skull creates any type of skeleton (see Appendix B: Zombies and Skeletons, and Monster Manual pages 272, 273) from nearby bones. The created creature obeys the skull lord's telepathic orders (no action required) or defends the skull lord to the best of its ability, if it has no orders.", "The skull lord can control up to three creatures with a combined XP value of 2,300 or less at a time. It cannot create any additional creatures above these limitations." ] } ], "page": 185, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A skull lord's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (Spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "daily": { "1e": [ "{@spell cure wounds} (level 5, undead only)", "{@spell invisibility}", "{@spell meld into stone}", "{@spell wall of fire}" ] } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skull%20Lord.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skullbat", "size": "T", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d4+12" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 0, "condition": " fly 40 ft." } }, "str": 2, "dex": 18, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 14, "cha": 13, "resist": [ "necrotic", "poison", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "blidnsight 80 ft., darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "understands", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Latch On", "entries": [ "When the skullbat hits a creature with its bite attack, its teeth burrow into the target, locking the skullbat tight to its victim's flesh. While the skullbat remains attached, the skullbat is restrained, but the target can move and act normally. The skullbat remains attached and is moved with the creature if the creature moves or is moved. A creature can use an action to attempt a Strength (Athletics) checks to grapple and remove the skullbat from itself or another creature within 5 feet, while the skullbat may detach at will without using an action. If the skullbat is detached in any way, it is no longer restrained. While the skullbat is attached to the target, it cannot use any actions or move. At the end of each of its turns, the skullbat automatically deals 14 ({@dice 4d6}) necrotic damage to the target and regains that many hit points." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Hypersensitivity", "entries": [ "The skullbat takes 5 radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage and 7 ({@dice 2d6}) necrotic damage. The skullbat regains an amount of hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt." ] } ], "page": 187, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skullbat.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skum", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 40 }, "str": 16, "dex": 13, "con": 13, "int": 10, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+2" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Deep Speech", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The skum can breathe air and water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The skum makes two melee attacks, one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d4+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 188, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skum.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Spark Lasher", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 10 }, "str": 8, "dex": 13, "con": 13, "int": 12, "wis": 8, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "immune": [ "lightning" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Deep Speech", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "entries": [ "As long as the spark lasher doesn't move, it looks like a harmless plant to creatures unfamiliar with spark lashers." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) bludgeoning damage plus 13 ({@dice 3d8}) lightning damage." ] } ], "page": 188, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Spark%20Lasher.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Spectral Steed", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d10+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 60 }, "str": 6, "dex": 13, "con": 14, "int": 3, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered" } ], "immune": [ "necrotic", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Ethereal Sight", "entries": [ "The spectral steed can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa." ] }, { "name": "Incorporeal Movement", "entries": [ "The spectral steed can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object." ] }, { "name": "Soul Charge (1/Day)", "entries": [ "If the spectral steed moves at least 20 feet in a straight line through at least one other creature, one creature of the spectral steed's choice that it moved through must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. The target takes 28 ({@dice 8d6}) cold damage and has its hit point maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken until it finishes a long rest on a failed saving throw, or takes half as much damage on a successful one. If the creature's hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this effect, it dies." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Powerlessness", "entries": [ "While in natural sunlight, the spectral steed is completely powerless and cannot use its soul charge ability or take actions other than Dodge and Dash." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Hoof Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d6}) cold damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, until it finishes a long rest. If the creature's hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this effect, it dies." ] } ], "page": 189, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Spectral%20Steed.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Spell Weaver", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "10d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 9, "dex": 16, "con": 10, "int": 18, "wis": 17, "cha": 18, "skill": { "arcana": "+7", "history": "+7" }, "immune": [ "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "telepathy 1,000 miles (spell weavers only)", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The spell weaver has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "See Invisibility", "entries": [ "A spell weaver can see invisible creatures as if under the permanent effect of a see invisibility spell." ] }, { "name": "Telepathic Seclusion", "entries": [ "The spell weaver is all but immune to telepathy. Attempts to communicate with it or to to read its mind using telepathy (such as with a detect thoughts spell or similar magic) automatically fail. Any creature making such an attempt must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 22 ({@dice 4d10}) psychic damage from the mental feedback and be stunned for 1 round. Spell weavers can communicate with each other using their telepathy ability, but telepathy spells they cast still fail automatically and the casting spell weaver must save against the feedback." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The spell weaver makes three unarmed strike attacks." ] }, { "name": "Unarmed Strike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Spell Weaving", "entries": [ "The spell weaver has 6 arms. It can use them to cast multiple spells at once. For each spell it must use a number of arms equal to that spell's level (it must use at least one arm per spell, even if it is a cantrip). The spell weaver can use this ability to cast multiple spells of level 1 or higher, it is not limited to one spell and one cantrip. If the spell weaver casts multiple spells that require concentration, it can still only choose one spell to concentrate on, all other concentration spells automatically fail." ] } ], "page": 190, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A spell weaver's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (Spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell invisibility}" ], "daily": { "1": [ "{@spell plane shift}" ] } }, { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A spell weaver is a 10th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (Spell save DC 15, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks), it knows the following sorcerer spells:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell chill touch}", "{@spell fire bolt}", "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell true strike}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell burning hands}", "{@spell magic missile}", "{@spell shield}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell levitate}", "{@spell phantasmal force}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell lightning bolt}", "{@spell slow}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell blight}", "{@spell dimension door}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 2, "spells": [ "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell telekinesis}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Spell%20Weaver.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Spriggan", "size": "S", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "5d6+5" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 20, "condition": " (30 ft. in enlarged form)" } }, "str": 10, "dex": 17, "con": 12, "int": 11, "wis": 9, "cha": 11, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+5", "stealth": "+5", "sleight of hand": "+5" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "Common, Gnome", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Enlarge Form (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "The spriggan magically grows to an enlarged form. In this form the spriggan becomes Large, has a Strength score of 20 (+5) and gains 15 temporary hit points." ] }, { "name": "Shortsword (Natural Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Enlarged Sword (Enlarged Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 191, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Innate Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A spriggan's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (Spell save DC 10). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:" ], "will": [ "{@spell produce flame}", "{@spell shatter}" ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Spriggan.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Steel Predator", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 103, "formula": "11d10+44" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 22, "dex": 21, "con": 19, "int": 10, "wis": 16, "cha": 12, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+9", "perception": "+7", "stealth": "+9" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "lightning", "poison", "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 30 ft. (see Unmatched Smell ability), darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 17, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Deaf", "entries": [ "The steel predator is permanently deafened." ] }, { "name": "Ferrovore", "entries": [ "The steel predator's bite deals double damage against objects and creatures consisting primarily of metal. It has advantage on attack rolls with its bite against creatures wearing armor or with natural armor consisting primarily of metal." ] }, { "name": "Magic Sense", "entries": [ "The steel predator senses the number and direction of every metallic magical object within 120 feet." ] }, { "name": "Pounce", "entries": [ "If the steel predator moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the steel predator can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Unmatched Smell", "entries": [ "The steel predator automatically passes Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Its sense of smell is so accurate that it functions as blindsight with a range of 30 feet." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 3d6+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Roar (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The steel predator emits a titanic roar in a 40-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, becoming deafened for 1 minute and taking 42 ({@dice 12d6}) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 192, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Steel%20Predator.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Stone Spike", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 34, "formula": "4d8+16" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "burrow": 10 }, "str": 18, "dex": 8, "con": 19, "int": 5, "wis": 11, "cha": 11, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Dwarven, Terran", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The stone spike deals double damage to objects and structures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The stone spike makes two spike attacks." ] }, { "name": "Spike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning or piercing damage (stone spike's choice)." ] } ], "page": 193, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Stone%20Spike.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Stonechild", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "2d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 20, "int": 12, "wis": 11, "cha": 8, "skill": { "history": "+3", "perception": "+2" }, "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Stone", "entries": [ "The stone child can pick up any mundane stone or piece of rock, no larger than its fist, and imbue it with magic energy, when throwing it, making a Magic Stone attack with the stone. The attack is magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Greatsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Stone", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 194, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Stonechild.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Su Monster", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d8+15" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 40 }, "str": 16, "dex": 18, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 17, "cha": 14, "skill": { "athletics": "+5", "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ "psychic" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Psionic Sense", "entries": [ "The su monster immediately recognizes any creature with psionic abilities within 30 feet as such." ] }, { "name": "Four Claw Flurry", "entries": [ "While grappling a creature, the su monster can make two claw attacks against the grappled creature as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The su monster makes three melee attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the su monster can't use its tail against another target." ] } ], "page": 195, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Su%20Monster.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm Husk", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "aberration", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 11, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 60, "formula": "8d8+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 6, "save": { "con": "+5", "wis": "+2" }, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "stunned" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "False Life", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the swarm husk to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the swarm husk drops to 1 hit point instead. If the swarm husk fails the saving throw, it dies immediately, it can not be incapacitated and attempt to make death saving throws." ] }, { "name": "Worm Infestation", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the swarm husk must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, or take 10 ({@dice 4d4}) piercing damage, or 5 ({@dice 2d4}) piercing damage if the swarm husk has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The swarm husk makes two fist attacks." ] }, { "name": "Fist", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take an additional 10 ({@dice 4d4}) piercing damage or 5 ({@dice 2d4}) piercing damage if the swarm husk has half of its hit points or fewer." ] }, { "name": "Spew Worms (recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The swarm husk regurgitates a mass of parasite worms in a 15 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 ({@dice 4d8}) piercing damage, or 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage if the swarm husk has half of its hit points or fewer, on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 196, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20Husk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm of Parasite Worms", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "aberration", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 10 ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 5, "burrow": 5 }, "str": 3, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 6, "save": { "con": "+5", "wis": "+2" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Corpse Infestation", "entries": [ "Using all of its movement and its action, the swarm can infest a Medium fresh, preserved, or mummified humanoid corpse in its space, becoming a swarm husk with twice as many current hit points as the swarm's current hit point total." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny parasite worm. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 10 ({@dice 4d4}) piercing damage, or 5 ({@dice 2d4}) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "page": 196, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20of%20Parasite%20Worms.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Thoqqua", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 44, "formula": "8d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 20 }, "str": 15, "dex": 13, "con": 13, "int": 6, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Heated Body", "entries": [ "A creature that touches the thoqqua takes 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage." ] }, { "name": "Springing Charge", "entries": [ "If the thoqqua uses its action to dash and moves in a straight line directly toward a creature, it may make a single slam attack with advantage against this creature as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) bludgeoning damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or catch on fire. While on fire, a creature takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can use an action to put out the fire either on itself or on another creature within arm's reach." ] } ], "page": 197, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Thoqqua.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Thorn", "size": "S", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "leaf armor" ] }, { "ac": 16, "condition": "with shield" } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 10, "cha": 13, "skill": { "insight": "+2", "perception": "+2", "stealth": "+5" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Sneak Attack (1/Turn)", "entries": [ "The thorn deals an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the thorn that isn't incapacitated and the thorn doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Thorn Sword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Shortbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. A creature awakens if it takes damage or if someone uses an an action to shake or slap it awake." ] } ], "page": 198, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Thorn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Juvenile Tojanida", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 60 }, "str": 14, "dex": 13, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "arcana": "+2", "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+3" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Ink Jet (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "The tojanida emits a stream of ink (no action required). If emitted under water, this ink form's a cloud in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the tojanida. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. Emitted outside of water, the ink is shot at a creature of the tojanida's choice within 30 feet of the tojanida. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded. A creature can use an action to clear the ink off its eyes, ending the condition on itself." ] }, { "name": "Direction Change", "entries": [ "The tojanida can use the Disengage action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tojanida can withdraw into its armored shell. The tojanida has an AC of 21 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tojanida makes two melee attacks: onewith its bite, and one with its pincer." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Pincer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 10). The tojanida has two pincers, each of which can grapple one Small or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the tojanida can't use the pincer against another target." ] } ], "page": 199, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Juvenile%20Tojanida.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Adult Tojanida", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 60 }, "str": 16, "dex": 13, "con": 15, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "arcana": "+2", "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+3" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Ink Jet (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "The tojanida emits a stream of ink (no action required). If emitted under water, this ink form's a cloud in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the tojanida. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. Emitted outside of water, the ink is shot at a creature of the tojanida's choice within 30 feet of the tojanida. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded. A creature can use an action to clear the ink off its eyes, ending the condition on itself." ] }, { "name": "Direction Change", "entries": [ "The tojanida can use the Disengage action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tojanida can withdraw into its armored shell. The tojanida has an AC of 22 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tojanida makes three melee attacks: onewith its bite, and two with its pincers." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Pincer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 2d4+3}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 11). The tojanida has two pincers, each of which can grapple one Medium or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the tojanida can't use the pincer against another target." ] } ], "page": 200, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Adult%20Tojanida.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Tojanida", "size": "L", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 123, "formula": "13d10+52" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 60 }, "str": 20, "dex": 13, "con": 19, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 9, "skill": { "arcana": "+3", "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "resist": [ "acid", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Ink Jet (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "The tojanida emits a stream of ink (no action required). If emitted under water, this ink form's a cloud in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the tojanida. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, although a significant current can disperse the ink. Emitted outside of water, the ink is shot at a creature of the tojanida's choice within 30 feet of the tojanida. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded. A creature can use an action to clear the ink off its eyes, ending the condition on itself." ] }, { "name": "Direction Change", "entries": [ "The tojanida can use the Disengage action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tojanida can withdraw into its armored shell. The tojanida has an AC of 23 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tojanida makes three melee attacks: onewith its bite, and two with its pincers." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Pincer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 3d4+5}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). The tojanida has two pincers, each of which can grapple one Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the tojanida can't use the pincer against another target." ] } ], "page": 200, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Tojanida.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tulgar Warrior", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "tulgar" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 228, "formula": "24d8+120" }, "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "str": 24, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 15, "wis": 18, "cha": 14, "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Primordial", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Forest Walk", "entries": [ "The tulgar is not slowed by difficult terrain in natural forests." ] }, { "name": "Powerful Grip", "entries": [ "The tulgar ignores the two—handed quality of melee and thrown weapons. When wielding a weapon with the versatile quality, it always uses the higher damage die, even while wielding it in one hand." ] }, { "name": "Unbroken Spirit", "entries": [ "When the tulgar is reduced to 0 hit points or dies, the nearest ally of the tulgar gains 10 temporary hit points and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tulgar makes four attacks: three with its greataxe and one with its spear." ] }, { "name": "Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 1d12+7}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Spear", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 1d8+7}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 201, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tulgar%20Warrior.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tulgar Spirit Talker", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "tulgar" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 247, "formula": "26d8+130" }, "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "str": 22, "dex": 15, "con": 20, "int": 15, "wis": 20, "cha": 18, "passive": 15, "languages": "Common, Primordial", "cr": "14", "trait": [ { "name": "Forest Walk", "entries": [ "The tulgar is not slowed by difficult terrain in natural forests." ] }, { "name": "Unbroken Spirit", "entries": [ "When the tulgar is reduced to 0 hit points or dies, the nearest ally of the tulgar gains 10 temporary hit points and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws." ] }, { "name": "Spirit Touch", "entries": [ "Spells and attacks the tulgar makes ignore all damage resistances of creatures with the Incorporeal Movement ability." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tulgar makes two attacks with its spear." ] }, { "name": "Spear", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d8+6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 202, "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "A tulgar spirit talker is a 14th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Spell save DC 15, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks), it has the following druid spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell druidcraft}", "{@spell guidance}", "{@spell resistance}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell charm person}", "{@spell cure wounds}", "{@spell detect magic}", "{@spell entangle}", "{@spell jump}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell hold person}", "{@spell lesser restoration}", "{@spell pass without trace}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell dispel magic}", "{@spell protection from energy}", "{@spell feign death}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell confusion}", "{@spell dominate beast}", "{@spell locate creature}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell planar binding}", "{@spell reincarnate}" ] }, "6": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell heal}", "{@spell wind walk}" ] }, "7": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell plane shift}" ] } } } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tulgar%20Spirit%20Talker.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tulgar Half-Spirit", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "tulgar" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] }, { "ac": 13, "condition": "in spirit form" } ], "hp": { "average": 266, "formula": "28d8+140" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 35, "condition": " (0 ft. fly 35 ft. in spirit form)" } }, "str": 24, "dex": 17, "con": 20, "int": 15, "wis": 18, "cha": 20, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "acid", "cold", "fire", "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "preNote": "Spirit Form Only:" } ], "immune": [ { "immune": [ "poison" ], "preNote": "Spirit Form Only:" } ], "conditionImmune": [ { "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "preNote": "Spirit Form Only:" } ], "passive": 14, "languages": "Common, Primordial", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Ethereal Sight (Spirit Form Only)", "entries": [ "The tulgar can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa." ] }, { "name": "Incorporeal Movement (Spirit Form Only)", "entries": [ "The tulgar can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@dice 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object." ] }, { "name": "Forest Walk (Natural Form Only)", "entries": [ "The tulgar is not slowed by difficult terrain in natural forests." ] }, { "name": "Phasing", "entries": [ "The tulgar has two forms, its natural form and an incorporeal spirit form. As a bonus action, the tulgar can shift between its natural form and its spirit form." ] }, { "name": "Unbroken Spirit", "entries": [ "When the tulgar is reduced to 0 hit points or dies, the nearest ally of the tulgar gains 10 temporary hit points and advantage on attack rolls and saving throws." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "In its natural form, the tulgar makes three attacks with its greataxe. In spirit form, the tulgar makes three spirit touch attacks." ] }, { "name": "Greataxe (Natural Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 1d12+7}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Spirit Touch (Spirit Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d8+5}) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 round." ] } ], "page": 202, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tulgar%20Half-Spirit.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Ulgurstasta", "size": "G", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 201, "formula": "13d20+65" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 26, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 18, "wis": 16, "cha": 19, "save": { "con": "+9", "int": "+8", "wis": "+7" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+8", "nature": "+8", "perception": "+7", "religion": "+8" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "acid", "cold", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 17, "languages": "an ulgurstasta understands any four", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Hair Tendrils", "entries": [ "Ranged attacks against the ulgurstasta from non—siege weapons appropriate for Medium or smaller creatures, have disadvantage to hit. A creature that begins its turn within 40 feet of the ulgurstasta must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 ({@dice 2d6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The ulgurstasta has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Necromantic Acid", "entries": [ "Creatures that take acid damage from the ulgurstasta's, Bite, Swallow or Vomit abilities have their maximum hitpoints reduced by an amount equal to the acid damage taken until they finish a long rest. A creature that is reduced to 0 maximum hit points this way dies immediately. A Large or smaller creature killed by the necromantic acid (either the damage, or by having its maximum hit points reduced to 0) reanimates as a skeleton the next round (see Appendix 2: Zombies and Skeletons for appropriate skeleton statistics). These skeletons are immune to the ulgurstasta's acid and obey its telepathic commands without fail (no action by the ulgurstasta required). If the skeleton is inside the ulgurstasta's stomach, it goes dormant until ejected. Roll initiative for all skeletons as soon as they are outside the ulgurstasta." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target isrestrained, and the ulgurstasta can't use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Swallow", "entries": [ "The ulgurstasta swallows a willing creature within 10 feet of it or makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the ulgurstasta, and it takes 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage at the start of each of the ulgurstasta's turns. If the ulgurstasta takes 20 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the ulgurstasta must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the ulgurstasta. If the ulgurstasta dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone." ] }, { "name": "Vomit (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The ulgurstasta regurgitates the contents of its stomach in a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the area make succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 ({@dice 6d6}) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any creatures swallowed by the ulgurstasta are ejected and fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the ulgurstasta. Ejected creatures don't take damage from the vomit." ] } ], "page": 203, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Ulgurstasta.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Vampiric Mist", "size": "M", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 84, "formula": "13d8+26" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": 40 }, "str": 3, "dex": 20, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "acid", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft. (sense blood), darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Amorphous", "entries": [ "The vampiric mist can move through any space large enough for air to pass through, without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Fog Camouflage", "entries": [ "The vampiric mist has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in fog. If the fog is dense enough to generally grant advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in it, the vampiric mist is invisible inside it." ] }, { "name": "Seize", "entries": [ "When the vampiric mist hits a creature with its blood draining touch, its incorporeal tendrils seize the opponent. The target is not grappled, but it cannot move away from the vampiric mist while seized and the vampiric mist can hit the seized creature with its blood draining touch automatically. The seized creature may use its action to attempt a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Stength (Athletics) check to end the effect on itself. If the target is moved out of the vampiric mist's reach or the vampiric mist is incapacitated, the effect ends." ] }, { "name": "Sense Blood", "entries": [ "The vampiric mist can only sense living warm—blooded creatures with its blindsight." ] }, { "name": "Split", "entries": [ "A vampiric mist that has 168 maximum hit points or more immediately splits into two individual vampiric mists, each with a current hit point total equal to half the original mist's current hit points and 84 maximum hit points. Both of these mists continue to use the original mist's initiative." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Blood Draining Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d8}) necrotic damage, and the target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt, and the vampiric mist's hit point maximum and current hitpoints are increased by the same amount." ] } ], "page": 204, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Vampiric%20Mist.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Verbeeg", "size": "L", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "{@item hide armor|phb}", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 104, "formula": "11d10+44" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 14, "con": 19, "int": 15, "wis": 11, "cha": 14, "skill": { "athletics": "+9", "deception": "+5", "sleight of hand": "+5", "stealth": "+5" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Cunning Stealth", "entries": [ "The verbeeg can use the Hide action as a bonus action." ] }, { "name": "Displacer Cloak", "entries": [ "The verbeeg's cloak projects a magical illusion that makes the verbeeg appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted while the verbeeg is incapacitated or has a speed of 0." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The verbeeg makes two melee attacks with its javelin and uses its shield to make a Shove attack." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) piercing damage. If the verbeeg has advantage on the attack roll, the attack deals an extra 10 ({@dice 3d6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 205, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Verbeeg.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Vivisector", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 67, "formula": "9d8+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 18, "con": 16, "int": 12, "wis": 11, "cha": 15, "skill": { "medicine": "+6", "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+7" }, "resist": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Deaf", "entries": [ "The vivisector is permanently deafened." ] }, { "name": "Invisibility (3/Day)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the vivisector can become invisible for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Augmented Critical", "entries": [ "The vivisector's blade arm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The vivisector makes three attacks: two with its blade arm and one with its sting." ] }, { "name": "Blade Arm", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sting", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. At the start of each of its turns, a poisoned creature must succed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Vivisection", "entries": [ "The vivisector makes a single blade arm attack against a paralyzed, restrained, stunned or unconscious humanoid that automatically hits and counts as a critical hit. The vivisector regains an amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt. If the attack kills the target, it can't be raised using revivify, raise dead or similar magic requiring an intact body." ] } ], "page": 206, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Vivisector.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Walking Wall", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "6d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 22, "int": 13, "wis": 13, "cha": 10, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The walking wall deals double damage to objects and structures." ] }, { "name": "Mobile Shield", "entries": [ "Using an action, the walking wall can hunker down, presenting only a solid wall of stone to opponents. While in this state, the walking wall has an AC of 23 and Medium or smaller allies within 5 feet of it can use it as cover, gaining total cover from creatures on the opposite side if they do not make an attack against a target on the other side, or three—quarters cover, if they do." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d10+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 207, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Walking%20Wall.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wicker Man", "size": "H", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 114, "formula": "12d12+36" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 24, "dex": 8, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands the languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Flaming Body", "entries": [ "When the wicker man becomes exposed to fire (coming in contact with fire or being hit by an attack or spell that deals fire damage for example), it becomes sheathed in flames. Because it is immune to fire damage, the wicker man takes no damage from these flames. Creatures that start their turn witin 15 feet of a burning wicker man must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage on a failed save. A creature touching the wicker man must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature grappling or grappled by the wicker man must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its turns, taking 15 ({@dice 4d6}) fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature encaged inside the wicker man takes 21 ({@dice 6d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns, with no saves allowed." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The wicker man has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The wicker man makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+7}) bludgeoning damage (plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) fire damage if the wicker man is on fire) and the target is grappled (escape DC 19). The wicker man has two arms, that make slam attacks, each of which can grapple one Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends the arm can't make a slam against another creature." ] }, { "name": "Encage", "entries": [ "The wicker man stuffs a creature it is grappling into its interior. It makes a Strength (Athletics) check opposed by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target's choice). If the wicker man is successful, it stuffs the target into the cage in its chest and the grapple ends. While encaged, a creature can't leave unless it succeeds on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to pry open the rib cage, using an action. Alternatively the rib cage can be destroyed by dealing damage to it. If the wicker man takes 20 or more damage directed at its ribcage, the ribcage breaks and creatures encaged inside can leave. The wicker man must receive 20 points of healing before the ribcage is repaired and can hold encaged creatures inside again." ] } ], "page": 206, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wicker%20Man.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Shrieker Effigy", "size": "S", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d6+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 16, "con": 16, "int": 7, "wis": 11, "cha": 12, "skill": { "stealth": "+5" }, "immune": [ "poison", "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Shriek (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The witherling releases an unnatural shriek. Creatures within 30 feet that can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) thunder damage and be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The effigy makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 209, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Shrieker%20Effigy.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Harrier Effigy", "size": "S", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 52, "formula": "8d6+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 14, "con": 16, "int": 7, "wis": 11, "cha": 12, "skill": { "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "poison", "thunder" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the effigy moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it and any creatures within 5 feet must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 209, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Harrier%20Effigy.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wilden", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "wilden" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "{@item leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 15, "con": 12, "int": 12, "wis": 15, "cha": 10, "skill": { "nature": "+3", "stealth": "+4" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Common, Sylvan", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Nature's Aspect", "entries": [ "Whenever the wilden finishes a Long Rest it chooses one of the following aspects of nature to manifest." ] }, { "name": "Aspect of the Hunter", "entries": [ "The wilden gains a +1 bonus on Wisdom (Perception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks." ] }, { "name": "Aspect of the Ancient", "entries": [ "The wilden gains advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks and on saving throws against being charmed." ] }, { "name": "Aspect of the Destroyer", "entries": [ "When the wilden hits an abberation, fiend, humanoid, ooze or undead with a weapon attack, it may choose to make a smite attack. If it does so, it deals an additional amount of damage equal to its proficiency bonus (+2) to the target. Once the wilden has used this smite, it must finish a Short or Long Rest before it can use the smite again." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Longbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 210, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wilden.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tree Woad", "size": "L", "type": "plant", "alignment": [ "L", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor", "{@item shield|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 133, "formula": "14d10+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 7, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "athletics": "+9", "perception": "+5", "survival": "+5" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing" ], "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Sylvan", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Club", "entries": [ "In the tree woad's hand, its club is magical and deals 15 ({@dice 6d4}) extra damage (included in its attacks)." ] }, { "name": "Regeneration", "entries": [ "The tree woad regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it is in contact with the ground. If the tree woad takes fire damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the tree woad's next turn. The tree woad dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate." ] }, { "name": "Tree Camouflage", "entries": [ "The tree woad has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in terrain with ample obscuration by leaf trees, such as a temperate forest." ] }, { "name": "Tree Shift", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tree woad can shift its essence into a Large tree within 60 feet. If it does so, its body turns into a mundane Large tree, club and shield melding into its form and the target tree becomes the tree woad's new body, parts of the tree reforming its club and shield. Any damage the tree woad has taken and conditions it is currently affected by are transferred to its new body. Objects, plants, and fungus that are attached to the target tree are unharmed by the transformation and remain attached to the tree woad, being uprooted from the ground along with it, but continuing to be nourished by the tree woad. If the tree woad shifts into a different tree, all uprooted plants attached to it root themselves once again as the tree transforms back to its natural state. The target tree of this ability must be Large, it cannot be bigger or smaller." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tree woad makes two attacks with its club." ] }, { "name": "Club", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 26 ({@dice 8d4+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 211, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tree%20Woad.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wrackspawn", "size": "M", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 42, "formula": "5d8+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 12, "resist": [ "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The wrackspawn's weapon attacks are magical." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The wrackspawn makes two attacks: one with its bone spear and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bone Spear", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage and be poisoned for 1 round." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 212, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wrackspawn.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Xill", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "{@item studded leather armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 32, "formula": "5d8+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 15, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 12, "wis": 12, "cha": 11, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Infernal", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The xill has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The xill makes two ranged attacks with its longbow, or four melee attacks: two with its shortswords and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d4+3}) slashing damage and the target is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the xill has advantage on attack rolls with bite attacks against the target and can't use its claws against another target." ] }, { "name": "Longbow", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned and paralyzed for 1 hour. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Implant", "entries": [ "The xill implats eggs into a paralyzed or unconscious creature within 5 feet. The eggs can be detected by a detect poison and disease spell and removed by a lesser restoration spell or similar magic or in an operation that requires a successful DC 18 Medicine check. The check can be retried, but each attempt deals 2 ({@dice 1d4}) damage to the targetIf the eggs are not removed within 90 days, the target dies and {@dice 1d4} young xills emerge from the body." ] } ], "page": 213, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Xill.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Xvart Degenerate", "size": "S", "type": { "type": "humanoid", "tags": [ "xvart" ] }, "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 18, "formula": "4d6+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 25 }, "str": 14, "dex": 12, "con": 12, "int": 6, "wis": 7, "cha": 7, "skill": { "athletics": "+4" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "senses": "darkvision 30 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands simple instructions in Abyssal but can't speak", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Feral Anger", "entries": [ "The xvart has advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Its melee attacks deal an additional +2 damage (already included in its attacks)." ] }, { "name": "Low Cunning", "entries": [ "The xvart can take the Disengage action as a bonus action on each of its turns." ] }, { "name": "Overbearning Pack", "entries": [ "The xvart has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to shove a creature if at least one of the xvart's allies is within 5 feet of the target and the ally isn't incapacitated." ] }, { "name": "Raxivort's Tongue", "entries": [ "The xvart can communicate with ordinary bats and rats as well as giant bats and giant rats. Another xvart using Raxivort's Tongue, or a creature using the speak with animals spell or similar magic can communicate with the xvart just as well as it can with a rat or a bat." ] }, { "name": "Reckless", "entries": [ "At the start of its turn, the xvart can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The xvart makes two melee attacks: one with its shortsword and one with its bite." ] }, { "name": "Shortsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d4+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 214, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Xvart%20Degenerate.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Yrthak", "size": "H", "type": "monstrosity", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 104, "formula": "11d12+33" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 60 }, "str": 20, "dex": 14, "con": 17, "int": 7, "wis": 13, "cha": 11, "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 11, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The yrthak has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." ] }, { "name": "Echolocation", "entries": [ "The yrthak can't use its blindsight while deafened." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d8+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sonic Lance", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 27 ({@dice 8d8}) thunder damage." ] }, { "name": "Explosion", "entries": [ "The yrthak fires its sonic lance at a point on the ground, a large rock, stone wall, or similar terrain within 60 feet, causing the terrain to explode. Creatures within a 10-foot-radius sphere around the target point must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 ({@dice 4d6}) piercing damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 215, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Yrthak.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dergholoth", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 85, "formula": "10d10+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 13, "con": 17, "int": 6, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Reactive", "entries": [ "The dergholoth gets two additional reactions each turn, which can only be used to make opportunity attacks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes three claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage and the target is grappled. The dergholoth has five claws each of which can grapple one Medium or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the dergholoth can automatically hit the target with the claw and can't use the claw against another target." ] } ], "page": 216, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dergholoth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Hydroloth", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 57, "formula": "6d10+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 60 }, "str": 17, "dex": 13, "con": 18, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 13, "skill": { "athletics": "+6" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The yugoloth can breathe air and water." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes two melee attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d8+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 2d4+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Spit", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d8}) acid damage and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 9 ({@dice 2d8}) poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 217, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Hydroloth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Piscoloth", "size": "M", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 20 }, "str": 17, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 8, "wis": 10, "cha": 14, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The yugoloth can breathe air and water." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes three melee attacks: one with its tentacles and two with its pincers." ] }, { "name": "Tentacles", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the yugoloth's tentacles for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Pincer", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 217, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Piscoloth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Voor", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 59, "formula": "7d10+21" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 20 }, "str": 21, "dex": 15, "con": 17, "int": 5, "wis": 8, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 15, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Scentless", "entries": [ "A voor has no natural scent and cannot be detected by smell, unless the scent of something else is stuck to it and gives it away." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The yugoloth's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes two piercing tentacle attacks and then two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Piercing Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d6+5}) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 16) and must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet directly toward the voor. Until this grapple ends the target is restrained. The voor can grapple up to four Medium or smaller creatures with its tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 218, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Voor.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dreadful Lasher Voor", "size": "H", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 138, "formula": "12d12+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 20 }, "str": 24, "dex": 13, "con": 21, "int": 5, "wis": 8, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+7" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 17, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Scentless", "entries": [ "A voor has no natural scent and cannot be detected by smell, unless the scent of something else is stuck to it and gives it away." ] }, { "name": "Magic Weapons", "entries": [ "The yugoloth's weapon attacks are magical." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes two piercing tentacle attacks and then two claw attacks." ] }, { "name": "Piercing Tentacle", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d6+7}) piercing damage. The target is grappled (escape DC 16) and must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet directly toward the voor. Until this grapple ends the target is restrained. The voor can grapple up to four Medium or smaller creatures with its tentacles." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 3d6+7}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 218, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dreadful%20Lasher%20Voor.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Yagnoloth", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 14, "con": 19, "int": 15, "wis": 15, "cha": 14, "save": { "con": "+8", "wis": "+6", "cha": "+6" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+10" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning", "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "languages": "Abyssal, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft.", "cr": "11", "trait": [ { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The yugoloth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Muscular arm", "entries": [ "The yagnoloth can wield a two—handed weapon in its left hand without needing to use two hands or use a one—handed Huge weapon in his left hand without suffering disadvantage to attack rolls for using an oversized weapon." ] }, { "name": "Undersized Arm", "entries": [ "The yagnoloth's right arm is underdeveloped for its size. Attacks made with that arm are treated as having Strength 16 and the yagnoloth wields weapons in that arm, as though it were Medium sized." ] }, { "name": "Lighting Grasp (3/Day)", "entries": [ "When the yagnoloth hits a creature with a claw attack, it can deal an extra 13 ({@dice 3d8}) lightning damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The yugoloth makes three melee attacks: two with its harpoon and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Harpoon", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d10+6}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the yagnoloth can't use its harpoon against another target. While the target is grappled by the harpoon, the yagnoloth automatically hits the target with its harpoon, dealing slashing damage instead of piercing damage and the grapple ends." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Acid Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The yagnoloth exhales a cloud of acid in a 15 foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned for 1 minute and taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] }, { "name": "Life Drain", "entries": [ "The yagnoloth touches a paralyzed, stunned or unconscious creature within 5 feet. The target takes 49 ({@dice 14d6}) necrotic damage and must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken until it finishes a long rest. If a creature's hit point maximum is reduced to 0 by this effect, the creature dies." ] } ], "page": 219, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Yagnoloth.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Awakened Vine", "size": "M", "type": "plant", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 9, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "5d8+5" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "climb": 20 }, "str": 12, "dex": 8, "con": 13, "int": 10, "wis": 10, "cha": 7, "vulnerable": [ "fire" ], "passive": 10, "languages": "one language known by its creator.", "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "False Appearance", "entries": [ "While the vine remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal climbing plant." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Tendril", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) bludgeoning damage. An awakened vine is an ordinary climbing plant given sentience and mobility by the awaken spell or similar magic." ] } ], "page": 222, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Awakened%20Vine.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blood Raven", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 1, "formula": "1d4-1" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 50 }, "str": 2, "dex": 14, "con": 8, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "passive": 13, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "entries": [ "The blood raven has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Beak", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 222, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blood%20Raven.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Blue Whale", "size": "G", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 264, "formula": "16d20+96" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "swim": 50 }, "str": 27, "dex": 6, "con": 22, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+6" }, "passive": 16, "cr": "10", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The whale can hold its breath for 30 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The blue whale has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 ({@dice 4d8+8}) bludgeoning damage and the target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns a creature may repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 222, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Blue%20Whale.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Chameleon", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 2, "formula": "1d4" }, "speed": { "walk": 15, "climb": 15 }, "str": 4, "dex": 12, "con": 10, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "-1", "stealth": "+5" }, "passive": 12, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Multi—Directional Vision", "entries": [ "The chameleon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight." ] }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "entries": [ "The chameleon has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forest terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage and the target is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the chameleon can't attack with its tongue, or use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Tongue", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: If the target is a Tiny creature that is smaller than the chameleon, it must make a DC 7 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pulled to a space within 5 feet of the chameleon, which can use a bonus action to make a bite attack against the target." ] } ], "page": 222, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Chameleon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Chicken", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 10 ], "hp": { "average": 3, "formula": "1d4+1" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 3, "dex": 11, "con": 12, "int": 2, "wis": 9, "cha": 6, "passive": 9, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Wing Assisted Movement", "entries": [ "The chicken has advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to move to a higher position (such as moving up a steep incline or jumping up)." ] } ], "page": 223, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Chicken.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Colossus Crab", "size": "H", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 145, "formula": "10d12+50" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 13, "con": 20, "int": 1, "wis": 9, "cha": 3, "skill": { "athletics": "+9" }, "senses": "blindsight 30 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The crab can breathe air and water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The crab makes two attacks with its claws" ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ({@dice 4d6+6}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 19). The crab has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target." ] }, { "name": "Foam Spray", "entries": [ "The crab spews a sticky foam in a 30-foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be restrained for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success." ] } ], "page": 223, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Colossus%20Crab.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Corpsefly", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 5, "formula": "2d4" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 40 }, "str": 2, "dex": 15, "con": 10, "int": 1, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "skill": { "perception": "+2" }, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Keen Sight", "entries": [ "The fly has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Digestive Fluid", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 ({@dice 1d4}) acid damage." ] } ], "page": 223, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Corpsefly.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Dire Rat", "size": "M", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d8+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 14, "con": 12, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 11, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "entries": [ "The rat has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the rat's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 223, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Dire%20Rat.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Fox", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 3, "formula": "1d4+1" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 4, "dex": 12, "con": 12, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+3" }, "passive": 13, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Keen Hearing and Smell", "entries": [ "The fox has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 224, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Fox.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Bear", "size": "H", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 105, "formula": "10d12+40" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30 }, "str": 24, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "passive": 15, "cr": "5", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The bear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The bear makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d6+7}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d8+7}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 224, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Bear.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Chameleon", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d10+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "climb": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 12, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 9, "skill": { "athletics": "+6", "stealth": "+5" }, "passive": 12, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Multi—Directional Vision", "entries": [ "The chameleon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight." ] }, { "name": "Forest Camouflage", "entries": [ "The chameleon has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in forest terrain." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage and the target is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the chameleon can't attack with its tongue, or use its bite against another target." ] }, { "name": "Tongue", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is pulled to a space within 5 feet of the chameleon, which can use a bonus action to make a bite attack against the target." ] } ], "page": 224, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Chameleon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Maggot", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 8 ], "hp": { "average": 10, "formula": "3d4+3" }, "speed": { "walk": 5 }, "str": 2, "dex": 6, "con": 12, "int": 1, "wis": 10, "cha": 2, "senses": "tremorsense 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Flesh Burrowing", "entries": [ "The maggot can burrow through a dead creature's flesh as though it had a burrow speed of 5 feet." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +1} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 224, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Maggot.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Seal", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 47, "formula": "5d10+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 40 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 18, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "passive": 13, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The seal can hold its breath for 20 minutes." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage" ] } ], "page": 224, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Seal.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Snapping Turtle", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 57, "formula": "6d10+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 6, "con": 18, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "stealth": "+2" }, "passive": 11, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The turtle can hold its breath for 20 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the turtle can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The turtle has an AC of 22 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 3d6+4}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, the snapping turtle can automatically hit it with its bite and can't use its bite against other targets." ] } ], "page": 225, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Snapping%20Turtle.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Tortoise", "size": "M", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 15 }, "str": 16, "dex": 6, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "passive": 11, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tortoise can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The tortoise has an AC of 20 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 225, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Tortoise.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Giant Waterbear", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 17, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 155, "formula": "10d10+100" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "swim": 20 }, "str": 20, "dex": 6, "con": 30, "int": 1, "wis": 10, "cha": 4, "save": { "con": "+12" }, "resist": [ "acid", "bludgeoning", "fire", "necrotic", "piercing", "poison", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "cold", "radiant", "thunder", { "immune": [ "bludgeoning" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "conditionImmune": [ "prone" ], "senses": "blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Water Breathing", "entries": [ "The waterbear can breathe only underwater." ] }, { "name": "Cryptobiosis", "entries": [ "When exposed to an environment or effect that is lethal to the waterbear over time, such as an environment that lacks breathable water, being frozen solid, or taking poison damage over time, the waterbear enters a state of suspended animation. While in this state, the waterbear is unconscious but immune to any environmental effects, as well as poison and necrotic damage and the poisoned condition. Any such ongoing effect is suspended but not removed. The cryptobiotic state ends as soon as conditions become tolerable for the waterbear. The waterbear can remain in this state for up to 30 years. If it remains in this state longer, it dies." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 225, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Giant%20Waterbear.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Gravehound", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 17, "con": 16, "int": 5, "wis": 16, "cha": 15, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The gravehound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for one round. Gravehounds are the undead remains of large dogs, often roaming cemetaries, looking for flesh with which to sate their unending and futile appetites. They usually rise from the corpses of wild dogs that used to frequently feed on the corpses of improperly buried humanoids. As a result, they are common near mass—graves and abandoned battlefields." ] }, { "name": "Undead Nature", "entries": [ "A gravehound doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep." ] } ], "page": 226, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Gravehound.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Great Crab", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 51, "formula": "6d10+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 13, "con": 16, "int": 1, "wis": 9, "cha": 3, "skill": { "stealth": "+3" }, "senses": "blindsight 30 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Amphibious", "entries": [ "The crab can breathe air and water." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The crab makes two attacks with its claws" ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13). The crab has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target." ] } ], "page": 226, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Great%20Crab.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Great Wolf", "size": "H", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 73, "formula": "7d12+28" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 15, "con": 17, "int": 8, "wis": 16, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+4" }, "passive": 15, "languages": "Great Wolf, understands Common, Giant and Goblin but doesn't speak them", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Hearing and Smell", "entries": [ "The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "entries": [ "The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 226, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Great%20Wolf.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Hippopotamus", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 10, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 51, "formula": "6d10+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "passive": 10, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The hippo can hold its breath for 10 minutes." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 4d6+5}) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained and the hippo can't bite another creature." ] } ], "page": 226, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Hippopotamus.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Iron Defender", "size": "S", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "4d6+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 14, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 8, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+4" }, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "understands all languages of its creator but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "reaction": [ { "name": "Interposing Bite", "entries": [ "If a creature within 5 feet of the iron defender makes a spell or weapon attack against a creature other than the iron defender, the iron defender immediately makes a bite attack against that creature, resolved before the creature's attack. If the bite attack hits, the target's attack gains disadvantage on the attack roll. If the interposing bite incapacitates the target, the target's attack roll automatically fails." ] } ], "page": 227, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Iron%20Defender.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Lesser Barghest", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "fiend", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 65, "formula": "10d8+20" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 50, "condition": " (30 ft. in goblin form)" } }, "str": 15, "dex": 16, "con": 14, "int": 10, "wis": 12, "cha": 12, "skill": { "deception": "+3", "intimidation": "+3", "perception": "+5", "stealth": "+5" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire", "lightning" ], "immune": [ "acid", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Abyssal, Common, Goblin, Infernal", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The barghest can use its action to polymorph into a Small goblin or back into its true form. Other than its size and speed, its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. The barghest reverts to its true form if it dies." ] }, { "name": "Fire Banishment", "entries": [ "When the barghest starts its turn engulfed in flames that are at least 5 feet high or wide, it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be instantly banished to Gehenna. Instantaneous bursts of flame (such as a red dragon's breath or a fireball spell) don't have this effect on the barghest." ] }, { "name": "Keen Smell", "entries": [ "The barghest has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite (True Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+3}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 227, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Lesser%20Barghest.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Mad Slasher", "size": "M", "type": "aberration", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 13, "dex": 17, "con": 15, "int": 7, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Reactive", "entries": [ "The mad slasher has an additional reaction each round which it can only use to make opportunity attacks." ] }, { "name": "Frenetic Tittering", "entries": [ "Whenever the mad slasher hits with a talon attack, creatures within 10 feet of it that can hear the mad slasher, must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or attacks against them have advantage until the beginning of the mad slasher's next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The mad slasher makes two talon attacks." ] }, { "name": "Talon", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) slashing damage. Mad slashers earn their name with the maddening tittering sound produced by hollow channels in their legs, through which the creatures also feed. They attack by almost literally flying into a whirl of slashing talons hacking away at anything getting near the creature." ] } ], "page": 228, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Mad%20Slasher.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Pigeon", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 11 ], "hp": { "average": 2, "formula": "1d4" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 40 }, "str": 3, "dex": 12, "con": 10, "int": 2, "wis": 10, "cha": 7, "passive": 10, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Sense of Direction", "entries": [ "The pigeon has an innate sense of direction and can always determine the direction it came from. It can only use this ability navigate by geographical direction and not trace its way through a maze or other complex series of twists and turns." ] } ], "page": 228, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Pigeon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Rabbit", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 1, "formula": "1d4-1" }, "speed": { "walk": 50 }, "str": 2, "dex": 14, "con": 8, "int": 2, "wis": 13, "cha": 9, "skill": { "stealth": "+3", "perception": "+5" }, "passive": 10, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The rabbit has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." ] }, { "name": "Standing Leap", "entries": [ "The rabbit's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 228, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Rabbit.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sea Leopard", "size": "L", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 34, "formula": "4d10+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 60 }, "str": 18, "dex": 15, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+4", "stealth": "+4" }, "passive": 14, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The sea leopard has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." ] }, { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The sea leopard can hold its breath for 20 minutes." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage" ] } ], "page": 228, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sea%20Leopard.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sea Turtle", "size": "M", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 40 }, "str": 16, "dex": 6, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "passive": 11, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The turtle can hold its breath for 20 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the turtle can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The turtle has an AC of 20 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d4+3}) piercing damage" ] } ], "page": 229, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sea%20Turtle.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Seal", "size": "M", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "2d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 50 }, "str": 12, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "passive": 13, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The seal can hold its breath for 20 minutes." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage" ] } ], "page": 229, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Seal.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Snapping Turtle", "size": "S", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d6+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 15, "swim": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 10, "con": 14, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "passive": 11, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The turtle can hold its breath for 5 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the turtle can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The turtle has an AC of 18 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d4+2}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the snapping turtle can automatically hit the grappled creature with its bite and can't use its bite against other targets." ] } ], "page": 229, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Snapping%20Turtle.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Sperm Whale", "size": "G", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 201, "formula": "13d20+65" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "swim": 50 }, "str": 25, "dex": 8, "con": 20, "int": 2, "wis": 14, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "senses": "blindsight 120 ft.", "passive": 15, "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Echolocation", "entries": [ "The sperm whale can't use its blindsight while deafened." ] }, { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The whale can hold its breath for 90 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Keen Hearing", "entries": [ "The sperm whale has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 ({@dice 4d8+7}) piercing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the sperm whale can't use its bite against another creature." ] } ], "page": 229, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Sperm%20Whale.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Squirrel", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 1, "formula": "1d4-1" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 2, "dex": 16, "con": 8, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+7" }, "passive": 10, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Standing Leap", "entries": [ "The squirrel's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 229, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Squirrel.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm of Blood Ravens", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "beast", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 24, "formula": "7d8—7" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "fly": 40 }, "str": 6, "dex": 14, "con": 8, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "passive": 13, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Blood Frenzy", "entries": [ "The swarm has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny blood raven. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Beaks", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 14 ({@dice 4d6}) piercing damage, or 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "page": 230, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20of%20Blood%20Ravens.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm of Corpseflies", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "beast", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 40 }, "str": 2, "dex": 15, "con": 10, "int": 1, "wis": 10, "cha": 3, "skill": { "perception": "+2" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 12, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Sight", "entries": [ "The swarm has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny blood raven. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Digestive Fluids", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 14 ({@dice 4d6}) acid damage, or 7 ({@dice 2d6}) acid damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "page": 230, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20of%20Corpseflies.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm of Giant Maggots", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "beast", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 8 ], "hp": { "average": 49, "formula": "9d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 5 }, "str": 2, "dex": 6, "con": 12, "int": 1, "wis": 10, "cha": 2, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "tremorsense 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)", "passive": 10, "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Flesh Burrowing", "entries": [ "The swarm can burrow through a dead creature's flesh as though it had a burrow speed of 5 feet." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny blood raven. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage, or 3 ({@dice 1d6}) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "page": 230, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20of%20Giant%20Maggots.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Swarm of Squirrels", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "beast", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 24, "formula": "7d8—7" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "climb": 40 }, "str": 2, "dex": 16, "con": 8, "int": 2, "wis": 11, "cha": 7, "skill": { "acrobatics": "+7" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "passive": 10, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Standing Leap", "entries": [ "The swarm's long jump is up to 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without a running start." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny squirrel. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bites", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit: 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage, or 3 ({@dice 1d6}) piercing damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer." ] } ], "page": 230, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Swarm%20of%20Squirrels.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tortoise", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 3, "formula": "1d4+1" }, "speed": { "walk": 10 }, "str": 3, "dex": 6, "con": 12, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "passive": 11, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tortoise can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The tortoise has an AC of 16 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 231, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tortoise.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Turtle", "size": "T", "type": "beast", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 3, "formula": "1d4+1" }, "speed": { "walk": 10, "swim": 30 }, "str": 2, "dex": 7, "con": 12, "int": 2, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "passive": 11, "cr": "0", "trait": [ { "name": "Companionable", "entries": [ "This creature can be summoned as a familiar using the find familiar spell." ] }, { "name": "Hold Breath", "entries": [ "The turtle can hold its breath for 5 minutes." ] }, { "name": "Withdraw", "entries": [ "Instead of moving, the tortoise can withdraw into its armored shell. When it does so, it falls prone. The tortoise has an AC of 16 until the start of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 231, "familiar": true, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Turtle.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Yeth Jackal", "size": "M", "type": "fey", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "fly": { "number": 50, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 12, "dex": 18, "con": 13, "int": 5, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+6" }, "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands Common, Elvish, and Sylvan but can't speak", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Hearing and Smell", "entries": [ "The yeth jackal has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] }, { "name": "Sunlight Banishment", "entries": [ "If the yeth jackal starts its turn in sunlight, it is transported to the Ethereal Plane. While sunlight shines on the spot from which it vanished, the jackal must remain in the Deep Ethereal. After sunset, it returns to the Border Ethereal at the same spot, whereupon it typically sets out to find its pack or its master. The jackal is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, but it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane. Once it is adjacent to its master or a pack mate that is on the Material Plane, a yeth jackal in the Border Ethereal can return to the Material Plane as an action." ] }, { "name": "Telepathic Bond", "entries": [ "While the yeth jackal is on the same plane of existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses to its master, and the two can communicate telepathically with each other." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +0} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d6+4}) piercing damage, plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) psychic damage if the target is frightened." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Baying", "entries": [ "The yeth jackal bays magically. Every enemy within 100 feet of the jackal that can hear it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of the jackal's next turn or until the jackal is incapacitated. A target that successfully saves is immune to the baying of all yeth jackals for the next 24 hours. A creature that successfully saves against a yeth hound's Baleful Baying is also immune to the baying of all yeth jackals for the next 24 hours, but not vice versa." ] } ], "page": 231, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Yeth%20Jackal.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Bonespur", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d10+8" }, "speed": { "walk": { "number": 10, "condition": " (40 ft. in charging form)" } }, "str": 18, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 11, "cha": 10, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Charging Form (1/Day)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the bonespur transforms from its normal, column—like form into a more rhinoceros—like shape, its bone scythe serving as its horn. It gains a speed of 40 feet and a gore attack in place of its bone scythe attack. In this form if the bonespur moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the attack deals an additional 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage. At the end of the move, the bonespur explodes into a whirl of bone shards. Creatures within 10 feet of the bonespur must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@dice 2d6}) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The bonespur reassembles in its column form after this." ] }, { "name": "Stability", "entries": [ "When standing on solid ground, the bonespur has advantage on Strength saving throws and Strength (Athletics) checks to resist being moved or knocked prone." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bone Scythe (Column Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Gore (Charging Form Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 232, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Bonespur.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Serpentir", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 60, "formula": "8d10+16" }, "speed": { "walk": 50, "climb": 20 }, "str": 18, "dex": 20, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 16, "cha": 11, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., sense emotions 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Churning Ribs", "entries": [ "While the serpentir is grappling a creature, it deals 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage to the creature at the start of each of the serpentir's turn." ] }, { "name": "Dual Action", "entries": [ "The serpentir may use an additional action on each of its turns and gains an additional reaction." ] }, { "name": "Sense Emotions", "entries": [ "This ability functions like blindsight, but the serpentir can't sense constructs and undead with this ability. Two—Headed. The serpentir has advantage on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The serpentir makes two attacks with its claws. If it hits a Medium or smaller creature with two or more claws, the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d6+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 231, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Serpentir.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beast (Small)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 16, "formula": "3d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 14, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 233, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beast%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beast (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 16, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 233, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beast%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beast (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d10+10" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "page": 233, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant A)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes two melee attacks one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Bite (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d4+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Bite (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d8+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beast%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beastfolk (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d6+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 234, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beastfolk%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beastfolk (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d8+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 234, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant A, B)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes two melee attacks; one with its bite and one with any other melee weapon." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant B)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes two melee attacks; one with its claws and one with any other melee weapon, or two with its claws." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A, C)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Shortsword (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beastfolk%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Beastfolk (Large)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d10+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 19, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 234, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant A)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes three attacks; one with its bite, and two with its claws." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant B)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes two attacks; one with its bite and one with any other melee weapon." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Maul (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Beastfolk%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Charger (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "2d8+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 13, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3 ({@dice 1d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 235, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Charger%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Charger (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "3d10+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 45 }, "str": 16, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d6+3}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Stomp", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 235, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Charge (Variant A)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Trampling Charge (Variant B)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the skeleton can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Charger%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Charger (Huge)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 34, "formula": "4d12+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 45 }, "str": 20, "dex": 10, "con": 15, "int": 2, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Stomp", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d8+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 235, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Charge (Variant A)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 10 ({@dice 3d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Trampling Charge (Variant B)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the skeleton can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Charger%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Tiny)", "size": "T", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 4, "formula": "1d4+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 11, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 236, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Sting (Variant)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Tiny).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d6+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 236, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d8+8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 30 } }, "str": 14, "dex": 12, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/2", "action": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 236, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 97, "formula": "13d10+26" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 30 } }, "str": 18, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "4", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 2d4+4}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 236, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Huge)", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 127, "formula": "15d12+30" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 40 } }, "str": 22, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "7", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+6}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d4+6}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "legendaryActions": 1, "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes a tail attack." ] } ], "page": 236, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Dragon (Gargantuan)", "size": "G", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 212, "formula": "17d20+34" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 40 } }, "str": 26, "dex": 11, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "11", "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d8+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d4+8}) slashing damage." ] } ], "legendaryActions": 1, "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes a tail attack." ] } ], "page": 237, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant A)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant B)", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place of its two claw attacks." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Tail (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Tail (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 3d10+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Dragon%20(Gargantuan).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Humanoid (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "armor scraps" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 5, "formula": "1d6+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 10, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Dagger", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Sling", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+2}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 237, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Humanoid%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Humanoid (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "armor scraps" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 52, "formula": "7d10+14" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 10, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "action": [ { "name": "Greatclub", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Javelin", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 237, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Humanoid%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Skeleton Humanoid (Huge)", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "armor scraps" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 93, "formula": "11d12+22" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 10, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "5", "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The skeleton makes two melee weapon attacks." ] }, { "name": "Greatclub", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 3d10+6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 237, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Skeleton%20Humanoid%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Tomb Guardian Skeleton", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 78, "formula": "12d8+24" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 14, "dex": 22, "con": 15, "int": 6, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "vulnerable": [ "bludgeoning" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Rain of Blows", "entries": [ "When the tomb guardian hits a creature with a melee attack, all following attacks it makes this turn against the same creature have advantage." ] }, { "name": "Reactive", "entries": [ "The tomb guardian gains three additional reactions that can only be used for opportunity attacks." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The tomb guardian makes four scimitar attacks." ] }, { "name": "Scimitar", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ({@dice 1d6+6}) slashing damage plus 4 ({@dice 1d8}) poison damage." ] } ], "page": 237, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Tomb%20Guardian%20Skeleton.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beast (Small)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 9 ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 12, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 239, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beast%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beast (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 9, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 37, "formula": "5d8+15" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 17, "dex": 6, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/2", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 239, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beast%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beast (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 9, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 51, "formula": "6d10+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 20, "dex": 6, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 239, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Tentacle (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 2d4+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beast%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beastfolk (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 10, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d6+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 12, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 239, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beastfolk%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beastfolk (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 9, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 30, "formula": "4d8+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 14, "dex": 6, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created using a create undead spell. For each creature, an appropriate corpse or corpses is required rather than the type suggested in the spell's description." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 240, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Slam (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beastfolk%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Beastfolk (Large)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 10, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 47, "formula": "5d10+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 19, "dex": 6, "con": 18, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 240, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Multiattack (Variant A)", "entries": [ "The zombie makes two attacks with its claws." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Claws (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Maul (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 4d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Beastfolk%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Charger (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 8 ], "hp": { "average": 22, "formula": "3d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 15, "dex": 6, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] }, { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3 ({@dice 1d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 240, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Charger%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Charger (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 9, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 34, "formula": "4d10+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "str": 19, "dex": 6, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead. 240" ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Stomp", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 240, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Charge (Variant A)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Trampling Charge (Variant B)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the skeleton can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Charger%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Charger (Huge)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 11, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 52, "formula": "5d12+20" }, "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "str": 23, "dex": 6, "con": 18, "int": 2, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 3d6+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Stomp", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 ({@dice 3d8+5}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 240, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Charge (Variant A)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 10 ({@dice 3d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Trampling Charge (Variant B)", "entries": [ "If the skeleton moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the skeleton can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Charger%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Tiny)", "size": "T", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 10 ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d4+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 20 }, "str": 12, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/8", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 241, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Sting (Variant)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 ({@dice 1d4+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Tiny).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 11, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 19, "formula": "3d6+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 20 }, "str": 13, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d8+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 241, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Medium)", "size": "M", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 12, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 45, "formula": "6d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 20, "fly": 20, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 20 } }, "str": 16, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d10+3}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 242, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Medium).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Large)", "size": "L", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 142, "formula": "15d10+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 20 } }, "str": 20, "dex": 6, "con": 18, "int": 3, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "7", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The zombie makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ({@dice 2d10+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath of Decay (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The zombie exhales what is left of its breath weapon in a 15 foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 14 ({@dice 4d6}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "page": 242, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Large).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Huge)", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 207, "formula": "18d12+90" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 40, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 30 } }, "str": 26, "dex": 6, "con": 20, "int": 3, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "12", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The zombie makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d10+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath of Decay (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The zombie exhales what is left of its breath weapon in a 20 foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 24 ({@dice 7d6}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "legendaryActions": 1, "legendary": [ { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The zombie makes a tail attack." ] } ], "page": 242, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Dragon (Gargantuan)", "size": "G", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 19, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 341, "formula": "22d20+110" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "choose": { "from": [ "burrow", "climb", "swim" ], "amount": 30, "note": "(Variant A: fly)" } }, "str": 30, "dex": 11, "con": 20, "int": 3, "wis": 8, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The zombie makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 2d10+10}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d6+10}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Breath of Decay (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The zombie exhales what is left of its breath weapon in a 30 foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 35 ({@dice 10d6}) necrotic damage." ] } ], "legendaryActions": 1, "legendary": [ { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The zombie makes a tail attack." ] } ], "page": 243, "variant": [ { "type": "variant", "name": "Tail (Variant A)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 2d8+10}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "type": "variant", "name": "Tail (Variant B)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +14} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 29 ({@dice 3d12+10}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away from the zombie and knocked prone." ] } ], "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Dragon%20(Gargantuan).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Humanoid (Small)", "size": "S", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ 9 ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "2d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 20 }, "str": 12, "dex": 8, "con": 16, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Necromancer Friendly", "entries": [ "This creature can be created from an appropriate corpse using an animate dead spell." ] }, { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 243, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Humanoid%20(Small).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Zombie Humanoid (Huge)", "size": "H", "type": "undead", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 10, "from": [ "armor scraps" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 161, "formula": "14d12+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 24, "dex": 6, "con": 20, "int": 3, "wis": 6, "cha": 5, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 8, "languages": "understands all languages it knew in life, but can't speak", "cr": "6", "trait": [ { "name": "Undead Fortitude", "entries": [ "If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the spawn drops to 1 hit point instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Greatclub", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 3d10+6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 243, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Zombie%20Humanoid%20(Huge).png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nascent Air Elemental", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 27, "formula": "6d6+6" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 50, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 12, "dex": 16, "con": 12, "int": 3, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Auran", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Air Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whirlwind (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each Small or smaller creature in the elemental's space must make a DC 11 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 5 ({@dice 1d8+1}) bludgeoning damage and is flung up 10 feet away from the elemental in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was" ] }, { "name": "thrown", "entries": [ "If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 244, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nascent%20Air%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nascent Earth Elemental", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 39, "formula": "6d6+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 30 }, "str": 16, "dex": 10, "con": 16, "int": 2, "wis": 10, "cha": 5, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Earth Glide", "entries": [ "The elemental can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves through." ] }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The elemental deals double damage to objects and structures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 244, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nascent%20Earth%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nascent Fire Elemental", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 12 ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 35 }, "str": 10, "dex": 15, "con": 14, "int": 3, "wis": 10, "cha": 7, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Ignan", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Fire Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack whi le with in 5 feet of it takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop" ] }, { "name": "there", "entries": [ "The first time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the creature takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] }, { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The elemental sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in an additional 15 feet." ] }, { "name": "Water Susceptibility", "entries": [ "For every 5 feet the elemental moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 ({@dice 1d6+2}) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] } ], "page": 245, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nascent%20Fire%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Nascent Water Elemental", "size": "S", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 33, "formula": "6d6+12" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 50 }, "str": 15, "dex": 14, "con": 15, "int": 3, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "acid", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "1", "trait": [ { "name": "Water Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Freeze", "entries": [ "If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whelm (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each Medium or smaller in the elemental's space must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 6 ({@dice 1d8+2}) bludgeoning damage. If it is Small or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the target is pushed out of the elemental's space. The elemental can grapple one Small creature or up to two Tiny creatures at one time. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, each target grappled by it takes 6 ({@dice 1d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage. A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a creature or object out of it by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check and succeeding." ] } ], "page": 245, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Nascent%20Water%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Air Elemental", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 14 ], "hp": { "average": 49, "formula": "9d8+9" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 70, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 14, "dex": 18, "con": 13, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Auran", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Air Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whirlwind (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature in the elemental's space must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 11 ({@dice 2d8+2}) bludgeoning damage and is flung up 20 feet away from the elemental in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 246, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Air%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Earth Elemental", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "9d8+36" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "burrow": 30 }, "str": 18, "dex": 9, "con": 18, "int": 4, "wis": 10, "cha": 5, "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Earth Glide", "entries": [ "The elemental can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves through." ] }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The elemental deals double damage to objects and structures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 246, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Earth%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Fire Elemental", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 13 ], "hp": { "average": 58, "formula": "9d8+18" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 10, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 5, "wis": 10, "cha": 7, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Ignan", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Fire Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack whi le with in 5 feet of it takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) fire damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop" ] }, { "name": "there", "entries": [ "The first time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the creature takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] }, { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The elemental sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light in an additional 20 feet. 246" ] }, { "name": "Water Susceptibility", "entries": [ "For every 5 feet the elemental moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two touch attacks." ] }, { "name": "Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ({@dice 1d6+3}) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 4 ({@dice 1d8}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] } ], "page": 246, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Fire%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Young Water Elemental", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 67, "formula": "9d8+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 70 }, "str": 16, "dex": 14, "con": 16, "int": 4, "wis": 10, "cha": 6, "resist": [ "acid", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 10, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "3", "trait": [ { "name": "Water Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Freeze", "entries": [ "If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whelm (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each Large or smaller in the elemental's space must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage. If it is Small or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 13). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the target is pushed out of the elemental's space. The elemental can grapple one Medium creature or up to two Small or smaller creatures at one time. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, each target grappled by it takes 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) bludgeoning damage. A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a creature or object out of it by taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check and succeeding." ] } ], "page": 247, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Young%20Water%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Air Elemental", "size": "H", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 16 ], "hp": { "average": 119, "formula": "14d12+28" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 90, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 16, "dex": 22, "con": 15, "int": 8, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 90 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Auran", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Air Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whirlwind (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature in the elemental's space must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 24 ({@dice 4d8+6}) bludgeoning damage and is flung up 40 feet away from the elemental in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 247, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Air%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Earth Elemental", "size": "H", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 161, "formula": "14d12+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 40 }, "str": 22, "dex": 7, "con": 21, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 5, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 90 ft., tremorsense 90 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Earth Glide", "entries": [ "The elemental can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves through." ] }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The elemental deals double damage to objects and structures." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 248, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Earth%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Fire Elemental", "size": "H", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 15 ], "hp": { "average": 133, "formula": "14d12+42" }, "speed": { "walk": 70 }, "str": 10, "dex": 20, "con": 17, "int": 8, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 90 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Ignan", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Fire Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack whi le with in 5 feet of it takes 13 ({@dice 2d12}) fire damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop" ] }, { "name": "there", "entries": [ "The first time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 13 ({@dice 2d12}) fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the creature takes 13 ({@dice 2d12}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] }, { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The elemental sheds bright light in a 50-foot radius and dim light in an additional 50 feet." ] }, { "name": "Water Susceptibility", "entries": [ "For every 5 feet the elemental moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two touch attacks." ] }, { "name": "Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 4d6+5}) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 13 ({@dice 2d12}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] } ], "page": 248, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Fire%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Elder Water Elemental", "size": "H", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 147, "formula": "14d12+56" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 90 }, "str": 20, "dex": 16, "con": 19, "int": 7, "wis": 12, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+5" }, "resist": [ "acid", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 90 ft.", "passive": 15, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Water Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Freeze", "entries": [ "If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of its next turn." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 23 ({@dice 4d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whelm (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each Medium or smaller in the elemental's space must make a DC 17 Strength saving" ] }, { "name": "throw", "entries": [ "On a failure, a target takes 23 ({@dice 4d8+5}) bludgeoning damage. If it is Small or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the target is pushed out of the elemental's space. The elemental can grapple one Huge creature or up to two Large creatures at one time. Up to two Medium or smaller creatures count as a single Large target for the purpose of determining how many creatures the elemental is grappling. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, each target grappled by it takes 23 ({@dice 4d8+5}) bludgeoning damage. A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a creature or object out of it by taking an action to make a DC 16 Strength check and succeeding." ] } ], "page": 248, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Elder%20Water%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Legendary Air Elemental", "size": "G", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 17 ], "hp": { "average": 216, "formula": "16d20+48" }, "speed": { "walk": 0, "fly": { "number": 100, "condition": " (hover)" } }, "str": 18, "dex": 24, "con": 16, "int": 10, "wis": 14, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+8" }, "resist": [ "lightning", "thunder", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 18, "languages": "Auran", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Air Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the elemental fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 25 ({@dice 4d8+7}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whirlwind (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each creature in the elemental's space must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 43 ({@dice 8d8+7}) bludgeoning damage and is flung up 80 feet away from the elemental in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the bludgeoning damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The elemental flies up to half its fly speed without provoking opportuity attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental makes a slam attack." ] }, { "name": "Gust (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental's form turns into a gust of wind. Each creature within 30 feet of the elemental must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The elemental can then fly up to half its speed. Creatures that failed their saving throw are thrown 50 feet in the same direction the elemental moved. If a thrown creature strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the creature takes 3 ({@dice 1d6}) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 249, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Legendary%20Air%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Legendary Earth Elemental", "size": "G", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 264, "formula": "16d20+96" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "burrow": 40 }, "str": 24, "dex": 6, "con": 22, "int": 9, "wis": 14, "cha": 5, "skill": { "perception": "+8" }, "vulnerable": [ "thunder" ], "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 120 ft.", "passive": 18, "languages": "Terran", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Earth Glide", "entries": [ "The elemental can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental doesn't disturb the material it moves through." ] }, { "name": "Siege Monster", "entries": [ "The elemental deals double damage to objects and structures." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the elemental fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 27 ({@dice 4d8+7}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Glide", "entries": [ "The elemental burrows up to its burrow speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental makes a slam attack." ] }, { "name": "Quake (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental connects with the ground and causes the earth around it to shake violently. Other creatures within 30 feet of the elemental that are standing on earth or stone floor or on objects placed on such ground must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 ({@dice 2d6+7}) bludgeoning damage and be buried in the cracking ground. A buried creature is prone and restrained. The elemental can only use this ability while standing on stone or earth ground. If the elemental uses this ability on a floor above a room or cavern, the floor collapses into the room below and all creatures in the radius fall with it, potentially taking falling damage in the process. Creatures that failed their saving throw are still buried in the debris. A creature can use an action to make a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check and pull itself or another buried creature free on a successful check." ] } ], "page": 250, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Legendary%20Earth%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Legendary Fire Elemental", "size": "G", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ 16 ], "hp": { "average": 232, "formula": "16d20+64" }, "speed": { "walk": 70 }, "str": 10, "dex": 22, "con": 18, "int": 10, "wis": 14, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+8" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 18, "languages": "Ignan", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Fire Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. A creature that touches the elemental or hits it with a melee attack while with in 5 feet of it takes 21 ({@dice 2d20}) fire damage. In addition, the elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. The first time it enters a creature's space on a turn, that creature takes 21 ({@dice 2d20}) fire damage and catches fire; until someone takes an action to douse the fire, the creature takes 21 ({@dice 2d20}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] }, { "name": "Illumination", "entries": [ "The elemental sheds bright light in a 70-foot radius and dim light in an additional 70 feet." ] }, { "name": "Water Susceptibility", "entries": [ "For every 5 feet the elemental moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on it, it takes 1 cold damage." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the elemental fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two touch attacks." ] }, { "name": "Touch", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ({@dice 4d6+6}) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 21 ({@dice 2d20}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Shift", "entries": [ "The elemental moves up to its speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks." ] }, { "name": "Touch (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental makes a touch attack." ] }, { "name": "Firestorm (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental's body erupts into a fiery explosion. Creatures within 30 feet of the elemental must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, catching fire and taking 21 ({@dice 6d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, a creature that caught fire takes 21 ({@dice 2d20}) fire damage at the start of each of its turns." ] } ], "page": 251, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Legendary%20Fire%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Legendary Water Elemental", "size": "G", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 16, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 248, "formula": "16d20+70" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "swim": 90 }, "str": 22, "dex": 16, "con": 20, "int": 9, "wis": 14, "cha": 6, "skill": { "perception": "+9" }, "resist": [ "acid", { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "piercing", "slashing" ], "note": "from nonmagical weapons" } ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "exhaustion", "grappled", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "unconscious" ], "senses": "darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 19, "languages": "Aquan", "cr": "17", "trait": [ { "name": "Water Form", "entries": [ "The elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. It can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing." ] }, { "name": "Freeze", "entries": [ "If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially freezes; its speed is reduced by 20 feet until the end of its next turn." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the elemental fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The elemental makes two slam attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 23 ({@dice 4d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Whelm (Recharge 4—6)", "entries": [ "Each Medium or smaller in the elemental's space must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 30 ({@dice 6d8+6}) bludgeoning damage. If it is Small or smaller, it is also grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is successful, the target is pushed out of the elemental's space. The elemental can grapple one Gargantuan creature or up to two Huge creatures at one time. Up to two Large creatures count as a single Huge creature, and up to two Medium or smaller creatures count as a single Large creature for the purpose of determining how many creatures the elemental is grappling. At the start of each of the elemental's turns, each target grappled by it takes 30 ({@dice 6d8+6}) bludgeoning damage. A creature within 5 feet of the elemental can pull a creature or object out of it by taking an action to make a DC 16 Strength check and succeeding." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Flow", "entries": [ "The elemental moves up to its speed or swims up to half its swim speed withut provoking Opportunity Attacks." ] }, { "name": "Slam (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental makes a slam attack." ] }, { "name": "Undertow (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The elemental's form floods out around it and pulls creatures into it. Each creature within 40 feet of the elemental must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled into the nearest point inside elemental's space. These creatures are grappled, restrained and unable to breathe unless they can breathe water. Creatures that are immersed in water have disadvantage on the saving throw. On its following turns the elemental can use its whelm ability against creatures grappled by its undertow." ] } ], "page": 252, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Legendary%20Water%20Elemental.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Artificial Giant Crab", "size": "M", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 15, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 13, "formula": "3d8" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "swim": 30 }, "str": 13, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 1, "wis": 9, "cha": 3, "skill": { "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "poison", "psychic" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft.", "passive": 9, "cr": "1/4", "action": [ { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ({@dice 1d6+1}) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 11). The crab has two claws, each of which can grapple only one target." ] } ], "page": 255, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Artificial%20Giant%20Crab.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Half-Celestial Human Champion", "size": "M", "type": { "type": "celestial", "tags": [ "human" ] }, "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "{@item plate armor|phb}" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 143, "formula": "22d8+44" }, "speed": { "walk": 30, "fly": 60 }, "str": 21, "dex": 16, "con": 15, "int": 11, "wis": 15, "cha": 13, "save": { "str": "+9", "con": "+6" }, "skill": { "athletics": "+9", "intimidation": "+5", "perception": "+6" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 16, "languages": "Celestial, Common", "cr": "9", "trait": [ { "name": "Indomitable (2/Day)", "entries": [ "The champion rerolls a failed saving throw." ] }, { "name": "Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)", "entries": [ "As a bonus action, the champion regains 20 hit points." ] }, { "name": "Smite (2/Day)", "entries": [ "When the champion hits with a melee weapon attack, it can deal an additional 9 ({@dice 2d8}) radiant damage to the target as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The champion makes three attacks with its greatsword or light crossbow." ] }, { "name": "Greatsword", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 ({@dice 2d6+5}) slashing damage, plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) slashing damage if the champion has more than half of its total hit points remaining." ] }, { "name": "Light Crossbow", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage, plus 7 ({@dice 2d6}) piercing damage if the champion has more than half of its total hit points remaining." ] } ], "page": 255, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Half-Celestial%20Human%20Champion.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Celestial Giant Elk", "size": "L", "type": "celestial", "alignment": [ "N", "G" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 26, "formula": "4d10+4" }, "speed": { "walk": 60 }, "str": 19, "dex": 16, "con": 14, "int": 7, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "skill": { "perception": "+4" }, "resist": [ "radiant" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "exhaustion", "frightened" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "Giant Elk, understands Celestial, Common, Elvish and Sylvan but can't speak them", "cr": "2", "trait": [ { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the elk moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 ({@dice 2d6}) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Ram", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d6+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Hooves", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 4d8+4}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "page": 255, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Celestial%20Giant%20Elk.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Fire Wolf", "size": "M", "type": "elemental", "alignment": [ "U" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 11, "formula": "2d8+2" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 17, "dex": 15, "con": 13, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 8, "skill": { "perception": "+3", "stealth": "+4" }, "immune": [ "fire", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "vulnerable": [ "cold" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "cr": "1/4", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Hearing and Smell", "entries": [ "The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell." ] }, { "name": "Pack Tactics", "entries": [ "The wolf has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 ({@dice 1d8+3}) piercing damage plus 2 ({@dice 1d4}) fire damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "page": 255, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Fire%20Wolf.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Fiendish Owlbear", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 13, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 59, "formula": "7d10+21" }, "speed": { "walk": 40 }, "str": 20, "dex": 12, "con": 17, "int": 3, "wis": 12, "cha": 7, "skill": { "perception": "+3" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 13, "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Keen Sight and Smell", "entries": [ "The owlbear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The owlbear makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Beak", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ({@dice 1d10+5}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Claw", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 ({@dice 2d8+5}) slashing damage." ] } ], "page": 256, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Fiendish%20Owlbear.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Half-Fiend Minotaur", "size": "L", "type": "fiend", "alignment": [ "C", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 76, "formula": "9d10+27" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 60 }, "str": 18, "dex": 11, "con": 16, "int": 6, "wis": 16, "cha": 9, "skill": { "perception": "+7" }, "resist": [ "cold", "fire" ], "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 17, "languages": "Abyssal", "cr": "4", "trait": [ { "name": "Charge", "entries": [ "If the minotaur moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 ({@dice 2d8}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Labyrinthine Recall", "entries": [ "The minotaur can perfectly recall any path it has traveled." ] }, { "name": "Reckless", "entries": [ "At the start of its turn, the minotaur can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn." ] }, { "name": "Smite (2/Day)", "entries": [ "When the minotaur hits with a melee weapon attack, it can deal an additional 9 ({@dice 2d8}) necrotic damage to the target as a bonus action." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Greataxe", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d12+4}) slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Gore", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ({@dice 2d8+4}) piercing damage." ] } ], "page": 256, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Half-Fiend%20Minotaur.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Legendary Cyclops", "size": "H", "type": "giant", "alignment": [ "C", "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 14, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 138, "formula": "12d12+60" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 22, "dex": 11, "con": 20, "int": 8, "wis": 6, "cha": 10, "passive": 8, "languages": "Giant", "cr": "8", "trait": [ { "name": "Poor Depth Perception", "entries": [ "The cyclops has disadvantage on any attack roll against a target more than 30 feet away." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the cyclops fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The cyclops makes two greatclub attacks." ] }, { "name": "Greatclub", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 ({@dice 3d8+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Unarmed Strike", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ({@dice 2d4+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] }, { "name": "Rock", "entries": [ "Ranged Weapon Attack: {@hit +9} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 28 ({@dice 4d10+6}) bludgeoning damage." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The cyclops makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Unarmed Strike", "entries": [ "The cyclops makes an unarmed strike." ] }, { "name": "Trample (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The cyclops moves up to its speed. It may move through but not end its movement in spaces occupied by Medium or smaller creatures. Each creature in a space it moves through must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw, being knocked prone and taking 13 ({@dice 2d6+6}) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "page": 257, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Legendary%20Cyclops.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Phantasmal Ancient Green Dragon", "size": "G", "type": "construct", "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 21, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 385, "formula": "22d20+154" }, "speed": { "walk": 40, "fly": 80, "swim": 40 }, "str": 27, "dex": 12, "con": 25, "int": 20, "wis": 17, "cha": 19, "save": { "dex": "+8", "con": "+14", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+11" }, "skill": { "deception": "+11", "insight": "+10", "perception": "+17", "persuasion": "+11", "stealth": "+8" }, "immune": [ "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "poisoned" ], "senses": "blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft.", "passive": 27, "languages": "Common, Draconic", "cr": "22", "trait": [ { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws." ] }, { "name": "Bite", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 29 ({@dice 2d10+3d6+8}) psychic damage." ] }, { "name": "Claws", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 ({@dice 4d6+8}) psychic damage." ] }, { "name": "Tail", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 17 ({@dice 2d8+8}) psychic damage." ] }, { "name": "Frightful Presence", "entries": [ "Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Psychic Breath (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "The dragon exhales illusory mist in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw, taking 77 ({@dice 22d6}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "Detect", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check." ] }, { "name": "Tail Attack", "entries": [ "The dragon makes a tail attack." ] }, { "name": "Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The dragon beats its wings. Each creature within 15 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC 24 Intelligence saving throw or take 16 ({@dice 2d6+9}) psychic damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed." ] } ], "page": 257, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Phantasmal%20Ancient%20Green%20Dragon.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Wandering Tower", "size": "G", "type": { "type": "monstrosity", "tags": [ "shapechanger" ] }, "alignment": [ "N" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 18, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 292, "formula": "15d20+135" }, "speed": { "walk": 10 }, "str": 27, "dex": 6, "con": 28, "int": 16, "wis": 18, "cha": 12, "skill": { "stealth": "+8" }, "resist": [ { "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "cold", "force", "lightning", "necrotic", "piercing", "poison", "radiant", "slashing", "thunder" ], "preNote": "Object Form Only:" } ], "immune": [ "acid", "fire" ], "conditionImmune": [ "charmed", "frightened", "prone" ], "senses": "darkvision 60 ft.", "passive": 14, "languages": "telepathy 120 ft. (mimics only)", "cr": "16", "trait": [ { "name": "Core", "entries": [ "A wandering tower doesn't normally reveal its nature until its victims are trapped inside it and at rest. As a result the mimic is usually fought from inside. It has a Huge sized core that normally disguises itself as a piece of the interior decoration of the building the mimic is posing as. The core can't leave the building and is immune to any effect that would transport it out of the tower but it can move through the inside at a speed of 30 feet and pass through interior objects without resistance. If the core ends its move inside an object, the obstacle is shoved aside. If its move ends inside a wall, enough of the core's form stands out both sides of the wall for creatures to be able to attack it without it gaining cover. The core can move up the mimic's walls as though it had a 30-foot climb speed. The wandering tower may move and have its core move on the same turn. When it uses a dash action, both the wandering tower's normal movement and the core's movement benefit from it.", "When a creature attacks the wandering tower, it may choose to attack the core (it must have reach and line of sight to the core as though it were a separate creature). Attacks against the wandering tower's core ignore its damage resistances but not immunities.", "Some abilities are noted as \"Core Only\", or \"Exterior Only\": \"Core Only\" abilities measure reach, range and line of sight from the core while \"Exterior Only\" abilities measure from the outer form of the mimic and can only affect creatures outside the mimic. Any abilities marked as \"Core or Exterior\" can be measured from either point, but if they are measured from the core, can only affect creature inside the mimic, and if they are measured from the exterior can only affect creatures outside the mimic." ] }, { "name": "False Appearance (Object Form Only)", "entries": [ "While the mimic, or its core remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary object." ] }, { "name": "Interior Awareness", "entries": [ "The mimic can sense everything going on inside it as though it had blindsight reaching everywhere in its interior." ] }, { "name": "Lockdown (Object Form Only)", "entries": [ "A wandering tower may choose for any doors on its object form to be locked and it can choose the DC for each lock to be anywhere from 5 to 20 or make the lock impossible to pick. A lock that is impossible to pick will become obvious to anyone trying to open it, either completely lacking the unlocking mechanism or the keyhole being filled out with some solid material. Using an action, the wandering tower can open or close any or all doors, windows and containers making up its object form and choose to lock or unlock any or all of them, including changing the DCs to unlock or making them impossible to unlock.", "A creature can attempt to break down a door by attacking it. If the wandering tower takes a total of 25 damage (unless it is part of the core, the door benefits from the wandering tower's damage resistances), all of which directed at one door or window, that door or window breaks open, and the wandering tower can no longer open or close it, until the tower reverted to its amorphous form and back to object form at least once." ] }, { "name": "Shapechanger", "entries": [ "The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn‘t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.", "The exterior and the core can transform as part of the same action or independently of each other. While there are living creatures inside it, and the exterior assumes its amorphous form, any creatures inside it are expelled to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the mimic, exiting prone." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the mimic fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The mimic makes three melee attacks, only one of which can be a bite." ] }, { "name": "Bite (Core Only)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 ({@dice 3d8+8}) piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Pseudopod (Core or Exterior)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +12} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 ({@dice 2d6+8}) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled. The wandering tower can create a total of up to four pseudopods on its exterior and at its core, each of which can grapple one Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and the pseudopod can't attack another creature." ] }, { "name": "Stuff (Exterior Only)", "entries": [ "The mimic stuffs a creature it is grappling into its interior. It makes a Strength (Athletics) check opposed by the target's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target's choice). If the mimic is successful, it opens any exterior door or window, stuffs the target into the room it is adjacent to and then closes and locks that door or window as per the lockdown ability and the grapple ends." ] }, { "name": "Rippling Architecture (Core Only, Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "Creatures inside the mimic‘s building form within 30 feet of the core must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "", "entries": [ "The wandering tower can make 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The wandering tower regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn." ] }, { "name": "Pseudopod", "entries": [ "The mimic makes a pseudopod attack." ] }, { "name": "Stuff", "entries": [ "The mimic uses its stuff ability." ] }, { "name": "Ripples", "entries": [ "The mimic uses its rippling architecture ability." ] }, { "name": "Lockdown", "entries": [ "The mimic opens and closes doors and containers in or on itself, as per its Lockdown ability." ] } ], "page": 141, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Wandering%20Tower.png" }, { "source": "CC 3pp", "name": "Worm That Walks", "size": "H", "type": { "type": "aberration", "swarmSize": "T" }, "alignment": [ "L", "E" ], "ac": [ { "ac": 20, "from": [ "natural armor" ] } ], "hp": { "average": 337, "formula": "25d12+175" }, "speed": { "walk": 30 }, "str": 25, "dex": 16, "con": 24, "int": 25, "wis": 14, "cha": 10, "save": { "con": "+15", "int": "+15", "wis": "+10", "cha": "+8" }, "skill": { "arcana": "+15", "insight": "+10", "perception": "+10", "religion": "+15" }, "resist": [ "bludgeoning", "cold", "fire", "piercing", "slashing" ], "immune": [ "lightning", "poison" ], "conditionImmune": [ "blinded", "charmed", "frightened", "paralyzed", "petrified", "poisoned", "prone", "restrained", "stunned" ], "senses": "blindsight 500 ft. (blind beyond this range)", "passive": 20, "languages": "Common, Deep Speech, magically understands and speaks all languages", "cr": "28", "trait": [ { "name": "Anathematic Secrecy", "entries": [ "The Worm that Walks can't be magically scryed upon. Any spell attempting to detect or scry on the Worm automatically fails." ] }, { "name": "Create Spawn", "entries": [ "A Medium or smaller humanoid slain by the Worm's Corrupting Slam, Worm Smite or Engulf abilities rises at the start of the next round as a spawn of Kyuss (see Volo's Guide to Monsters, p. 192). Roll initiative for the spawn separately." ] }, { "name": "Discorporate", "entries": [ "At any point during its turn, the Worm that Walks may collapse into a pile of individual worms that slither away, burrowing into the earth or fleeing into cracks in the floor (no action required). As long as any of the worms survive, they can breed and create a new body for the Worm that Walks a few months or years later, depending on the amount of damage the Worm that Walks has taken (the exact time is up to DM discretion)." ] }, { "name": "Legendary Resistance (3/Day)", "entries": [ "If the Worm fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead." ] }, { "name": "Magic Resistance", "entries": [ "The Worm has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects." ] }, { "name": "Swarm", "entries": [ "The Worm that Walks can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Tiny larva. However it may have to leave some of its gear behind if the opening is too small." ] }, { "name": "Worm Smite (Recharge 6)", "entries": [ "If the Worm hits a creature with its Corrupting Slam, it may cover the target in ravenous worms. The target must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or be covered in worms until the worms are destroyed or removed. While coverd in worms a creature takes 35 ({@dice 10d6}) piercing damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature may use its action to repeat the saving throw, removing the worms on a success. Dealing a total of at least 20 fire or acid damage to the target also destroys the worms. The worms are removed if the Worm that Walks dies or uses its Discorporate ability." ] } ], "spellcasting": [ { "name": "Spellcasting", "headerEntries": [ "The Worm that Walks mage is a 20th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is intelligence (Spell save DC 23, {@hit 15} to hit with spell attacks), it can only cast spells in humanoid form, and has the following wizard spells prepared:" ], "spells": { "0": { "spells": [ "{@spell chill touch}", "{@spell fire bolt}", "{@spell mage hand}", "{@spell true strike}" ] }, "1": { "slots": 4, "spells": [ "{@spell false life}", "{@spell magic missile}", "{@spell mage armor}", "{@spell ray of sickness}" ] }, "2": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell crown of madness}", "{@spell mirror image}", "{@spell phantasmal force}", "{@spell scorching ray}" ] }, "3": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell fear}", "{@spell fireball}", "{@spell fly}", "{@spell slow}" ] }, "4": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell dimension door}", "{@spell evard's black tentacles}", "{@spell greater invisibility}" ] }, "5": { "slots": 3, "spells": [ "{@spell cloudkill}", "{@spell hold monster}", "{@spell scrying}" ] }, "6": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell chain lightning}", "{@spell eyebite}" ] }, "7": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell finger of death}", "{@spell prismatic spray}" ] }, "8": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell mind blank}", "{@spell power word stun}" ] }, "9": { "slots": 1, "spells": [ "{@spell power word kill}" ] } } } ], "action": [ { "name": "Multiattack", "entries": [ "The Worm that Walks casts a spell and uses either its Corrupting Touch or Engulf attack." ] }, { "name": "Corrupting Slam", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 15 ft., Hit: 21 ({@dice 4d6+7}) bludgeoning damage plus 36 ({@dice 8d8}) necrotic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until it finishes a long rest." ] }, { "name": "Engulf (Recharge 5—6)", "entries": [ "Melee Weapon Attack: {@hit +15} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the worm's space. Hit: 140 ({@dice 40d6}) piercing damage." ] } ], "legendary": [ { "name": "", "entries": [ "The Worm that Walks can make 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Worm regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn." ] }, { "name": "Spell", "entries": [ "The Worm casts a cantrip or spell of up to 5th level." ] }, { "name": "Horrific visage (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The Worm displays its writhing face to one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to the Worm's visage for the next 24 hours." ] }, { "name": "Corrupting Slam (Costs 2 Actions)", "entries": [ "The Worm uses its Corrupting Slam." ] } ], "page": 128, "tokenURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheGiddyLimit/homebrew/master/_img/CC%20(3pp)/Worm%20That%20Walks.png" } ] }