import subprocess from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import ffmpeg # Get a list of keyframes by pts (milliseconds from start) from a video file. def get_keyframes_list(video_path): ffprobe_command = [ "ffprobe", "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "error", "-skip_frame", "nokey", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "packet=pts,flags", "-of", "csv=print_section=0", video_path ] ffprobe_output =, capture_output=True, text=True) keyframes = list(map(int, np.array([line.split(",") for line in list(filter(lambda frame_packet: "K" in frame_packet, ffprobe_output.stdout.splitlines()))])[:,0])) if len(keyframes) <= 1: # Pop up a warning if there are no keyframes. return(None) return(keyframes) def get_keyframe_interval(keyframes_list: list): # Takes a list of ints representing keyframe pts (milliseconds from start) and returns either the keyframe interval in milliseconds, or None if the keyframe intervals are not all the same. intervals = list(np.diff(keyframes_list)) # List of keyframe intervals in milliseconds. if np.all(intervals == intervals[0]): return(intervals[0]) else: return(0) def get_keyframe_intervals(keyframes_list): # Return a list of keyframe intervals in milliseconds. return(list(np.diff(keyframes_list))) def keyframe_intervals_are_clean(keyframe_intervals): # Return whether the keyframe intervals are all the same. return(np.all(keyframe_intervals == keyframe_intervals[0])) # Get the duration of a video file in milliseconds (useful for ffmpeg pts). def get_video_duration(video_path): return int(float(ffmpeg.probe(video_path)["format"]["duration"])*1000)