Feature: Init stack.nix for Gitea.

- Rotate gitea and postgres secrets.
  - Small update to docs.
  - Delete unused runner-related files.
  - Delete runner.
  - Move postgres data to `$APPDATA/postgres`
Note: Primary Gitea instance on `gitea.jafner.tools` is running its own legacy config. This config will be used for a new `git.jafner.net` instance.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hafner 2025-01-31 23:54:42 -08:00
parent 8420d3f2e0
commit 09a4d88e00
Signed by: Jafner
GPG Key ID: 6D9A24EF2F389E55
10 changed files with 87 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ DB_TYPE = postgres
HOST = postgres:5432 HOST = postgres:5432
NAME = gitea NAME = gitea
USER = gitea USER = gitea
PASSWD = [Located at postgres_secrets.env] PASSWD = [From postgres.secrets]
LOG_SQL = false LOG_SQL = false
SSL_MODE = disable SSL_MODE = disable

View File

@ -2,21 +2,21 @@ services:
gitea: gitea:
image: gitea/gitea:latest image: gitea/gitea:latest
container_name: gitea_gitea container_name: gitea_gitea
- path: ./gitea.env
required: true
restart: always restart: always
- path: /run/secrets/gitea/gitea
required: true
networks: networks:
- web - web
- gitea - gitea
volumes: volumes:
- $DOCKER_DATA/gitea:/data - $APPDATA/gitea:/data
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
ports: ports:
- "2225:22" - "2225:22"
labels: labels:
- traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule=Host(`gitea.jafner.tools`,`git.jafner.net`) - traefik.http.routers.gitea.rule=Host(`git.jafner.net`)
- traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt - traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt
- traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls.options=tls12@file - traefik.http.routers.gitea.tls.options=tls12@file
- traefik.http.routers.gitea.middlewares=securityheaders@file - traefik.http.routers.gitea.middlewares=securityheaders@file
@ -29,32 +29,12 @@ services:
networks: networks:
- gitea - gitea
env_file: env_file:
- path: ./postgres_secrets.env - path: /run/secrets/gitea/postgres
required: false
- postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
image: gitea/act_runner:latest
container_name: gitea_runner-ubuntu
- gitea
- path: ./runner-ubuntu.env
required: true required: true
- path: ./runner_secrets.env volumes:
required: false - $APPDATA/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- gitea
- ./runner_ubuntu_config.yaml:/config.yaml
- $DOCKER_DATA/runner-ubuntu:/data
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
networks: networks:
web: web:
external: true external: true
gitea: gitea:

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"data": "ENC[AES256_GCM,data:jwpcbMqu53dv02XFm7jx2aKRi0vtnykn+f4BV2Wt19oGOp9WVZEajX1AACwvXCMNYE8kZvku6LW5DockSSBmlgupeVELMKcq,iv:6I0CiU1ziTRYq89shBpSu7PeH4fkSZyD8cbQmdncp/g=,tag:VAH4dh30O8NKdR1lppwm8g==,type:str]",
"sops": {
"kms": null,
"gcp_kms": null,
"azure_kv": null,
"hc_vault": null,
"age": [
"recipient": "age1v5wy7epv5mm8ddf3cfv8m0e9w4s693dw7djpuytz9td8ycha5f0sv2se9n",
"enc": "-----BEGIN AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\nYWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBaSzEwbmRna0hEcUsySi9v\nQzlSMXVkeS9qaElnWUZUS1RneEphOWlITFVjCi9haXJlNktoaitwV2Q2eDRHWGV3\nZERSQW4ya0RlMm5FMDJJWEszQ2I0TVkKLS0tIFZXeS9LSkZ5VUw4aTJUcTl6cjY5\nc1Z3U2FidElGT3MzZkVRTDBqZHc0WjQK+yVcFrBxY+ufzLe6U4VpEyf//0D9I14P\n3iIb1fWEGJu1AATmcy6FYnfxh0syIHX2jc/FCZvCvGRa8hCM5c2hXw==\n-----END AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\n"
"recipient": "age1zswcq6t5wl8spr3g2wpxhxukjklngcav0vw8py0jnfkqd2jm2ypq53ga00",
"enc": "-----BEGIN AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\nYWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBmWStMTDFPUFZ0dmVqd1Jr\nT250MHI3dmRUUElRQll6Q1FFY01Kc2pLQkdjCmc4MXdYQytUS3FtUlJNQzdLN0Zs\nTHQ1TUVxelh1elRuemxhRWpqc3d6RHMKLS0tIEp5Z1ZaUTA0YWlKdUFtdnpFcHRn\nWGI1OEl3VHBXOW9WLytRZGJhN1Axb0UK+0FlvBab88gsLyZlIM+6ozxwHzvP/1VF\nUcJct35W4BVw+TYQyknluK19MWd5Wfzxi0oXmj25vwW2hZxaBe5gAg==\n-----END AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\n"
"lastmodified": "2025-02-01T07:48:37Z",
"mac": "ENC[AES256_GCM,data:X7f0ByWIB583UjW0pF8jAMXZ2oQKwKHkOzq1MieWQ0ma1vO9cewfPWONB0QBmlin0L19VSbUKQYEEc9deMHcJ89z0U94ffdLvEDJ91XFWHlT5LIAAwlr+lOdqotA8WF/d9Tpejj1vTyWpJ/+5g+EOAwmARtvabAAgg1RRAhosEo=,iv:ixsrTfvzuU2lcFExStbWQJ+xzKg0d/M9A1QSP9aPxWo=,tag:gkCVaMiefUeGHkt9FkPVdw==,type:str]",
"pgp": null,
"unencrypted_suffix": "_unencrypted",
"version": "3.9.2"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"data": "ENC[AES256_GCM,data:TJa3/FvMEQqcFKjUyd4c8Q0YYdIyreEU3iX6g3wtu6I9a9m7buYxfCe9URn1x/vjTS0+Lw6KzIO8Gk4YgIrLSt3SnW3Vwv01ZkOKhP4P936yezkEiYDPdDljyhzqt7lr,iv:QnhwVSBJv4kBbJsc+h5srVWiNuYry+2mcitiLsLuJkk=,tag:zA3cEi1YMYaNl8eg25pXnA==,type:str]",
"sops": {
"kms": null,
"gcp_kms": null,
"azure_kv": null,
"hc_vault": null,
"age": [
"recipient": "age1v5wy7epv5mm8ddf3cfv8m0e9w4s693dw7djpuytz9td8ycha5f0sv2se9n",
"enc": "-----BEGIN AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\nYWdlLWVuY3J5cHRpb24ub3JnL3YxCi0+IFgyNTUxOSBCblgwK0U5WEV2ZUZKczFw\nWmo4cjRyRUNnQ200WEVQOFlHWnJxL3J3eWhzClBoNWVMZnh3VGcwMEM0b2Q0YlJV\nb0JwZS9VY3B4dHpZdmk4bkFaTkNkYVEKLS0tIFc0RWt5OUhYeGVkd2piMFp1MzVT\nb3RTa2Zqa013b1RPQzBYdGFuRVJrN2cKPXvwad7AbKN5j/dXJOGu5iwluffKZW4D\nDEHy75VxU0SSAl75w+QMtYdKD8VestqjVD4XVw3s24ad9ZD1cx3qqw==\n-----END AGE ENCRYPTED FILE-----\n"
"recipient": "age1zswcq6t5wl8spr3g2wpxhxukjklngcav0vw8py0jnfkqd2jm2ypq53ga00",
"lastmodified": "2025-02-01T07:48:52Z",
"mac": "ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Z4FsPf5eclDT8VH5JKyxTvSUcDnkem44T6cZiztKZ5tRjQ1V+mMadklC4r/2kE+B+NauoEFeEpKimV5IOEtOBtrI6aITPN3CV6XVtFk4WBLSwQQ8SB8p+KY0HJIF/oPABXrB1ILJmEhRiTDd+XduSs07aIKo4m+OTSPNGJxEDP0=,iv:onpJKsTeP/8INOzdECVr0cxNwH1i2kgD3TPelDm81Hc=,tag:8MgLYf0X0jqm/p4D/MCycQ==,type:str]",
"pgp": null,
"unencrypted_suffix": "_unencrypted",
"version": "3.9.2"

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
# Example configuration file, it's safe to copy this as the default config file without any modification.
# You don't have to copy this file to your instance,
# just run `./act_runner generate-config > config.yaml` to generate a config file.
# The level of logging, can be trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
level: info
# Where to store the registration result.
file: .runner
# Execute how many tasks concurrently at the same time.
capacity: 1
# Extra environment variables to run jobs.
A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1: a_test_env_value_1
A_TEST_ENV_NAME_2: a_test_env_value_2
# Extra environment variables to run jobs from a file.
# It will be ignored if it's empty or the file doesn't exist.
env_file: .env
# The timeout for a job to be finished.
# Please note that the Gitea instance also has a timeout (3h by default) for the job.
# So the job could be stopped by the Gitea instance if it's timeout is shorter than this.
timeout: 3h
# Whether skip verifying the TLS certificate of the Gitea instance.
insecure: false
# The timeout for fetching the job from the Gitea instance.
fetch_timeout: 5s
# The interval for fetching the job from the Gitea instance.
fetch_interval: 2s
# The labels of a runner are used to determine which jobs the runner can run, and how to run them.
# Like: ["macos-arm64:host", "ubuntu-latest:docker://node:16-bullseye", "ubuntu-22.04:docker://node:16-bullseye"]
# If it's empty when registering, it will ask for inputting labels.
# If it's empty when execute `deamon`, will use labels in `.runner` file.
labels: []
# Enable cache server to use actions/cache.
enabled: true
# The directory to store the cache data.
# If it's empty, the cache data will be stored in $HOME/.cache/actcache.
dir: ""
# The host of the cache server.
# It's not for the address to listen, but the address to connect from job containers.
# So is a bad choice, leave it empty to detect automatically.
host: ""
# The port of the cache server.
# 0 means to use a random available port.
port: 0
# The external cache server URL. Valid only when enable is true.
# If it's specified, act_runner will use this URL as the ACTIONS_CACHE_URL rather than start a server by itself.
# The URL should generally end with "/".
external_server: ""
# Specifies the network to which the container will connect.
# Could be host, bridge or the name of a custom network.
# If it's empty, act_runner will create a network automatically.
network: ""
# Whether to use privileged mode or not when launching task containers (privileged mode is required for Docker-in-Docker).
privileged: false
# And other options to be used when the container is started (eg, --add-host=my.gitea.url:host-gateway).
# The parent directory of a job's working directory.
# If it's empty, /workspace will be used.
# Volumes (including bind mounts) can be mounted to containers. Glob syntax is supported, see https://github.com/gobwas/glob
# You can specify multiple volumes. If the sequence is empty, no volumes can be mounted.
# For example, if you only allow containers to mount the `data` volume and all the json files in `/src`, you should change the config to:
# valid_volumes:
# - data
# - /src/*.json
# If you want to allow any volume, please use the following configuration:
# valid_volumes:
# - '**'
valid_volumes: []
# overrides the docker client host with the specified one.
# If it's empty, act_runner will find an available docker host automatically.
# If it's "-", act_runner will find an available docker host automatically, but the docker host won't be mounted to the job containers and service containers.
# If it's not empty or "-", the specified docker host will be used. An error will be returned if it doesn't work.
docker_host: ""
# Pull docker image(s) even if already present
force_pull: false
# The parent directory of a job's working directory.
# If it's empty, $HOME/.cache/act/ will be used.

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{ sys, ... }: let stack = "gitea"; in {
home-manager.users."${sys.username}".home.file = {
"${stack}" = {
enable = true;
recursive = true;
source = ./.;
target = "stacks/${stack}/";
"${stack}/.env" = {
enable = true;
text = ''
target = "stacks/${stack}/.env";
sops.secrets."${stack}/gitea" = {
sopsFile = ./gitea.secrets;
key = "";
mode = "0440";
owner = sys.username;
sops.secrets."${stack}/postgres" = {
sopsFile = ./postgres.secrets;
key = "";
mode = "0440";
owner = sys.username;