{ "_meta": { "sources": [ { "json": "EWaI 3pp", "abbreviation": "EWaI", "full": "Exotic Weapons and Items (3pp)", "authors": [ "CrazyBastard" ], "convertedBy": "Jafner", "version": "1.3.1", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/8582g6/18_exotic_weapons_and_materials_to_use_as/", "targetSchema": "1.0.0" } ] }, "item": [ { "name": "Adamantine Armor", "type": "Armor (medium or heavy armor, but not hide)", "armor": true, "rarity": "None", "value": "+100 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit." ] }, { "name": "Adamantine Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any metal)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+100 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon was forged from adamantine, and has unsurpassed hardness and durability. When you score a critical hit with the weapon you can add your ability modifier to the attack's damage twice. If the target of your attack is made of adamantine or has adamantine armor, then this bonus is not applied, but the attack is still a critical hit. Whenever you hit an object with this weapon, the hit is a critical hit." ] }, { "name": "Bastard Sword", "type": "M", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "4", "dmg1": "1d10", "dmg2": "2d6", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "V" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This sword has been expertly smithed with a longer blade and a hand and a half grip. This weapon deals 1d10 damage when wielded one handed and 2d6 damage when wielded with two hands." ] }, { "name": "Bomb", "type": "R", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "2", "dmg1": "4d6", "dmgType": "Fire", "property": [ "A" ], "range": "60/60", "rarity": "None", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "value": "80 gp", "entries": [ "This iron ball is filled with alchemical explosives and has a short fuse extending from it. As an action, a character can light and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away. Each character within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 12 dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. This item weighs 1 lb." ] }, { "name": "Buckler", "type": "S", "weight": "3", "ac": 1, "rarity": "None", "value": "20 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This small metal shield is held by a simple handle for ease of maneuvering. It increases your Armor Class by 1 (replacing the shield's normal bonus to AC) and you are proficient in its use if you are proficient with light armor. It also weighs half as much as a regular shield and can be donned or doffed without using an action." ] }, { "name": "Cold Iron Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any metal)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon was crafted from unforged iron, granting it unique properties against creatures from beyond the Prime Material Plane. When used against Fey or Fiends, this weapon's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and it deals an extra {@dice 1d4} force damage." ] }, { "name": "Composite Bow", "type": "Weapon (longbow or shortbow)", "rarity": "None", "value": "250 gp (longbow), 150 gp (shortbow)", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This bow has been reinforced with sinew and horn to allow for a heavier draw strength than a regular bow. You can use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for damage rolls with this weapon." ] }, { "name": "Crossbow, Hand, Repeating", "type": "R", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "3", "dmg1": "1d6", "dmgType": "P", "property": [ "A", "L" ], "range": "30/120", "rarity": "None", "value": "650 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This crossbow has been fitted with a mechanism that allows it to be rapidly reloaded and fired in combat. This weapon does not have the loading property." ] }, { "name": "Crossbow, Light, Repeating", "type": "R", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "5", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "P", "property": [ "A", "L", "2H" ], "range": "80/320", "rarity": "None", "value": "300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This crossbow has been fitted with a mechanism that allows it to be rapidly reloaded and fired in combat. This weapon does not have the loading property." ] }, { "name": "Crossbow, Heavy, Repeating", "type": "R", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "18", "dmg1": "1d10", "dmgType": "P", "property": [ "A", "H", "2H" ], "range": "100/400", "rarity": "None", "value": "450 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This crossbow has been fitted with a mechanism that allows it to be rapidly reloaded and fired in combat. This weapon does not have the loading property." ] }, { "name": "Darkwood Armor", "type": "Armor (breastplate, half plate, or shield)", "armor": true, "rarity": "None", "value": "+30 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This armor is made of darkwood, a light but dense wood that is as strong as steel and cannot catch fire. This armor weighs half as much as its mundane equivalent." ] }, { "name": "Darkwood Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any wooden or mostly wooden weapon)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+30 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "Weapons made from darkwood are prized by adventurers for their durability and light weight. This weapon weighs half as much as its mundane equivalent and cannot catch fire." ] }, { "name": "Dire Flail", "type": "Weapon (flail)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "rarity": "None", "value": "250 gp", "weight": "4", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "B", "property": [ "2H" ], "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This intimidating weapon consists of a staff with a flail head on either end. When you use the attack action on your turn to make a melee attack with this weapon, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the second flail as if you were two weapon fighting. This weapon has the two-handed property." ] }, { "name": "Dwarven Urgrosh", "type": "Weapon (battelaxe)", "weight": "5", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmg2": "1d10 + 1d6", "dmgType": "S/P", "property": [ "V" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This long, finely crafted battleaxe has a spearhead at the bottom end of the haft. If you are wielding this weapon two handed and you use the attack action to make a melee attack with it on your turn, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the spearhead as if you were two weapon fighting. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage." ] }, { "name": "Dwarven Waraxe", "type": "Weapon (battleaxe)", "weight": "4", "dmg1": "1d10", "dmg2": "1d12", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "V" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "Due to its expert craftsmanship, this fearsome battleaxe offers the power of a greataxe in one hand. This weapon deals 1d10 damage when wielded one handed and 1d12 damage when wielded with two hands." ] }, { "name": "Elven Longblade", "type": "Weapon (rapier)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "1", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "P/S", "property": [ "F", "L" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This thin sword is uncannily quick to strike. This weapon has the light property and can deal piercing or slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Elven Samaren", "type": "M", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "3", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmg2": "1d10 + 1d6", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "V" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This sword has a second, smaller blade extending from the pommel. If you are wielding this weapon two handed and you use the attack action to make a melee attack with it on your turn, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the second blade as if you were two weapon fighting. This attack deals 1d6 slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Gnome Hooked Hammer", "type": "Weapon (light hammer)", "weaponCategory": "Simple", "weight": "2", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "B", "property": [ "L", "T" ], "range": "20/60", "rarity": "None", "value": "250 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This cleverly forged hammer has a long hook affixed to one end of its head. This weapon deals 1d8 damage. When wielding this weapon, you can use your bonus action to attempt to trip a creature within 5 feet of you. If the target is Medium or smaller, it must make a strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your strength modifier) or be knocked prone." ] }, { "name": "Halfling Glader", "type": "Weapon (scimitar)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "3", "dmg1": "1d6", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "F", "L", "T" ], "range": "20/60", "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This boomerang-shaped sword is constructed out of wood sharpened to a fine edge. This weapon has the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. Once per turn you can use your action to make a special ranged attack with this weapon: immediately after the attack, the weapon flies back to your hand." ] }, { "name": "Katar", "type": "Weapon (shortsword)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "2", "dmg1": "1d6", "dmgType": "P", "property": [ "F", "L" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "40 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This sword is held with the blade extending forwards from the knuckles, allowing it to be used with a punching motion. You may use your bonus action to make weapon attacks with this weapon instead of unarmed strikes when using the monk's Flurry of Blows and Martial Arts class features." ] }, { "name": "Katana", "type": "M", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "3", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmg2": "1d10", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "V", "F" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This gently curved sword allows a properly trained wielder to make blindingly quick strikes, despite its length. This weapon has the finesse property." ] }, { "name": "Kukri", "type": "Weapon (dagger)", "weaponCategory": "Simple", "weight": "1", "dmg1": "1d6", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "F", "L", "T" ], "range": "20/60", "rarity": "None", "value": "40 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "The heavy, curved blade of this dagger lends it superior cutting power and force. This weapon deals 1d6 slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Masterwork Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon has been flawlessly crafted. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon." ] }, { "name": "Mithral Armor", "type": "Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+50 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "Mithral is a light, flexible metal. A mithral Chain Shirt or Breastplate can be worn under normal clothes. If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of the armor doesn’t. Mithral armor weighs half as much as its mundane equivalent." ] }, { "name": "Mithral Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any metal)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+50 gp/lb.", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon was cast from mithral and feels feather-light in the hand. If a weapon does not have either the heavy or two handed property, the mithral version has the light property. This weapon weighs half as much as its mundane equivalent." ] }, { "name": "Nunchaku", "type": "Weapon (club)", "weaponCategory": "Simple", "weight": "2", "dmg1": "1d4", "dmg2": "2d4", "dmgType": "B", "property": [ "L", "F", "V" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "30 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon consists of two balanced clubs connected with rope or chain. It has the finesse and versatile properties and deals 2d4 damage when wielded with two hands." ] }, { "name": "Orc Double Axe", "type": "Weapon (greataxe)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "7", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "H", "2H" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This brutal weapon has axe heads at either end of its haft. This weapon deals 1d8 damage. When you use the attack action on your turn to make a melee attack with this weapon, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the second axe head as if you were two weapon fighting." ] }, { "name": "Recurve Bow", "type": "Weapon (longbow)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "2", "dmg1": "1d10", "dmgType": "P", "property": [ "A", "2H" ], "range": "150/600", "rarity": "None", "value": "500 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This compact bow takes on a double curve when strung to increase the power of its shot. This weapon deals 1d10 damage and does not have the heavy property." ] }, { "name": "Silvered Weapon", "type": "Weapon (any)", "rarity": "None", "value": "+100 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This weapon has been carefully plated with silver so as not to undermine its effectiveness. Some monsters that are resistant or immune to nonmagical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons." ] }, { "name": "Spiked Chain", "type": "Weapon (whip)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "3", "dmg1": "2d4", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "F", "R" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "350 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This long, carefully balanced chain has wicked spikes affixed to it and a ring at the end for a grip. This weapon deals 2d4 damage." ] }, { "name": "Spiked Gauntlets", "type": "Item", "weight": "1", "dmg1": "+1 to unarmed strikes", "dmgType": "P", "rarity": "None", "value": "50 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "These gauntlets have had spikes affixed to the knuckles. This item causes the wearer's unarmed strikes with their fists to deal 1 extra point of piercing damage. This item weighs 1lb." ] }, { "name": "Sword-Staff", "type": "Weapon (halberd)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "6", "dmg1": "1d12", "dmgType": "P/S", "property": [ "H", "R", "2H" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "300 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This unusual polearm has a long, sword-like blade at the tip. This weapon deals 1d12 piercing or slashing damage." ] }, { "name": "Tower Shield", "type": "S", "weight": "12", "ac": "3", "stealth": true, "rarity": "None", "value": "250 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This thick, unwieldy shield is large enough to cover you from ankle to shoulder. It increases your armor class by 3 (this replaces the shield's normal bonus to AC.) While this shield is equipped, you have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and if your Strength score is lower than 15, your speed is reduced by 10 feet as if you were wearing heavy armor. It weighs twice as much as a regular shield." ] }, { "name": "Two-Bladed Sword", "type": "Weapon (greatsword)", "weaponCategory": "Martial", "weight": "6", "dmg1": "1d8", "dmgType": "S", "property": [ "H", "2H" ], "rarity": "None", "value": "550 gp", "source": "EWaI 3pp", "entries": [ "This sword has a blade extending from either end of its hilt. This weapon deals 1d8 damage. When you use the attack action on your turn to make a melee attack with this weapon, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the second blade as if you were two weapon fighting." ] } ], "variantrule": [ { "name": "Combining Materials", "entries": [ "You may have the prodigious funds necessary to mix different types of exotic materials, but some exotic materials don't make sense together. For example, armor made of mithral and adamantine can only gain benefits from one of the source materials.", "The exceptions to this rule are masterwork weapons and silvered weapons. It is entirely possible to commission a silvered masterwork mithral katana for 900gp. On the other hand, if you were to commission a darkwood spear with a mithral speartip it would have the same properties as a darkwood spear with a normal tip, the mithral would just be a costly decoration." ], "source": "EWaI 3pp" }, { "name": "Magical Exotic Weapons", "entries": [ "Exotic weapons can be enchanted just like regular weapons. When determining the rarity of such an item, an uncommon exotic item should be considered equivalent to a +1 magical weapon.", "For example, a +1 bastard sword would be a rare magic item, whereas a +1 longsword is merely uncommon. Similarly, a +1 mithril bastard sword might be considered a very rare magic item." ], "source": "EWaI 3pp" } ] }