- Enable desktop system in flake with all modules imported in flake file, and arguments for those modules passed via specialArgs.
- Disable fileSystems mounts for iscsi.
- Refactor smb.nix to define all working shares. (TODO: Figure out how to enable a subset of shares by arguments passed to module).
- Roll cloudflare_stream.token.
- Extract all module calls out of configuration.nix for desktop. Remove configuration nodes duplicated in system.nix.
- Fix dependence on deprecated "sys" subattributes in desktop-environment.nix.
- Remove iscsi configuration from filesystems.nix. Using iscsi module instead.
- Update terminal-environment.nix to use git attrset where appropriate.
- Hardcode wallpaper file in theme.nix.
- ai.nix for all LLM/AI/ML programs/services/configurations.
- Flatten module tree to 2 levels: configuration.nix, and modules imported by configuration.nix
- Split fileSystems from hardware, mount /mnt/iscsi/joey-desktop, rename fedora drive to data.
- Create convert-lossless script to convert to web-optimized mp4.
- Create send-to-cloudflare script to upload to Cloudflare Stream CDN.
- Create send-to-zipline-and-cloudflare to upload to zipline, and then post that URL to Cloudflare (rather than upload the same video directly from host).
- Fix Dolphin servicemenus not working.
- Add sops package.
- Switch back to a reasonable home-manager.backupFileExtension
- Extract defaultApplications to its own file, fix default apps not being "sticky" by using the `.desktop` file alone (without absolute path).
- Run "fastfetch" by name in zsh.initExtra.
- Delete homeManagerConfigurations from flake.
- Delete laptop nixosConfiguration.
- Delete `home-manager/` and `nixos/` directories.
- Switch from one general "vars" attrset for variables to using built-for-purpose attrsets for variables, each declared where it makes most sense (e.g. the "sys" attrset will be used for system-specific attributes).
- Create `systems/` directory for root-level system configurations and `modules/` directory for re-usable config files.
- Consolidate most app and system configuration into the `desktop-environment.nix` and `terminal-environment.nix` files.
- Standardize all `.nix` files to nixos config nodes, as opposed to home-manager. May reverse this decision.
- Use `${sys.username}` for the username of the primary user of the system.
- Use `${usr.${sys.username}}` for attributes related to that user (e.g. realname, email).