41 lines
940 B
41 lines
940 B
# tinyhome
tinyhome generates a static HTML homepage via shell script.
## Features
* Minimal dependencies (coreutils)
* Easy configuration and customisation
* Tiny optimized result page
* [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons?d=listing&p=2&s=solid&m=free) icons
* Dark mode
## Demo
An example site is available [here](https://lab.bdro.fr/tinyhome/).
## Setup
To generate a personal dashboard:
* Clone the repository and go to the created directory
* Edit the configuration file `config.csv`
* Generate the homepage `./tinyhome > index.html`
* Serve the page (with the css and webfonts folders) with your favorite web server
## Configuration file
The syntax of `config.csv` file is:
Element, Name, Icon, Url
For instance:
heading, Heading, -, -
section, Tools, wrench, -
item, Status Page, heart, https://github.com/bderenzo/tinystatus
item, Dashboard, bookmark, https://github.com/bderenzo/tinyhome