| `allow-flight` | true | Many modded features trigger Minecraft's flight detection. Allow flight to prevent wrongful bans.
| `enable-rcon` | true | This overrides any rcon settings in the compose file. Enable rcon to interact with the server's command line |
| `max-tick-time` | 600 normally, 120000 when pre-genning chunks | Increase the max tick time to prevent the hang watchdog from killing the server when pregenning chunks |
| `rcon.password` | `thanksitzg` | Set a simplepassword to protect the rcon port |
| `rcon.port` | `25575` | Set this to what itzg's rcon-cli expects as default |
Make sure that the [Chunk Pregenerator](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chunkpregenerator) mod is installed. It is compatible with most Minecraft versions between 1.7.2 and 1.16.5.
A Ryzen 7 5800X generates chunks at about 1.35 chunks per tick (27 chunks per second @ 20 TPS).
### Automating Chunk Pregen
Itzg's [container supports](https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server#use-rcon-commands) `RCON_CMDS_FIRST_CONNECT` and `RCON_CMDS_LAST_DISCONNECT` environment variables, which allow us to automatically begin pregenerating chunks when no one is connected, and pause this task when players begin joining.
Use these variables when the server supports pregen and would benefit from this:
/pregen start gen radius Pregen SQUARE 0 0 500
/pregen pause
/pregen continue
This pregen will significantly reduce load on the server during playtime *unless*:
* Players explore beyond the pregenerated regions, or
* Players join the server before a significant area can be pregenerated.