{ pkgs, sys, inputs, ... }: { programs.kdeconnect.enable = true; programs.xwayland.enable = true; programs.steam.enable = true; programs.gamescope = { enable = true; capSysNice = false; }; programs.gamemode = { enable = true; enableRenice = true; }; programs.partition-manager.enable = true; home-manager.users."${sys.username}" = { home.packages = with pkgs; [ # Productivity obsidian libreoffice-qt6 kdePackages.kcalc ] ++ [ # Browser(s) inputs.zen-browser.packages."x86_64-linux".default ] ++ [ # Multimedia viewers vlc ] ++ [ # Messaging tools protonmail-desktop protonmail-bridge-gui vesktop ] ++ [ # Gaming prismlauncher dolphin-emu mgba desmume lutris-unwrapped protonup-ng vulkan-tools ] ++ [ # System utilities rofi-rbw-wayland wl-clipboard wl-color-picker dotool nixd sops kdePackages.filelight ] ++ [ # Media creation tools losslesscut-bin ffmpeg-full libnotify ( writers.writePython3Bin "obs-toggle-recording" { libraries = [ ( python312Packages.buildPythonPackage { pname = "obsws_python"; version = "1.7.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/22/29/dcb5286c9301eee8b72aee1e997761fb2cca9bf963fcd373acdfca353af3/obsws_python-1.7.0-py3-none-any.whl"; sha256 = "0jvqfvqgvqjsv0jsddj51m4wrinbrc2gbymmnmv9kfarfj7ly7g7"; }; format = "wheel"; doCheck = false; buildInputs = []; checkInputs = []; nativeBuildInputs = []; propagatedBuildInputs = [ ( python312Packages.buildPythonPackage { pname = "tomli"; version = "2.0.2"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/cf/db/ce8eda256fa131af12e0a76d481711abe4681b6923c27efb9a255c9e4594/tomli-2.0.2-py3-none-any.whl"; sha256 = "0f5ar8vfq7lkydj19am5ymxg11d00ql0kv5hj3v07lskbi429gif"; }; format = "wheel"; doCheck = false; buildInputs = []; checkInputs = []; nativeBuildInputs = []; propagatedBuildInputs = []; } ) ( python312Packages.buildPythonPackage { pname = "websocket-client"; version = "1.8.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5a/84/44687a29792a70e111c5c477230a72c4b957d88d16141199bf9acb7537a3/websocket_client-1.8.0-py3-none-any.whl"; sha256 = "09m5pwwi4bbwdv2vdhlc5k0737kskhnxyb5j17l9ii7mjz4lrd0p"; }; format = "wheel"; doCheck = false; buildInputs = []; checkInputs = []; nativeBuildInputs = []; propagatedBuildInputs = []; } ) ]; } ) ]; } '' import obsws_python as obs client = obs.ReqClient(host='localhost', port=4455) recording_status = client.get_record_status() active = recording_status.output_active paused = recording_status.output_paused if not active: client.start_record() else: client.toggle_record_pause() '' ) ] ++ [ # Other applications ollama-rocm ( writeShellApplication { name = "ollama-chat"; runtimeInputs = [ libnotify ]; text = '' #!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034 DEFAULT_MODEL="llama3.2:3b" MODEL=''$''\{1:-DEFAULT_MODEL} echo "Loading model $MODEL" ${pkgs.ollama-rocm}/bin/ollama run "$MODEL" "" echo "Finished loading $MODEL" ${pkgs.ollama-rocm}/bin/ollama run "$MODEL" echo "Unloading model $MODEL" ${pkgs.ollama-rocm}/bin/ollama stop "$MODEL" ''; } ) ]; programs.chromium.enable = true; programs.firefox.enable = true; programs.wofi.enable = true; programs.zed-editor = { # https://mynixos.com/home-manager/options/programs.zed-editor enable = true; extensions = [ "Nix" "Catppuccin" ]; userSettings = { languages."Nix"."language_servers" = [ "!nil" "nixd" ]; theme = { mode = "system"; dark = "Catppuccin Mocha"; light = "Catppuccin Mocha"; }; terminal = { # using bash as a workaround. # zsh in the integrated terminal misbehaves. # seems to render multiple characters with every keystroke (incl. backspace) shell = { program = "bash"; }; }; }; }; programs.vscode = { enable = true; package = pkgs.vscodium; extensions = with pkgs.vscode-extensions; [ jnoortheen.nix-ide adzero.vscode-sievehighlight ]; userSettings = { "editor.fontFamily" = pkgs.lib.mkDefault "'DejaVu Sans Mono'"; # Potentially collides with Stylix "nix.serverPath" = "nixd"; "nix.enableLanguageServer" = true; "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop" = false; "explorer.confirmDelete" = false; "git.autofetch" = true; "git.confirmSync" = false; "git.enableSmartCommit" = true; "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles" = "open"; "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux" = "zsh"; "terminal.integrated.fontFamily" = pkgs.lib.mkDefault "'DejaVu Sans Mono'"; # Potentially collides with Stylix "terminal.integrated.profiles.linux.zsh.path" = "/usr/bin/zsh"; "diffEditor.maxComputationTime" = 0; }; }; programs.obs-studio = { enable = true; plugins = with pkgs.obs-studio-plugins; [ obs-vaapi obs-vkcapture input-overlay wlrobs ]; }; programs.rbw = { enable = true; settings = { base_url = "https://bitwarden.jafner.tools"; email = "jafner425@gmail.com"; lock_timeout = 2592000; pinentry = pkgs.pinentry-qt; }; }; programs.mangohud = { enable = true; settingsPerApplication = { wine-Overwatch = { fps = false; fps_color_change = false; fps_text = ""; fps_value = "59,239"; fps_metrics = false; frame_timing = true; frame_timing_detailed = false; dynamic_frame_timing = true; frametime = false; histogram = true; show_fps_limit = false; gamemode = false; present_mode = false; vulkan_driver = false; engine_version = false; engine_short_names = false; exec_name = false; vkbasalt = false; wine = false; winesync = false; cpu_text = ""; cpu_stats = false; core_load = false; core_bars = false; cpu_power = false; cpu_temp = false; gpu_text = ""; gpu_stats = false; gpu_power = false; gpu_temp = false; gpu_core_clock = false; gpu_mem_clock = false; gpu_fan = false; gpu_voltage = false; throttling_status = false; throttling_status_graph = false; procmem = false; procmem_shared = false; procmem_virt = false; ram = false; vram = false; swap = false; network = false; time = false; time_format = "%r"; time_no_label = true; graphs = ""; toggle_hud = "Shift_R+F12"; toggle_logging = "Shift_L+F2"; toggle_hud_position = "Shift_R+F11"; toggle_preset = "Shift_R+F10"; toggle_fps_limit = "Shift_L+F1"; reload_cfg = "Shift_L+F4"; reload_log = "Shift_L+F3"; reset_fps_metrics = "Shift_R+F9"; output_folder = "/home/${sys.username}/.config/MangoHud"; width = 240; table_columns = 2; offset_x = 3; offset_y = 24; position = "top-left"; legacy_layout = true; height = 0; horizontal = false; horizontal_stretch = false; hud_compact = false; hud_no_margin = true; cellpadding_y = 0; round_corners = 10; alpha = 1.000000; background_alpha = 1.000000; font_scale = 1.0; font_size = 24; font_size_text = 24; no_small_font = false; text_color = "cdd6f4"; text_outline = true; text_outline_thickness = 1; text_outline_color = "1e1e2e"; frametime_color = "b2bedc"; frametime_text_color = ""; background_color = "1d253a"; battery_color = "ff0000"; engine_color = "cdd6f4"; cpu_color = "89b4fa"; cpu_load_color = "a6e3a1, f9e2af, f38ba8"; io_color = "f9e2af"; media_player_color = "cdd6f4"; gpu_color = "a6e3a1"; gpu_load_color = "a6e3a1, f9e2af, f38ba8"; fps_color = "a6e3a1, f9e2af, f38ba8"; wine_color = "cba6f7"; vram_color = "94e2d5"; }; }; # OW HUD background: #1d253a # OW HUD text: #b2bedc # cat ~/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf }; xdg.desktopEntries = { rofi-rbw = { exec = "${pkgs.rofi-rbw-wayland}/bin/rofi-rbw"; icon = "/home/${sys.username}/.icons/custom/bitwarden.png"; name = "Bitwarden"; categories = [ "Utility" "Security" ]; type = "Application"; }; ollama = { exec = "ollama-wrapped"; icon = "/home/${sys.username}/.icons/custom/ollama.png"; name = "AI Chat"; categories = [ "Utility" ]; type = "Application"; }; }; home.file = { "rofi-rbw.rc" = { target = ".config/rofi-rbw.rc"; text = '' action="type" typing-key-delay=0 selector-args="-W 40% -H 30%" selector="wofi" clipboarder="wl-copy" typer="dotool" keybindings="Enter:type:username:enter:tab:type:password:enter:copy:totp" ''; }; "bitwarden.png" = { target = ".icons/custom/bitwarden.png"; source = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitwarden/clients/refs/heads/main/apps/desktop/resources/icons/64x64.png"; sha256 = "sha256-ZEYwxeoL8doV4y3M6kAyfz+5IoDsZ+ci8m+Qghfdp9M="; }; }; "ollama.png" = { target = ".icons/custom/ollama.png"; source = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://ollama.com/public/icon-64x64.png"; sha256 = "sha256-jzjt+wB9e3TwPSrXpXwCPapngDF5WtEYNt9ZOXB2Sgs="; }; }; "run-video-script" = { target = ".local/share/kio/servicemenus/run-video-script.desktop"; text = '' [Desktop Entry] Type=Service MimeType=video/*; Actions=convertForDiscord;convertLossless;sendToZipline;sendToCloudflare;sendToZiplineAndCloudflare; X-KDE-Submenu=Run video script... [Desktop Action convertForDiscord] Name=Convert for Discord Icon=video-mp4 Exec=kitty convert-for-discord "%f" [Desktop Action convertLossless] Name=Convert losslessly to MP4 Icon=video-mp4 Exec=kitty convert-lossless "%f" [Desktop Action sendToZipline] Name=Send to Zipline Icon=video-mp4 Exec=send-to-zipline "%f" | wl-copy [Desktop Action sendToCloudflare] Name=Send to Cloudflare Icon=video-mp4 Exec=send-to-cloudflare "%f" | wl-copy [Desktop Action sendToZiplineAndCloudflare] Name=Send to Zipline and Cloudflare Icon=video-mp4 Exec=send-to-zipline-and-cloudflare "%f" | wl-copy ''; }; }; }; xdg.portal = { enable = true; wlr.enable = true; extraPortals = with pkgs; [ xdg-desktop-portal-kde ]; }; services = { desktopManager.plasma6.enable = true; displayManager = { enable = true; defaultSession = "plasma"; autoLogin.enable = true; autoLogin.user = "${sys.username}"; sddm = { enable = true; autoNumlock = true; wayland.enable = true; wayland.compositor = "kwin"; }; }; xserver = { enable = true; videoDrivers = [ "amdgpu" ]; excludePackages = [ pkgs.xterm ]; xkb = { layout = "us"; variant = ""; }; }; }; environment.plasma6.excludePackages = with pkgs.kdePackages; [ elisa kate okular discover ]; systemd.services = { "getty@tty1".enable = false; "autovt@tty1".enable = false; }; }