{ sys, pkgs, ... }: { users.users."${sys.username}".shell = pkgs.${sys.shellPackage}; home-manager.users."${sys.username}" = { home.packages = with pkgs; [ bat fd fastfetch fzf jq tree nethogs pinentry-all ] ++ [ ( writeShellApplication { name = "nixos"; runtimeInputs = [ libnotify jq git ]; text = '' #!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2088 FLAKE_URI="git+https://gitea.jafner.tools/Jafner/Jafner.net?dir=dotfiles#fighter" rebuild() { notify-send "Nixos: Beginning rebuild" sudo nixos-rebuild switch \ --refresh \ --flake "$FLAKE_URI" \ --impure \ --show-trace &&\ notify-send "Nixos: Rebuilt successfully" } garbageCollect() { notify-send "Nixos: Collecting garbage" "Deleting generations older than 7 days." nix-env --delete-generations 7d &&\ nix-store --gc --print-dead notify-send "Nixos: Garbage collection complete" } listGenerations() { nixos-rebuild list-generations | less } where() { tree "$(realpath "$(which "$1")" | cut -d'/' -f-4)" } finish() { mkdir -p "$HOME/.nixos" nixos-rebuild list-generations --json > "$HOME/.nixos/nixos-generations.json" } error() { notify-send "Nixos Script Error" "$@" exit 1 } case "$1" in rebuild) rebuild && finish;; clean) garbageCollect && finish;; ls) listGenerations;; where) where "$2";; *) error "Unrecognized subcommand $1";; esac ''; } ) ]; programs.btop = { enable = true; package = pkgs.btop-rocm; settings = { color_theme = "stylix"; theme_background = true; update_ms = 500; }; }; programs.tmux = { enable = true; newSession = true; baseIndex = 1; disableConfirmationPrompt = true; mouse = true; prefix = "C-b"; resizeAmount = 2; plugins = with pkgs; [ { plugin = tmuxPlugins.resurrect; } { plugin = tmuxPlugins.tmux-fzf; } ]; shell = "${pkgs.${sys.shellPackage}.shellPath}"; # TODO: Declare tmux session presets # - 'sysmon' session # - 'sysmon' window # - '1' pane: btop # - '2' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ btop # - '3' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ btop --utf-force # - 'disks' window # - '1' pane: watch 'df -h -xcifs' # - '2' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ watch 'df -h -xcifs -xiscsi' # - '3' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ watch 'df -h' # - '4' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ watch 'df -h' # - '5' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ watch 'df -h' # - 'gpus' window # - '1' pane: amdgpu_top # - '2' pane: ssh -o RequestTTY=true admin@ nvtop # - 'ssh' session # - 'fighter' window: ssh admin@ # - 'wizard' window: ssh vyos@ # - 'druid' window: ssh admin@ # - 'paladin' window: ssh admin@ # - 'barbarian' window: ssh admin@ # - 'local' session # - 'jafner.net' window }; programs.vim = { enable = true; defaultEditor = true; settings = { copyindent = true; relativenumber = true; expandtab = true; tabstop = 2; }; extraConfig = '' set nocompatible filetype on filetype plugin on filetype indent on syntax on set cursorline set wildmenu set wildmode=list:longest ''; }; }; }