- Adds `systemd.enableEmergencyMode = false;` to system.nix module; removes from all redundant locations.
- Removes configuration.nix for fighter.
- Removes network-shares.nix for fighter (replaced by calling smb and iscsi modules).
- Fighter uses: system, git, sops, docker, networking, and iscsi modules; plus its own stacks module which we've updated to use the new design concept.
- I can't figure out how to put all of the module code together (importing and defining the vars), so we're compromising.
- system: Module describes core Linux system configuration parameters, and NixOS system parameters.
- networking: Basic networking config for metal hosts.
- sops: Configures sops-nix to decrypt secrets as appropriate, and provides a useful shell helper.
- smb: Reusable module that returns one smb mount.
- iscsi: Autoconnect and auto-mount iscsi target.
- git: Basic Git config.
- docker: Configure Docker.
- hardware: Set of modules for physical hardware devices and their related configurations.