Below is a rough and dirty documentation of steps taken to set up stable-diffusion for my 7900 XTX. Sources cited as used. ``` # Per: # I did not read the bit where it said to execute these steps in a docker container (rocm/pytorch:rocm5.7_ubuntu22.04_py3.10_pytorch_2.0.1) # The following is the docker run command I *would have* used: docker run rocm/pytorch:rocm5.7_ubuntu22.04_py3.10_pytorch_2.0.1 git clone -b amd-stg-open # cd llvm-project && git checkout 1f2f539f7cab51623fad8c8a5b574eda1e81e0c0 && mkdir -p build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=1 -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="AMDGPU;X86" -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lld;compiler-rt" ../llvm make -j16 # This step takes a long time. Reduce 16 to use fewer cores for the job. # The build errored out at ~71% with: # make: *** [Makefile:156: all] Error 2 # So that was a big waste of time. # It was during this step that I realized we can just spin up the provided docker container to get the pre-compiled binary... docker run aska0096/rocm5.7_ait_ck_navi31_sd2:v1.0 # This is a ~20GB docker image. It takes a long time to pull. cd ~/AITemplate/examples/05_stable_diffusion/ sh # This gave us an error about # [05:55:20] model_interface.cpp:94: Error: DeviceMalloc(&result, n_bytes) API call failed: # no ROCm-capable device is detected at model_interface.cpp, line49 # Per: # We rerun the container with some extra parameters to give it access to our GPU. docker run -it --privileged --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --group-add video --ipc=host aska0096/rocm5.7_ait_ck_navi31_sd2:v1.0 cd ~/AITemplate/examples/05_stable_diffusion/ sh # This got us to "Uvicorn running on" # Nice. Oh. We haven't exposed any ports... docker run -it --rm -p 5500:5000 --privileged --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --group-add video --ipc=host aska0096/rocm5.7_ait_ck_navi31_sd2:v1.0 cd ~/AITemplate/examples/05_stable_diffusion/ && sh # I think :5000 on the local host is probably already in use, so we'll just dodge the possibility of a collision. # Uhh. Well now what? connecting to http://localhost:5500 in our browser returns a 404. # Maybe it's the Streamlit server that we should be looking at? docker run -it --rm -p 5500:5000 -p 5501:8501 --privileged --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --group-add video --ipc=host aska0096/rocm5.7_ait_ck_navi31_sd2:v1.0 cd ~/AITemplate/examples/05_stable_diffusion/ && sh # Ah yeah, that did it. Now we can see the Stable Diffusion test at 5501. And we can also see our VRAM utilization increase by ~6 GB when we run the script. Now just to test the performance! Nice. We get <2s to generate an image. # Now can we generalize this to a more useful model? ```